Think of all the joy you’ll find …….. Update - January 06


Day 10, April 6

Lots of things to still fit in - Part 3

We knew we would be in for huge crowds, but all we wanted to do was walking up Main Street, take a ride on the Peoplemover and then head back to Epcot. When we arrived at the Magic Kingdom we were surprised that the line for bag check and at the scanning points was not all that bad at all and it only took a few minutes until we were inside the park.





We strolled through the shops, and went with the flow towards the castle, then headed towards Tomorrowland and towards the Peoplemover and we were surprised again to see how long the line actually was and that there was even a cast member holding a sign saying that the line started at this point.


We got in line and soon we were seated in a compartment and off we went.


This ride is always a favourite of ours and after we had to get off we strolled over to Fantasyland and just walked around a bit,


before picking up a


bottle of water and a Raspberry Lemonade Slush, which I used to love as it was such a nice cold and tart drink, but unfortunately this was the second time I had gotten one and it was incredibly sweet. So after a few sips in the bin it went. We walked around a bit more and walked right into some cast members making a big spectacle out of people trying to pull the sword out of the stone. We stayed and watched for quite a while






but then it was time to finally say goodbye to the castle




and head over to the bus stop. We got in line for the bus and waited for about 20 minutes, but then one finally arrived and found seats and off we went back to the Beach Club. Once we were there, we picked up our bags to change our clothes in the restroom of the Beach Club.


There was still a little time left until we had to leave so we stopped by Beaches and Cream and picked up some


Mint Chocolate Chip and some Coffee ice-cream to go and we sat outside and enjoyed our treat. And then it was really time to head back to the car, drive to the front entrance and retrieve our luggage. Once luggage was stored in the car we waved goodbye to the Beach Club and started our sad drive towards the airport. Traffic was okay and we made good progress and soon we could see the planes coming in.
And before we knew it we drove up to Hertz to return our rental and walk over to the terminal. We had done online check in, so we just needed to drop off our luggage and pick up tickets as there was no way for us to print them out. Tickets in hand we walked through some of the shops, picked up a few more souvenirs and then headed towards the security check point. It took a while to get through, but after a while we found ourselves on the sad little monorail back to our terminal.
We sat there for a while waiting and then finally it was time to board.
Again, we had paid quite some money for seats by the emergency exit and we were quickly settled in and waiting for take-off. Rather late a family came, and mum had her leg in plaster. They had reserved a whole row for her, so she could put up her leg, but unfortunately the rest of the family was spread all over the plane. We heard them discussing but had not paid enough attention to what she wanted.
Only later did the flight attendant let us know that she had wanted us to change seats with her family so they could all be closer together and she could sit in the emergency exit seat and have room for her leg. Well, the flight attendant told us that two things were against that, one being that if you sit next to the emergency exit you need to be able to open that door and she would not have been able to do that and we had paid extra money for those seats. And with that we were off and on our way home.
About an hour into the flight we were served some food,



but it was not really very good and soon after we took some sleeping pills and drifted off to sleep. During the night I woke up and found the lady with the broken leg in the flight attendants seat, slightly leaning over to one side and holding on to the handle of the aircraft door. Her leg was in the aisle and everyone who needed to go to the toilet must have had to crawl over her. I didn’t give it much more thought, but was soon after woken up by the flight attendant when she was trying to get the lady back to her seat, telling her that she was not supposed to be there in the first place. Once the commotion had died down we both went back to sleep.

To be continued ..........

Day 11, April 7

Just a few more hours … - Part 3

Around 8am we were woken up and served a small breakfast, which wasn’t really nice and no photos were taken and around 11am we touched down at Frankfurt Airport. We had two and a half hours until our flight home was about to leave and going through passport control was a breeze and soon we were in our terminal. Since we both more or less had skipped breakfast apart from the fruit we decided to get a bite to eat from one of the bakeries inside the airport. We quickly found a table by a window and took a sip of our


Diet Coke and then dug into our goodies. Tom had gotten a


Turkey Sandwich, while I needed some sugar and had picked a


Chocolate Croissant. We sat, enjoyed our late breakfast and watched the planes take off and land and then it was already time to head to our gate. We waited for a very short time, then they scanned the tickets and we were on the way to the bus that took us the outside position of our aircraft.


It took about 10 minutes until we had reached the plane and got on and settled into our seats. A few minutes later we were on our way to the runway and off we went. Didn’t take long and we were served some drinks and a Toblerone bar.


We were still feeling the effects of the sleeping aid and dozed until we arrived at our home airport.


We picked up our luggage and headed outside to the car. And after picking up our kitty from her vacation home we arrived back home to every day life.

Thanks for reading!
There are more of our trip reports out there, just check my signature, if you feel the need to follow us some more.
I had a broken leg person on my flight who was crazy too. LOL. I do feel bad, but seriously, if you choose to fly with it then you need to accept that things might be a little rough. And of course it is all in how you act and treat the flight crew too.

Thanks for this report. I always love reading them.
Wow! That was a whirlwind trip through your last day or so! I had to go back and check to see if I was thinking about the correct TR!

The Easter Parade was cute! I've always avoided Disney for major holidays, but that seems like a really cute thing to do on Easter Sunday! Then you went to Epcot, Krispy Kreme, and then back to Epcot and MK before going to the airport! Wow!

I wouldn't have needed the sleeping pills to fall asleep on the plane. Sheer exhaustion would have done it for me!

Well that's one more down in the books for you! What is still left? The Med cruise and your EBPC? This was Tom's 50th birthday trip right?
What a fantastic trip! Thanks so much for sharing. :)

A nice relaxing last day. You certainly squeezed a lot in! A lovely idea to go see the Poly and take the boat over to MK. Too bad the lemonade slush was not as it previously was.

That lady with the broken leg was leaning on the exit latch :scared:

Thank you again for sharing :)


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