The WORST attraction!

Captain EO is my worst attraction. BTW, I actually enjoy Mickey's Wheel and wish I could ride it during WOC.
This is probably a dumb question.. but what IS Innovations? All the years I've been a Disneyland fanatic and I've never even been in there. :confused3

Basically it seemed like a bunch of products developed by third rate technology companies. They also had some exhibit that looked like Disney's view of the future circa 1960. Some automated home. I was done in 10 minutes then had to search how to escape.
Basically it seemed like a bunch of products developed by third rate technology companies. They also had some exhibit that looked like Disney's view of the future circa 1960. Some automated home. I was done in 10 minutes then had to search how to escape.

Sounds like I haven't missed out on anything at all by never going in there. :lmao:
Sounds like I haven't missed out on anything at all by never going in there. :lmao:

Currently, it does seem to be moving in a better direction.

Marvel appears to be making a home there, (there's already 2 Marvel exhibits & with the Captain America sequel coming in a few months, I'm sure there will be a 3rd)
I'm sure I'm in the extreme minority, but I can't do Star Tours. I love roller coasters, etc, but there's something about being on a simulator that always makes me nauseous. It stinks because I'm also a big Star Wars fan, and love the idea. There is a similar ride at SeaWorld San Diego, and it's just as nauseous inducing.
I'm sure I'm in the extreme minority, but I can't do Star Tours. I love roller coasters, etc, but there's something about being on a simulator that always makes me nauseous. It stinks because I'm also a big Star Wars fan, and love the idea. There is a similar ride at SeaWorld San Diego, and it's just as nauseous inducing.

I feel that way about tea cups... and my son LOVES it. Barf. :crazy2:
Honestly I can easily say that I don't think any of the rides at any Disney are horrible. Although I DO think some of them may not be worth it.

Despite enjoying the Gadget Go coaster and Roger Rabbit's Cartoon Spin, the fact that their lines tend to take FOREVER just make it totally not worth going on in my opinion, despite the fact that I like the rides. On Roger Rabbit the gags are funny the first time 'round only! After that its horrible! And this is coming from the person who can take listening to It's a Small World for about 3 hours!
Nemo. The cramped submarine makes me claustrophobic.

I would also say innovations... But now that the iron man exhibit and Thor meet and greet is there, it's much more interesting!!! I was blown away by Thor :)
I must agree. I even tried it again once they changed the cars, it is the most jarring ride on earth I think. Even worse than any wooden rollercoaster! Maybe it sits slow low to the ground due to the height clearances so they can't put shocks on it?

Glad I read this thread. DS (who is 18) can ride it by himself or with others in our party. I will plan on skipping it. Now that I'm over 50 I find many rides pretty jarring and prefer smooth and fast is that is available.
at disneyland:
snow white- too creepy for me

OMG -- they still have this. The last time I was at Disneyland is 1965 when I was five, and boy did that ride creep me out. I even had nightmares about it. I'm guessing that now at 53 instead of five I'd be fine, but I'll definitely give that a skip too in an upcoming trip we are doing. (I can truly say that back in 1965 my one and only time at this particular park that was the worst ride for me. It made a big impression and gave me bad dreams. Yuck!)

one trip to Disneyland in 1965
35 trips to WDW (1971 - 2013)
My DS and I went to DL in June 2013 and it was both of our first time in the park.

I am not usually a fan of fast spinning rides (get motion sickness very easy). But I rode almost all the rides (minus the ones that just didn't look appealing to me PERIOD) because its Disneyland and you just gotta suck it up and ride the rides. ~kept telling myself.... once in a lifetime trip~

The absolute worst ride I WILL NEVER go on again is Star Tours. I couldn't handle it, I was sooo nauseous that I had to shut my eyes half way through it just so I didn't puke. A close second is Goofy's Sky School. That thing made me feel like it was going to fly off the track at any second and you were going to go flying to your death (DS made the mistake of having us watch that Final Fantasy movie before going to DL). I am also not a "small gal" and it was extremely tight. Sooo tight that sometime during the ride my cell phone, an iPhone, fell out of my pocket. Realized it was gone when we got to GRR, went back to see if it had been turned in, and they were like.... Yes there is a phone on the track, but we can't do anything about it until the ride comes to a stop, please check back in 1 hour.... LONGEST 1 hour of my life, went back and the phone was perfectly okay.. nothing broken thank goodness.... A close third is Mickey's Fun Wheel (swinging car). I rode this twice, once in a stationary car and once swinging. I was trying to fit fingers through the little tiny holes in the cage just so I could grab onto something... Anything.. But the stationary cars I LOVED.....

I never got a chance to go on the Nemo or California Soaring rides. One because the lines were long and two I figured Soaring would be the same as the Star Tours and make me sick.

And now come May 2014 my Disney dreams gets to come true again. This May my DH and I are going to DL to celebrate our 25th anniversary (of when we first met / not wedding). And since I get the chance to go back, I was kind of disappointed that Nemo and California Screaming are going to be down for refurb. More so Nemo than California Screaming. But even more upset that Space Mountain is going to be down for refurb. I just LOVED it.... And now DH says he wants to ride on Mickey's Fun Wheel in the swinging car.. And the Tea Cups in the purple cup, cause it spins the fastest. YIKES!!! But oh well, I get to go back to my happy place and ride Pirates, Splash Mountain, Haunted Mansion, the Matterhorn, and all my FAVORITES....
Captain EO is my worst attraction.

Only saw this at WDW in the 80s, and it was sooo lame. And I am even a Michael Jackson fan -- love his song writing, singing, and dancing. This is definitely one to skip. It's not even on my list to try on our upcoming Disneyland Resort visit, and given my description of it, no one else in my family wants to try it either.

Two of the rides many people don't like are my two favorite in all of WDW:

WDW favorites:
1) Soarin (love it -- innovative, beautiful photography and some places we're vacationed at, something the whole family can do together -- DS loves it which makes it extra fun)
2) Tower of Terror (really get a kick out of the Twilight Zone theming and I like drop rides -- DS again loves it which makes it extra fun to do with him)
My least favorite in DCA is the grizzly bear river ride. I hate getting wet, it's just not appealing to me. The scary wheel is definitely a close second. I went 2 different times and did okay, but I would definitely not recommend it or encourage anyone to ride it!

In DL, my least favorite is either innoventions (just boring and a waste of space) or Star Tours (I get motion sickness)
Nemo was my least favorite. In fairness that could be because the window I was next to was smeared with nose boogies. Just disgusting. Since then, I just get a dirty vibe every time I go near it!
Other than that, we like about everything. Star Tours is always lowest on our list, but we will do it if there's not a big line.
Hands down...Nemo. The lines are always out of control, it's slow to load and get going and once you're inside clostraphobia sinks in. :crazy2:
Hands down...Nemo. The lines are always out of control, it's slow to load and get going and once you're inside clostraphobia sinks in. :crazy2:

My trick for beating my claustrophobia on Nemo is asking the CM to be the last person in the sub. That way you aren't sandwiched between two people and get the end seat. It's also nearest the stairs and the fresh air. It's the only way I can ride it!!


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