The Vacation Nazi and Mr. Spontaneity attempting to do Disney again

I just called and paid the balance of our trip :yay: $1700+ on my card. Now I need to call and get the rewards card sent to me and have those points put on.

49 days!!!!!
Not sure if I mentioned this, but I booked the Garden Tea Lounge at the Grand Floridian for afternoon tea with my daughter. She's a big tea party fan (loves throwing them :) ) so she should love it. I'm going to make sure we're dressed for the luau beforehand (our res is at 320pm, luau is at 515pm) and just have tea and a small snack. I'll get the check right away so I know we'll make it in time :laughing:
I need to figure out how to get an avatar. I tried, but it wouldn't let me upload the pics I have. I guess they're too big?
I've also made a res for the night of the luau (thanks, Amanda) at Kona Cafe. It's also at the Polynesian so if the luau gets canceled due to weather, we'll still have somewhere to eat. We'll just keep at eye on the weather and, two days before, if it's clear, we'll cancel Kona. If rain is due, we'll keep it just in case. Hopefully we can get an hour-by-hour weather report and see (if there IS rain that day) when it's supposed to rain.

I want to start packing NOW.
I have Early Packing Syndrome too :rotfl: I'm managing it by shopping. LOTS and LOTS of shopping. :thumbsup2

We booked at the 1900 Park Fare on the night of the luau, just in case. ;)
I bought a few things for my daughter's "travel bag" yesterday. Mickey coloring book, crayons, mini Play Doh, Tinkerbell notebook, Belle lip gloss .. few others that I can't remember. I'll also put her Leapster game in there, her Magna Doodle, a few books, etc. Need some more ideas.

Also got her beach bag ready. Cleaned out (sand, sand, sand), reorganized. She won't need beach toys, but she'll need her floaties and water shoes and sunblock. I packed both bags up in her closet where, hopefully, she won't get to them.

My parents said they started a change jar for DD - each day, they both HAVE to put $1 in it, as well as all the change they have from that day. They'll give it to her the Monday before we leave.

I've learned a few things these past few days -

(1) whatever happens, I will NOT be getting an appt to BBB for her! I took her to a kid's expo yesterday and a local salon had girls there doing complimentary hair styling, and she refused. Thanks for saving me at LEAST $60. :laughing:

(2) I thought I wanted tickets to the Wishes Dessert party, but now I'm glad that it's not available on that Wednesday. Another $50 to stuff ourselves with junk is NOT something I really want to do on our second day of the trip!

(3) I need to consciously remember that this vacation is for DD - which means that, when there, we need to let her decide what happens. Meaning, if she wants to stop and play in a water area or playground for a bit, even if I REALLY want to get somewhere, I need to remember to let her. And I should try to come to terms with the fact that *something* will happen where she unintentionally disrupts my plan ... I need to remember that it's FINE!!

(4) I know I'm excited, but I CAN NOT plan another thing. I need to be more flexible. We're going with/for a 4.5 year old. She needs some down time, as do we! I've planned enough stuff to keep us going and having fun, but any more will be overkill, and leave us exhausted, broke and irritated.

Maybe I SHOULD just keep on shopping :lmao:
Maybe the Main St. Barber Shop could be an alternative to BBB? It's much cheaper, and they can even just do the hairstyle with the colored gel and Mickey confetti.

I get what you're saying about allowing spontaneous moments. It's HARD, but def. necessary. I learned that after my last trip with my cousins.
Yeah, I was looking into that too .. much cheaper, like $10 or something? She'd probably like that coloring stuff better than all that hairspray anyway. :)

We are down to like 40 days or something crazy like that! I can't wait, I'm glad we have lots of stuff going on between now and then!
Hey Mchelle! I have run across your posts a couple of times and thought I would drop by your ptr! We are going the same week..I remember your jersey week ...I'm from Jersey and headed to the World ...but have heard the crowds aren't that bad..

It has been fun reading your report...We are getting so close! It has been helpful for me to read your ptr..since I haven't started getting anything ready have given me some ideas...
I bought a few things for my daughter's "travel bag" yesterday. Mickey coloring book, crayons, mini Play Doh, Tinkerbell notebook, Belle lip gloss .. few others that I can't remember. I'll also put her Leapster game in there, her Magna Doodle, a few books, etc. Need some more ideas.

Also got her beach bag ready. Cleaned out (sand, sand, sand), reorganized. She won't need beach toys, but she'll need her floaties and water shoes and sunblock. I packed both bags up in her closet where, hopefully, she won't get to them.

My parents said they started a change jar for DD - each day, they both HAVE to put $1 in it, as well as all the change they have from that day. They'll give it to her the Monday before we leave.

