The worst moment at Walt Disney

How many times did you go to disney?

  • 1 time, want to go again

  • 2,3 or 4 times can get enough

  • 5,6,7 do holidays count?

  • OH, Can't count maybe 10 times, somewhere in there

  • Never been but want to/going soon

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Amen to that!!! My in-laws are great REALLY. but they have no sense of urgency with anything and are late starters.. we like to get to the parks early before it becomes a scorcher. . :rotfl2:

Agreed. My brother-in-law and sister-in-law demand obedience from their flock- I call them HE-AND-SHE-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed. And every single thing has to become a 15 minute debate. And they schedule breakfasts at like 10:30, so you don't hit the parks until about 12:30. Never again...
My worst Disney moment would have to be getting lost.
I was 4 or 5 years old. My Uncle and Cousins came to visit us, and I guess because of the extra people everybody kinda lost track of me. At the time I had 2 brothers younger than me, and one older sister. Also, it's possible that I just got distracted... and wandered off (it happens now, so I'm pretty sure the 4 year old would have had the same problem) I remember that I had been following someone I thought was my Dad, then I'm sure I figured out it wasn't him, and probably started crying. I would like to say that I walked up to a CM and explained my situation, but I was probably bawling and somebody found me. They let me sit behind a counter somewhere, and gave me a lolly pop.

Also, in 2001 I guess the commando-style park touring got the best of me, because I started feeling sick, and went back to the condo to rest. I'm pretty sure at least one of us gets sick every time we go. Not really sick... just exhausted from overexertion.
My middle sister always gets lost at disney! Every time we go, when she was 2 (we were celebrating her 3rd birthday at disney) anyway, we all got on the elevator and we pressed the down button, then we got off, well.. most of us, my little sister was hanging on to the railing on the elevator and didn't let go and get off, so my mom turned around to see the elevator doors close with my sister in it! We were asking if anyone had seen a little girl come off the elevator everyone said no! Then the elevator opened up and there she was with a CM holding her hand standing right by her, she said, is this your child? Later I asked her if she remembered what happened she said all I remember is I pressed a lot of buttons and ended up on the top floor with lots of CM's, one asked were my mom was, she said down there! My sister: :worship: floor!
I just got back and the thing that sticks in my mind is what a some people said to my dad. My dad used a scotter for the trip ( he has cancer and his knees are going) Well to make a long story short we were leaving mk from the fire works which were great!!. We were in line at the bus to go back to the hotel and due to dad being in the scooter he and one other in a wheel chair were let on frist. The people in the line we rude and saying things like : They should not get on frist and they should wait like us". ( there was a bus behind the one we were getting on ) Well they made my dad and the other in the wheel chair feel realy bad. I wanted to say something but I did not. The driver say " We must let all people who need help get on frist then other can get on . The drivers of the bus were great they told us if the bus was full when the next one was due.
I also forgot about the time I lost my wallet at MK....Ugh.....I did however get extremely lucky as I went to Lost n' Found....and they did not have it, but said they'd contact me at the hotel I was at to let me know if they found it. Good thing was...they found it...someone had been honest enough to turn it in.
got a kidney stone and had to spend my morning at Celebration Hospital. Luckily, it was my last day, so I didn't spend the entire vacation sick/in pain.

This was my last trip, March 2009. next time I will do a better job of drinking water, NON STOP!!!!
My worst time at Disney was during our trip in January 2008. I went with my husband, 9 month old son, Father-in-Law and Mother-in-Law. It was our first night in Disney so we went to the Magic Kingdom to see the Spectro Magic parade. We didn't realize it at the time, but this was the same night the "Pirates & Princess Party" was being held, so the park was very crowded with people waiting for the "P&P Party" to start.

Me, my son and my MIL found a spot on the curb in front of the Confectionary to view the parade. My husband and FIL went to ride Space Mountain before the parade started. While sitting on the curb, my MIL needed to go to the bathroom, so I pointed to where she should go. I told her to meet me right back in front of the confectionary. Well, the parade started and none of my family showed up. I was sitting there with my son during his first trip to Disney all by myself. I called my husband on his cell phone and he told me that he was stuck inside the ice cream shop or Crystal Palace (one of those places down at the corner). I said "what do you mean you are stuck?" He said they cut through the restaurant to get around the crowd, but once they got in there it was grid lock. You couldn't move forward or back, because there were so many people inside and outside of the doors. There was a rented stroller jammed inside the door as well and you couldn't climb over it. No one would move. People were arguing and almost ready to fight. A CM came along and saw the stroller, but decided that he wasn't able to remove it or help the crowd out, so the CM just left.

