Thumper's Thread

When my kids were little I sprinkled magic everywhere I could, including gold coins and green cutout footprints for Saint Paddy's Day.
Never thought of this for Easter.... although it's never too late for magic so maybe one of my indoor pots might become a magic garden, like how could an extra smile in the day be a bad thing???

Too stinkin cute, maybe random candy blooms every so often until Easter and then Easter Eggs...
I've probably said it before - and I'll probably say it again :D- but, for now, this page might just be the best page on the internet!

A cat tidying a bed after her kitten! The Toy Story back-to-school photo. The advice to rest, not quit. All with beautiful ambient Ratatouille music playing in the background.

Off to see if I can find something to contribute myself...

When my kids were little I sprinkled magic everywhere I could, including gold coins and green cutout footprints for Saint Paddy's Day.
Never thought of this for Easter.... although it's never too late for magic so maybe one of my indoor pots might become a magic garden, like how could an extra smile in the day be a bad thing???

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Too stinkin cute, maybe random candy blooms every so often until Easter and then Easter Eggs...
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yes!!! Love this!!!!

For the past couple of years, I’ve transformed my front garden into a secret holiday garden. As each holiday comes, I make a new theme.

It started after a neighbor stopped me when I was pulling out of my drive to tell me how much joy the garden brought her, on her walks…when she passed my house. 😢🥰

The bunnies will be appearing soon! (Already have the real ones…mowed down my marigolds 😂 in Oct)

I’ll post pics!
yes!!! Love this!!!!

For the past couple of years, I’ve transformed my front garden into a secret holiday garden. As each holiday comes, I make a new theme.

It started after a neighbor stopped me when I was pulling out of my drive to tell me how much joy the garden brought her, on her walks…when she passed my house. 😢🥰

The bunnies will be appearing soon! (Already have the real ones…mowed down my marigolds 😂 in Oct)

I’ll post pics!
That's so nice, love this :)

I always decorated all over the place and figured it was just for me & my family but then, a few years back, an elderly neighbor from across the street stopped to tell me that her husband was very unwell and homebound for a few years but that they loved watching me slowly transform my house through the seasons. She shared it was something to look forward to during all those quiet days and that they'd get excited each time a new thing was added or changed. I had no idea it had any impact and really I often wondered if it was too corny, seems other people just enjoy a little pixie dust here and there. Now, I try to make it a point to encourage others who do the same.
That's so nice, love this :)

I always decorated all over the place and figured it was just for me & my family but then, a few years back, an elderly neighbor from across the street stopped to tell me that her husband was very unwell and homebound for a few years but that they loved watching me slowly transform my house through the seasons. She shared it was something to look forward to during all those quiet days and that they'd get excited each time a new thing was added or changed. I had no idea it had any impact and really I often wondered if it was too corny, seems other people just enjoy a little pixie dust here and there. Now, I try to make it a point to encourage others who do the same.

I know exactly what you mean. I have two friends who are local designers, so I always send them pics to ensure I don’t get too cheesy. LOL

I was bummed when I found this cute carrot for the garden there was only one left! 😂🥕
Might have to order them online.

Looking forward to reading more joyful posts in this fun thread!
To start us off (and because it's on the Bambi theme) here's an elderly Bambi fan getting to pet a real live deer:

full article here
We had a pet deer we raised from just about when it was born. Wasn't even fully cleaned off. Girlfriend's sister and her boyfriend found it laying on the side of the road next to the mother who was hit by a car.

We raised it in the basement at my girlfriend's parents. They had a huge fireplace in the basement but never finished the basement so didn't use the fireplace. Made a nice bed for it. We would feed it with a bottle and take it out on a leash in the yard.

They owned 40 acres or something like that. We eventually let it go in the woods with an orange vest on it and it joined a herd. Any time we went up into the woods (hunting or riding 4wheelers) and came across the herd, they would all run except for ours. It would stop and walk up to us.

Every day it came down to the back deck and hoofed at the door at 6 pm for dinner. Open the door and it walked right in to the kitchen. It stopped coming around in the late summer/early fall but we'd see it in the woods with the vest, and as I said, when we were in the woods for anything, it walked up to us.

Then the whole family was there for Thanksgiving and we heard stomping at the door. Opened it up and a full grown deer walks in as if just coming for the Thanksgiving get-together. That was the last time it came down to the house.

The kids loved it. They would lay on the floor and it would chew on your hair right behind your ear.

At Thanksgiving, it was pretty stinkin big standing in the living room with the whole family there too, LOL.


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