Things you miss at Disney that should be brought back

At MK- Alien Encounters (now Stitch)--- we did that my first trip and it was gone the next time... Yes, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire too!
Yeah, I guess it was better when the alien guts exploded all over you. :laughing:
I used to love DreamFlight. I loved the forced perspective dioramas. It's kind of bittersweet now to ride Space Ranger Spin and go through the "jet engine" effect... it's nice that part of DreamFlight remains, but it reminds me that the best parts are on the scrap heap. But I really like Buzz so that makes it easier, unlike the lame Pooh area that replace 20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA... scrapped for a little playground, seriously?! I really liked the skyway, too. But I understand why that had to go. I spent a couple of summers as a security guard at Six Flags and those buckets were a constant source of strife: spitting, dropping stuff, shouting improprieties, drugs, sex, you name it. That one ride occupied about 5 guards' time.

At Epcot, I still mourn the loss of both World of Motion and Horizons. If nothing else they should have kept the post-show area of WoM, it was way better than what they have at TestTrack. If they were going to replace pavilions with rides why wouldn't they start with Wonders of Life? Oh, and the EPCOT Outreach resource center with all their technology related handouts... I loved that place!

But those are gone forever. The one thing I miss that they could, should, and really must bring back are happy CM's who love their jobs and cherish the Disney legacy.

i thought the sky way closed when the CM got killed on it. It closed right after that and never reopened. There never seemed to be a problem til that unfortunate incident.
I miss Horizons, the other "alley" on Main Street when the Barber Shop was there, even the tacky Mission to Mars, lol.
i thought the sky way closed when the CM got killed on it. It closed right after that and never reopened. There never seemed to be a problem til that unfortunate incident.


I don't think I heard about that. What happened?!?

See. I knew there was a reason I didn't like it...:eek:

I don't think I heard about that. What happened?!?

See. I knew there was a reason I didn't like it...:eek:

before the park opened, a cm was working on the fantasyland end of the ride, on the platform. A cm on the tomorrowland side started the ride up unbeknownst to him that the CM was on the edge of the platform. Once it started up, the CM in fantasyland grabbed on to a car and held on as long as he could but lost his grip right as it approached dumbo. he died from head injuries. The ride never reopened.
River Country
Discovery Island
Cranium Command
An overgrown FW
FW Train (was gone before we first actually stayed at FW)
Mr. Toad
Someway to get directly to TTC from FW (we like to use the Monorail and Ferry) and actually liked when TTC was a hub since when the boys were younger we all had to take different transporation routes to see who got back to the trailer first. I understand what they have now may or may not be more efficient especially during high traffic times, but less during low crowd times.
Kitchen Caberat (SP?)
Making Memories

The day time show at EPCOT that had the fireworks, boats, and hang gliders pulled by boats

Dump Stitch and bring back something like Alien Encounters, even Mission to Mars was better than Stitch

Biggest thing that I loved being able to listen to all the traffic especially "Security" on my scanner that all changed after 2001 with Disney going digital.

i thought the sky way closed when the CM got killed on it. It closed right after that and never reopened. There never seemed to be a problem til that unfortunate incident.

I'm sure that was the proverbial straw, but I bet they had many (if not all) of the same problems Six Flags had with them. But yes, that accident was tragic.

I miss Horizons, the other "alley" on Main Street when the Barber Shop was there, even the tacky Mission to Mars, lol.

I miss Mission to Mars too. I almost put that, but my list was getting long. Another thing I miss are the shortcuts to the left of Spaceship Earth to UoE and the one through Communicore East to The Land/Living Seas. Now everybody has to go all the way to the hub to get anywhere! Lame!
before the park opened, a cm was working on the fantasyland end of the ride, on the platform. A cm on the tomorrowland side started the ride up unbeknownst to him that the CM was on the edge of the platform. Once it started up, the CM in fantasyland grabbed on to a car and held on as long as he could but lost his grip right as it approached dumbo. he died from head injuries. The ride never reopened.

OMG! That's horrible!
On the $125,000 question, it concerned something about runners. The only name I was familiar with was Frank Shorter but I had the "phone a-friend" option left and the guest that they questioned out on the street was unsure but gave a different answer. I went with my choice (Shorter) and was wrong. The phone a-friend was correct. Just goes to show.....shoulda trusted the stranger. I DO miss that attraction. It was a nice reprieve from walking and the heat on more than one occassion. Does anyone know what the plan is for that area? I'm hoping that they put a couple more attractions into MGM (Studios). We were not all that thrilled with the stunt car show and I haven't heard of anything else planned for some time.
On the $125,000 question, it concerned something about runners. The only name I was familiar with was Frank Shorter but I had the "phone a-friend" option left and the guest that they questioned out on the street was unsure but gave a different answer. I went with my choice (Shorter) and was wrong. The phone a-friend was correct. Just goes to show.....shoulda trusted the stranger. I DO miss that attraction. It was a nice reprieve from walking and the heat on more than one occassion. Does anyone know what the plan is for that area? I'm hoping that they put a couple more attractions into MGM (Studios). We were not all that thrilled with the stunt car show and I haven't heard of anything else planned for some time.

Yep, that is where the new Toy Story Mania attraction is. It is way more popular than the millionaire one was; very different of course. It is now the PIXAR STUDIOS area and is really a great addition to the park.
Cool that you came so close to winning!
The attitude that Disney was trying to provide guests with a unique and memorable experience instead of trying to find new ways to get your money from your wallet into their hands.

As far as attractions go, I really miss the Penny Arcade on Main Street. It was always our first stop in the Magic Kingdom.
Every thing that has been mentioned I pretty much miss. But other things that I miss is the guy that used to sing at trails end, swimming at the beach, and the sail boats. Also the back lot tours when it was really a tour.
The one thing I miss that they could, should, and really must bring back are happy CM's who love their jobs and cherish the Disney legacy.

Another Amen from the Amen section.....


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