The worst moment at Walt Disney

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"It's Kind of Fun to do The Impossible" - Walt Dis
Jun 11, 2007
Did you ever have a bad time at disney? :sad1: If you did what's your story!

here's mine

I worked a summer to get enough money to take my cousins to wdw.
I was so happy :) I felt so good, but when we got there thay were rude and Thay yelled at my 2 sisters and the son started the fights and blamed it on my sisters. :headache: Both cousins left the son with us (he was nice with out his mom around) and he had fun ridding rides like, peter pan, dumbo and tea cups, thay rode scary ride like tower of terror, :scared1: but when the mom came back he was mean again! :headache: so we said you go your way and well go our's, we had more fun that way. After the trip we came home, one of them came and said thank you to me for the trip, I said your welcome:hug: I still see my cousins and the son every once in a while ever so often, thay say hi then we move along like nothing ever happend, Its ok though I know or hope I know I did something good, It does fill good inside.
I can't say the whole trip was bad, but just the one experience. We went out to Pirates Lair specifically to see "Captain Jack." We had my 15 yo niece who was dying to see him. He wasn't out when we got there, so we waited. We had a great time interacting and goofin' off with the other pirates while we waited. By the time Jack came out, there was quite a crowd waiting. When it was our turn, he went through my backpack and stole my DD's (3) Ariel doll which made her cry. He did nothing to try and fix the situation, but I figured, oh well...he is a pirate! :confused3 But then my niece was next and he pretty much dismissed her. Wouldn't sign her book or take a picture with her. :sad2: But he had no problem flirting with a couple of older girls. We stood there and watched and he basically picked through the line, mainly choosing older girls to flirt with while being absolutely RUDE to anyone else. What, had we interrupted his speed dating session??? I had my mom with us and she was so upset she wanted to find someone to complain. We didn't do that, but sure wanted to!
The worst time at Disney, is when I check out, get the bill and realize that we won't be back for at least 6 months.:sad1:
First day of our trip, walking out of the store at Old Key West, turning to the left and having my knee blow out. Ended up in a wheel chair for the rest of the trip and had to have surgery that Winter.

The trip was great otherwise.
That is bad, a dating sessions I can't believe that, when we went he wasn't that bad. Well our trip wasn't all bad we had fun times with each other, other times we wanted to.. to.. well lets just say wanted them to go home.

When I said our trip wasn't that bad It wasn't that bad, well compared to yours, you blew out your knee cap, right, thats got to hurt, then you had surgery, ooh, Well I hope your doing better.

Type back soon! (Heres a flower) :flower3:
My most memorable one is from Animal Kingdom last april and it involved my then 4yr old daughter.

For the people who are familiar with the area, we were by the jungle trail watching the monkeys play in their enclosure while we were waiting for the rest of our group to meet us.
It was extremely humid that day and my daughter was dying from the heat, so I took her over to the bathroom to let her splash some water from the fountain on her to cool her off. While she was over there, she noticed that there was water bubbling up from what looked like a storm drain almost. The water wasn't dirty or anything and it was coming out a good 2 or 3 inches so I told her that she could get her feet wet and walked over with her.
So she walks over and plays in it for a couple seconds then stands over it and watches the water run across her feet.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, this high pressure jet of water comes shooting up straight into her open eye! It was like if your shower is on full blast and you put it to the single jet of water and spray yourself in the eye.
I have never heard a scream like that in my life and when I think about it, it still gives me chills. She was crying and screaming and so was I because you could hear the pain in her cries...I was bawling my eyes out cause I felt so bad that I couldn't do anything.
The thing that steamed me really bad? There were at least 6 CM's right there that saw what happened and they walked on by and didn't even stop to offer any assistance or see if she was ok!! A fellow mother who was there offered us one of their towels to help dry her off and looked at her eye(she was a nurse). My daughter couldn't open that eye for a good hour and even then, it still stung for hours after.
I went straight to the front office and filed a formal complaint, and they called paramedics to come check her out to make sure she was ok. The paramedics were surprised that more damage hadn't been done and told us to not be surprised when she woke up with a black eye(which she did the next day). While we were in the office with them, they got another call about another kid being injured by the same jet!
It would not have been such an issue for me if at least 1 of those CM's had stopped and showed some concern, but not a single one did!

