To Go or Not To Go

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For people taking short trips, they probably won't be symptomatic before they get home, even if they catch it at Disney. But I'm worried because I take longer trips. What is someone supposed to do if they catch Covid? Can't fly home. Where are you supposed to live for at least 10 days? How would you get food? How would you get medical treatment if required.?
I asked these questions before and never found an answer.
This is not something I had thought about.. what do you do?
For people taking short trips, they probably won't be symptomatic before they get home, even if they catch it at Disney. But I'm worried because I take longer trips. What is someone supposed to do if they catch Covid? Can't fly home. Where are you supposed to live for at least 10 days? How would you get food? How would you get medical treatment if required.?
I asked these questions before and never found an answer.
I'm also wondering if the insurance would cover us (I'm a DVC member) for these added expenses. I think it would come under "Trip Interruption".
I'm also wondering if the insurance would cover us (I'm a DVC member) for these added expenses. I think it would come under "Trip Interruption".
Most trip insurance places have added a covid clause that basically says it wont be covered due to covid related issues. So make sure you check with your trip insurance contract to see if that is in there, it's not a given anymore.
does anyone know if the state of Florida even knows or cares if one has Covid and even makes sure, cares, or checks if one is quarantining IF positive? I highly doubt anyone is even doing this. Unless you look from the outside unwell. Could be a reason cases are skyrocketing.
If anyone happens to chat with Disney to modify / cancel ASK! Ask what is your Plan if a guest gets ill. I honestly am curious. But I already paid my dues ( an hour, which is low, on hold modifying lol).post back here
I know in the EU many tourist places have a plan. ( quarantine hotels etc) one prerequisite to reopen.
Seriously if you find you need a test during the stay- PM me I’ll be bringing a stash I hope I have no need for. I’ll actually GIVE you one- no price guaging here
You are too sweet! I bought 2 tests to take but have been searching for 2 more. Praying we don’t need them but if I get in a pinch I feel so much better knowing I can find you! Tests or no tests-we’ll be there 8/21-8/27 and my kids love the pool. Stop by and say hi!
For people taking short trips, they probably won't be symptomatic before they get home, even if they catch it at Disney. But I'm worried because I take longer trips. What is someone supposed to do if they catch Covid? Can't fly home. Where are you supposed to live for at least 10 days? How would you get food? How would you get medical treatment if required.?
I asked these questions before and never found an answer.

It’s not just Covid that could cause many of these issues. When my grandson started showing symptoms on day 6 of our 7 day trip, it occurred to me what an issue we would have if we had flown. He was running temps over 103 with heavy coughing, no way he could’ve flown regardless of a diagnosis. Driving with a kid who is coughing, vomiting and running a high fever was miserable, but at least we could do it. He tested negative once we got him home where he could actually be tested and seen by his doctor. We won’t be putting him at risk like that again.

