The "we need a bit of pixie dust" pre-trip report!


<font color=royalblue>I'm a Geordie, we don't own
Jun 20, 2011
2 months tomorrow we will be heading to our magical place; to give our wee girl a much needed bit of pixie dust; so I thought I would start a pre-trip report now we have paid the balance and are about to book meals etc.

The cast:

Rosebug - the princess this is all for:

dec by rosebug09, on Flickr[/IMG]

She will have just turned 5 when we go; so this is her birthday trip although it was booked as a huge dose of pixie dust to get her through the months of blood tests and medication ups & downs since being diagnosed with autoimmune thyroid disease.

DLP is her favourite place in the world and would spend her entire time in Fantasy Land; she is happiest when the Castle is in sight and loves nothing more than running up those stairs and pretending to be her favourite princess Aurora!

Her favourite rides on our last trip were Snow White; Peter Pan; Pinocchio and Pirates of the Caribbean - and we rode them on repeat! Who knows what she will love this time; but I am sure these will be high on the list still!

Rosebug adores Aurora and I think this stems from her 3rd birthday trip when she met the most wonderful Aurora at Auberge; so very much hoping she meets her again! She loves all the princesses though and is yet to meet Mulan and Jasmine (or Merida - is she at DLP yet?) so fingers crossed we bump into them on this trip. She loves nothing more than meeting her "friends" Mickey; Minnie; Daisy; Goofy: Chip & Dale and Pluto so Inventions is a must on this trip. Other favourites are Alice in Wonderland (she has only met the White Rabbit) Peter Pan; Wendy & Tinkerbell and Sofia.

Rosebug knows about the trip - but doesn't yet know where we are staying! :wizard:

Mammy (me) -30+; punk; teacher and not so secret Disney princess in Converse!

sally by rosebug09, on Flickr[/IMG]

DLP is also my favourite place in the world; and Fantasy Land is to me the epitome of all things Disney. I can think of nothing more magical than walking down Main Street and seeing the Castle in the distance.

MY favourite rides are RNRC; Indiana Jones and BTM - although I didn't manage to do any of these on our last trip. I am STILL desperate to go on Crushes Coaster!

Favourite Disney characters are Jack & Sally (although I still don't associate these as Disney; as I loved them long before they were) and the princesses but in particular Ariel!

Daddy - 30+; metaller; big kid and Rosebug's prince!

jack by rosebug09, on Flickr[/IMG]

DLP is his happy place; he hates leaving and would happily spend every holiday we ever have there. He also loves Main Street and Fantasy Land!

His favourite rides are RNRC and Buzz.

He also loves Jack & Sally; the princesses (especially Belle and now Elsa! ;) ) Stitch; Tigger and a whole host of others!

February 2014 - preparing to be freezing again! This is our 4th trip with Rosebug (5th for Daddy and 6th for me) and 2nd trip in February so we know what to expect. Hopefully now Rosebug is on meds for her underactive thyroid she won't feel the cold as much as she did last time!



dlh by rosebug09, on Flickr[/IMG]

This is our first stay at the Pink Palace. Rosebug loves this hotel as she thinks it is where the princesses live so she will be super excited when she realises this is where we are staying! We have previously stayed at NPB; Cheyenne and HNY. NPB was the most amazing stay ever - so I hope DLH lives up to our magical stay there!
Ahh this sounds so exciting. Staying in the DLH is going to amazing, Rosebug is going to be over the moon when she finds out!
Rosebug makes a lovely princess :goodvibes:thumbsup2
Sounds like an amazing trip in the planning. How long are you going for? Any ideas for must do meals? Fab costumes too ::yes::
The plan:

4 nights and 5 days - although technically only 3 days in the parks.

We are flying from Glasgow late on the Sunday; so our first night will be spent in the hotel which we are really looking forward to. The idea is that we will have a drink in the Fantasia Bar and then DH will pop out to Annettes/Earl of Sandwich for our supper and just have an early-ish night (we won't be checking in til gone 8pm)

The next day we will head into the park for the very start of EMH and head to City Hall for Rosebug's birthday sticker and phonecall; and hopefully an EA pass (not sure if we will get one this time but we have a letter from her consultant just saying that she is on meds and while she is adjusting to them it makes things difficult for her but nothing specific so we shall see.) Then we are hoping that we can head back for 10am for her to have her princess makeover;and then head to Auberge for opening at 12pm where we will organise her birthday cake again!

