Third US case of coronavirus confirmed in OC


DIS Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
I just read that the third US case of coronavirus has been confirmed in California. In Orange County, in fact. This is just a few hours before I leave for the park :-(. So far nothing reported about Anaheim/Disneyland. I’m sure that if there were a connection, it would have been mentioned. In other words, I’ve read or heard nothing that has discouraged me from visiting DL. Then again, there’s little that I could read that would discourage me ;-).

More details here.
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That virus sounds frightening. 😢Hopefully they’ll be able to contain it.

Are you going to try to get a BG for ROTR today ? May the Force Be with you if you are.
Have fun today !
I was in line at Guardians of the galaxy on Friday and there was a family from China a few groups ahead of us. The mom kept coughing. I considered getting out of line, but we were in the weaving outside part and it wasn't going to be an easy escape. I did decide that I wouldn't go in the same elevator as them. I would have let lots of people pass me if it looked like we were going in the same elevator, but we were sent different directions at the first hand scan part. I know she likely just had a cold or was recovering from the flu, but I tend to avoid sick people as much as possible. If someone in the grocery line is coughing a lot, I'll switch lines.
Wash your with seats, handrails etc.. I haven`t seen any posts on this Blog site about Disney closing Hong Kong and Shanghai Parks out of fear of virus outbreak
This virus began in late November early December they are trying to catch up to the real number of victims. The Chinese are hiding the truth just look at how they are building hospitals and locking down millions that’s a state of emergency martial law type of move!

avoid crowded areas and always sanitize!! The virus is here and Disney has a lot of Chinese tourist im avoiding everything till a vaccine comes out
I was in line at Guardians of the galaxy on Friday and there was a family from China a few groups ahead of us. The mom kept coughing. I considered getting out of line, but we were in the weaving outside part and it wasn't going to be an easy escape. I did decide that I wouldn't go in the same elevator as them. I would have let lots of people pass me if it looked like we were going in the same elevator, but we were sent different directions at the first hand scan part. I know she likely just had a cold or was recovering from the flu, but I tend to avoid sick people as much as possible. If someone in the grocery line is coughing a lot, I'll switch lines.

How do you know they were "from China" and not residents of Chinese descent? You know orange county has a HUGE Chinese population, right? In fact, the majority of my neighborhood in OC is Chinese. It is also Lunar New Year celebration and that brings lots of local Asians to the parks.

I am recovering from a cold...literally just a cold. I have the WORST coughing fits due to postnasal drip causing an annoying tickle that just comes out of nowhere. I am hesitant to go out until it resolves because I don't want people freaking out unnecessarily.

The way I always see it is, a coughing adult well enough to be in a theme park is probably not contagious anymore. It's the germs you pick up from people who are JUST starting to be sick and don't know it yet that get you sick eventually. Or the kids hacking away...because parents will drag sick kids to Disneyland as to not "ruin" a trip for everyone else. I've seen that many many times.
This virus began in late November early December they are trying to catch up to the real number of victims. The Chinese are hiding the truth just look at how they are building hospitals and locking down millions that’s a state of emergency martial law type of move!

avoid crowded areas and always sanitize!! The virus is here and Disney has a lot of Chinese tourist im avoiding everything till a vaccine comes out

It will be literal years until a vaccine comes out. They are already in the beginning stages of development, but the entire process to be ready to use in the general population takes 2-3 years.
How do you know they were "from China" and not residents of Chinese descent? You know orange county has a HUGE Chinese population, right?
You bring up a good point! They could be American citizens who only speak Chinese. And it is, of course, the Lunar Celebration right now in DCA. I do, however, avoid coughing people as much as possible. I know coughs can linger for weeks after an infection, but after seeing so many adults out of school recently for 2 weeks telling me that they couldn't get out of bed, I'd rather just avoid to the best of my ability. I haven't been sick with a cold or flu for a couple years, knock on wood.
I just read that the third US case of coronavirus has been confirmed in California. In Orange County, in fact. This is just a few hours before I leave for the park :-(. So far nothing reported about Anaheim/Disneyland. I’m sure that if there were a connection, it would have been mentioned. In other words, I’ve read or heard nothing that has discouraged me from visiting DL. Then again, there’s little that I could read that would discourage me ;-).

More details here.

We saw people yesterday who appeared to be from Asian countries wearing masks. It’s disconcerting, but we are washing hands like crazy and just praying! Ha!!!
We saw people yesterday who appeared to be from Asian countries wearing masks. It’s disconcerting, but we are washing hands like crazy and just praying! Ha!!!

Yeah, they wear the masks every year during cold and flu season. It is a courtesy thing in many Asian cultures. You wear a mask when you are sick or have symptoms that may cause people to think you are (sneezing, coughing). I see it around my city all the time in the winter. Yesterday, the woman in the car behind me on my way home from Target had on a mask. Alone. In her car. She looked Indian. The people wearing masks are trying to keep their germs to themselves and you should be relieved when you see that. It's the polite thing to do.
the fact that they caught it late and knowing it’s super spreader Virus and there’s no vaccine Smh with the amount of daily traffic coming from China this thing could be everywhere ! Maybe small town pockets wouldn’t be hit yet.
Hazmat suits anyone ?


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