Third Trip of a Lifetime!...2 TR and a PTR for the price of one!

Dec 2009 TR

The next day we head a late lunch at Epcot at LeCellier and then Candelight Processional. We were excited to experience LeCellier for the first time! We slept in a bit and then got ready and headed to Epcot. We rode a few rides and then headed over to Rose and Crown so DH could get himself a beer! DH and DD were both extra crabby that day. The "schedule" was getting to both of them :sad2: I assured them the the CP would be worth it and after this day all the "must dos" would be checked off our list!


Late lunch at LeCellier was nice. I am glad we experienced it, but frankly don't get the hype :confused3 I had the mushroom filet and DD had a kids filet that she was thrilled with because she was DONE with the kids meal offerings! After dinner we walked around for a bit and then headed to the priority seating line for the CP. We waited for a bit and then we were let in to the theater. We had wonderful seats dead center about half way up. It was a perfect view. We struck up a conversation with the people around us so that passed the time a bit. It was a chilly evening that night so I was glad that we came prepared for the cold!

Marlee Matlin was our narrator and she was wonderful. Her interpreter spoke very well and I found the whole experience magical. The music was incredible and if nothing else got me in the holiday spirit, the CP did!



It was magical at Epcot that evening...there was a full moon and it was just a beautiful evening. We took a nice stroll back to future world on our way to the monorail. We decided to ride test track and so other attractions.





The CP is a must do. It is a little disppointing that they are using 2 TS credits this year as I don't think it is worth it. I think I would just pay out of pocket for that one and find a lesser expensive dining option!

Oh my...the trip in flying by! Only a few more days left.

Stay tuned!:love:
Dec 2008 TR

So here we are, are trip is winding down. We had done all the must dos for Christmas time at we were in our self imposed free time. Other than a few more ADRs, we were going to take it slow.

The next day after Epcot and the CP was Saturday. We were not scheduled to leave until Monday evening so we decided to head back to the MK that day. We took our time heading over to the MK by boat. The boat ride is one of our favorite things to do while staying at the Poly :lovestruc




We walked around for a bit and then decided to have lunch at Tony's. They had seating outside so it was fun to sit there and people watch during lunch. Now the meal is a different was not so tasty. It was downright plain. Oh well, it ws a lovely lunch and the weather was beautiful. After lunch we decided to head back to the Poly to relax before dinner at 1900 Park Faire.




I have mentioned before how much we love to hang out in the Poly lobby. It is just such a tranquil atmosphere! DD and I decided to head to the lobby for a bit before dinner so she can meet some kids and take some hula lessons! It was too chilly for the pool and DH wanted to rest a bit.

After we got ready for dinner and took the beautiful stroll to the GF for 1900 Park Faire.


The Grand Floridian is totally magical at Christmas. The lovely Christmas tree, the gingerbread house and the live music that filters through the lobby. I love to visit there during our trips, but Christmas time is incredible!






The GF is a must at Christmas. We were having dinner that night there but we walked over to the GF many times during our trip to take in the lobby. They also have a Photopass Photog there t take a great family pic in front of the tree in the lobby!

After quite a long wait we finally got seated for dinner at 1900 Park Faire. Apparently, there was a large group that they could not get to leave their tables. A lot of us were waiting and you could tell that tensions were running high. Finally, a gentleman who was waiting with his family of two toddlers inquired to speak with a manager and then a bunch of important looking CMs were huddling together to figure out what to do. :confused3 It seems like they finally had to have someone go over and tell the group that they had to turn over the table. The group seemed put out...but come to find out later from our server, they had 27 people and they were there some two hours! How rude is that! We were starving by the time we were seated! :rolleyes:
So we were finally seated and had a wonderful server. He was quick to get us our beverages and sent us to the buffet for dinner. I do have to say that the food was not as good as our first visit the year before, but not unedible. The whole experience for us is about the Step Sisters! They are awesome and they did not disappoint this trip either!






After a nice dinner we took a walk around the GF. It was a chilly night but fitting with all the holiday decor. Breezy was really quiet and seemed tired throughout dinner so we decided to head back to the Poly and hang out on our room balcony and watch the EWP.



