The Twelve Days of Swinter: From Castaway 'Key' to a Partridge in a Palm Tree!

Here is a couple pictures from our meet up in Nov.



Two lovely ladies!
Are you going to start a new TR? Please! popcorn::

She told me back in Nov. that she would not be doing one, but maybe a highlights report, but that was several months ago, so not sure if she still will.
Hello everyone! Well I say everyone, but I might be the only one still here! I know its been a while since I have posted anything, but Id like to try to finish this report. I might not have any readers left, but I still want it completed so I have it to look back on. Im not even sure that I really have the time to try to work on it some more, but Im going to do what I can, when I can. So& on we go!

Picking up from the last update& we were spending an unexpected day at Magic Kingdom. I had planned this to be another Epcot day, but we chose to go see the Christmas decorations on Main Street instead. Going against my well laid plans was not really in my comfort zone, but I threw caution to the wind and decided to be spontaneous. :eek: Being that I detest crowds, I was wondering if this would come back to bite me&

After a wonderful time strolling through the shops on Main Street, we moved on to Tomorrowland.


We had no real plan for this day other than enjoying the very unexpected Christmas decorations, so anything we did beyond that was really just a bonus.



We decided to grab some FPs for Space Mountain and move on for now. DH made the run while we took a rest&


We saw Alice and the White Rabbit greeting guests, but the line was too long for us& a sign of things to come.



DH was getting hungry so we stopped into his favorite place to eat in the Magic Kingdom&




We found our usual spot by the window so we could people watch&



And this is what draws my DH in here on every trip; fish, shrimp, fries, slaw and apple cobbler. It really is good!


After lunch, we took one final ride through&





We had never been on the Liberty Riverboat before so we thought we should give it a try. We boarded and went all the way to the top floor so that I could try to get some good pictures.



Unfortunately, we did not pick a very good spot. I kept getting pelted with scalding hot drops of water. It took me about 3 or 4 good hits before I realized that it was coming from the smokestack thing. By that point, the boat was pretty full and there wasnt really anywhere left to move to. So although we had some pretty views as the boat sailed around, it really wasnt worth the pain! :upsidedow

However, since I did endure torment to get these pictures, I think we should enjoy looking at them! Lets go sightseeing&





Continued in next post








We noticed there were no trains going by on Big Thunder… not a good sign…








You can see the shadow of that cursed smokestack in this picture! :rolleyes:









It was really neat to see the attractions in that area from a new perspective, and I really enjoyed taking pictures as the boat sailed around. Now that we’ve done it though, I’m not really in a hurry to ride again.

Continued in next post
We were hoping to get a ride on BTMRR next, but I was doubtful that it was running since we didn’t see any trains go by. We headed that way anyhow though…


These guys were perched up on a rooftop doing a little people watching themselves.




Sure enough, we found the ride broken down when we arrived. We grabbed some FPs and planned on coming back later.


We browsed around in the SM gift shop for a few minutes.


I love the little details in the ceiling in this store…


DD contemplated buying this new friend to add to her Disney stuffed animal collection, but she decided to wait since her funds were getting low!


We left the store empty handed. I took a few minutes to sit down and call to check in with my parents. All was well on the home front, which is always comforting to hear when you are hundreds of miles away.


Since we were right there, we decided to take the train up to the front of the park and walk down Main Street to get back and use our Space Mountain FPs. I know that sounds like the long way around, but we wanted to see if anything fun and entertaining was happening on the street.

Well as soon as we got off the train, the new sign for the theater caught my eye and I wanted to go see what changes had been made.


Somehow we lucked up and there was not another soul in there waiting to see Mickey, so how could we resist that! We walked right in and were so happy to find Minnie as well!


She is so bashful!


Handshakes between the men, hugs for the ladies…




I love these!



We really enjoyed that meet and greet! One of the best we’ve ever had!

DD could not resist this huge Mickey that she found in the gift shop. She has a Minnie that’s the same size and she insisted that Minnie needed a Mickey to keep her company.


DD was no very pleased with me though because I made her use the resort delivery service for her Mickey so we wouldn’t have to lug him around all day. We also had a dinner reservation at a very shwanky place that night and I didn’t think a 3’ tall stuffed animal would be very appropriate to bring in the restaurant!

On our way out we noticed this really pretty courtyard…





And finally, an hour later, we were on our way to use those Space Mountain FPs, and boy were we glad we had them once we got there!

Up next: The longest line I have ever seen!
A post from Rinky! Yay! It's too bad the hot dripping water was coming down on you from the smokestack. I hadn't even thought about that being a problem. Your pictures from the riverboat are great!

How great that you lucked up and were able to walk right in and meet Mickey and Minnie! The pictures turned out so good. Just look at that smile on your baby's face.:thumbsup2
I'm still here Rinky!!! :cool1: So happy to see an update!

Super great pics as always! DH & DS11 rode the Riverboat for the first time this last trip. Sadly I didn't get to ride it. Maybe next time! I will be sure to stay away from the smoke stack though! :eek:

MK sure looks crowded that day. :scared1: What day of the week was that?

I love the new Town Square meet & greet! We have lucked out there 2 or 3 times in a row now, with very little or no wait. It is awesome! Love the pics of your DD and Mickey & Minnie! :lovestruc
I'm here too ! I love the big pictures .. they're so bright and colorful. :thumbsup2
Trying to catch up on TR's .. getting excited for our next trip !
I am loving your pictures, and they look fine here, not too big at all.

I am glad to see you back!
Woohoo! Great update, you have pictures of things I've never seen before....I guess I need to explore more.
Great post, love the mick and minnie pics with your munchkin!!!
So, when is the next trip???? Last oct i won a trip to Universal, orlando
and we're going in april, gona sneak in a day at MK and maybe half day at epcot and other half at the over the moon excited!!!!
How is the new job going?? So good to hear from you and totally hope you find the time to return!!
Hi Rinky, glad to have you back!

Great update as usual, was nice to see pictures of things I have never spotted before!
Okay, stayed up way too late reading your TR and finishing up at lunch today. Love it! Your DD is cute as a button. And talk about some major pixie dust! Sneak peek of FL, $400 GC -- shoot, I need to hang around you in hopes it rubs off on me! :goodvibes I was particularly interested in your cruise experience as we are looking at the Dream cruise due to my FIL's bucket list wish (a cruise with the whole family) and I also have terrible motion sickness and have had mal du debarquement (basically felt like I was on a boat for 2 months -- looked like a drunk banging into walls in the office!). So good to know that the patch helped so much. excited to hear the rest of the trip and also if you like WDW first or last. Leaning towards doing WDW first but can be swayed!
Hey Rinky! :wave2: I'm so glad you are back! I have missed you around these parts. I can't wait to hear what's going on with you these days. I need an update!

I love your Liberty Riverboat photos. I also have never been on the boat. I'll have to check it out next time, just so I can say I have done it as least once.

The photos of your daughter with Minnie & Mickey are precious! I hope you have one framed. I love the big Mickey that she chose! Poor Mickey couldn't go to the shwanky restaurant though. :rotfl:
Welcome back! I am glad you are gonna finish up this TR! You left us with a cliff hanger! Isn't a day at the MK with no REAL plan great!? I really enjoyed your riverboat photos. I cannot believe they let guests get in the area of the hot steam! The riverboat is something I have never done but after seeing your photos I may have to!


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