To Go or Not To Go

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Well, just finished canceling our late September trip. I called Disney about getting a refund for our Boo Bash tickets on September 24 and was told that we could not get a refund but that a credit for the tickets amount would be available for our next Disney trip. Also spent 30 minutes on hold trying to cancel the Universal portion and when I finally got through was told their system was down and I had to call back tomorrow.

How do you know you have a credit for tickets? Where would you see that?
I think at this point most Disney restaurants have returned to pre-pandemic seating...i.e. they are indeed seating guests very close together.
This is reason that we will not be doing any indoor dining. We will eat outdoors some but will mainly mobile order and eat in our room. We rented a 2 BR DVC so we would have more room and a table - expensive but seemed worth it for safety during these times.
This is a hard one for us, too. We're all set for early December. FWIW, I'm a very cautious person, fully pro-vax, pro-mask. (Not looking for a debate, just telling you where I'm coming from.)

I'm not expert, but I don't think Covid is ever going away. It sounds to me like Covid will become endemic, that is, something that we'll just have to live with permanently - sort of like the flu or common colds or cancer. It is what it is. So from where I sit, it'll probably get slowly better. The danger of Covid will (I hope) slowly decline as more of us either are infected or vaxed or both. Therapies and medications will get better. We'll get faster at Covid boosters, perhaps as an annual thing mixed in with our flu vax.

I think we'll get to a "new normal" where Covid is just one more of those everyday life risks that we have to live with, like car accidents, tornados, and cancer. We do our best to minimize the risk, and then go on living.

BUT... we're not there yet. And we simply don't know enough yet to quantify or understand the risks as thing stand today. Pre vaccine, NO WAY I was going anywhere near Disney. The risks were way to high, IMO. (Again, not looking for a fight, just helping you understand my thinking process, right or wrong.) Then, this summer, post-vax, I was like "yeah, we can do this!" The vax was almost magical in ending the risks and fears.

But now with delta... well, we're in some sort of murky unknown in the middle. It's like March 2020 was "the bad old days, lock yourself in your house" and June 2021 was "hey, we can live again" I think August 2021 is "shrug my shoulders, we're somewhere in the middle but no one knows" territory.

So we're a bit lost on a decision about Disney.

One of us is, potentially, immunocompromised. Delta is on the rise. Anecdotal evidence is that there have been quite a few "transmission events" at Disney. Even if Disney is perfect, getting there involves Ubers and airplanes and airports. With all of that, it seems silly to go.

On the other hand, in a month I'm going back to work in a high-intensity location with lots of people and my older son is going back to school. It'll all be with masks on, but it's not like we can be free of risk. We're all vaccinated and have no small kids at home. Our plane tix are non-refundable at this point, so we'd be out $1k right there if we cancel.

At some point, we'll all just to have to start living again when the risk gets low enough to be in that "tornado, cancer, car accident" range of risk. But is that point right now? Or next month? Or last month? Or January 2022? Or 2023?

Heck if I know. (And I'm not real confident of anyone who loudly claims to know.)

So I'll sit here and stew on the decision for a few more months, glad that most of my trip is refundable or postponable.
My recollections from last week - they had plexiglass in MMRR only in the very last part of the line (after you exit the pre-show and are waiting to board), Gran Fiesta had them up, I think I remember them in BTMR as well. This isn't a comprehensive list because we skipped many rides but these are the ones I remember!

Yep---- and I didnt really understand that---- I understand that the line "snakes" at the end (of MMRR) , but why the plexiglass at the end if people are basically on top of you before you get to that point?
People and their tolerance vary. I have lost count of our days at Disney Springs or parks since they reopened. This includes Legoland that never enforced masks, and SeaWorld that relaxed masks early. Nobody has been sick, nobody we know has been sick. It could happen to anyone, and it might be at a gas station instead of at a park. I don't get up in people's junk, we wash our hands, wipe down tables, shower after getting home (maybe even hop into a chlorine-rich pool) things we always did anyway...
I think with Delta spreading like wildfire, we will all be exposed several times over in the next few weeks. Unless we go back to complete shutdown (which I don't see happening) then there's no way to avoid it. For those of us who are fully vaxxed, I think we've done all we can at this point and just need to cross our fingers.

We are scheduled to go on Friday for a week with our fully vaxxed 12 year old for a trip rescheduled from May 2020. We are on DVC points so within the 30 day window, with park tickets and Boo Bash already purchased. As someone who was super cautious throughout this whole thing, I instinctively feel like we should cancel. But we are in Texas, and our Covid numbers are getting bad too. My son is in basketball camp this week with dozens of kids unmasked. After we get back from Disney, he's going to a party that'll likely have 100 kids indoors. All of those kids will be just back from camp/trips/etc. And then school starts. I'm not going to keep him away from this stuff because he's fully vaccinated. Unfortunately many of his friends are not by their parents' choice. So I'm not sure it makes sense for us to cancel when we're likely going to be exposed repeatedly anyway over the next few weeks. 🤷🏻‍♀️I'm bringing a giant stack of masks.
One of my factors was the dramatic increase in hospitalizations as well. DD has only had her first shot and while she SHOULD be safe, we just aren't going to take the risk when we are so close to being as safe as possible.

Our biggest issue with my grandson getting sick at WDW was that it’s impossible to get a test ( we tried everywhere we could think of) and of course no clinic would see him ( if they had space) with his symptoms and no test. We had no choice at that point but to drive back home hoping we could control his symptoms- spiking fever bring the worst.