We all crawled into bed that night totally exhausted. We had been there for a week now and we needed a good night sleep! But DD could not get comfortable in bed and kept tossing and turning. She finally asked me to lay with her so I did. Once I laid down next to her I could feel the heat that was radiating off of her :eek: I went and got the thermometer that I brought and took her temp. Sure enough she had a fever of 103.5 :scared1:

I could not believe it! The poor little thing was so miserable. I quickly gave her tylenol and at that point DH and I knew that the next day, our last full day, we would be spending it in the room!

I was so sad DD was sick, but like our first trip, there was really no place I would rather be stranded! We had breakfast in the room and I went for a walk around the property while DH tended to DD. We kept up on the tylenol and she seemed to be doing ok. No other symptoms but the fever.:sick: We had tickets to go to our second MVMCP that night but there was no way that we were going to be able to go!


We spent the morning in the room and then we got a frantic call for my MIL. DH nephew was in an accident and not doing well...I could not believe what was happening! I told DH to pack and I went to the front desk to see what we could do about getting home today rather than the next evening.

The CM at the front desk could not have been nicer. She refunded the party tickets and told me as soon as I found out about our new flights that they would get us to the airport.

Too bad United was not as nice. First they had no flights available, then they had one, but it would cost us $800 per person one way! :headache: And it was leaving in an hour. They had the worst customer service people I have ever spoken to! Of course, I am sure I was not my usual pleasant self when I was talking to them. :rolleyes1 So here we were, our suitcases packed. DD seemed to be doing better. DH was off the wall bonkers with worry and I was a mixture of stressed and angry!

I went back down to the desk to tell Jessica, the best CM in the world that we were staying. I explained the whole airline situation and everything and I just started to cry. The poor girl was so sweet. She had me wait a minute and then she came back and handed me a room key. She said since you are packed up anyway, I will just have bell services pick up your luggage and you can spend your last night in a room in Hawaii with a lagoon view. At first I declined, but she convinced me...we were room bound anyway so why not have one of the best rooms in the resort! I hugged her and thanked her and went to go tell DH and DD. While is was a nice jester, I think it was really hard for us to appreciate the gift we were given. :flower3:

To be honest, we were in such a daze I do not remember a lot of details of that last night. We moved over to Hawaii. DD's fever broke and MIL called to say our nephew was much improved. Thank goodness, we wanted to try and salavge the last 24 hours of our time at Disney! We hung out in the room all day and then in the evening enjoyed the lounge and the beach!






After getting some fresh air we went back to the room to find the wonderful turndown service. The view was fabulous...for some reason I did not take any pics.

We all laid in bed and watched the fireworks. It really was a wonderful experience but we were full of anxiety and really just wanted to be home with the family! By the way, our nephew is just fine. All is good and he started college this fall!

Up next our last day...
So after a restless night sleep we woke up in our room in Hawaii and DD did not have a fever. We had a breakfast ADR at 'Ohana and decided to go since DD was fever free! I love breakfast at 'Ohana. Stitch is such a blast!

The breakfast is quite good and while I do think they rush you a bit, it is fun for kids and adults alike!

We saw Lilo, Stitch and Pluto quickly but Mickey was no where to be found! DH was done, done, done with character meals! He was a bit crabby by this time and I just wanted to get our luggage checked in so we could try and spend an hour or two at MK before ME picked us up!

Our Cousin (server) really wanted us to wait for Mickey but we told her we needed to go. We had been there about 70 minutes already and had finished our meal. As we were leaving Mickey was chasing us down....the server must have gotten him for us. I was very thankful to her.:lovestruc






We got our luggage checked in and stored our carry on stuff with bell services and headed to the MK for a last ride on Space Mountain! Of course by the time we were there the stand by wait time was a hour. A CM must of overheard me explain to DD that we did not have enough time and next thing I knew, she handed us two fast passes. pixiedust:

The last 24 hours of our trip the wonderful CMs at Disney World proved to us just how magical a place Disney really was!

