There's Not Enough Time in the World...A Grand Vacation


DIS Veteran
Feb 16, 2015
This is my first time doing a trip report so please bear with me. I also have over 60GB of videos and pictures to sort through.
I'll start off with introductions. Me (aka Chelsea, age 30) stay at home mom, certified elementary teacher, and I do manual writing and graphics from home. DH (aka Rick, age 34) engineer and VP at the family company dealing with high voltage safety equipment, if you have a computer or code question he can answer it. DS (aka Collin, age 5) preschool student who enjoys skylanders, parkouring, and cuddles. DD (aka Zoey, age 5) preschool student who enjoys playing barbies with daddy, swimming under water, and acting like a princess.MIL (aka Mema, age 50 something) Newly appointed pres of the family company and matriarch. SIL (aka Aunty Kristy, age 30) Sale Manager at family company and a fan of fun and sun.EPCOT_WRLDSHW2_7461754130 (2).jpeg

We had 8 wonderful days and 7 night at The Grand Floridian Resort with 7 day Park Hopper tickets and the regular Disney Dining Plan.

Saturday September 12- Saturday September 19, Grand Floridian Resort

The Plans

Saturday 9/12= Travel Day, Check-in, Dinner at hotel

Sunday 9/13= Magic Kingdom Frontierland/Adventureland, Swim at hotel, Dinner at Poly

Monday 9/14= Animal Kingdom, Swim at hotel, Epcot at night

Tuesday 9/15= Magic Kingdom Fantasyland, Swim at hotel, Dinner at hotel

Wednesday 9/16= Universal Studios WWoHP, Magic Kingdom for dinner and Fireworks

Thursday 9/17= Epcot

Friday 9/18= Swim at hotel, and MNSSHP at Magic Kingdom

Saturday 9/19= Swim at hotel, Check-out, Magic Kingdom, and Travel Day

Meal Reservations:

Grand Floridian Café Dinner

Ohana’s Dinner

Sanaa Lunch

Via Napoli Dinner

Crystal Palace Breakfast

1900 Park Fare Dinner

Cinderella’s Royal Table Dinner

Tokyo Dining Dinner

Be Our Guest Breakfast

Be Our Guest Dinner

Note: Several were cancelled due to exhaustion and timing

Special Moments Appointments

Pirates League 9/13 1:30pm both kids

Bippity Boppity Boutique 9/16 both kids

Senses Spa 9/17 Just me

We had a handful of firsts for us this trip and learned a lot that we can use for our future trips.

Some tips or complaints:
1) Weekends during low crowd times are still crowded.
2) I'm pretty sure they sold more tickets for MNSSHP than they say they do. It was very crowded and it wasn't even a sold out night. Crowded as in it felt like a regular day at the park on a level 7 day, yikes.
3) Ordering water from Garden Grocer was fabulous but we also ordered way too much other stuff and they botched the order up, taking a couple days to get it straightened out.
4) DDP is way too much food. Holy Cow I could not eat anymore. We often said no thank you to dessert and had things to pack for later. We even cancelled some reservations and were still full to the brim. Not to mention if you order anything that isn't covered it confuses the bill. Don't be buzzed or drunk while figuring out the check, lol.
5) Doing the BBB and then getting a FP+ for Enchanted Tales with Belle for after the appointment worked out so well. Our son, Collin, was knighted in the Beast cape and at Tales he was chosen for the role of the Beast. This moment was magical and had me in tears.
6) There was not enough time to do Sorcerers of Magic Kingdom, we picked up our first packs and that was as far as we got. Maybe next time, or maybe the home game.
7) I preferred watching the fireworks on our balcony rather than in the park because exiting is a madhouse and people get very rude.
8) We were the last stop on the DME from the airport, I think we'll take a taxi next time. Everybody was dying of hunger.
9) Don't try to wear very expensive sunglasses on your body anywhere on Space Mountain, you will lose them. And the park Lost and Found and park property Lost and Found won't answer the phone.
10)Plan a day or days for just resort or water park. We got a bit burnt out.

I will hopefully be able to post our first day soon. Enjoy!


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Day 1 Travel Day 9/12/2015

“Are we there yet?”

