To All Disboard Members... Please Help!

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Ben Gates Fan

Earning My Ears
Jan 24, 2010
Hi everyone. My name is Joe, and I really need as much help as I can get here.

If you think you might know of anyone who was at Disneyland Anaheim on January 18th 2010, Martin Luther King Jr. Day… Or if you think you know anyone who knows anyone who was there that day…

I made a wish at Disneyland and somehow it came true. Then, it a matter of seconds… gone. So I’m hoping to find a lady I encountered briefly at Disneyland, just to communicate with her in any way possible.

I hope that you’ll be so cool as to read the following post, the full post. I know it’ll take a couple minutes, but you’d really be helping me out. Obviously I can’t offer much in return, except my sincere gratitude.

Thank you for even clicking this at all.

To anyone who was at, or knows anyone who was at Disneyland Anaheim on Monday, January 18th 2010, I’m here to plead for your help.

My name is Joe, I’m a small business owner from the Chicago area. I know what I’m about to write might be one of the most ridiculous things ever posted here.

It was on that Martin Luther King Jr. Day in Disneyland that I encountered a lady who gave me a feeling of fate and serendipity I’d long ago given up on finding.

I didn’t even talk to her, I barely had a chance. I only looked her in the eyes, walked alongside her. Thus making this post almost crazy.

This was originally written on a 4-hour flight back to Chicago, transcribed on a series of vomit bags. In retrospect, a perfect metaphor for how I felt leaving California without so much as a name or any details.

But this is the internet age… Sure there’s billions of people, and maybe this is worse than searching for a needle in a mile-long, 50-foot-high haystack, but anything can happen, right?

I need your help. Please. I know Disney lovers are usually cool, because we have the capacity to desire and feel things like romance and magic.

So if you can, I’m hoping you can ask anyone you know if they know of anyone who was there that day. The park had low attendance that day because of storms. It closed hours early. I don’t have much to give, but I’ll do something, I don’t know what, for anyone who can get me into contact with her.


I was at the “Red Rocket Pizza Port” a little after lunch-time with my brother and mom. We sat in the outside area by the entrance to Space Mountain. At the booth behind my bro and mom’s back, facing me, sat her and her family.

She had the most mesmerizing eyes I’d ever seen. She made me feel light-headed. I caught her glance for a second. There was a definite moment there. But, being respectful of her family, and knowing I was clearly a little older than her, I felt an approach in that situation would be awkward for everyone. So I left my table to walk around the area, hoping she might also get up to give me an opening to talk.

She didn’t, and I was left to assume it wasn’t meant to be. Maybe this was just a beautiful little ship I was passing in the night. When I got up to leave she was surrounded by family, looking at something on her phone. No reasonable opening. I left her there, shook my head, and moved on. But there’s more.

She had what appeared to be a younger brother and sister with her. Both had what could be described as blondish or light brown hair. Both appeared to be late teens, 15-18. I think he was wearing a cap. I didn’t take a good mental picture of what I assume were her parents. I recall slight images of both, but I could be wrong, so I won’t make a guess.

As for her… Her eyes... Never seen anything like them before. They made me feel at peace. She had darker brown hair that had this unique way it fell and framed her face. It is so hard to explain. So one of a kind. Hair was about shoulder length, give or take. I’d guessed her age to be about 23, but her potential siblings looked young enough she may have been younger. That doesn’t matter. This lady sent electricity through me.

She was white / Caucasian, she could’ve been from anywhere. She was probably between 5’4” and 5’6”, but not necessarily. That’s about all I can describe… my imagination has had enough time to warp the other details, so I’m just stuck with an image of her overall essence. She didn’t even seem real.

The day turned to evening. My thoughts returned to her several times, but I tried not to let them.


As the park was closing, the crowds funneled into Main Street. So I’m walking down Main, straggling just behind my bro and mom. My mind is on business, but the atmosphere and romance of Main Street overtakes me, as the Penny Arcade approaches.

I thought for a split second about how magic moments don’t happen to real people, how it’s a cute act they have at Disney for the kiddies. Then my mind returned to her.

For a second or two I thought of her, a fleeting wish about the romance I’d always hoped for, the feeling she’d given me. Then, at that very second, I felt an overwhelming glowing presence to my right. Like in a movie or a novel or something… And somehow there she was. Walking right next to me, at the exact same pace, straggling behind her family. The two stragglers, walking behind our groups in perfect sync. Thousands of people, and there we were.

I’d long ago stopped believing in any sort of romance or magic. I may have been walking around a “Magic Kingdom” of sorts, but I didn’t believe it. But somehow I wished for her, and she was there.

I looked over and did the biggest double-take of my life… Into a triple-take, nearly a quadruple. I saw her smile subtly; she knew it. By the time I had finished wiping my eyes and wondering if it was real, it had been probably 5 seconds. There she was, her form backlit and framed by the hundreds of glowing bulbs of Main Street. There was literally an electric current running between us. Like nothing I’ve known. It was like a dream, for a second I thought it was.