So DD and I rode SM and then we took a last stroll around so we could go back to catch our ME bus.






We said goodbye to Main Street and the Magic Kingdom. It was time to go home. We had no plans to come back so it was bitter sweet. It was a wonderfully magical trip. Despite the last few days of tension mixed with pixie dust we had a wonderful vacation!

We waited for ME, which was very late...DD started to decline rapidly. Despite being sick she was a angel :littleangel:. No complaining or whining at all. But that was all changing. She wanted to go home and so did I. :sad2:

Waiting for ME, DD was not so happy!

We finally got to the airport and rushed to our gate only to find out that our flight was delayed and was not leaving for another 5 hours!!! The flight information screens did not reflect that information but instead we found this out after finally getting to the gate. Our gate was in an area of the airport that was under construction and not air conditioned. We were miserable! :headache: I think out pixie dust was over.

After waiting about 3 hours with no updates a gate agent finally showed their face and made an announcement about our flight, that we would be leaving in about an hour. It was the first bit of info anyone at United gave us! We even called United twice and no one would tell us anything! It was frustrating. :furious:


DD was not doing well by this time. Her fever spiked back up and she looked horrible. We finally got on the plane and took off to Chicago! It was miserable at home, cold and sleeting! Welcome back!:rolleyes:

Sadly, DD did end up hospitalized the next day after we got home for her fever and dehydration! She ended up not going back to school until after the first of the year when school resumed from holiday break!

Poor little thing! She thankfully recovered by Christmas! :santa:

So that was our second trip of a lifetime! While it ended not so good, we still have wonderful memories! That was supposed to be the last trip for at least three years ;)

In February I had to have a unexpected hysterectomy...I am only 36 so it hit me hard. I think DH told me to start planning a trip for Sept. to keep me from going into rapid depression so I did just that. But then we were not sure if I would be up for traveling by then so I canceled the trip outright. I started to feel better and then a 40% code was delivered to my e-mail box. The docs said go for it so we rebooked for October. DH and I decided we had to stay CL after our small taste in December!

So now we are about three weeks away from our THIRD trip of a lifetime! We are going to celebrate our anniversary, DH's 40th and my health! :cheer2:

Thanks for sharing our trip with me! :grouphug:

Stay tuned! I am going to finalize my PTR and get ready to celebrate Halloween with Mickey! :banana:
October PTR.....

I went to the mall today to get some is bonus time at Macys and Von Maur so I was able to get some travel size of my regular products as well as some new makeup :thumbsup2

I said I was not going to do it but I bought a bunch of new clothes! :headache: I got some great deals though. I am so confused about the weather. It seems pretty warm there now so who knows what it is going to be like in three weeks.

When we went for our first trip it was so warm and in December the weather was all over the place so I am mostly going to have to find a happy medium. I will plan for layering like we did in December. I am so frustrated by my suitcase limitations!!! Stupid airlines! :rolleyes:

I also went to the Disney store and picked up some more things for DD's in room surprise. I am really disappointed at the merchandise there these days. They do not carry socks and underwear like they used to and hardly have any clothing anymore. The PJ's were aweful. Such a shame. They had costumes galore though!

This weekend we are going to pull down the suitcases from the attic so I can air them out in the fresh air for a bit. I also promised DD that we would decorate the house for Halloween so we will do that this weekend as well. Things seem to be coming together. Two of the three of us have our flu shots (DH is the holdout) and I only have to buy a few more things for the trip. I also have to call and get an appointment for my pre trip mani and pedi:cloud9:

I am getting excited, but happily busy with everyday things to keep myself from jumping out of my skin :yay::yay::yay:

Three more weeks! :dance3::dance3::dance3::dance3:
Hi - I stumbled upon your TR on one of the Poly boards. Your daughter is gorgeous and I'm in love with her Poly-Lilo dress. How perfect!!! I'm subscribing and can't wait to read more. Got my Poly fix for awhile too...thanks for posting all the pics! :lovestruc
Hi - I stumbled upon your TR on one of the Poly boards. Your daughter is gorgeous and I'm in love with her Poly-Lilo dress. How perfect!!! I'm subscribing and can't wait to read more. Got my Poly fix for awhile too...thanks for posting all the pics! :lovestruc

Thanks! I am looking forward to this trip so much!