We woke up very early at 5:30am, Rick and I got ourselves ready and then went into the kid’s room to wake them. When the kids woke they found a trail of pixie dust which led to their special Tinkerbelle gift. They received a special note from Tinkerbell with 3 trading pins, a lanyard, Mickey and Minnie Mouse hats with sunglasses. The kids then got dressed. When Mema and Auntie Kristy arrived we all toasted with champagne and lemonade for the kids before getting in the airport service SUV. In an hour we arrived at Bradley and made our way through check-in and security. We had breakfast at Dunkin Donuts before boarding our direct flight to Orlando! Collin and Zoey both got special flight wings to wear. Collin was especially excited about take-off and Zoey put headphones on and watched the TV like it wasn’t a big deal.
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After landing we grabbed our bags and headed to DME. Unfortunately the bus had our hotel (The Grand Floridian) as the 5th and last stop for the day and I was starving. Check-in was dicey because we were texted about our rooms on the way there and we didn’t get the same building nor the building we requested which meant not connected either. We went to the front desk to check-in and straighten it out. They said they were very booked because of the Night of Joy concerts but they got us two connected rooms in Big Pine Key which we were weary of with regards to the view but the staff promised us it was a perfect theme park view and closer to pools, further from the loud boat horns so it would suit us better. And it sure did! We were in rooms 9343 and 9344 and we had a wonderful view of the Castle, entrance to MK, monorail, Contemporary Resort, and 7 Seas Lagoon.

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We then unloaded everything and waited for our Garden Grocer order while Mema and Aunty Kristy went to MK for a few rides. Garden Grocer dropped the ball on the order, we received half of it and it took 2 days to straighten it out and still missed on 2 of the 3 bottles of sunscreen we ordered but at least we got all the water. I took Collin and Zoey to the Mad Hatter Splash Pad Pool next. They had a blast for about 30 minutes before we needed to get washed up.
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Then we rushed down to dinner at The Grand Floridian Café. This restaurant was beautiful but a bit on the warm side and a bit slow. It was majorly thunder storming outside so we had dinner and a show. There wasn’t one thing to complain about with food or drinks, everything was delicious. We went back to our room and got the kids to bed. Rick and I went over to Mema and Aunty Kristy’s room and watched the Electric Water Pageant from their balcony before going to bed ourselves.
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You have a lovely family! Sounds like your trip was off to a good start in spite of the grocery snafu. Glad to hear it sorted itself out in the long run.
Day 2 Magic Kingdom 9/13/2015

“I’m singing in the rain”

The alarm went off at 6:45am and everybody got dressed while Rick showered. We got breakfast at Gasparilla Island Grill then took the resort monorail to Magic Kingdom.
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We watched the welcome show which was a first for us and loved it! We entered the park and made our way into Adventureland. We went straight for Splash Mountain and walked right on. Collin didn’t like the ups and downs in the dark the first time around. There was still no line so we went on a second time without having to get out! Collin closed his eyes in the dark this time, and loved the ride. We didn’t use our FP+ for Splash so I changed it to Jungle Cruise for later. After Splash Mountain we went on Big Thunder Mountain Railroad with a 10 minute wait. This one was loud for Collin but I convinced him to try it again, this time with our FP+ as the line was now 30 minutes. I put my hand over his ears during the loud parts and he “woohooed” the whole way with a smile. We grabbed some Mickey Ice Cream bars and a frozen banana for me.
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Then we parted way with Mema and Aunty Kristy and headed towards Magic Carpets. A storm front came in and we bailed for the Tiki Room which the kids enjoyed. It was pouring rain and continued to do so for a couple hours so the ponchos came out. We went towards Buzz Lightyear Spin but the line was out the door so we went to some shops on Main Street to kill time before our Haunted Mansion FP+. The kids really liked HM except for the people screaming in the room before the ride. After HM we did the Shootin Arcade which was tricky for the kids because the rifle was heavy. Then we went back to do the Magic Carpets in the rain before going on Jungle Cruise. The kids loved the Jungle Cruise and our skipper was very sarcastic. Sorry for no pictures but it was really raining out.
We arrived at Pirates League at 1:20pm. Collin became Roger Raidrage with a ghosted pirate look and seriously didn’t look like himself. Zoey became a beautiful mermaid. The experience was 100% worth it! We finished right when the sun came out.
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We headed back to the hotel for nap and then swam at the Beach Pool with the slide. Dinner was at Ohana’s tonight. This was an amazing experience too. I was glad I came super hungry though, because holy cow the amount of food is unreal. Collin and Zoey got lei’s for their birthday and ate so much food, I was surprised. We went back to the room after and watched Wishes Fireworks and the Electric Water Pageant from the balcony all together before heading for bed.
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Day 3 Animal Kingdom and Epcot 9/14/2015

“Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh my!”

