Tipsy is as Tipsy Does - A February '17 Dining Adventure - Complete 8/15

I share your excitement for this! :thumbsup2
No problem with a little adult pop in MK. None whatsoever. Wonderful to know it is not just hidden away in BOG.
No problem at all. And with all the insanity and crowds that are MK I'd like to say its just not not a problem, but we all basically deserve it just for being there!

Whassup with Jason in the Splash photo? :magnify: Kind of hoping he is just trying to umm dry his shirt out a bit? Maybe better to pretend that I did not see that. Yeah. I'm going to go with that. :joker:
OMG until I read the comment I didn't even realize what he was doing with his hands. With him, god only knows. I'm so immune to his shenanigans at this point in our lives that sadly I don't even notice it.

Beer and falafel, sounds like my ideal lunch!!!!
Breakfast, lunch, or dinner, its really ideal for any meal!

Totally way. She kept saying all week we had to keep ur eyes peeled for him. Well I couldn't have picked that kid out of a line up, but low and behold there he was right in front of us in MK.

his is just word-smithing perfection. :thumbsup2
Ah, thanks. I was on a fast pass word smithing kinda roll


I thought the same thing - to be honest, I'm a "light and sweet" coffee drinker for the most part, but a friend of mine ordered the Mustang Coffee at our Tiffins dinner, and I tried it - it was incredible!
Well you are far better than me for trying it. I'm not a huge coffee person to begin with and really only tolerate it to start and not end my day, so I couldn't even fathom coffee with butter well after 9pm

I knew you would love that you could now get beer/wine at the Magic Kingdom! Glad it helped you enjoy your wonderful meal :) I keep sticking to my noodle soup there - one of these days I'll branch out and try the other options. The items you got looked so good!
Funny how there are some places where we always branch out and then some places like Skippers where we find our sweet spot and can't break free. For us its apps (and now beer) and for you its the soup. Think I mentioned before we have pho places on just about every corner here so I'm spoiled (and picky) when it comes to it.

I said it once, and I will say it again, we would get along beautifully! Beer in the MK, no way!!! That makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. LOL!!!
It made me all warm and fuzzy inside too, both literally and figuratively :)

Great review of Skippers. I made an ADR for coming Aug trip since we haven't been there yet. I might try a couple of apps for my meal as well.
I thin apps are their real sweet spot. Jason tried and entree once and it was fine, but I've gone all apps on every visit and never been disappointed. Hope you all love it as much as we do.

Can you please use your Splash ride photo as your Xmas card pic this year and DO send me one?? Jason would fit in perfectly with Steve and his brothers :rotfl2:Or maybe frame it for your desk? Unless then the gov't would start watching you more closely and given your job you really don't want that.......
Just for you :-) Like I said to Sam above I didn't even realize what he was doing. I'm guess as you with Steve and his brothers you get to the point where you just don't even notice it. And I'm sure I'm on all sorts of work watch lists already, we don't need Jason putting me over the edge and security kicking me out :P

Hmm, so you're of the opinion that the former arepas, which I loved, were superior to their current (sorta!) version :scratchin I was wondering about that and also why they changed it up. Glad you enjoyed the rest of your meal! Still trying to figure out why Casey wasn't in the mood for beer??
Yeah I much preferred the old arepas. These weren't bad by any stretch of the imagination just not as good as the old version.

And I have no idea why Casey didn't want the beer. We keep offering, but she keeps saying no. I have no idea why :P

Oh wait! What kind of Super Bowl stuff did they do?
They had some guy who played for the patriots there and he had a parade on main street and walked around for a bit. I know it wasn't Tom Brady, but that is the extent of my knowledge of who it was.

You guys always look like you're having a blast!
We certainly like to have a good time :-)

Hmmm...Mad Hatter Puke Cups. Nope, I can't deal with those. No spinning for me.
I'm the in the same boat. I do them every once in a while but lodge my thigh against the bottom of the spinner so Casey can't go all crazy on me. You'll note this photo is pretty good because I took it from the outside :-)

I know some people are losing their minds over alcohol in MK. I don't have a problem with it, at least in the restaurants. It fits there. Now, I don't really want to see frat boys boozing it up around the Partners statue. But the changes so far are fine by me.
They can keep losing their minds cause I was for sure losing mine without it :-)

Cool, good use of them. I think the best I ever got was a 5th.
This was definitely the best run we've ever had!