I loved our December Poly trip. I am trying to convince DH to go for Christmas in 2010. I would love to spend the actual holidays at the world.:santa: But I might have to try the GF for that trip.

We got DD that dress in the Poly gift shop on our first trip so I was pleased she got to use it for both trips!

I checked our your PTR! You and I have a lot of similarities in our lives.

Have fun planning, you are in the home stretch! :cheer2:
October PTR....

The suitcases are out! The house is decorated for Halloween and all my lists are updated! I feel like we are making headway.

It is freezing here in Chicagoland :rolleyes: I really find it annoying to have to wear a winter coat and gloves so early in the year! DD's soccer game yesterday was miserable.

We passed the scare of DDs high fever midweek!:scared1: We think it might have been a reaction to the flu shot. Even though it is a dead virus, sometimes your body detects a "invasion" and fights it with a fever. I am thankful it was just a 24 hour thing!

So I am monitoring the weather, but I take Florida weather forecasts with a grain of salt. I just want to know how much cooler weather stuff to bring. The shorts and t shirts are is the jeans and sweatshirts that take up space and are heavy!

My box that I am sending is all packed up. I will send it the Friday before we leave. It is full of little surprises for DD, some toiletries and the Purex 3-1 sheets and other things. The box should cost about $10-15 to send. Worth it to me...;)

Still having to deal with some doctor visits for myself and other little life annoyances, but thankfully I have a vacation soon so that stuff won't bring me down.

It is really coming soon! :banana:
Glad everything is coming along and that DD is fighting fit :)

Your two weeks are going to breeze past and before you know it you are there :)
OMG! I've been traveling for business and finally got a chance to read up on the thread. I can't believe what happened and am so sorry about it. It sounds like your DD is good and not worse for the wear but how is your nephew? Of course, you might have mentioned it and I apologize if you did but maybe I can't see it with my watery eyes (I'm upset just READING about your experience!)
OMG! I've been traveling for business and finally got a chance to read up on the thread. I can't believe what happened and am so sorry about it. It sounds like your DD is good and not worse for the wear but how is your nephew? Of course, you might have mentioned it and I apologize if you did but maybe I can't see it with my watery eyes (I'm upset just READING about your experience!)

Thanks Tink...Breezy did recover and nephew started college in the fall and is doing great.

I am sooooo looking forward to this trip for many reasons. Today I am starting to get things organized and take care of certain errands. We usually leave on a Sunday, but this time we are leaving on a Wednesday so I feel I like I have less time to get stuff together between work, kiddo stuff and other annoying obligations :rolleyes:

I heard you guys are well into winter there! Stay safe!
WOW, it is really almost time!!!

The suitcases are sitting in the front hallway. I have been waiting for a nice sunny day to air them out but it has been nothing but rain and cold here :headache: But the bright side is we are heading to sunny Florida soon! :sunny:

Today I finished the last of the toiletries shopping. We have a busy weeks ahead which is good as it will help the days pass.

I don't think I ever really listed our plans...or lack there of. This is what we have scheduled

Wed 10/28
Arrive at the Poly early evening. After checking in we will have a bite to eat and then head to the MK for Spectro and Wishes. We like to see Wishes in the park early in the trip and then enjoy them from the Poly the rest of the trip. The park closes at 9 that night so we will head back to the resort after Wishes. Hopefully our luggage will have arrived and I will unpack and get our room all set and retire early!

Thur 10/29- We will do ropedrop at MK.
It is EMH, so since we will most likely be up early we will head over there. We like to experience MK rope drop early in the trip as well. We have a 10:20ADR at CRT and then back to the Poly to rest before MNSSHP that night! DD has an appointment at the Pirate League at 4pm so she will be a pirate at the party pirate:

Fri 10/30- Who knows what park?? Maybe DHS. We will be tired from the party so that morning will be a slow one!! That evening we will do the Spirit of Aloha Dinner show and then enjoy Wishes from the Poly beach!

