This "Burns" Me Up!


<font color=blue>Baby Bird Correspondent<br><font
Aug 16, 2000
I was driving along a highway this morning when a smoker in the lane next to me threw his cigarette out his window, and it hit my car! :mad: Luckily, it didn't do any damage -- and even luckier, my window wasn't open, as it hit the passenger side! :eek: It's bad enough that smokers litter the ground with their butts, but it's even worse when they have such complete disregard for their fellow human beings that they casually discard their cigarette in a way that may damage another vehicle or jeopardize another life! :mad:
What bugs me is when smokers throw down their lit cigerettes on the ground when they go into stores. Kids like to pick things up sometimes. Usually I see them do that when there's one of those cigerette ashtray thingies only 2 feet away from them.:mad:
I truly hate that!! I have had my car hit in the windshield by this before! If you are going to smoke then keep your butts in your cars! It's disgusting and dangerous!
My daughter does that because she "doesn't want to dirty up her ashtray!" Go figure!! :rolleyes: I worry about them not being put out properly and the butt going into dead grass at the side of the road and starting a fire. When she's at MY house she only smokes OUTSIDE and then she has to walk over to the driveway and drop the butt and then squish it into the ground so it's put out. I used to have a small metal bucket by the door....I don't know what happened to it though, but I should get another one I guess as it doesn't appear she's going to quit smoking anytime soon.... :(
I know people who would not dream of littering at any other time, but think nothing of tossing a cigarette butt out the car window. The state of Texas lists this form of roadside litter the the worst they have to deal with.

To all butt tossers: HELLO!! Cigarette butts are not biodegradable! The filter from that butt you toss will be there for the next fifty years. Smoking in the car is a bad idea to begin with, do you really have to add littering on top of it? Please visit your local clue mart and get a clue. Thank you.,
That is terrible...I must say I am relieved to see that the post wasn't about the babies...Scared me for a minute...
I was behind a coworker one day going to work, she threw her cig out the window and it hit my car. when we got to work, I walked up to her and asked her if I could light up one of her cigs and put it out on her car. She looked at me like I was nuts. I then told her what happened. She apologized and swore that that was the first time she had ever thrown a cig out the window. yeah right!!

I once had my shirt catch on fire because a friend of mine was smoking and tried to throw her cig out the window. She was in the front and I was in the back. The cig somehow landed inside my shirt pocket!! A friend sitting next to me went nuts and started beating on my chest and told me i was on fire. No damage to me just the shirt pocket thank goodness.
That would really make me mad!!:mad: One time I was riding in the backseat of my sisters car when I was about 15 and her boyfriend was driving...He threw a butt out his window and it came back in my window and hit me square in the eye! Burnt my eyelashes and everything...:mad:
Disfanatiks -- No, no -- the little "babies" are doing fine! I 'm hoping to post another photo of the birdlings (and possibly a little video) later today! :)

Bumcat and Beanie -- How horrible! :eek: :eek: :eek:
I hate that too! Indiana has banned it.

I know a woman that had a car with a fuel leak. Now I know she should have gotten fixed, but she didn't have the money. She was terrified someone would do that to her and her car would blow up.

Wow, that was scary for both of you.
Everytime i see a butt on the ground that isn't fully put out, i will stomp it out and then glare at the person who did it. Hopefully it makes them feel guilty, because smoking to me is a disgusting and gross habit.
I am a smoker and I promise I don't throw butts out the window. For awhile there, I thought I had heard talk about cracking down on people doing that. Because with all the dry grass around our area, they were afraid of someone starting a fire. I myself get upset when I see people toss a cigarette butt out the window. Years ago (before I met him) my husband caught his backseat on fire throwing a butt out the window. Caused a pretty good fire and did some damage to the car.
That drives me nuts! :mad: DH and I were just at Target and a woman walked past us going into the store and just threw her cigarette butt on the ground before she entered the store. oooohh I was so mad. Why do they think that is not littering??? :mad: :mad: :mad:
I had a friend who was careless with his butts & would accidently burn people all the time. I happened to me once & I went in the kitchen, grabbed a fork & poked him in the arm (actually "stabbed" might have been the intention ;)). Anyway he got the point *rim-shot*

What drove me insane though was that he (and other smokers) wondered what the big deal was!!! :mad:

"Gee, I'm sorry I might have permanently scarred your body, but what's the big deal?" Maybe it's the "happens to me all the time" so it's not a big deal or doesn't even phase them, much like they can't smell how bad they smell.

I don't really care if someone smokes, but watch fumes, the flame & the butt will ya?! :mad: :mad: :mad:
...and another thing...

I think the law should be changed. Instead of a fine for littering, the law should be changed to whatever you threw on the ground gets shoved up your nose or your ****. I promise that as soon as they announced the law it would seriously reduce litter in a hurry.

I feel sorry for someone that abandons a wrecked car on the side of the road though ;)
I also can't stand that. But what makes me more upset is when I take my 20 month old to the park to run around and fun and find cigarette butts all over the ground!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:


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