There was one female CM who was standing right next to us when she got nailed in the eye and she stood there smoothing down her hair, staring at us while my daughter screamed in pain and then strolled away!:mad::mad:
1st trip in 1991 - staying at Carribean Beach Resort. Had a wonderful 9 day trip w/DH and starting packing the evening before our flight home. We couldn't bear to have it end so we looked at each other and said, "Let's ditch the packing and go swimming one last time!" We put on our swimsuits and started walking down the stairway. "Ouch!" I missed a step and twisted my ankle and landed on my behind! My ankle was badly sprained. So much for swimming! We made it home the next day and I ended up in a cast with a torn ligament for 3 weeks.

Our next trip wasn't until 2006 and I'm happy to report that I came home injury-free!:)
Not my trip but Grandma's

She, my aunt, and cousin went. My cousin was 6 at the time, and my grandma is her great-grandmother. They had this wonderful trip, were at the Boardwalk and my cousin follows a CM into the restrooms, and without further ado smashes her finger in the door. The CM FREAKED OUT! Telling my G-ma and Aunt they had to get my cousin out of there since she was screaming and crying. That her manager would be upset. Turned out she needed stiches, the very tip of her finger broke, and her fingernail fell off. She had to go to the hospital and Reedy Creek took them all. Thank goodness it was the night before they left, Grandma said the trip was over for them after that incident!
Not my trip but Grandma's

She, my aunt, and cousin went. My cousin was 6 at the time, and my grandma is her great-grandmother. They had this wonderful trip, were at the Boardwalk and my cousin follows a CM into the restrooms, and without further ado smashes her finger in the door. The CM FREAKED OUT! Telling my G-ma and Aunt they had to get my cousin out of there since she was screaming and crying. That her manager would be upset. Turned out she needed stiches, the very tip of her finger broke, and her fingernail fell off. She had to go to the hospital and Reedy Creek took them all. Thank goodness it was the night before they left, Grandma said the trip was over for them after that incident!

I would have given that CM AND her manager a reason to be upset!!:rolleyes1
Tell me to get her out cause she's crying?!? I don't think so...:headache:

Hope she recovered quickly:yay:
In true child fashion SHE DID! I think we all make a bigger deal of it than she has and she was the one who was injured. Disney did make amends though.
I just had to add to this one. Our worst Disney trip was when I was around 7. We were there with my extended family - 12 in all. My brother (3 at the time) loved the Tikki Room, so my dad took him while the rest of us when on the Jungle Cruise, our last ride of the evening. Needless to say, we waited in line forever and my dad and brother were done first. When we exited the JC, they were nowhere to be found and the stroller was gone. My mom was convinced that someone had taken her little boy and my dad was looking for him. After hours (I'm told) of looking, checking in with lost & found, and panic we finally went to the car...where we found my brother and dad sleeping. Turns out since it was taking us so long they went to the "logical place." (Obviously this was before cell phones!) Despite the fact that it's been almost 25 years since "the incident," my dad has yet to live this down and is reminded of it every time go to Disney. Hope he doesn't read this post. :rotfl:
Nothing too major, but my hubby and I were in DHS (then MGM Studios) when my eye started bothering me. I realized my contact had ripped and I wasn't carrying my glasses with me. It was only 2 hours until the park closed so it wasn't worth going back to our room to get my glasses so I had to keep my right eye closed for the rest of the day. Everyone must've thought I was winking at them. LOL
Patti jim peanut I hope her eye is getting better
Amyhughes Hope her fiinger is better and her nail is growing back
Mama2twins well you made a lot of friends by winking ;) (I think)
The Magic Kingdom opened in October of 1971. Not to snound snoddy, but some of us have been WAY more than 10 times in those 36+ years.

In my numerous visits, yes, I've had a number of 'bad' experiences at WDW. The good experiences far outweigh the bad ones.

Some of the worst include: one time that I totally lost my cool because I was SO fed up with my family, one time that I was violently ill after eating at one of my favorite restaurants, and several phone calls from home regarding my pets' declining health.

I've also experienced some minor debacles on Disney's part: being assigned a VERY smoky room once (and not being able to get another at that resort, despite requesting a non-smoking room), trouble with the dining plan, trouble with a park ticket that took over an hour of precious early morning time to fix.