Sat 10/31- Happy Halloween
We will head to DAK this day for our first time and do the Wildlife Excursion!
Who knows what we will do in the evening. I guess we will find out what activities are available when we get to the Poly.

Sun 11/1- Most likely half day at MK or DHS and then the resort for pool and relaxing. Dinner at GF Cafe
** We may do a second MNSSHP if tickets are still available**

Mon 11/2 Epcot

Tues 11/3 ??park
Early ADR at Ohana

Wed 11/4 ??park
Our flight leaves at 5pm so we will probably need to head to the airport about 2pm. We usually do MK the last day but may do Epcot instead!

I suscribed to TGM, so I have his suggestions and we will use them as a guide. We were going to do a Pirate and Pals Cruise but then we decided it seemed like not such a great plan since we get to enjoy fireworks from the Poly beach. I would rather spend the money somewhere else!

I am hoping we will be able to do the second party on 11/1 but we will see if they sell out :confused3 We may get to do everything we want at the first party.

I have so many great things planned for DD and DH. In room surprises and cakes! We are celebrating our anniversary and DHs 40th among other things! :dance3:

I will start packing next Friday. I still need to set up my mani and Pedi appointments :headache: It has been a rough week at work so hopefully next week will be a bit calmer.

Oh and lets not forget the Miley Cyrus Concert the night before we leave. Funny thing is DD could really care less :confused3 She will love it when she is there. It is her first concert ever!

I am sure I will have more to say this weekend...

Oh and then there is the June trip we may be planning due to the 40% PIN we got today :cool1:

Happy Weekend :love:

I have enjoyed reading your trip reports. We also love the poly, it seems to calm us and take away any worries we may have had for the time being. Your daughter will have great memories of fantastic trips.

You are so lucky to receive pins with the 40% off. I have been to wdw 8 times, first time in 1991 when our kids were young and recently two years ago but never received a pin offer.

Have a great time,

Rain, rain, rain and cold, cold, cold :sad2:

This is what we have been enjoying the last few weeks here in lovely Chicago! But when you are planning a trip to Disney in a few days it does not seem to bother me too much :rolleyes:

The irony is my 12 hour work day seems to go so S-L-O-W...but my days off seem to be over in a instant and nothing seems accomplished :rolleyes1

Today is a non work day and I have tons to do. Little errands that don't take too much time but need to be done nonetheless. I packed up my box of goodies and toiletries last night and it is getting shipped today to the Poly. I wish I could shove myself in it! :lmao:

The suitcases will get opened on Sunday and we will start the packing process! DD loves to pack herself but she would put everything she owned in the she needs a little guidance.

We are crazy with social events this weekend so I am hoping to get things done in between and then working a 12 hour shift on Monday and then Tuesday will be my marathon day!

I am planning on tweeting during the trip and I will post a link before I leave Wednesday!

Thanks for sharing my planning with me! I look forward to coming back and sharing our vacation :grouphug:
October PTR.....

4 days and counting! :cool1:

I am surprisingly not frantic getting ready for this trip. As a matter of fact, I have just been relaxing most of today!:surfweb: I hope that does not come back to haunt me???:headache: It is nice not to worry about what Longhouse and knowing information about the resort...I think it alleviates some of the pre trip stress. The weather forecast does not seem to alarming but after two trips I think I have a handle on what to pack. Layering is the key! I know I will be doing laundry and I am ok with that!

I am one of those people that wants to have my house perfectly clean and organized when I walk out the door on vacation because when I come home, I want to come home to a clean house :thumbsup2 But while I will clean and all that...I am not going so gangbusters before this trip! I will clean a bit tomorrow...but it is time to start packing. :banana:

I shipped a box yesterday with some special treats for DD. I also included most of our toiletries and bleach wipes and laundry soap. It is really nice not to have to worry about all that junk. Most of it is disposable, meaning it will not be coming back with us, except for DD's treats!

The Poly IPO is picking up some things for me for DD to have in the room upon our arrival. I have been really pleased with the service so far! There have been some positive reviews lately so that is great to hear.