Its been a very rough trip home - lots of stops to medicate for temps hitting over 103 and the vomiting has been a big issue as well. We’re just a few hours away now and his doctor is willing to see him first thing in the morning.

So a word of warning to those with children- if they get sick, you could have real issues getting them in to see a dr even if it’s not covid symptoms or getting them tested if they do have any covid symptoms.

Our trip went much better than expected until he started showing symptoms on Sunday. In hindsight was it worth it? NO.
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Our biggest issue with my grandson getting sick at WDW was that it’s impossible to get a test ( we tried everywhere we could think of) and of course no clinic would see him ( if they had space) with his symptoms and no test. We had no choice at that point but to drive back home hoping we could control his symptoms- spiking fever bring the worst.

Its been a very rough trip home - lots of stops to medicate for temps hitting over 103 and the vomiting has been a big issue as well. We’re just a few hours away now and his doctor is willing to see him first thing in the morning.

So a word of warning to those with children- if they get sick, you could have real issues getting them in to see a dr even if it’s not covid symptoms or getting them tested if they do have any covid symptoms.

Our trip went much better than expected until he started showing symptoms on Sunday. In hindsight was it worth it? NO.

For the future, this clinic is near Cross Roads. My son has gone there a couple times to be tested. The website looks like they take kids. There are other clinics too in the area near Disney.
For the future, this clinic is near Cross Roads. My son has gone there a couple times to be tested. The website looks like they take kids. There are other clinics too in the area near Disney.
Every place we checked was full for the day. Even places that said they take walk ins. We found 1 drive thru testing site but the wait was over 4 hrs in line, they closed at 5:00 and it was 1 when we found them- being in line was no guarantee he’d be tested if it hit closing time.
Honestly, I’m not sure if we checked here or not, we checked so many.
Our biggest issue with my grandson getting sick at WDW was that it’s impossible to get a test ( we tried everywhere we could think of) and of course no clinic would see him ( if they had space) with his symptoms and no test. We had no choice at that point but to drive back home hoping we could control his symptoms- spiking fever bring the worst.

Its been a very rough trip home - lots of stops to medicate for temps hitting over 103 and the vomiting has been a big issue as well. We’re just a few hours away now and his doctor is willing to see him first thing in the morning.

So a word of warning to those with children- if they get sick, you could have real issues getting them in to see a dr even if it’s not covid symptoms or getting them tested if they do have any covid symptoms.

Our trip went much better than expected until he started showing symptoms on Sunday. In hindsight was it worth it? NO.
I’m so sorry. I hope he’s ok! We were lucky that DS’ symptoms were very mild & that they they didn’t start until a few days after being home. DH & I had it much worse & we are vaccinated, but I would much rather it that way, of course!
Our biggest issue with my grandson getting sick at WDW was that it’s impossible to get a test ( we tried everywhere we could think of) and of course no clinic would see him ( if they had space) with his symptoms and no test. We had no choice at that point but to drive back home hoping we could control his symptoms- spiking fever bring the worst.

Its been a very rough trip home - lots of stops to medicate for temps hitting over 103 and the vomiting has been a big issue as well. We’re just a few hours away now and his doctor is willing to see him first thing in the morning.

So a word of warning to those with children- if they get sick, you could have real issues getting them in to see a dr even if it’s not covid symptoms or getting them tested if they do have any covid symptoms.

Our trip went much better than expected until he started showing symptoms on Sunday. In hindsight was it worth it? NO.
I have to admit that your situation really helped push me to my decision. If DD was fully vaxxed we would be going, but she’s not.

I also agree that this will become and endemic, but I’ll be much more comfortable with that in 3 weeks when DD is as safe as she can be.
I have to admit that your situation really helped push me to my decision. If DD was fully vaxxed we would be going, but she’s not.

I also agree that this will become and endemic, but I’ll be much more comfortable with that in 3 weeks when DD is as safe as she can be.

I hate fear mongering but this is our real experience and one I never want to repeat.

The thing is, he was in the parks all week and if he does turn out positive, he was undoubtedly shedding the virus for a few days before we even knew he was sick. We were vigilant about keeping him masked but I can only imagine how many others are there, symptom free as he was, that aren’t taking precautions.
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I hate fear mongering but this is our real experience and one I never want to repeat.

The thing is, he was in the parks all week and if he does turn out positive, he was undoubtedly shedding the virus for a few days before he even knew he was sick. We were vigilant about keeping him masked but I can only imagine how many others are there, symptom free as he was, that aren’t taking precautions.

I'm sorry, traveling with sick kids is SO hard.
And its even worse when you are worried about making other people sick.

(I still feel guilty that 12 years ago my kid gave his cousin RSV and he landed in the hospital. Yes, my kid was coughing, but he had asthma. And he had a fever, but he also had an ear infection, which isn't contagious. He had RSV on top of the ear infection/asthma.)
Do you all get the sense that a lot of people are postponing now? Just for kicks I checked hotel availability for a couple weekends from now and there is way more availability than when I last checked for then just a week or so ago.

Based on these posts, for sure many are canceling with more to follow.

I have a feeling they didn't extend hours Friday like they have been doing every Friday because of their lower expectations of the incoming crowds.
I’m so sorry. I hope he’s ok! We were lucky that DS’ symptoms were very mild & that they they didn’t start until a few days after being home. DH & I had it much worse & we are vaccinated, but I would much rather it that way, of course!
Hope you guys are all doing well. I’m also glad to see you’re not beating yourself up over it (at least not here). We’re all just trying to be as safe as we can while we try to get back to as much “normal” as we can. You’ve gotta get yourself well for football season! (Roll Tide! 😝)
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