To All Disboard Members... Please Help!

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It does depend on the person Sherry, you've got a good point about that. And since you had a creepy guy on your tail you are probably more likely to see this as creepy, where I've never been thru that so I are probably more likely to see it as romantic. :) And yes, perhaps you SHOULD be paying more attention to those people! ROFL!! You just never know my friend, you just never know..... ;)

Yes, you just never know what the intended audience (in this case, Mystery Girl) will think or how the gesture will be received. In my case, I was not receptive to the weird guy (Stuart) who somehow 'found' me at work a few days after approaching me on a sidewalk in Century City and wouldn't stop calling, so to me it was creepy. But I have known of other situations where people tracked other people down and it went over very well! So there is no way to gauge what any one person will think.

I am not totally aligned with one way of thinking on Joe's issue. I don't know for sure if it is dreamy and romantic or if it is weird and creepy. I can see both sides, honestly, and I can see how it could be perceived either way by people (like my two female friends!). I just want Joe to make the thread title more specific to MLK Day and maybe post one photo of his group from MLK day at DL to be sure and do everything he can to attract Mystery Girl's attention in case she happens to be on the DIS - because she might not ever read this thread otherwise.

Yes, I swear, every time we go to DLR, we see one particular group of people over and over throughout the rest of the day. It starts in the morning, and we see the same group again several times more during the course of the day (and maybe even over the course of a weekend, but it is much easier to spot the same people in one day because they are wearing the same clothes), in all kinds of different locations. So in December, the 'group' just happened to be a guy and his friends or family who were in Goofy's Kitchen in the morning, and then they were in Adventureland later, and then on Main Street later. I never pay too much attention to who, exactly, is in any of these groups of people that we see repeatedly, but now I am thinking it may be fate trying to tell me something - PAY ATTENTION, SHERRY!!!:rotfl2:
Congratulations on your marriage Mrs. Mork! That is an inspiration to me. :)

Thank you. :flower3: I got very, very lucky and found an extremely nice man....who at the time was also a very handsome soldier! ;) :lovestruc We are now retired and get to spend 24/7 with each other - have for a year and a half now. Loving that!
I never said I was over 30!!!!

You either made that up, or you are saying it because it's what you wanted to see.

I don't think this girl was a minor, Lisa. Could she have been? I HIGHLY doubt it, but I guess anything's possible. I suppose it's also just as possible she's 29, and there with other relatives. Like I said, if you read my post, I don't know.

One thing is for sure, you have been nothing but cruel, cynical, and, dare-I-say- closed-minded, and you screened my posts looking for only what you wanted to see.

Regardless, I can see you think you're better than me. So it doesn't matter what I say. There's a difference between criticism and trying to make me look like human waste.

I'm not sure I'm coming back here. The rest of you totally rock, even the critical ones, -but especially the kind folks... but if this is what I have to deal with daily, an hour plus of typing just to keep my dignity, I'll go elsewhere.

I am very sorry. It seems like I have upset you--and I truly do apologize. For some reason I did read that what you wrote originally was "would it surprise you if I was over 30..." and I just assumed that meant 30 something. Later I came back and it was 30 (edited). So forgive me for that. I hope you find your girl you are looking for.

I have never had cruel intentions on your thread or any others at the dis. If you took it that way, I apologize sincerely. After reading that I made you feel like "human waste" I actually gasped, because I was so shocked that anyone could think that after reading what I wrote. I certainly don't think I am better than you--I don't even know you. Why would I think that? I have posted on this board for several years and have never been accused of anything like that. I actually don't reply to many threads--and if I do it is because I care enough to take the time to reply. I really do hope you find your girl or someone else--everyone deserves to be happy. Life is too short to go it alone. Sometimes that means getting by with the help of some dear friends, and other times it means with your loving spouse. I can see you are very open to meeting someone, and that is half the battle in my opinion. I am sure you will meet someone soon.

Take care.

For some reason I did read that what you wrote originally was "would it surprise you if I was over 30..." and I just assumed that meant 30 something. Later I came back and it was 30 (edited).