We got up, dressed, and grabbed breakfast to go. The bus wait for Animal Kingdom was so long and kept changing. We didn’t make it to opening time. The bag check line took us over 30 minutes and had my blood boiling. Because of the delays from the bus and bag check and had to skip Dinosaur and Dinoland and go straight to Kali River Rapids for our FP+. We went on it twice and all loved it both times and got soaked. Rick got the downhill soaker both times. Then we did the Kilimanjaro Safari and got to see the new giraffe’s calves. We stopped to get treats before meeting with Mema and Kris so we could do Everest while Collin and Zoey did It’s Tough to Be a Bug. Everest was first for us and although I could feel the G force, I really enjoyed it. After that we checked the wait for Dinosaur but it was too long. We had a lunch res at Sanaa (AKL) at 1:05pm. Rick and I got a couple gifts for Collin and Zoey and met back with them. They loved the 4-D show and couldn’t stop talking about the spiders. We raced for the bus for Animal Kingdom Lodge. It was taking forever and we were going to be a lot late.
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Everybody was tired so we decided to cancel and go back to the hotel. We had pool side service for lunch and swam for 2 hours. Collin and Zoey did the slide like 20 times and then played a fun pool game. We napped and washed up for Epcot.

On the monorail there we met a very nice family from Texas and talked to them the whole way there. The weather tonight was beautiful. When we passed in front of the ball at Epcot on the monorail, the kids’ faces lit up. We walked straight to our reservation at Via Napoli in Italy Showcase. We were seated and had Denise as our waitress who was very helpful for ordering using the DDP. Rick and I ordered two different individual pizzas so we could try each other’s. This dinner really hit the spot and everybody liked their food. From there we headed to Japan for the Mitsukoshi Store. This one of our favorite places to go, I could spend a whole day here. Collin chose a pokemon figurine “Yheveltal” and Zoey chose a Mermaid Hello Kitty. We stopped in France for a Lemon Meringue Tart and in UK Rose and Crown Pub for Rick’s scotch. Then we set out to find a spot for Illuminations. I went back to UK for more scotch while Collin and Zoey interacted with some ducks with Rick while waiting. The fireworks were fantastic (a first for Rick and kids) and then we walked back for the monorail back to Grand Floridian. This was definitely the best night we had as a family.
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Day 4 Magic Kingdom 9/15/2015

“When it’s lost, it’s lost forever”

We got up super early for a breakfast at Crystal Palace in Magic Kingdom at 8:10am. The monorail wasn’t working yet so we had to take the boat which took forever. We got to the park already past our res time and ran to Crystal Palace. We had about a 10 minute wait and were seated by 8:30am. Breakfast was buffet style and was yummy (especially the cheesy potatoes and Pooh’s Puffed French Toast). Collin and Zoey met all the characters and got autographs for their hats. They bounced with Tigger and Zoey tickled Eeyore’s belly.
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From there we went to It’s a Small World while waiting for Mema and Kristy before going on Seven Dwarves Mine Train for our FP+. Mema and Aunty Kristy had gone off to Splash and didn’t make it back in time to go on with us. 7DMT was a first for the four of us and it was so much fun, Collin’s favorite. From there I took Collin and Zoey on the Carousel while Rick met up with Mema and Aunty Kristy. Collin named his pony Harry, Zoey named hers Rosie and mine was Jet but Collin changed it to Rocket. Then we used our FP+ for Peter Pan. We went on IASW one more time, this time with Mema and Aunty Kristy. Then we headed to Gaston’s Tavern for some LeFou’s Brew which Collin loved and a warm cinnamon roll which I was left to myself to eat (yikes). We got to sit under his antlers and take pictures in his thrown. We caught a glimpse of him outside. Zoey said “Let’s check Gaston out”. He overheard and replied “I hear ya cause my ears are that strong… I’d check myself out too”. Too funny! After Gaston’s we did Under the Sea, Dumbo, and Goofy’s Barnstormer which Zoey especially liked. Then we walked over to Tomorrowland, met up with Mema and Aunty Kristy again so Rick and I could ride Space Mountain. Rick and I did Space Mountain for the first time. My sunglasses fell to my feet and Rick lost his ($300 Revo sunglasses) completely. After ride, park and TTC lost and found, still gone, boo. But it was fun.
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We were all exhausted by then and decided to leave for the hotel. On the way out I fell back and went shopping on Main without everybody before returning to the hotel. I went down with the kids, and Mema and Aunty Kristy to the Courtyard Pool. Collin and Zoey made friends with a sweet girl named Ashlynn and had fun jumping into the water to try to touch the bottom. We washed up and kids watched Netflix on their ipads while I worked out at the fitness center. Then I washed up and we went to dinner at 1900 Park Fare. The buffet was pretty good. Collin and Zoey met Cinderella, Prince Charming, Lady Tremaine and the stepsisters. Collin got a kiss from Anastasia and now has a crush on her. He showed me his kiss mark and told me not to wash it away. We wrapped up dinner around 7:45pm and got back to get ready for bed.
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Day 5 Universal Studios and Magic Kingdom 9/16/2015