As far as my MIL she couldn't navigate her way back to the confectionary. (it was her first time at Disney). So I watched the parade with my son from curbside, my husband and FIL watched the parade stuck inside some shop and who knows where my MIL watched the parade. I was really sad, because it was my son's first trip to Disney and first Disney parade. He loved all the lights and music and he was giggling, etc, but my husband didn't get to enjoy it with him. Oh well, at least Momma and Baby had a moment together... just the two of us in the most magical place on earth.
(4) The last (and only recent) two times my Dh has gone to WDW, he has returned home with a raging case of Pink Eye. That starts on the plane. The first of those two times, he also had some sort of illness. We had scheduled a late flight, so we checked out and planned to spend the day at DTD before catching ME, and he was SO miserable. And we had nowhere to just sit except the lobby of the resort. Poor guy.

I had all but forgotten this thread until I got a notification today. I read back and realized I needed to update. We were down again last October. Not too long after we got back, DH was diagnosed with pneumonia. Coincidence? You be the judge.
I'm actually glad to read that most of the "worst" things to happen really aren't so bad ;)

I have 2 to share, neither really happened directly to me. The first was in Nov 08, we had dinner at 1900 Park Fare and an older woman tripped over my chair and landed HARD on the floor. She ended up with a really nasty large skin tear on her arm. I felt so bad for her (and it was pretty gross).

The other was in Dec 08, my DH got a really really bad virus and was stuck in the room for 2 days. We skipped our Ohana reservation all together (so much for free dining) and then the next day I took my son to Epcot and Garden Grill by myself. It surely wasn't the same without DH, and we felt terrible leaving him sick in the room, but on the bright side, it gave my son a chance to lead the way, we did what he wanted (rode the monorail a lot LOL) and had some good bonding time.
On our Dec 07 trip DD got the flu about a week before our trip, in spite of taking a bottle of Airborne, I got it on the 2nd day of our trip so we were both sick for most of the time we were there. I remember the night of our Garden Grill ADR when we got back to the room I was running a 103 degree fever:sick: We both tried to make the best of it & took Advil & had a good time in spite of being sick at Christmas.

During our Sept 08 trip we went to Fantasmic, the wind was blowing so badly that the images were distorted & as I was wiping the spray off my glasses they broke in half:scared1:Thankfully, I had my contacts back in the room but somehow DS & I got separated in the crowd after the show & I had to find my way to the bus stop half-blind, not fun at all.

All in all, I have always tried to make the best of things & have fun in spite of any roadblocks we faced, after all we were in the happiest place on earth & nothing gets you down for long.
I've been to Disney so many times I can't count so I didn't vote in the poll.

I can't remember a bad experience at any of the local theme parks per se but the last time I renewed my pass in early March, the girl completely screwed the ticket up. She took the old pass and voided it...which they had never done before. I told her I still had about a month left on the old ticket and she assured me the "new" ticket would be fine. When I went to AK the next week, the "new" ticket wouldn't work because she made the ticket effective in I had to go to Guest Services and they straightened it out.

Other than that...nothing too bad. (Knock wood of course.)
I planned a trip for my friend (who lived in MO) & I (who lives in MA) to go to WDW. She claimed she had never been, so we went. She had not paid me her cost of the trip ahead of time, but said she would when we met at Disney. On the way to the hotel she tells me how she was just there 3 months ago with her boyfriend, how they stayed at the Contemporary and did all of this stuff, but did not want to tell me since I had paid for everything already. WHAT???? :scared1: So, I was a little perturbed at this point, but I was at WDW, so ok. This is where is goes sour. She slept until 10-11am, and it was a struggle to get her going in the morning to get to the parks. The only places we could eat at were those that sold hot dogs or hamburgers. She did a few attractions, but then wanted to go back to the hotel room or she would sit & sulk. She then told me "Having just been here, all I want to do is stay in the room, watch tv and eat donuts." WHAT???? :scared1: :mad: I did not spend all of this money to come to Disney to sit in a room all the time!!! :mad: So by the beginning of day 3, I was frustrated :headache: and asked for the money she owed toward the trip. She gave me the cash and stopped talking to me. I left her in the room, eating a box of frosted donuts and hit the parks. On day 4, I left the room early & came back from the parks around 1pm to find her stuff gone and a message saying she decided to catch an earlier flight home to see her boyfriend. Well I said (to an empty room) "Don't let the hotel room door hit you in the butt on the way out." I enjoyed the rest of my vacation, but her attitude and actions soured our relationship and we never spoke again.
My sister unexpectedly was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer (breast, bones, lungs, skin, heart lining etc) She adored her 4 grandchildren and hated the thought that the youngest 2 wouldn't remember her. She was a dis freak, went every year, had her classes at school plan dis trips for creative writing.

She decided to go to a princess dinner, dress the kids up, take lots of pictures and the 4 cousins would never forget it. I called as soon as adr's were possible and got a cm who slowly took my info. We did not get the castle but did get norway. We all had the confirmation number--it was soooo important.