I've been following this thread with interest and I agree that the original post did say "would it surprise you if I was over 30." It's understandable people might take that as not being 30, or even early 30's. I took it as mid to upper 30's. The OP later clarified his age as 30. Just saying, it's easy to see where the mis-conception came from.
This was the comment that was made in Joe's post:

"If I tell you I’m 30, would you think that’s bad?"

Just to be fair to Joe, I thought it would be good to make sure the quote was accurate.:goodvibes
Thanks, Sherry. I did read it as he was over 30. It must have been the phrasing made me think he wasn't 30, but over. Doesn't really matter, just that I like, Lisa, took it to mean more than.
Thanks, Sherry. I did read it as he was over 30. It must have been the phrasing made me think he wasn't 30, but over. Doesn't really matter, just that I like, Lisa, took it to mean more than.

Oh, I totally agree with you. When I first read that specific comment yesterday, something about the way it was phrased didn't scream 'I'm 30!' to me. It seemed to have another layer to it, if that makes any sense! It was only later that it was clarified that Joe is 30, but I could definitely see how the initial statement could have been open to interpretation.
Well, whether he is 30, 31, 33, 35, etc. I still tend not to believe this story.

Well it isn't an easy thing to put yourself out there like that. You are going to get polarized reactions simply because it involves an emotional response and the quest for love at first sight. But if you have lived enough and are open you should see the merit in both the good and the bad that you've read and get something helpful out of it.

I am a cynical romantic, having seen how good and how bad that "spark" can go in real life. I don't feel the need to chime in on the validity of your story - the bases have been pretty well covered on that angle. I do think that Sherry is right on your thread needing a title change. It is simply too broad to suit what you are trying to get across.

As an outsider on the thread my initial thought was an "I lost my lanyard" or a "please donate to this good cause" thread, which will turn many away without checking it at all.

The 'word of mouth' you speak of is drawing people who are interested in the debate of "Love At First Sight" or interpretation of your character based on what you've written. It isn't really getting you connected with the person you are looking for.

Good luck on whatever path you are traveling and may the end of it find you better for having walked it.
Well it isn't an easy thing to put yourself out there like that. You are going to get polarized reactions simply because it involves an emotional response and the quest for love at first sight. But if you have lived enough and are open you should see the merit in both the good and the bad that you've read and get something helpful out of it.

I am a cynical romantic, having seen how good and how bad that "spark" can go in real life. I don't feel the need to chime in on the validity of your story - the bases have been pretty well covered on that angle. I do think that Sherry is right on your thread needing a title change. It is simply too broad to suit what you are trying to get across.

As an outsider on the thread my initial thought was an "I lost my lanyard" or a "please donate to this good cause" thread, which will turn many away without checking it at all.

The 'word of mouth' you speak of is drawing people who are interested in the debate of "Love At First Sight" or interpretation of your character based on what you've written. It isn't really getting you connected with the person you are looking for.

Good luck on whatever path you are traveling and may the end of it find you better for having walked it.

Thank goodness someone agrees with me and sees the logic behind what I was saying!!:cool1: The title, as you said, mnmrmustard, is not getting Joe connected with the person he is looking for, as she may never delve into the thread at all if there is nothing specific to pertain to her in the title!! There are many threads that all of us skip over on a daily basis, I am sure. I, too, may have assumed it was a, 'help, I've lost my AP' thread or 'can someone check this store to see if they still sell this item' thread. In fact, I did not read this thread immediately. It took a while before I finally decided to take a look and see what was happening in it.
Maybe the DIS needs a "Missed Connections" thread like Craigslist has?

I'm kidding, but agree your post needs a different title. I thought you lost your camera or something when I started reading.
How about: Girl of My Dreams Vanishes into a Crowd at DL? That'll get everyone's attention. ;)

Good luck with your search. Love at first sight does happen. I too was one of the people who thought "love at first sight" was a sham until it happened to me, now we are married and living our happily ever after just like I dreamed. Keep us up to date please! And dont forget to post on Craigslist like the previous poster suggested, my friend found someone she was looking for on there and they are still together!

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