The Trip that Won't Stop Changing! Now a Sept 2017 Birthday Visit. *Updated 8/28/2017

Hmmmm.... normally we are RD people and we never stop for a big breakfast. We usually eat breakfast in our room or on transit to wherever we are going. We do protein bars, cereal in the prepackaged cups, fruit with peanut butter, or peanut butter toast. We are not big breakfast eaters, so that is enough for us until we eat a mid-morning snack or early lunch.

Honestly, I would skip the welcome show and do the PPO at CP. The welcome show is nice, but walking into the park before everyone else and seeing the castle and main street mostly empty is way more magical!
I am trying to figure out what to do with breakfast at Magic Kingdom as well. I am hoping to Be Our Guest for breakfast that day, and getting in the park early is great, but I sing a changed up version of "Good Morning" to my son every morning, so I really want him to see the show. Decisions, decisions...
Hmmmm.... normally we are RD people and we never stop for a big breakfast. We usually eat breakfast in our room or on transit to wherever we are going. We do protein bars, cereal in the prepackaged cups, fruit with peanut butter, or peanut butter toast. We are not big breakfast eaters, so that is enough for us until we eat a mid-morning snack or early lunch.

I wish! Breakfast is DH's favorite meal of the day. He's the kind of person who will make bacon, eggs and pancakes even if he's the only one eating.

Honestly, I would skip the welcome show and do the PPO at CP. The welcome show is nice, but walking into the park before everyone else and seeing the castle and main street mostly empty is way more magical!

I'm with ya! He asked me about it again today. We have to decide sooner rather than later; ADR day will be here fast!

I am trying to figure out what to do with breakfast at Magic Kingdom as well. I am hoping to Be Our Guest for breakfast that day, and getting in the park early is great, but I sing a changed up version of "Good Morning" to my son every morning, so I really want him to see the show. Decisions, decisions...

No way! We sing one to DD too! That's part of why DH wants to take her to see it, cause she'll recognize the song. Singing in the Rain is one of my favorite movies!

We did BoG breakfast last September, it's good, not amazing, I thought. Have you guys been before? The one great thing about being at BoG PPO is the location, you are steps away from some big time attractions. It's a tough choice over all!
Ummm So.... the man has a plan! LOL...

I am NOT stepping on this one, but will sit back and watch this one unfold...
Ummm So.... the man has a plan! LOL...

I am NOT stepping on this one, but will sit back and watch this one unfold...

I know!! I was shocked to my very core. And more has come up since this first "suggestion" he's presented.

Men, I tell ya. I wish I could sit back and watch this unfold too! But with ADR day a quick month away, we have some decisions to make!! :confused3
I know!! I was shocked to my very core. And more has come up since this first "suggestion" he's presented.

Men, I tell ya. I wish I could sit back and watch this unfold too! But with ADR day a quick month away, we have some decisions to make!! :confused3

Ugh oh.. He has IDEAS!!! I hope they are helpful?

You really DO have some decisions to make! GET ON IT!
My baby turned two on Friday!!
Happy belated birthday!!!!

We were cleaning the park up and the fella stops loading the van and says, "Fine, we'll go to Disney next year! I just don't wanna do this again!" I figured the 90 degree heat had gotten to him, but he was serious! Once we were back home and in the AC he mentioned it again, to his sister...

So, we are planning a birthday trip for the kids next year, which means we are planning 2 WDW trips in 2017!!!!
Well, how about that!!!! :banana:

Saturday is more of that, swimming and takin it slow. Sunday would be our first park day, I was planning on a PPO at CP, but now he who will not be named, has decided that DD should see the opening show.

Ok, that's one way of looking at it. But how about looking at it this way...

He cares.

You're converting him, its working!

Any thoughts? Thanks!
Ok, I always like to start with the Welcome Show our first MK morning if we can. It isn't a deal breaker. Honestly, I'd just skip the park ADR if it was me. I'm personally not a big fan of breakfast ADRs though, especially if it means missing any of that valuable first couple of hours after RD in the parks. I'd either just grab a quick bite on the way to MK or head back to Fantasyland, grab a cinnamon roll at Gaston's Tavern and then start riding.
Ugh oh.. He has IDEAS!!! I hope they are helpful?