Oh yes, I am familiar with this situation. DD was obsessed with stuffed toys on our last trip. We put a limit at 4, ended up coming back with 7 (it's hard saying no to tears in the gift shop). Many of them just sit in bins in the closet. She will be 10 this summer and seems to be slowly getting out of the stuffed toys. She does still sleep with a few at night though.
I know I'm a mean Mom, but I hate stuffed animals. Casey sleeps with at least 20 a night and has to have at last a hundred more in her room. We clean her room and pick out toys to give away every few months. That seems to get rid of sum, but like gremlins they always find a way of multiplying
I am so sorry to hear that. I'm glad the drink did not disappoint!
Thanks Heather!

I totally read this as BUTT BEER!!!! YEAH BUTT BEER!!!:rotfl:And ya know what sometimes you'll never know why children do what they do, like NOT wanting a beer at MK with Mom and Dad, I tell ya, kids these days!! :confused3:lmao: Although beer-less, her face here is adorably priceless:flower1:
:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:Butt beer?????? Why despite the name does that sound like something we'd be up for drinking :P

We keep offering Casey beer or wine, but she is such a rule follower she won't try it. I know she won't like it anyway way, but we're trying to raise her a little more European so it isn't such a taboo

:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:LOLOL Oye, again, I'm crying laughing as you apologized for "the weird picture size" (which I didn't even notice) cuz I was too busy looking at your husband grabbing his pectoralis major, LOVE your family ride photo!!! Print, Frame, Hang!! Thank you again for a most enjoyable report :flower3:
I know right??? I see the picture size is off and the rest of the dis world sees my husband in all his crazy glory. And that is tame for him. He's most definitely one of a kind.

Ride photos are my favorite! I was going to get MM just because they are included but decided on an AP for multiple discounts, instead. I miss the old Attractions+ that was such a good deal.
Yeah the MM included in the AP really is a great deal. We wouldn't have had it otherwise, which in our case may have been a good thing :-)

JASON! That's not very Disney! :scared1::rotfl2:
No it is not, but I am not responsible for the very clearly adult behavior of my husband :-) But why do I now suddenly fear we will never be let in again. :P


I can't wait to try Tiffins! Have an ADR for our trip in September. I was thinking of getting the Sword fish. I think your review sealed the deal. We were in WDW same time as you in Feb. I agree about being a bit underwhelmed with the food options at Festival of the Arts. I appreciate the larger portions and the creative plating, but probably would have liked more options. -Amanda :cutie:
Hope you all love Tiffins as much as we did. The swordfish was a definite winner and it will definitely not disappoint.

Once you add the Tables in Wonderland discount to a $17 entree you get a really good deal. ::yes::
I hadn't even considered that. Even better!

I hate when this happens. Unfortunately you never know ahead of time which ones they love and which ones they cast aside once the trip is over.
Oh no, I know exactly what the destiny of those stuffed animals will be but she wont' listen. She's all quantity over quality :-)

Question: What's the cilantro situation at Skippers? Obviously it's on the salad but can you shed some light on the curry, falafel, and shu mai?
It is most definitely not in the shu mai, ginger is the predominant flavor there. I don't recall any in the falafel or curry either but I can't say 100% sure.

This would be my husband if I didn't put a stop to it. He has Marvel shirts, so if he has to go superhero, it has to be Marvel.
:-) Sounds like he and my brother would get along well.'s a fluffy Piglet! I look forward to a life of "OMG I HAVE TO HAVE IT" only to never touch it again...
Oh don't you worry, its going to hit you in no time at all. Maybe even in 5 days :P
We of course started with their bread and honey dip, which is always a hit with us
I really enjoyed the bread and dip last summer too! I am just thinking of how well it would go down with a nice cold beer, compared to the boring lemon water I had....

My gang elected to share a bunch of appetizers as we've found that is where the menu sweet spot is. First up we have the Baladi Salad which is described as a Classic Egyptian salad - mix of romaine lettuce, red peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, parsley, coriander-mint vinaigrette and ambasha bread croutons
I think it's the dressing that is supposed to be Egyptian with the coriander and mint. I had the dressing on the side with my salad and it was so zingy and delicious I could have eaten it right out of the bowl with a spoon!

I believe this was our third time having these two little beauties and again they didn't disappoint. The shumai is delicate and full of flavor and the falafel are some of the best I've ever had. Crispy, airy, and pure goodness. Now this is what Egyptian should be.
Oh I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE those falafels......mmmmm! I haven't tried the the shumai yet but they look great!