There are no good answers to your questions. You couldn’t fly, you could have issues finding testing and availability to be treated. And that could happen even if it’s not Covid.
For people taking short trips, they probably won't be symptomatic before they get home, even if they catch it at Disney. But I'm worried because I take longer trips. What is someone supposed to do if they catch Covid? Can't fly home. Where are you supposed to live for at least 10 days? How would you get food? How would you get medical treatment if required.?
I asked these questions before and never found an answer.
This is not something I had thought about.. what do you do?
For those who are flying these are definitely real concerns. For those who drive, obviously not as much. We are still planning to go on our Thanksgiving trip but are driving down so if, God forbid, someone does wind up sick, we can just drive the 16 or so hours home to Michigan. If we didn't have that option I would probably feel differently about going.
For those who are flying these are definitely real concerns. For those who drive, obviously not as much. We are still planning to go on our Thanksgiving trip but are driving down so if, God forbid, someone does wind up sick, we can just drive the 16 or so hours home to Michigan. If we didn't have that option I would probably feel differently about going.
We are flying because I have to accept that in all likelihood we will be fine. However, I am not opposed to a rental to get us home in the event that we are not ok.
does anyone know if the state of Florida even knows or cares if one has Covid and even makes sure, cares, or checks if one is quarantining IF positive? I highly doubt anyone is even doing this. Unless you look from the outside unwell. Could be a reason cases are skyrocketing.
If anyone happens to chat with Disney to modify / cancel ASK! Ask what is your Plan if a guest gets ill. I honestly am curious. But I already paid my dues ( an hour, which is low, on hold modifying lol).post back here
I know in the EU many tourist places have a plan. ( quarantine hotels etc) one prerequisite to reopen.
I can tell you, they seem to not care or have much of any plan. Someone at my husbands company (he just heard from the exec in charge of that sector, he doesn't have contact with this person, they just told him all this because they know I have a trip coming up) recent went to WDW, like a couple of weeks ago. A member of their party came down with symptoms and tested positive at the beginning of their trip, he says she felt ok and stayed out of the parks for a day or two but then went out with them after that. This was the week right before masks were brought back, masks came back the last couple of days of their trip. They were all in contact with her, sharing a room, no one wore masks in their party or distanced from her and went in to the parks. When masks came back they would wear them to appease the CMs and then remove them in line, he later tested posted the monday after returning from their trip as did everyone else in their group. My husbands company contacted Disney and disney was pretty much like "Ok thanks", they wanted to let disney know that housekeeping and other staff could have come in contact with them and they were just like "that's nice of you". When the exec asked what exactly their policies were if a gueset contracts covid during their stay the person on the phone pretty much said "they can stay in their room, but if they want to quarantine they will have to pay for extra nights if there is space available". They also had no answer on what they would do for that particular room if someone had been found to be positive, if it would be allowed to sit before another occupancy, and they just got a "we have enhanced cleaning protocals in place at this time" answer. It was almost like they were turning a blind eye to it, and it's why I will be doing my own cleaning of my room when I get in it in a couple of weeks. Florida is NOT the EU in any way shape or form, I'm afraid you will more than likely be on your own if you get sick here.
Following. We are set to arrive on 8/29/2021 w/ 3 kids. 2 are vaxxed one is 9yo and is not vaxxed.

Just keeping an eye on the numbers and being aware of some of the media scare tactics.
I have a friend that works for Advent health in Orlando, those aren't media scare tactics, their hospitals are full. Just be very careful with your 9 year old, they've had a high number of pediatric hospitalizations.
A member of their party came down with symptoms and tested positive at the beginning of their trip, he says she felt ok and stayed out of the parks for a day or two but then went out with them after that.

Reading this may just be enough for me to realize how dumb it is to go in September (we JUST today were considering it). If people are that callous with their infectiousness, well no wonder things are as bad as they are.
I can tell you, they seem to not care or have much of any plan. Someone at my husbands company (he just heard from the exec in charge of that sector, he doesn't have contact with this person, they just told him all this because they know I have a trip coming up) recent went to WDW, like a couple of weeks ago. A member of their party came down with symptoms and tested positive at the beginning of their trip, he says she felt ok and stayed out of the parks for a day or two but then went out with them after that. This was the week right before masks were brought back, masks came back the last couple of days of their trip. They were all in contact with her, sharing a room, no one wore masks in their party or distanced from her and went in to the parks. When masks came back they would wear them to appease the CMs and then remove them in line, he later tested posted the monday after returning from their trip as did everyone else in their group. My husbands company contacted Disney and disney was pretty much like "Ok thanks", they wanted to let disney know that housekeeping and other staff could have come in contact with them and they were just like "that's nice of you". When the exec asked what exactly their policies were if a gueset contracts covid during their stay the person on the phone pretty much said "they can stay in their room, but if they want to quarantine they will have to pay for extra nights if there is space available". They also had no answer on what they would do for that particular room if someone had been found to be positive, if it would be allowed to sit before another occupancy, and they just got a "we have enhanced cleaning protocals in place at this time" answer. It was almost like they were turning a blind eye to it, and it's why I will be doing my own cleaning of my room when I get in it in a couple of weeks. Florida is NOT the EU in any way shape or form, I'm afraid you will more than likely be on your own if you get sick here.
That really does confirm the fact that going to WDW right now is a truly at your own risk and nothing is being done about Covid type situation. Jesus maybe I really do need to redo my Pro and con list right now. I really have thought Disney would be more up to par with how they handle Covid on their property. I guess not. This one hotel by us actually guarantees that a guest room will remain On occupied for five days. But honestly they can only do that because demand is so down so they have the empty rooms anyways. It’s a meeting / convention hotel in Frankfurt.
If we still go, which we most likely will I’m stopping anyways to buy groceries once we head out from the airport. I had pre-packed a bunch of disinfecting wipes but I think I’m also going to grab a bottle of aerosol Lysol and simply in fumigate the room, prop the door open for 30 minutes. Screw the AC
I have a friend that works for Advent health in Orlando, those aren't media scare tactics, their hospitals are full. Just be very careful with your 9 year old, they've had a high number of pediatric hospitalizations.