LOL! Yep, he's actually been getting involved; he sent me an article about Disney the other day. It's just odd, and super short notice.

You really DO have some decisions to make! GET ON IT!

We super do! Our ADR day is less than 45 days away!!!! :eek:

Happy belated birthday!!!!

Thank you!!

Well, how about that!!!! :banana:

I know!!! Super exciting to have two trips on the horizon!

Ok, that's one way of looking at it. But how about looking at it this way...

He cares.

You're converting him, its working!

Very true! And he really does. We've talked a few times now and he really wants this to be a special trip for DD. He may not be a Disney Dad, yet, but he is a great daddy.

Ok, I always like to start with the Welcome Show our first MK morning if we can. It isn't a deal breaker. Honestly, I'd just skip the park ADR if it was me. I'm personally not a big fan of breakfast ADRs though, especially if it means missing any of that valuable first couple of hours after RD in the parks. I'd either just grab a quick bite on the way to MK or head back to Fantasyland, grab a cinnamon roll at Gaston's Tavern and then start riding.

I suggested that to DH, Gaston's Tavern specifically cause the cinnamon buns are GIANT. But he really wants DD to meet Pooh and Friends. So I suggested we get lunch there instead, to which he replied "then I won't get to eat that breakfast custard thing they have." I couln't believe he remembered that, but it turns out he's remembering it cause I made it for the holidays last year. Point is, we gotta keep the breakfast. I am now considering moving the breakfast to our second MK day and eating at our resort that first morning.

In Disney news DH has agreed to have a "Disney Date" with me so that we can discuss what he would like us to do this trip. I know he's worried I will over plan every tiny detail (which is generally a valid fear) so we will sit down and at least hash out where he wants to eat, and when. Since park hours for May aren't out just yet, we will wait to have said date until we know, roughly, what we're looking at for our days there.

As of today our itinerary is MK, AK day off, AK, MK. But depending on hours, crowd predictions, etc, that may change. This is the closest I've ever cut these details, which makes me nervous. But since DH wants a say, and I want him to have one, I guess we'll take it as it comes! LOL! Happy planning friends!!:disrocks:
Status Report

Well we are 202 days from our May trip, which puts us 22 days out from ADR day.

Decisions have been made, between both DH And myself. He has been more involved, which has been quite lovely! Since 2017 hours are still not out, we are going off of 2016 hours, which I'm not thrilled about, especially considering RoL may extend . But I just can't wait any longer! I've cross referenced a few crowd calendars and I'm seeing light to moderate crowds for our visit. Minus a few requests from DH, and DD ever changing nap schedule here's a basic look at our days:

Friday May 5th:
We want to be in the road by 3 PM
DH says dinner at WL, but we might meet my sister for dinner at DS
No big plans just settle in and chill for the night

Saturday May 6th:
Resort day, swimming, exploring
Dinner ADR at T-Rex around 6
Early to bed

Sunday May 7th:
Start this vacation off with MK Rope Drop! 2016 MK opened at 9, so we plan to be there no later than 8.
Lunch ADR at CP then maybe catch the parade...?
Back to WL for a rest (I hope, since her birthday DD has been refusing to nap)
Back to MK around 6 or 7 QS dinner, I'm thinking Cosmic Rays, then Tomorrow,and adventures until DD is done. I don't think we'll make it to fireworks this first night, but we shall see how she fares; I don't want to burn her out on day one!

Monday May 8th:
Another early morning, and our first AK day. We will likely drive there so a quick breakfast and then we're off! In 2016 AK had AM EMH and was open at 8 AM, but I know they open the Oasis an hour before actual open, anyone know if this is true in EMH days as well? DH wants to see the bird welcome, so we have to get there early. I see DD sleeping in the stroller this morning. No in park ADRs this day cause I want to try the Marketplace QS for lunch. We're planning for DD to stroller nap this day, do what we can then head back to WL, freshen up and head to the Poly for a dinner ADR at 'Ohana! I really want to try Trader Sam's but I feel like DD won't be allowed in so that's out.