As we were finishing up our server was kind enough to bring Casey a birthday chocolate lava cake, which was a really nice touch.
I can attest to the yumminess of that little cake as my server also brought one out to me last year. It wasn't too sweet with a nice rich chocolate balanced out by the raspberry sauce.

Well, I'm off to watch the last Wishes on live stream ( and probably shed a few tears). I have to toast my fave fireworks show of all time with a little bubbly. Cheers!
I finally got all caught up on the DR's I've been missing. I haven't been on here much bc I was busy relocating to 25 minutes away from WDW!! I've been wanting to make this move now for the past 10 years so am really excited to Finally be here! :cool1:

We started the day cruising with Jack Sparrow, and riding a thunderous mountain, before we became human tea

I always enjoy reading your reports! I love your writing style & sense of humor! And I also love that smart is beautiful shirt Casey was wearing in that last photo! :thumbsup2

I am just as excited as you to find out they added beer to the menu at Skipper's. I had been wanting to try the hot & sour soup there also so it looks like I have a new reason to stop in again. I went for the first time in December and unfortunately did not have a good experience. As a solo, I explained to the hostess when I checked in that I'd like to be seated in a quiet room but maybe I did not do a good job with my explanation bc what I really wanted was a private table (which I thought I'd be able to get in the SEA room). Instead, I was in the other side room which I cannot remember the name of & they wedged me in between two couples at those tables that are close enough together to cut your neighbor's steak with minimal I was feeling pretty awkward being solo there & asked if I could be moved. I then got a private table in the main room which was so cold I had to put my hoodie on. Even the server commented how cold it was in that room. I ordered the falafel which I was excited to try and it was doused in thick salt which I did not enjoy crunching on & was way too salty. I ordered the vegetable curry for my meal and it was very watery and tasteless. I must've really been there on a off day..even the soda was watery & not good. But I'm willing to give it another shot.

Not sure if the Festival of the Arts will be back at Epcot next year but now that I can pop in on my days off, it would be nice to check it out even though it didn't seem like it was offering too much in the WS.

And I am really excited to try Tiffins soon! I want to try the Taste of Tiffins they brought back for lunch (at least I see it back on their menu now). Plus I get the AP 20% discount on food for this year so that's pretty cool also. I know I'll eventually be getting the TIA card but not sure how it would be worth it for one person. I mostly eat QS & lounges but that is due to my budget so will have to do the math to see if TIA would allow me to eat more TS for not much more $$.
I really enjoyed the bread and dip last summer too! I am just thinking of how well it would go down with a nice cold beer, compared to the boring lemon water I had....
Beer beats lemon everyday :-)

Oh I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE those falafels......mmmmm! I haven't tried the the shumai yet but they look great!
You should definitely try the shumai. Love the falafel but just may hold the shumai in higher regard

I can attest to the yumminess of that little cake as my server also brought one out to me last year. It wasn't too sweet with a nice rich chocolate balanced out by the raspberry sauce.

Well, I'm off to watch the last Wishes on live stream ( and probably shed a few tears). I have to toast my fave fireworks show of all time with a little bubbly. Cheers!
I'll have to take your word on the cake as Casey was having no part of sharing.

Hope you enjoyed wishes live stream. We didn't catch it, but I wanted to watch the new show from the disney blog but Jason has forbid it. He wants to watch it live, so I guess I'll oblige :-)

I finally got all caught up on the DR's I've been missing. I haven't been on here much bc I was busy relocating to 25 minutes away from WDW!! I've been wanting to make this move now for the past 10 years so am really excited to Finally be here! :cool1:
Wow!!!! That is so amazing. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!

I always enjoy reading your reports! I love your writing style & sense of humor! And I also love that smart is beautiful shirt Casey was wearing in that last photo! :thumbsup2
You are so sweet, thank you. I saw Casey's shirt online and had to have it. She obviously is a cute little girl, but we try and instill in her everyday that smart beats pretty any day of the week :-)

I went for the first time in December and unfortunately did not have a good experience. As a solo, I explained to the hostess when I checked in that I'd like to be seated in a quiet room but maybe I did not do a good job with my explanation bc what I really wanted was a private table (which I thought I'd be able to get in the SEA room). Instead, I was in the other side room which I cannot remember the name of & they wedged me in between two couples at those tables that are close enough together to cut your neighbor's steak with minimal I was feeling pretty awkward being solo there & asked if I could be moved. I then got a private table in the main room which was so cold I had to put my hoodie on.
That does not sound like an enjoyable experience at all. Glad they moved you, but I"m not sure where they moved you to was any better.