We got to Norway early. We had built up the excitement for the kids with costumes, special props etc. My sister was in much pain but she held out for lunch. When we checked in we were told that our adr wasn't there!! We had the number-all of us. I begged, explained, cried to no avail. The manager was actually acting like I was talking about an inconsequential. I talked to a nice cm who emailed me a complaint number. I called and asked for a change so this would never happen again. "Maria said she would send a picture frame" to make up for it. I told her that nothing could make up for it and we did not want compensation. She sent a princess frame (and we had not picture to put in it!!!) She told the cm "I've taken care of them!!!"

I recently showed the two youngest a scrapbook of their beloved grandma and they didn't know who she was. It broke my heart. She died a year ago. I'll never forget that. DW betrayed us.
Well, when I was like 12, I dropped my purse while on the tram in the parking lot. My dad jumped off to save it (maybe some lip gloss and a few dollars were even in there) and he immediately fell. He broke a couple ribs and had a bruise with the word Minolta imprinted on his ribs from the camera! LOL

Last November, I had a bad experience with a a CS location in AK. We purchased and paid for 3 coffees. Suddenly the coffee machine broke and it could not be repaired. We asked for a refund but the cast member did not know how to issue one. He offered no solution other than "Sorry". We demanded he get a manager there. Long story short, the manager was NOT helpful, offered NO compensation for the fact we had just wasted an hour and all we got was 2 bottled waters that we didnt want in the first place.
I just got back and the thing that sticks in my mind is what a some people said to my dad. My dad used a scotter for the trip ( he has cancer and his knees are going) Well to make a long story short we were leaving mk from the fire works which were great!!. We were in line at the bus to go back to the hotel and due to dad being in the scooter he and one other in a wheel chair were let on frist. The people in the line we rude and saying things like : They should not get on frist and they should wait like us". ( there was a bus behind the one we were getting on ) Well they made my dad and the other in the wheel chair feel realy bad. I wanted to say something but I did not. The driver say " We must let all people who need help get on frist then other can get on . The drivers of the bus were great they told us if the bus was full when the next one was due.

It's unbelievable to me how people can be so ignorant and selfish. The main reason they let the scooters/wheelchair bound passengers on first is because they have a certain spot for the wheelchairs to fit. If people get on first and the wheelchair/scooter bound people "wait" like everyone else, not only are the people who sit in the wheelchair spot going to be pissed off because now they have to move to make room for the people who need that spot, but it's not safe and it takes alot longer.

There are alot of people who don't like to "wait" for anything anymore. On our last trip down, there was almost an incident at the bus stop. The bus driver stopped to let off a wheelchair bound person and someone thought they were going to be slick and try to get on ahead of other because they had a stroller - obviously the busdriver didn't see this person and almost shut the door on her. Her husband was all up in arms because of that....,Hey doofus! Your wife was trying to sneak in and you have the audacity to get pissed off at the driver because he didn't know this in the first place? Nice!
Did you ever have a bad time at disney? :sad1: If you did what's your story!

here's mine

I worked a summer to get enough money to take my cousins to wdw.
I was so happy :) I felt so good, but when we got there thay were rude and Thay yelled at my 2 sisters and the son started the fights and blamed it on my sisters. :headache: Both cousins left the son with us (he was nice with out his mom around) and he had fun ridding rides like, peter pan, dumbo and tea cups, thay rode scary ride like tower of terror, :scared1: but when the mom came back he was mean again! :headache: so we said you go your way and well go our's, we had more fun that way. After the trip we came home, one of them came and said thank you to me for the trip, I said your welcome:hug: I still see my cousins and the son every once in a while ever so often, thay say hi then we move along like nothing ever happend, Its ok though I know or hope I know I did something good, It does fill good inside.

I don't think I've ever had a bad time at Disney. :goodvibes lol. I think the worst thing that happened was either not being able to go on a really cool ride or it rained for a little bit. But thats it. :thumbsup2
I gotta say I don't think I've ever had a horrible time at Disney ever. I've had one time that I didn't get enjoy myself as much as others but it was mainly becasue of the person I was with. There were two times that I've had a problem that kind of put a damper on the trip but one time was entirely my fault because I lost something...had nothing to do with Disney CM's at all.

2) the last time we went there was an error on my bill the day we were leaving. It was early when I first noticed it and being the restaurant wasn't open yet, there was nothing they could do yet. I checked again on it before we left for the airport and it was rectified within 10 minutes.

I've been very lucky for the most part and look forward each time I leave to the next time I can return.
Pneumonia. Definitely pneumonia. I spent half my trip in Celebration Hospital. Well, more than half, really, because I couldn't go home when I planned. Delta and Alamo were great about the extensions, though, as was the hotel to which I'd been intending to move when the SoG CM insisted on calling an ambulance :).

Not so bad, really - after three hours in the ER, the only room they had available was the Presidential Suite :teeth: complete with sitting area, balcony, and a view of the Illuminations fireworks.


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