Tuesday May 9th:
The mid-week rest day. DH will likely sleep in while DD and I grab food and a swim. We plan to get an ADR for HDDMR, the first show.

Wednesday May 10th:
We are back to AK! DH suggested we get a real breakfast this morning, then take our time heading to AK. We both want to see RoL, which I hope will be open by then, so we don't want to push DD too much. We will ADR Tusker House for dinner, maybe even a dining package for RoL...?

Thursday May 11th:
MK rope drop for our last park day! We will have an afternoon break, then head back into MK for dinner ADR at BoG for around 6. DH wants DD to meet The Beast, but I'm not sure how thrilled she'll be. She likes the movie but Beast is giant! We shall see! We plan to share dessert at dinner, explore some more, then grab treats and a seat for Wishes. DH wants to be up near the castle, which is a surprise to me as he hates crowds, but he wants DD to see the projection show. We will make our final trip out of MK and head back to WL for our last night.

Friday May 12th:
Departure Day
Just writing it is depressing.
We will ask for late check out and I will pack up while DH and DD do, something, likely swim. All our ADRs will be spent and likely all, of not most of, our QS but we want to try and hold onto two QS for lunch at Wolfgang Pucks, we shall see. We want to head home about 3.

Gosh, writing it out it really doesn't seem like much!

Any suggestions? I really need some hours for 2017 so I can better plan times and such.

Well, that's all for now!

TTFN Friends! Hope all is well!

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I love the plans! Just because your writing about what time to hit the park, your must do's and ADR's the stuff int eh middle will def beef up! Oh I love how he wants her up close to the projection show!!! She is going to love everything!!

I wouldn't change a thing!
Looks good! I see you're planning plenty of downtime. I always want to have some downtime, but I just never can do it. I guess maybe being a little bit closer like you are would make it easier because there's always that possibility of taking a short trip another time to do some things.

And you're right. When you put it out there like that it doesn't look like much... but once you're there it certainly will be!
I just got caught up!

Yeah to Hoop Dee Doo Review! I am glad that you guys are going to give that a try!

I was going to suggest Crystal Palace later in the day, hit some rides, eat breakfast then have fast passes for early afternoon or even the evening when you come back.

I want to try out Tusker House, too. My girlfriend just went there and they loooooved it!
I love the plans! Just because your writing about what time to hit the park, your must do's and ADR's the stuff int eh middle will def beef up! Oh I love how he wants her up close to the projection show!!! She is going to love everything!!

I wouldn't change a thing!

Thanks! We're working on a list of must do items, stuff we both think DD will enjoy and will be top priority. And now that the hours are out (finally) I can actually flesh out some plans!

Looks good! I see you're planning plenty of downtime. I always want to have some downtime, but I just never can do it. I guess maybe being a little bit closer like you are would make it easier because there's always that possibility of taking a short trip another time to do some things.

And you're right. When you put it out there like that it doesn't look like much... but once you're there it certainly will be!

DH needs to SEE the downtime, poor man gets anxiety just from talking about the crowds. I'm figuring as much time as we plan to rest DD will not be into it that much. Recently if she naps for an hour we count ourselves lucky. And definitely being a quick drive from WDW colors planning. Knowing we are going twice next year has also been a HuGE part of working out this trip. Offers a lot more room to just chill and meander around, which is nice.

I just got caught up!

Yeah to Hoop Dee Doo Review! I am glad that you guys are going to give that a try!

I was going to suggest Crystal Palace later in the day, hit some rides, eat breakfast then have fast passes for early afternoon or even the evening when you come back.

I want to try out Tusker House, too. My girlfriend just went there and they loooooved it!

Yes! We are all psyched for Hoop Dee Do! Everything about it seems like such fun!

I've never done CP for anything but dinner. I am a little sad to not have the breakfast casserole and puffed French toast, but I stalked a few food blogs and lunch and dinner look super yummy too! We are gonna shoot for lunch before the parade, then sneak out after the parade for a rest. A lot of that plan rests in the hands of the ADR gods...