I ordered the falafel which I was excited to try and it was doused in thick salt which I did not enjoy crunching on & was way too salty. I ordered the vegetable curry for my meal and it was very watery and tasteless. I must've really been there on a off day..even the soda was watery & not good. But I'm willing to give it another shot.
You most definitely were not there on a good day. We have been a few times now and haven't been disappointed yet. You should most definitely give it another try. We really enjoy it

And I am really excited to try Tiffins soon! I want to try the Taste of Tiffins they brought back for lunch (at least I see it back on their menu now). Plus I get the AP 20% discount on food for this year so that's pretty cool also. I know I'll eventually be getting the TIA card but not sure how it would be worth it for one person. I mostly eat QS & lounges but that is due to my budget so will have to do the math to see if TIA would allow me to eat more TS for not much more $$.
Now tiffins is a must over Skippers any day. Best in park restaurant disney has going for them and definitely do it with the AP discount. Even if you don't do TIA, Nomads is just about as good as tiffins and much friendly on the wallet.

Happy Mother's Day! :flower1:
Thanks Tracy!
Well, I was planning on posting today but Jason has been plying me with rose since mid-afternoon and after an awesome meal of my favorite crab cakes and artichokes put a fork in me, I am done. Happy mothers day to all!!!!
Wow!!!! That is so amazing. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you! I feel like I am 37 going on 16 lately. I am going to school online for my Bachelors degree (better late than never..) & I have been really distracted by WDW being 25 minutes away from my house. Lol But I guess I can gather the maturity that I've buried for the past few weeks & finish the current course I'm taking so I can have a free week to play before the next one begins!

You most definitely were not there on a good day. We have been a few times now and haven't been disappointed yet. You should most definitely give it another try. We really enjoy it

Now tiffins is a must over Skippers any day. Best in park restaurant disney has going for them and definitely do it with the AP discount. Even if you don't do TIA, Nomads is just about as good as tiffins and much friendly on the wallet.

I will definitely go back to Skippers to give it another try because I do like hot & sour soup so that one's on the list. It's funny that I used to eat mushrooms, lost my taste for them (I think it's more of a texture thing) but I can handle them in hot & sour soup as long as it's made well.

And yes, I was also thinking about going to Nomad Lounge for a couple apps but as long as the Taste of Tiffins is still available for $28 during lunch, I would choose the Beef Short Rib & Crispy-fried Lionfish & that would most likely be a nice small meal for me. I've had my eye on the Jen's Tattoo drink there also since I do love anything watermelon or watermelon flavored & hibiscus. I am sorry about the loss of your friend, btw. :hug: I know what that's like since I lost a good friend years ago & he is still on my mind from time to time but when I think about him now, I smile bc I know he's up there looking down on everyone. :goodvibes
Finally caught up!! I am so sorry Kari I have been MIA on the review board. Life has been to crazy for me and other than performing MOD duties I have not gotten to "enjoy" the Dis. I loved your review of Skippers, it is such a unique dining experience. I am so excited to have a beer in the MK!!!!
Yet somehow in the insanity on the way in Casey spotted a boy from her kindergarten class. It really is a small world after all.

Wow, small world! But I'm not surprised!

My brother clearly got the wrong theme park memo this morning.

Hahaha. Wrong superhero!!


YAY! I can just imagine you guys high fiving each other in Skipper Canteen.

While I usually stay clear of Ginger since she snaps, in this case she was kind enough to just add some heat and flavor in what was a pretty darn good hot and sour soup.

Cute :) That does look like a tasty hot and sour soup!

This was a Jason request as he wanted some vegetables and that was exactly what we got. I'm not sure what made this Egyptian as the everything here was classic middle america to me. Maybe they confused it with Egypt, Missouri???? Who knows, but at least we got some semblance of vegetables for the day, despite it being lackluster.

Haha I was gonna say that was was one very non Egyptian-looking salad. Sphinx food maybe?

I believe this was our third time having these two little beauties and again they didn't disappoint. The shumai is delicate and full of flavor and the falafel are some of the best I've ever had. Crispy, airy, and pure goodness. Now this is what Egyptian should be.

Yum! I liked the Shumai a lot but haven't tried the falafel yet.