We are planning a trip for early June and while I was thinking of trying the GF, I think we are going to do a split stay at the Poly and then an Epcot resort. While we are there we are going to check them out. Right now it is between BC and BWI. I hesitate straying from the Poly completely! :love:

I did set up a Twitter account so I can do some live reports during my trip...the link is in my siggy. The tweets are pretty basic now, I am just testing it out from my cell phone but plan on utilizing it plenty during our trip!
The next 5 of our trip, we decided to finally check out DHS. Our plan was to take our time getting there...I was not sure if DD would do well on RNRC and knew TOT was not going to happen! When we woke up it looked really ominous out. We ordered some breakfast to the room and had a nice slow morning. Our past experience was that these rainstorms usually came through quickly...:rolleyes1


This day was not the case! After waiting a while in our room for the storm to pass we decided to put our raingear on and head to the bus stop. With any luck the rain would stop and the park may have fewer crowds! Oh boy...we were soooo wrong :confused3 While on the bus the rain shower turned into a monsoon! The poor bus driver could hardly see.

So here we are, a horrible rain shower and had no clue about how DHS was laid out or where to go. We were soaking despite our ponchos because the rain literally was coming back at us from the cement! :boat: To sum it up we were soaked down to our underwear and miserable!:sad2:


We decided to check out some of the stores and figure out where we were at and how to get where we wanted to go. Our plan was to try and get to TSM, but really, it was like noon at this point. The Fast passes were most likely gone two hours before! This plan was seemingly not working as we flet like we were going in circles!

We ended up starting to chat with a CM at one of the shops. This is one CM I wish I would have remembered her name because she was a doll. We were telling her that we were planning on bailing on DHS, the rain was too much and we had no clue where to go and so forth. She begged us not to leave and gave us some advice...she gave us directions to the Great Movie Ride and a CS place for lunch. We followed her instructions, we ate some lunch, I don't really remember the name of the CS place, and then headed to the great movie ride. It was still pouring when we entered the ride! But magically, to our delight as we walked out after the Great Movie Ride, the sun started to fight its way through the clouds and almost instantly it turned into a beautiful day! :sunny:


So after seeing Lights, Motor, Action...which DD and DH loved. I enjoyed soaking up some sun to try and dry off! I thankfully had my ShamWow sheets to dry off the bleachers! :lmao: I strongly suggest one in your backpack for situations like this :thumbsup2

Finally, DD decided she wants to ride RNRC! Oh yea! Mom is so excited :eek:...not really into looping coasters, but is Disney World. I don't want DD to miss a thing!

She LOVED it and so did I! :banana:

It was a great great that we rode it three times that day!


We throughly enjoyed our day and as I expected DD was not interested into riding TOT! Mom was happy:thumbsup2 We saw Indiana Jones and rode Star Tours...all the things DH loves. DHS was a hit!


After all these wonderful things it was time to get a snack and head to The Streets of America so we can see the lighting of the Osbourn Lights!

Up of the most magical site I have ever seen!

I swear we were at DHS the same exact day. If I recall was this the 1st week in December?? This is our 4th year in a row. We were at Indiana Jones when they cancelled the show due to the storm. My DH and DSIL decided we could make a run for it because we had lunch at Teppan Edo. Boy was that a mistake! We got soaked. My poor DS was the only one in gym shoes and they were so soggy. We finally found some shelter, but we were fighting to stay in a corner that was soon flooding. We made it to dinner - but again soaked!
Hi!! I found your PTR on the Poly thread and just finished reading all of it!! We stayed at the Poly in May and will be staying there again this next May--we too have fallen in love with the Poly!! :lovestruc I can't wait to read your TR!!
I just finished reading and looking at all your photos from your trip to WDW in Dec. of 2008, I think.

Your family is just adorable. You all look so happy together. So sorry your dd was ill. Kids are amazing, aren't they...they can usually bounce back so quickly.

Thanks for sharing.....we are going to WDW on December 9, and staying at the Poly. We've not stayed there before, and after seeing your photos, are so looking forward to it.


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