I've learned a few things these past few days -

(1) whatever happens, I will NOT be getting an appt to BBB for her! I took her to a kid's expo yesterday and a local salon had girls there doing complimentary hair styling, and she refused. Thanks for saving me at LEAST $60. :laughing:

(2) I thought I wanted tickets to the Wishes Dessert party, but now I'm glad that it's not available on that Wednesday. Another $50 to stuff ourselves with junk is NOT something I really want to do on our second day of the trip!

(3) I need to consciously remember that this vacation is for DD - which means that, when there, we need to let her decide what happens. Meaning, if she wants to stop and play in a water area or playground for a bit, even if I REALLY want to get somewhere, I need to remember to let her. And I should try to come to terms with the fact that *something* will happen where she unintentionally disrupts my plan ... I need to remember that it's FINE!!

(4) I know I'm excited, but I CAN NOT plan another thing. I need to be more flexible. We're going with/for a 4.5 year old. She needs some down time, as do we! I've planned enough stuff to keep us going and having fun, but any more will be overkill, and leave us exhausted, broke and irritated.

Maybe I SHOULD just keep on shopping :lmao:

This is te smartest thing I think I have read a mom write on the dis!! everything you said 100% true!

So keep on shopping and save your $$ on the dessert party.. I didn't feel it was worth it!
sersee - Welcome! Do you have a PTR going at all?

inked - Welcome back! Waiting patiently for your trip report :) Good to know about the Wishes party, too ..

My DD woke up at 6am saying she couldn't breathe and coughing that barky, croupy cough ... we were all up for a bit (after I made her take the inhaler she got from last time) and I said "I guess it's better that you get sick now than when we're in Disney!" I know that sounds bad, but c'mon .. any parent would be thinking the same thing :laughing:
Can't say I blame you. I've been worried about us getting sick too. And my allergies have been a killer the last week or so, so that's not helping.
We just realized that, if we're leaving the 10th, why should we rush to TWO reservations on the 9th and take up most of that day? So I switched the Cape May Cafe breakfast to Tuesday (the 10th) so we can sleep in on that Monday.

Whenever I talk to my DH about the trip, buying stuff for it, packing, itinerary, he says "Talk to me in October". He's up to his a$$ in wedding shoots between now and Halloween weekend, so he wants to just focus on that. So I said today "I can't believe September is almost over!" and he said "I know .. I remember telling you to talk to me in October and now it IS October!" So good, I can start flooding him with my shtuff. :laughing:
ohh my kids are sick right now and I thought the exact same thing...Better now!!! Don't get sick in November..I am pumping them full of vitamins:lmao: I did start a ptr..but it's more like a pre rambling report..I just ramble on and on and on.......I need to plan a little more I think...OH but I am so excited..Is it all you can talk about? I swear my Dh thinks I am nutso. I manage to talk about Disney in every conversation...Every convo!! It's pathetic..

I think I will put a disney "package" outside of my kids door the morning we leave..Can you get autograph books at the d store I wonder? Your making me wonder if I should try booking the Luau..We are staying at the poly and it would be a good first night thing to do...
My DH would kill to stay at the Poly! We saw it from a distance before, but on our honeymoon, we roamed around when we attempted to do the luau then (canceled due to weather) and he just loved it. Said next time we go, that's where he wants to stay. (Also said that the next trip will be minimum 5 years away. :mad: )

The Disney Store I went to near me said they don't sell autograph books in stores, but I know you can order them on the site.

And YES, it's all I can talk about. My husband sometimes asks me "Can you try not to talk about Disney tonight" when we're around certain people. I understand - we were at his cousin's house the other night when he said it and they were SUPPOSED to be going when we were, but had to cancel. So fine, I won't talk about it around them. (Unless they ask)

I wish there were some more things I could plan ... the anticipation of the trip is the best though!
I so hear you...I think my coworkers are going to put a muzzle on me because I won't stop talking about Disney! :lmao:

Oh, and I finally started a PTR :)
Just went over. Yep, we can see who wins the cry-fest. That castle thing is a biggie, though .. I've known since before we booked the trip that I will bawl like a baby the first time Talia sees that castle. I cry at commercials for Disney when I imagine her seeing it. :rolleyes:

I just tried talking the husband into another day :littleangel: He didn't say NO, so that's good. But he laughed and said "We're going for TEN days! That's a really good amount of time! Most people would love to go for that long. Besides, I have a wedding to shoot on the 14th (in Mass...and we drive to and from WDW, so I kinda get what he's saying) so I'd like some time to relax before going right back to work." I said that the last day is a hotel/pool day, and the added one would be too, so it's not like we'd be overwhelmed with walking ... " We'll see what happens. :thumbsup2


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