Omg! I love TH! I will always go there from now on! The food is great, and can be kinda adventurous or different but not so much so that I'm afraid t try stuff. Plus the lure of Safari Mickey is just too much for us!
Congratulations on your daughter's first trip! Early May is such a great time to go - I went there last year with my mom, and as it turns out I'll be going back again with my cousin and her family this year. I hope you guys have a great time, and I'm looking forward to reading your trip report.
Congratulations on your daughter's first trip! Early May is such a great time to go - I went there last year with my mom, and as it turns out I'll be going back again with my cousin and her family this year. I hope you guys have a great time, and I'm looking forward to reading your trip report.

Hi! :wave: and :welcome:

I'm glad you'll get to again so quickly!! Hope you guys have a blast! :cool1:
Status Report

Well we are 202 days from our May trip, which puts us 22 days out from ADR day.

Decisions have been made, between both DH And myself. He has been more involved, which has been quite lovely! Since 2017 hours are still not out, we are going off of 2016 hours, which I'm not thrilled about, especially considering RoL may extend . But I just can't wait any longer! I've cross referenced a few crowd calendars and I'm seeing light to moderate crowds for our visit. Minus a few requests from DH, and DD ever changing nap schedule here's a basic look at our days:

Friday May 5th:
We want to be in the road by 3 PM
DH says dinner at WL, but we might meet my sister for dinner at DS
No big plans just settle in and chill for the night

Saturday May 6th:
Resort day, swimming, exploring
Dinner ADR at T-Rex around 6
Early to bed

Sunday May 7th:
Start this vacation off with MK Rope Drop! 2016 MK opened at 9, so we plan to be there no later than 8.
Lunch ADR at CP then maybe catch the parade...?
Back to WL for a rest (I hope, since her birthday DD has been refusing to nap)
Back to MK around 6 or 7 QS dinner, I'm thinking Cosmic Rays, then Tomorrow,and adventures until DD is done. I don't think we'll make it to fireworks this first night, but we shall see how she fares; I don't want to burn her out on day one!

Monday May 8th:
Another early morning, and our first AK day. We will likely drive there so a quick breakfast and then we're off! In 2016 AK had AM EMH and was open at 8 AM, but I know they open the Oasis an hour before actual open, anyone know if this is true in EMH days as well? DH wants to see the bird welcome, so we have to get there early. I see DD sleeping in the stroller this morning. No in park ADRs this day cause I want to try the Marketplace QS for lunch. We're planning for DD to stroller nap this day, do what we can then head back to WL, freshen up and head to the Poly for a dinner ADR at 'Ohana! I really want to try Trader Sam's but I feel like DD won't be allowed in so that's out.

Tuesday May 9th:
The mid-week rest day. DH will likely sleep in while DD and I grab food and a swim. We plan to get an ADR for HDDMR, the first show.

Wednesday May 10th:
We are back to AK! DH suggested we get a real breakfast this morning, then take our time heading to AK. We both want to see RoL, which I hope will be open by then, so we don't want to push DD too much. We will ADR Tusker House for dinner, maybe even a dining package for RoL...?

Thursday May 11th:
MK rope drop for our last park day! We will have an afternoon break, then head back into MK for dinner ADR at BoG for around 6. DH wants DD to meet The Beast, but I'm not sure how thrilled she'll be. She likes the movie but Beast is giant! We shall see! We plan to share dessert at dinner, explore some more, then grab treats and a seat for Wishes. DH wants to be up near the castle, which is a surprise to me as he hates crowds, but he wants DD to see the projection show. We will make our final trip out of MK and head back to WL for our last night.

Friday May 12th:
Departure Day
Just writing it is depressing.
We will ask for late check out and I will pack up while DH and DD do, something, likely swim. All our ADRs will be spent and likely all, of not most of, our QS but we want to try and hold onto two QS for lunch at Wolfgang Pucks, we shall see. We want to head home about 3.

Gosh, writing it out it really doesn't seem like much!

Any suggestions? I really need some hours for 2017 so I can better plan times and such.

Well, that's all for now!

TTFN Friends! Hope all is well!

Love your plans! I've been working on mine as well! We arrive May 6 :) Cannot wait for ADR day!


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