This is the best picture!!!
And yes, I was also thinking about going to Nomad Lounge for a couple apps but as long as the Taste of Tiffins is still available for $28 during lunch, I would choose the Beef Short Rib & Crispy-fried Lionfish & that would most likely be a nice small meal for me. I've had my eye on the Jen's Tattoo drink there also since I do love anything watermelon or watermelon flavored & hibiscus. I am sorry about the loss of your friend, btw. :hug: I know what that's like since I lost a good friend years ago & he is still on my mind from time to time but when I think about him now, I smile bc I know he's up there looking down on everyone. :goodvibes
We haven't tried the short rib yet, but the fish is oh so good. Jason got it on our first trip and really enjoyed it.

Sorry to hear about your friend too. It's not as hard day to day anymore, but its those unexpected moments - like a drink in a disneyworld - that you can never prepare for.

Finally caught up!! I am so sorry Kari I have been MIA on the review board. Life has been to crazy for me and other than performing MOD duties I have not gotten to "enjoy" the Dis. I loved your review of Skippers, it is such a unique dining experience. I am so excited to have a beer in the MK!!!!
Hi Lori!!!!!! I can't imagine trying to juggle life and duties here and still trying to find time to enjoy it. But glad to see you are back. Have you all been to the world lately? I'm sure Alexander is a full grown man by now :-)

Haha I was gonna say that was was one very non Egyptian-looking salad. Sphinx food maybe?
Maybe sphinx or maybe the egyptians were just in De - Nile :P

This is the best picture!!!
I'm a lucky, lucky girl
Bread is a Meal, Right?

For dinner tonight we had a long, long trek to make all the way to Kidani from Jambo House for one of my favorite Disney restaurants: SANAA. My brother had never eaten here and it was his one request for the trip and we of course were more than happy to oblige.

It was a beautiful night so we elected to walk instead of taking a bus. It was a nice relaxing walk for most of us, but poor Casey experienced her first case of wearing the wrong shoes and ended up with blister. Of course if she'd listed to me when I said the cheap frozen shoes from payless may not have been the best choice the outcome may have been different. Oh well, welcome to womanhood kid!

We had a bit of a wait when we got there and spent the time out on the savannah using the night vision goggles to see the giraffes eating. We also took the opportunity to get in a few grainy nighttime shots of our own.

We eventually were seated by at a great table right by the window. Of course the window in the pitch black was pointless, but we used our imaginations anyway :-)

To start with Jason got a Kingfisher beer, I got the mojito, and Matthew the sangria.

Both the sangria and mojito weren't anything special, but Jason enjoyed his beer.

And of course we couldn't come to Sanaa without getting the entire reason for coming to Sanaa in the first place: BREAD SERVICE!!!!

For those unfamiliar with this majestic dish it is Naan (we just got traditional as we are naan purists, though 4 other options are available) served with nine different accompaniments:
Red Chile Sambal, Cucumber Raita, Coriander Chutney, Mango Chutney, Coconut Chutney, Garlic Pickle, Spicy Jalapeño-Lime Pickle, Roasted Red Bell Pepper Hummus, and Tamarind Chutney. They had changed up the serving dish since last time, separating the bread and sauces which made it infinitely easier to eat. As for the bread and sauces themselves they of course did not disappoint. The coriander chutney and sambal were my favorite this go round. And Casey's favorite was apparently #5 (no idea what I meant by that one). At this point she also requested no food for dinner and just more Naan, so like any good mother we just ordered more bread!!!!

Us adults though could not pass up the entrees and thankfully were not disappointed. I got two of the Potjie choices, going with the Spicy Durban Shrimp and Chickpea Wat.

Besides the bread service, the chickpeas are in my opinion the best thing on the menu. They are sweet, spicy, and cooked to perfection. I've tried to make these at home a few times, but can never get them quite the same. The durban shrimp were also spicy, but the heat built slowly so it wasn't too overpowering. Unfortunately though there weren't much shrimp in here at all and by the time I was done half a bowl of just sauce remained. It also came with some kind of yogurt sauce on the side, which was good, but it didn't seem to go with anything else on the plate.

Matthew also went the Potjie route and chose the butter chicken and the cilantro-coconut milk veggies.

Overall he liked both dishes, but the veggies much more so as the coconut curry like sauce was excellent. He did enjoy the butter chicken, but didn't think it lived up to all the great reviews it gets.

Jason branched out of Potjie land and ordered the Biryani Chicken.

The chicken on here had great flavor and was really moist and Jason loved the addition of the paneer. His only complaint was it wasn't very hot temperature wise.