We were planning to spend one morning/lunchtime at the Studios; and will be eating at Inventions on our final night. DH is ringing tomorrow to book Auberge and Inventions and possibly Cafe Mickey for one night (which we may cancel depending on how our plans go - as we are still trying to decide on BBWWS)

We are debating Buffalo Bills on one of the nights - but not sure if we can justify the cost... we will figure this out after Christmas I think.

Other plans include afternoon tea/Mickey waffles at DLH - I am so utterly excited about staying here I want to make the most of it and I would like to try the Cafe Gourmand at Blue Lagoon one day if we can as Rosebug really wants to eat there with the pirates! ;)

We are still members of the Shareholders Club for now so can make the most of Salon Mickey and our discounts again this trip; such a shame it will be our last trip as members ... but we have certainly had our money's worth!
More plans:

Rosebug really wants to meet Mulan and Jasmine this trip - but not sure if we are going to manage this as I think it would have to be at a random meet in the Studios? Am I right in thinking they may wander round before/after the parade in the Studios? Will they still do this in the freezing February hols?

I am desperate to go on Crush - because I still haven't ever been on it. Fingers crossed I manage it after a mad dash at opening time!

We have DLH fast passes this time so we may use them to ride our favourite rides that we didn't go on last time as didn't want Rosebug to wait around (her EA pass wouldn't have worked for us!) So I have suggested BTM ...but at night; Indiana Jones and our favourite...Rock n Rollercoaster! Hopefully Rosebug won't need hers as she may have the pass again.

When asked Rosebug says she wants to ride her favourites again and again... Snow White; Pirates; Pinocchio and Peter Pan...I am hoping we can get her onto some more exciting ones this time! There is only so much "YO HO..." we can take!

I would like to take her to see Animagique again; and Playhouse Disney as I think it now includes Sofia and Jake - or is this just random meets?

And I hope to avoid the Princess Pavillion queues as much as possible!!
Even more plans:

Dreams - of course! Depending on the weather we may only do this on our first night - but hopefully will squeeze in a second viewing. Very much hoping the Frozen scenes are still there; but guessing they are just there for the Christmas season?!

Parade - one night may be all we manage as Rosebug simply can't wait around in the cold for ages; she is better than she was but she still feels the cold more than her friends.

Cars & Stars - last time Rosebug saw this she was not coping well; had a sore tummy and just wanted to go home. So fingers crossed it is still running and we manage to see it!
awe how exciting for your wee princess....

We are also going in Feb!

She is very excited! I think daddy is the most giddy one about the trip though... he is such a child! ;) I love just watching Rosebug's face in DLP - it makes my heart swell.

This was the first time she saw the castle (not as a 4 month old baby):

DSC_0046 by rosebug09, on Flickr

And this was her on our second trip that year; desperate for us to get into the park:

Come on by rosebug09, on Flickr

I am just praying this trip is as good as our last 2 - which have been so full of pixie dust and magic; fingers crossed!
Wow you are super organised MammyBug!!
Fancy wading thru all my scrawls in my planner and getting my plans ship shape too!?

Love all your meal plans - bar BBWWS - I hate kidney beans and their chilli con carne is laden :headache:

I used a little bit of bribery to get DD on BTM! I promised a pin for her bravery and that was that, she was, although a little scared, straight in the queue. And now she loves it! :yay:
Crush is brilliant!! You have to try it!xxx
Ahh this sounds so exciting. Staying in the DLH is going to amazing, Rosebug is going to be over the moon when she finds out!


I am super excited about staying there - never thought we could really afford it but we booked on the 2 nights free offer; so even though it is still silly expensive it isn't as silly as usual; so it is a major treat for us!