But as I said above, the priceless, magical memories far outweigh the bad.
Our first trip to Disney (for both of us) was our honeymoon. Besides having the best wedding ever-we were so excited about coming to WDW. We married on September 8, and left very early on September 10. Our first day we enjoyed a special honeymoon breakfast and it was off to the Animal Kingodom park we had a blast. At dinner some people told us about downtown disney so we checked it out-we had so much fun.
Tuesday Spetember 11-oh yea 2001......unfortunaltely native 12 noon during lunch we were told the parks were closing due to an emenergency in NY....they couldn't give us any additional information...they bussed us back to our hotel (Port Orleans French Quater) and as the rest of the world did-we tuned into CNN....there was our city in ruins, and we were trying to enjoy our vacation.
THe parks closed for 2 days-as we were a terrorist target...only to reopen and we got hit with a tropical depression. All my honeymoon pics are either at the resort or us in ponchos. We got to enjoy our last day-beautiful weather-we fell in love with Epcot...but our honeymoon was a bust....we've come back every September since-our next big trip is scheduled for September 4~8-at the Animal Kingdom Lodge! WORST WDW moment was in 2006 at Starlight Ray's in the Magic Kingdom. We were on the dining plan (not free that time) and the rest of my family had gotten their meals and were sitting at the table eating. I was waiting a LONG time for my meal. After a while, one of the CM's (who of course didn't speak English very well) asked me what I was waiting for, and I showed him my reciept. :confused: I thought it was kinda funny that he walked away and a manager came back and said that I had already picked up my order. I told him-very politly-that I had NOT. I am a very nice person and I rarely ever get loud with anyone. I told the manager that I had been standing there waiting and my order had not come up. SO, he starts to argue with me about it and then starts treating me like I am trying to pull something and that I am an unruly customer (like I said I NEVER get unruly and am always nice to people). I couldn't believe it! I was so frustrated and upset by the way that I was being treated! Since I am the nice one, I just went into the bathroom and cried. I felt so sick to my stomach that I couldn't even eat by that point. I guess I'm just a wuss...LOL!My sister....the "not so" nice one was even MORE LIVID about the situation and tracked down the manager and had a "talk" with him. He was pretty much a jerk and one of the most "non Disney like" CM's that I have ever encountered! The manager ended up taking back the food that I would not eat and credited us two meals....but to this day I will NEVER set foot in that place again!:mad: :mad: :sad2:
Our first trip to Disney (for both of us) was our honeymoon. Besides having the best wedding ever-we were so excited about coming to WDW. We married on September 8, and left very early on September 10. Our first day we enjoyed a special honeymoon breakfast and it was off to the Animal Kingodom park we had a blast. At dinner some people told us about downtown disney so we checked it out-we had so much fun.
Tuesday Spetember 11-oh yea 2001......unfortunaltely native 12 noon during lunch we were told the parks were closing due to an emenergency in NY....they couldn't give us any additional information...they bussed us back to our hotel (Port Orleans French Quater) and as the rest of the world did-we tuned into CNN....there was our city in ruins, and we were trying to enjoy our vacation.
THe parks closed for 2 days-as we were a terrorist target...only to reopen and we got hit with a tropical depression. All my honeymoon pics are either at the resort or us in ponchos. We got to enjoy our last day-beautiful weather-we fell in love with Epcot...but our honeymoon was a bust....we've come back every September since-our next big trip is scheduled for September 4~8-at the Animal Kingdom Lodge!

I feel for you! My DS (4yo at the time)and I were there at that time too. We flew in on 9/11....we landed just before they shut down the airports. Then, when the parks and everything was closed, it started to lightning and raining so we couldn't even go swimming. My DS has Autism, so I couldn't really explain to him why everything was closed.:confused3 So, I ended up taking him down to the hotel (AS Sports) gift shop and spending over $100.00 in toys and things to keep him busy in the room. But, when the parks reopened, they were pretty much deserted!
I don't know the exact story because I was little and no one has talked about it in years and my grandparents have passed away....But my grandparents had been going to Disney almost since it opened and I think sometime in the early 80's a CM ran into my grandmother with something. Maybe a cart if I remember right? She had to go to the hospital and actually had problems because of it. I *think" they sued Disney and got some money out of it. But they never stopped going back! I should ask my dad for the real story!
Its pot-luck you never know who your gonna get. Sometimes you get a good CM, somtimes you get a mean CM, just depends.
In November, 2006, we visited Disney just before Thanksgiving and they were having a cold spell. No, I'm sorry, it was FREEZING! Snow flurries were in the forecast! I was so miserable. We had to buy gloves and hats and wear layers of clothing. It wouldn't have been so bad if you could just remove your jacket when you got inside, but with the layers of clothing, you were trapped. And then the heat would be jacked up so high in the stores and buses, I thought I was going to pass out. To top it off I woke up with a soar throat. We were scheduled to return home on Thanksgiving morn, but we left the night before. Our trip the following year made up for it.


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