With our entrees we all also enjoyed a bottle of Pepper Pot wine which is a nice spicy Shiraz from South Africa. We'd ordered this on previous trips to Sanaa and find it goes great with spicy dishes.

As with every other meal we've ever had here, Sanaa is a true Disney gem. They serve up unique food with unbelievable flavors that have never disappointed us. Casey is a huge fan too as after dinner she gave me meal a 1 out of 10. We were a bit confused until she explained that a 1 of course was the best :-) With the tables in wonderland card we saved $34.33

To save Casey and her cheap shoes a driver going off duty was kind enough to give us our own private shuttle back to Jambo house. We got a very tired Casey to bed and the 3 of us enjoyed a great night sitting on the balcony and drinking some wine we'd picked up at Mara.

Up next, why don't we do a little day drinkin'?

Now, I'm regretting not making time for Sanaa this coming trip! I love that place and think my family would, too. I cancelled the ADR when plans seemed too packed but I'm going to look for an excuse to go.
I honestly can't remember if I've commented here on this TR, but I'm glad I found you anyway...always love a good dining report.

Of course if she'd listed to me when I said the cheap frozen shoes from payless may not have been the best choice the outcome may have been different. Oh well, welcome to womanhood kid!

The worst. And you always hope kids learn their lesson...but they don't usually lol

At this point she also requested no food for dinner and just more Naan, so like any good mother we just ordered more bread!!!!

I would totally do this. On a similar note I was just browsing some menus for our upcoming trip and thinking about how at many of them I like the sound of several appetizers rather than a I may just do that. At the more upscale places do they care/let you do this?
Hi Kari! I finally ate at Sanaa for the first time in March, strictly for the naan bread service. After reading all the wonderful reviews, I had to try it!!!! And, it was DELICIOUS!!!!! Seeing your pics bring back all the yummy memories...
And of course we couldn't come to Sanaa without getting the entire reason for coming to Sanaa in the first place: BREAD SERVICE!!!!


At this point she also requested no food for dinner and just more Naan, so like any good mother we just ordered more bread!!!!


As with every other meal we've ever had here, Sanaa is a true Disney gem. They serve up unique food with unbelievable flavors that have never disappointed us. Casey is a huge fan too as after dinner she gave me meal a 1 out of 10. We were a bit confused until she explained that a 1 of course was the best :-)

Sanaa is so good! I think we should eat there on our next trip :scratchin
Sanaa is an absolute gem! Glad you had another incredible dinner here.

The Biryani Chicken looks really good. And who doesn't love Paneer Cheese? I haven't seen a pic of this dish before so yay! for posting a DIS first!

Ouch for Casey and the blister. I always get them despite wearing sensible shoes. Think my cold little Canadian feet get stressed out by the hot, humid Florida weather. I love moleskin and keep a couple pre-cut in a little ziplock in my park bag. They have saved my Canadian bacon more than a few times.
Bread is a Meal, Right?

As with every other meal we've ever had here, Sanaa is a true Disney gem. They serve up unique food with unbelievable flavors that have never disappointed us. Casey is a huge fan too as after dinner she gave me meal a 1 out of 10. We were a bit confused until she explained that a 1 of course was the best :-)

Yes to all of this! I definitely give Sanaa 1/10, lol! I went for the first time this past September & only ordered the bread service & their seasonal soup which was a split pea and one of the best soups I have ever had!!

One thing I need to do one of these days though is make an ADR at the end of the night so I am able to take home all of that awesome leftover bread, dips & Potjie I am never able to finish! I'm just always more tempted to go there when it's light out so I can get a window seat to see the animals. When I went a couple weeks ago, it started pouring (which we so desperately need here!) & all the animals were getting frisky & hopping around being playful. It was fun to watch.

To save Casey and her cheap shoes a driver going off duty was kind enough to give us our own private shuttle back to Jambo house.

That was so nice of that driver to give y'all a ride back! I had a great experience last night with the hostess at Trader Sam's who gave me a much needed laugh after having a rough start to my day. I got her name & will be writing to Disney about how great she is & how much I appreciate CMs like her.

Up next, why don't we do a little day drinkin'?
That was me yesterday after having to make the decision at the vet's office to put my budgie down (I know it's just a parakeet but I had him for 6 years & still managed to get attached to him). So I went to HS for some rides & sidecars from the Brown Derby lounge. Then over to Epcot for dinner from F&G booths, then ended at the Poly. Talk about a way to get my mind off worked pretty well.


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