Rosebug's Disboards fairy godmother managed to get me this pin and send it to me:

pin by rosebug09, on Flickr

So the plan is that as we drive up to the hotel (we have book ezyshuttle again for a private transfer) we will give her a little package from Tinkerbell with this inside saying it is the magic key which will let her stay in the hotel and let her magically pass through the doors!

Rosebug makes a lovely princess :goodvibes:thumbsup2
Sounds like an amazing trip in the planning. How long are you going for? Any ideas for must do meals? Fab costumes too ::yes::


Thank you - her Christmas elf brought her this costume and tickets to see Frozen in her advent calendar! She looked just like Ana!

I just hope it contains the magic we have experienced in the past; as we have had such amazing trips and the most magical memories!

We are there 4 nights 5 days - but most we will get is 3nights and 1 morning due to flight times. Now that easyjet don't fly from Newcastle we are having to drive up to Glasgow - and I am terrified we get snow and can't make it! :scared1:

We have so many "must do meals" that we have had to cut them out - we are definately doing Auberge for the princesses; and Inventions but not sure about anything else as want to keep costs down as much as possible. Rosbeug really wants to eat at Blue Lagoon so may have a coffee there for us and get her something to eat one lunchtime. We had also wanted to do Walts but not so sure we can fit this in and cost wise it could really be replaced with a counter service!
Wow you are super organised MammyBug!!
Fancy wading thru all my scrawls in my planner and getting my plans ship shape too!?

Love all your meal plans - bar BBWWS - I hate kidney beans and their chilli con carne is laden :headache:

I used a little bit of bribery to get DD on BTM! I promised a pin for her bravery and that was that, she was, although a little scared, straight in the queue. And now she loves it! :yay:
Crush is brilliant!! You have to try it!xxx

It may seem like I am organised - but it doesn't feel like I am! :confused3 :rotfl: I need to come up with a countdown (may steal your idea) and various other bits!

Hmmmm - I am not a lover of kidney beans; I usually pick them out but can suffer the odd one!

Rosebug has grown alot since starting her meds but still not enough for the majority of rides - so we are going to have to do the baby switch thing; but in this case rename it "big 5 year old; but just not big enough to ride the rides switch!"

I am determined to get on Crush this time - this will be my 4th trip desperate to get on it!
Well; now Christmas is over it is time to really start planning Rosebug's birthday and DLP trip. I really hope you all had as wonderful a Christmas as we did!

We have booked Auberge for the Monday (unfortunately for 1:30pm as it was fully booked for opening; but as mentioned in my previous thread we will keep calling and hope for a cancellation!) and have also booked her birthday cake for here!

Tuesday night we have booked Inventions for 6pm; so the plan is to have an early finish on this day - although not sure what time the parks close in Feb half term yet!

Our Christmas gift from family members was spending money - so we already have that sorted; which relieves some saving stress! We got enough for the 3 full days we are there; thanks to our parents and grandparents. :goodvibes And Rosebug has asked for euro's for her birthday too so she can put them towards her Princess make-over. :thumbsup2

I have made a few purchases for her birthday trip bag: I managed to get this Disney Princess holiday annual in the poundshop:

Holiday book by rosebug09, on Flickr

And I bought this back when we booked the trip:

20130915_155318 by rosebug09, on Flickr

For Christmas she got an awesome Rapunzel hat off her aunt for Christmas. She put it on and declared "Awww man; I am going to look just silly in this! Can I wear it in Disneyland?" :rotfl::

HAT by rosebug09, on Flickr

I also want to get her some new socks; knicks; vests etc. Plus some other bits for her suitcase and the usual journey bits and bobs! :wizard:
Just realised that there appears to be a Rapunzel theme...
love the onsie

Rosebug seems quite a character, the hat looks fab

lets hope it keeps her nice and warm

It is a very awesome onesie!!! I want one!

"Quite a character" is putting it mildly when talking about my child. She is slightly nuts!! :joker: But it's all good.

I hope it keeps her warm too. We got a letter from the hospital yesterday to say her bloods show she is back to being under-active; which explains why she is freezing so much atm. Not sure how we are going to get through the freezing temps in DLP; we only booked as we were so sure she would be sorted by Feb! :confused:


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