The "Wheelchairs Are Not Lame" Thread

I see what you mean. If it helps you accept things, then I say more power to you. It's just I have been a paraplegic since I was 6 and it's really hard to remember being newly injured.

For example, when I was 22, I had graduated college and worked for a mental health agency. I would have felt silly and very unprofessional if I decorated my chair in any way, same as I would today. But if I had just been injured and learning to adjust in a wheelchair, I might feel differently.
I do not have to use a chair full time yet, so this is really for social life, (zoo mall, etc) and of course, disney. i am a secretary right now, but i am going back to school soon for my masters, so i feel like i can be a little silly when i am a student.

when i get my "real" chair, one that is going to be an all-day chair, i will get one more sedate that is appropriate in any situation.
Meh, to each his own. I just want people to take me seriously and I don't think a neon, bumper-stickered chair would do it for me.
well i never said i was going to have a neon chair - in fact, i want my chair to be black or dark purple or some other dark color. and i woudlnt have tons of tacky bumper stickers on it, just a white outline of tinkerbell on an otherwise black back... so i want my chair to be "me" but i am not going to go overboard
I was being facetious calling it "neon" and "bumper-stickered."


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