“Guy in the second row green shirt”

Up bright and early again. We got the kids ready for Mema and Aunty Kristy so Rick and I could go to Universal Studios for half a day. They ventured off to Magic Kingdom for just a couple hours. Rick and I caught a taxi to Universal.

When we arrived we walked back to Jurassic Park for the River Adventure. Unfortunately they were stingy about the Go Pro even with it on the hat so not extended, Rick had to take it off. We also stopped at a Sunglass Hat for Rick since he lost his.


After Jurassic Park we went into Hogsmeade side of Wizarding World of Harry Potter. We went on Flight of the Gryffindor which was very short and tight on space. Then we toured Hogwarts and skipped the ride. They put you into a separate queue and we were by ourselves for the most part and even saw a room that nobody else went into with paintings having conversations with each other. Then we checked out the shops and got hot butterbeer. We were between Honeydukes and Three Broomsticks when the sky opened up and it poured buckets. I started to take my poncho out and fumbled around with it, I had it inside out and backwards. When I finally surfaced I realized that everybody had found cover in the shops and were staring at me from the windows including Rick. He said everybody really enjoyed watching me flail around and that I would be a youtube star soon. After walking into Honeydukes and getting embarrassed we bought a pumpkin cake before boarding the Hogwarts express for Diagon Alley.

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We arrived on the other side and walked around for a while before taking a tour of Gringott’s (no ride). I forgot my magic wand in the hotel room so Rick and I went to Oliveanders and got the Professor Dumbledore wand that works in the windows since Rick really wanted that one anyways. We walked around and did some magic in the shop windows. We ate lunch at Leaky Cauldron. I had the Mini Pie Combo which was very good, very filling, and very hot. Rick had the banger sandwich. We did some more window magic and shops then headed back over to the Hogsmeade side. We walked back out of the park and caught a taxi to Epcot instead of the hotel.

Rick wanted to buy Collin another pokemon figurine at Japan Showcase so he could have pokemon battles and because we bought Zoey a Hedwig Owl backpack. We got back to Grand Floridian by monorail just as Mema and Aunty Kristy were taking Collin and Zoey to the Bippity Boppity Boutique appointment.

Rick and I rested for a little bit then met up again with them at Magic Kingdom. They looked amazing and they had some special photography done. Collin was knighted and Zoey was Belle. We walked them over to Enchanted Tales with Belle using a FP+. The technology used here was beautiful. Zoey was chosen to play Maurice and Collin was cast as the Beast. Zoey had to shiver behind bars and Collin had to roar, which he did a fantastic job of. At the end they all march around and take their bows. Collin was held back for a sec. He was then brought up to dance with Belle. He bowed to her and took her hands and waltzed. It was such a magical moment, it had me in tears.

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Afterwards, we went to Cinderella’s Royal Table for dinner. We waited a super long time in the foyer downstairs after meeting Cinderella, I almost thought they forgot about us. Fortunately, the wait was worth it as the food was incredible. Collin and Zoey met Snow White, Aurora, Ariel, and Jasmine. Collin asked Jasmine for a kiss.