I’d never experienced anything like this in my life. I didn’t believe it could happen. Real magic. This wasn’t just one of fifty pretty faces I saw earlier, this was the one that knocked me to my knees, had me dreaming all day. All these things and more rushed through my head, and I could feel her stealing glances at me, looking over and then looking down. Walking in perfect sync. WHAT THE?!?!?

I had to say something. I looked over to see her family. There they were. A million different things popped into my mind, and it caused a lock of about 3-5 more seconds. I had to say the right thing with her family right there, because it was an impression they’d remember. The lights danced, and I felt like I was in the midst of an exploding fireworks display in the sky.

This couldn’t be real. Less than ten seconds had passed. I smiled, looked down as the curb approached. Scratched the back of my head. Took an extra 3 seconds to prepare my statement that would hopefully keep me talking to her all the way out the front gate. Total elapsed time since she showed up: Around 12-14 seconds, give or take a second. Time had warped, but I know it was only seconds.

So I open my mouth to speak. And I look over. And she’s GONE. Her family is gone. I stop. I didn’t even know what just happened. I recall hearing someone in the general direction of her family saying something a moment before… with some sort of non-American accent. But I don’t know if it was someone from her group or not. Odds are 50/50 it wasn’t. And that’s the only additional hint I got, and it easily could’ve been someone else entirely.

I walk a few more steps. I stop. I go running up and around Main Street. Looking everywhere. My head was about to explode. All I could think was: “No… No… Oh God NO.” I had to think quickly, and next I made a huge mistake. I made the choice to head out the gate and wait by the exit, where everyone had to go eventually.

Dumb move. There were a ton of exits. I did my best to check each and every face that left. After a couple minutes it started to seem utterly hopeless. She was there and then poof! Gone. It was as sick as I’ve ever felt. This lady actually gave me what I’ve been looking my whole life for: The FEELING. The same one they promise you in all the Hollywood movies, but never seems to actually happen.

After a while, I assumed I missed her, and I walked down to the big Disney store, now foolishly praying maybe she’d gone to Downtown Disney, unable to cope with the fact she was gone.

Inside this store, a song was playing. A song about “my dream girl.” I ran around the store, checking faces. I ran out and jogged up and down the strip. Checked the tram. Many times. Hopeless.

In 10 seconds I lost a lady I’d seen only in my dreams. It’s the most horrible feeling... Was she even real? I SAW HER. After I wished for her. In the most magical place, under the most romantic lighting, walking at my exact pace right next to me. I CAN’T LET THIS GO.

I spent the night thinking, hoping, praying. Please dear God, let me see this mystery woman at the park tomorrow. Please don’t make me carry this for the rest of my life. What kind of sick practical joke would that be?

I made a decision. We had a second park day and another half ahead of us. I’d spend the remainder of those two days running around the parks, hoping she’d be there once more, checking every face of every person I passed.


The next day I was up early. I was going to find her and run to her, even if I had to jump off a moving tram or ride car. It was pouring rain, which made faces hard to see under ponchos. I didn’t care. I looked every last person I saw directly in the eyes.

Hours passed. Kept on looking. Ducking into every store I passed to scan the people’s faces. Going back up to main street at least eight times at the exact place I’d walked next to her. Getting on the occasional ride thinking she might be there. Following my instincts. Nothing.

The day turned to night. I went where the parade crowd was gathering. I walked up and down the crowd probably 5 times. I went back to the pizza port. Maybe she’d be there. I kept looking. Nothing.

The park closed and I hovered down and around main street. Right around the spot. The spot that now gave a me a strange, hollow feeling. Leaving to peek into the bakery, the magic shop. Nothing.

That night I walked up and down the Anaheim strip looking, peaking into the windows of all the gas stations and restaurants along the way. Then I drove the same stretch.

One more half-day left. I did the same thing in the parks. Same results. Deep down I knew, but couldn’t accept it. But I wasn’t surprised. It’s amazing how you’re always surprised at good things, but disappointment is almost never a surprise.

I knew I had one last low-odds shot. The airport. Maybe she was flying out.

At the airport I checked every face of every person in all directions. I hustled up and down the terminal four times. Nothing. How could this be real? I almost missed the plane. I couldn’t leave. But I had to leave, running at top speed to make the final boarding. Would she be on the plane? Of course not. I felt a pain in my chest as the plane took off and California became small. She could be anywhere now. I’d never see her again. Reality set in, my heart cracked into a million pieces. I grabbed a vomit bag and began writing.

And here I am. Over three days later and I finally have the time away from business to type this up and post it.


Please don’t mock me. Please don’t tell me I’m a desperate idiot. I’m not. I’m just a guy who lost faith in anything more than crude matter and dumb luck. I saw something at Disney I’ve dreamed of since I was a little kid… and it was as if there really was something to life beyond random, heartbreaking coincidence. It was an amazing feeling.

I don’t know what it was, but there was magic there that night. I’m well aware the odds are not good, but why not throw this out there and see, right?