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After dinner Rick’s foot was killing him so he went back to the hotel for the night. The kids and I and Mema and Aunty Kristy used our FP+ and went on 7DMT at night which I swear is faster. We got off and the CM’s had roped things off so we were stuck in the back by the carousel for the fireworks. We didn’t get to the Celebrate the Magic show in front of the castle but the spot back there for the fireworks was crazy. I have never been so close to big fireworks. Unfortunately, walking out of the park afterward was a madhouse. I had Collin on my shoulders and Aunty Kristy had Zoey. At some point we got separated. I went for the boat launch and got on the 3rd boat that came. Aunty Kristy and Mema took the monorail line. Collin and I got back first and got ready for bed while we waited for Zoey.

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Rick told me of the chaos he went through to get back earlier on that night. He said some woman stroked out on the Monorail platform when he got to it and the kids and girls with the lady were running around screaming and crying for help. Luckily, there was a nurse in the line who made her way to the front and helped to revive her, they boarded the lady on the monorail and took off. When Rick finally got on a family had come up in the line with a stroller and some kids. The father in the group realized there was no more space for them and that they’d have to wait because of the size of their stroller. The father let out a huge loud “f” bomb while the monorail doors were still open. When the doors shut, Rick could still hear the father going off, spitting off rounds of profanity. What a night! We were all done and ready for bed. I cancelled our 7:45am res at Cape May Café for the next morning because I knew we weren’t going to get up for it.
Day 6 Epcot 9/17/2015

“Sake, Pocky, and Sushi”

This morning we went to Epcot just the four of us and did Futureworld in the morning. We tried to do Test Track but it was drizzling and the ride was down, ended up being down the whole morning. So we went through the Innovention buildings which didn’t have anything really but we did get to meet Chip and Dale. We exited and went to Finding Nemo and Friends and went through the Sea base. Then we walked to Mexico Showcase and went on the Three Caballeros Ride featuring Donald Duck. Then it was time for our Spaceship Earth FP+. Collin and Zoey really liked this ride which I always find to be a snooze fest plus it was lacking the last 3 decades.

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We hopped back on the monorail and put the kids up for a nap. I went to my spa appointment at Senses Spa. I had the Signature Message and Wrap followed by a foot reflexology which was all wonderful and relaxing. If I didn’t have so many knots for the therapist to get out, I would’ve fallen asleep. After the kids nap, Rick dropped Zoey off at the spa with me. Zoey had a Princess Pedicure done which she really enjoyed. When we got back to the room, the babysitter from Kids Nite Out arrived. We talked about policies and what she does with the kids in the room, and we gave her our expectations of the kids and headed out for our date night. Rick had set up a dropcam in the room so we could snoop (looked like they were having fun) and Mema and Aunty Kristy took over at 8pm and put them to bed so we had from 4pm to 10pm on our own!

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We went to Epcot and went through Canada, France, Japan, UK, and Germany all in one night. We picked up scotch in the UK on the way to Japan. I had gotten the res time for our dinner at Tokyo Dining wrong and we were late. They gave us a buzzer and we could wander around in Japan for a bit. We went to a sake bar outside and got the Sake Flight (trio of sakes) and then each got a full glass of our favorite (Nigori Unfiltered). Then we went shopping on the backside of the Mitsukoshi Shop. We picked up a whole lot of Pocky, some udon, and a gross looking crab snack that we wanted to try on the kids. Our buzzer went off as we were checking out. We were seated promptly near the front window with a fantastic view of the lake. By this time I was pretty sloshed cause I had no food in my tummy and a lot of sake. The one thing I can eat a lot of is sushi. And if I drink alcohol that amount triples! We ordered 3 rolls, appetizers, 2 entrees, and dessert. We had an amazing time there and would definitely repeat this experience. Then we went shopping in Germany and Norway before leaving for the hotel. Germany had a Cinderella castle built of diamonds worth $37,500, the guy next to us said that somebody has actually purchased one before. The kids were in bed when we returned. We hung out in Mema’s room and talked for a while before heading to bed.

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Day 7 Magic Kingdom MNSSHP 9/18/2015

“Can you roar like a lion?”

We were all too tired and we knew we had a late night coming so we cancelled our Be Our Guest breakfast which was early and went for a leisurely breakfast at the Grand Floridian Café which really hit the spot and we got to try a Press Pot Coffee! Then we headed to the pools. The pools at the Grand Floridian are wonderful. We swam for a couple hours and then I got the kids down for nap. Rick stayed in the room with them while I went back to Epcot as quickly as I could to make some purchases we should’ve made the night before.

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When I returned we got the kids up and did make up and costumes for the Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party. I went as Queen of Hearts, Rick was Haunted Mansion’s Ghost Host, Collin was Olaf and Zoey went as Vanellope Von Sweetz. We got into the parks, got our bands and trick or treat bags, and headed to Tea Cups. Rick outspinned me this time and I was happy we did this before dinner and not after. Then we met up with Mema and Aunty Kristy for dinner at Be Our Guest. The hostess pulled some strings and got us a table in the West Wing. We were sat at the table right in front of the painting that changes from prince to beast during a thunderstorm. Dinner was delicious.

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Afterwards we did 7DMT, the Tomorrowland Speedway (found out who gets Daddy’s sports car when they turn 16), Buzz Lightyear Spin, and People Mover. The party then officially started and we went over to the Dance Party and danced with Sully and Mike from Monsters Inc... Then we headed to Adventureland and had Dole Whip and did some trick or treating in that area. Then it was time to claim a spot for the Boo to You Parade. We found a spot across from Peco Bills in Frontierland and sat for a while. I made friends with the little girl next to me and offered her some of my 3D heart stickers I had packed as extras for my costume. The parade started with the Headless Horseman followed by the parade (a good bit of time between the two). The parade was incredible with so many characters you wouldn’t ever see any other time. The parade ended and we booked it to Splash Mountain and walked right on. Splash at night is pretty fun. After that Rick’s foot couldn’t take it anymore so we headed for Main Street. We caught the end of the Hocus Pocus Spelltacular and then managed to find a spot to sit without too much blockage. Rick went back to the hotel and I stayed with Collin and Zoey. We watched the Celebrate with Magic Show and then the Hallowishes Fireworks which were incredible. I could see Collin was getting very tired. We walked down Main Street into the Confectionary and got Collin and Zoey the Halloween tubs of cotton candy I promised them then headed out. On our way out I saw that Mickey’s Meet and Greet time was 10 minutes. Collin and Zoey got super excited so we ran up the stairs and got in line. It was talking Mickey in his magician costume! He asked if the kids knew how lions acted. Zoey roared and then Collin got on the ground and started rolling over like a lion (he saw this happen while on the safari earlier in the week). This made Mickey laugh so hard he fell to his knees. The whole room was hysterically laughing, magical moment of the day. We then took a few pictures out front and boarded the boat back to Grand Floridian.
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Day 8 Magic Kingdom, Check Out, Travel Day

“Goodbye Disney we’ll miss you”

We woke when the kids did, so we essentially had a little sleep in. I brought breakfast up to the room from Gasparilla’s so we could start to pack up. We put the bags into storage and shipped some merchandise back home. We then went swimming one last time at the beach pool and then we stood together under the Mad Hatter bucket. We got dressed and did the airline check-in with our bags. Rick stayed with Mema and Aunty Kristy at the Mizner’s Lounge and sipped on high end scotch.

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I took Collin and Zoey to Magic Kingdom one last time. We grabbed popcorn and took the Railroad to the back of the park. There we got in line to meet Minnie Mouse and Daisy Duck. Collin wore his Mickey Mouse band from a birthday card he got, it plays the hot diggity dog song. He got Daisy Duck and Minnie Mouse to dance to it. Then we rode the tea cups and Collin and Zoey got to spin it this time! After that we used our FP+ for Anna and Elsa Meet and Greet. We had to get going soon, so I stopped in at the Christmas Shoppe and we got a few ornaments and then walked down Main St. before the parade started, yikes what a crowd and we bought a ton of snacks at the Confectionary to use up our snack credits.

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We got back to the hotel just in time to board the Magical Depress Bus for the airport. We got there and through a ridiculous security line and headed for On the Border for dinner before boarding our flight home. We arrived early at Bradley found Pedro from our airport service and got home around 11pm where Ghost greeted all of us with a smile and wagging tail.
Youtube link to our vacation video if you're interested. Sorry the music is tacky but Youtube wouldn't let me post my original due to copyright claim. Enjoy!



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