If anyone has any possible information, as unlikely as it seems, please send it to me at through a Private message. I tried to post my email address, but I don't have enough posts yet. But any little thing would be appreciated. If you think you know something, even if it’s a long-shot that leads nowhere, I will be thankful.

If you know of someone who might have some information, and you forward this to that person, I can’t thank you enough.

If you can help me, you are totally and completely awesome. Regardless, thank you so much for reading this. Just caring enough to read this makes you awesome. I am extremely grateful for your time.
Aw, that's sweet!

I hope she's a dis'er.

FYI, I've seen posts by someone who met their spouse in line at BTMRR. I can't remember if the person posts here or on the other message boards (don't forget micechat and, by the way), but it's a fun story. :goodvibes

And I met DH at a work party that neither of us was going to go to. I had to work early early the next morning in Tacoma, and he had to work *that night* in Seattle, but we got pressured into going to this dinner up in North Seattle. I was one of the first there, and as he walked in he saw my hair all lit up by the setting sun (I was helping my hair be blond then, LOL, and it was long and curly and impressive), then later I heard him laugh, and there we were. People have to meet somehow!

So good luck!
Oh Joe, I sincerely hope your fairytale has a happy ending.........after all dreams do come true in Disneyland, and only happy endings are allowed!

Good luck with your search,

Aww.. how sweet and romantic.

I was there that day... but that wasn't me nor was I anywhere near the areas you talked about at those times.

Good Luch in your search!
What a wonderful story. Please let us know if you find her. The best of luck to you. Do you write for a living?
Oh Joe. I hope you find her. My DH and I met at Disneyland on the Small World ride. We saw each other first at the carossel. One of those magic Disney moments...our eyes met. :love: I was riding he was waiting to get on. Then he rode and I watched. Some magic way I wound up sitting in front of him on SW. Thank goodness my friend was outgoing and spoke to him. We married 3 weeks later.....that was over 42 magical years ago. I really, really hope someone knows your princess. :lovestruc
Okay....I am probably going to come across as the resident cynical meanie on the block here (and maybe I am in the minority), or that I don't believe in serendipity, romance, fate and all that. Not true. But...launching this kind of campaign to find someone could either come across as breathtakingly romantic or...a little creepy. Sorry!!:goodvibes I am just telling you - from my own experience - that it can be awkward at the very least when someone looks for you and finds you and you are not, uh...feeling the same way. I had a guy find me and contact me after chatting with me for less than one minute on a sidewalk once about 10 years ago, and I was not thrilled at all!! He was a pest. Then again, there was a situation where I met someone somewhere and I could tell we kind of hit it off while chatting and then parted ways, and I called him days later (I met him where he worked so it was easy to find him), reminded him who I was, and we ended up dating. So sometimes it works and sometimes it does not.

Even though this is a DLR planning forum and not a dating site, here is my advice - Joe, if you really, really, really felt like this girl was someone you connected with and need to find her, you need to give more info about yourself. Someone asked you earlier how old you are. Unless you told us this and we missed it, you should state your age or give some kind of description of yourself to help this girl remember you - just in case she happens to be a member of the DIS!! Even better, why don't you post a picture of yourself and your mom and brother FROM THAT SAME DAY at Disneyland, here in this thread, so that IF the mystery girl you are seeking is on here anywhere, she may see the photos and have her memory jogged.

And you should change the title of this thread to something that will catch this girl's attention in case she happens to be on here, lurking - say something like, "Were you at Disneyland on MLK day?" in the title or whatever.

Other than that, I wouldn't do anything more. But good luck!
Wow, hope your English teacher gives you an A+ for this little story. ;)
I'm one who thinks this is a bit creepy ~ how old are you Joe?


Oh thank goodness!:rotfl: I was afraid I was the only one who thought that! I thought I was going to be required to turn in my 'romantic female' card for life for even being somewhat skeptical or cynical of this, all of that info, there is just not enough info here. No pictures of Joe and family for the girl to see. No age given for Joe. Perhaps I have a suspicious nature.

Even if this story is legitimate, still...Joe, you need to change the title of the thread to something that will get her attention and post photos of you and your family from that day at DL. And then leave it at that. Don't do anything further.;)
Oh, and Joe - since this thread has nothing to do with planning for DLR, I have to move it over to the DL Community section of the board.
i don't think it's creepy but more romantic
it does depend on how old he is though.

my first thoughts were you should of went and talked to the girl.
almost seems too good of a story to be true. like a movie or fiction.

well i hope you find this girl or look into writing romantic novels
I think its uber creepy. I'm imagining this 40 something guy imagining a connection with some young girl who is creeped out and feeling stalked by the middle aged dude staring at her. :rotfl2:

Dude, I don't know how you can expect help with the very specific descriptors of "between 5'4 and 5'6 with pretty eyes and brown hair that falls uniquely in a way that can't be described'. Even of the people in DL on MLK day, that could be A LOT of different women.

I'm sure this is a troll, but still...
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