It wasn't the media that scared us, it was a real life experience of having a sick child and not being able to get him tested or seen by a doctor while we were there. We're not going back for many reasons, but the most important to us is the risk we put him and the rest of us at by not being able to access medical care.
Reading this may just be enough for me to realize how dumb it is to go in September (we JUST today were considering it). If people are that callous with their infectiousness, well no wonder things are as bad as they are.

It should come as no shock to anyone that people are going into the parks sick and either not knowing they have Covid or not caring. We did not go to the parks when my grandson showed symptoms, but I'm pretty sure we're the exception and not the rule. People pay a lot of money for their trips and most of them aren't going to sacrifice park days just because they don't feel well. It's crazy, but that's just reality.
It wasn't the media that scared us, it was a real life experience of having a sick child and not being able to get him tested or seen by a doctor while we were there. We're not going back for many reasons, but the most important to us is the risk we put him and the rest of us at by not being able to access medical care.
Oh I know, I was so sad for you guys, and completely understand! If I were going on a trip with my kids it would be cancelled, I would 100% not be going. I just don't get the people who say they are trying to see through the medias scare tactics, that's not what's going on. I just left my job working in crisis management for a healthcare system, the amount of people who told me we were blowing stuff out of proportion daily was mind blowing (I left because we moved last year and I was working remote until they finally decided they were ready to hire an in person replacement, not because of anything else). I've had Covid, am vaccinated, going solo, and driving so I feel fine going especially since it's my 7th trip and I'm not doing all the things (mainly just Boo Bash and food & wine). If I were going on a big family trip where I wanted to do it all, with lots of indoor dining, watching fireworks, and doing everything I would 100% reschedule at this point in time.
That really does confirm the fact that going to WDW right now is a truly at your own risk and nothing is being done about Covid type situation. Jesus maybe I really do need to redo my Pro and con list right now. I really have thought Disney would be more up to par with how they handle Covid on their property. I guess not. This one hotel by us actually guarantees that a guest room will remain On occupied for five days. But honestly they can only do that because demand is so down so they have the empty rooms anyways. It’s a meeting / convention hotel in Frankfurt.
If we still go, which we most likely will I’m stopping anyways to buy groceries once we head out from the airport. I had pre-packed a bunch of disinfecting wipes but I think I’m also going to grab a bottle of aerosol Lysol and simply in fumigate the room, prop the door open for 30 minutes. Screw the AC

There is a reason Disney has a Covid disclosure on every webpage and you have to click your agreement on each park reservation you make. I am not arguing that is right or wrong but Disney makes it very clear that you are on your own.

And this has always been the case with Disney. We have had to scramble to figure out how to get home or how to stay longer when we came down with norovirus over the years. Disney did nothing to help nor did I expect them to.
When we went on 3/12/2020, we brought meds, thermometer, N95s, etc and presumed we'd have to drive home if one of us got sick. I had MAJOR 2nd thoughts the night before we left, but my travel partner did not. We rented a car (literally reserved on my phone on the way to our early morning flight), did not do RDs, canceled indoor ressies, and left a day early after hearing of the closure in 2 days. In hindsight, the cases were so tiny compared to now it's almost 'quaint' to think of.
For anyone intending to go, unfortunately cases aren't measured or traced according to area and none of the information you want is published by WDW or by the state, so there isn't any way to know how many persons caught COVID at WDW. the Delta variant is EXTREMELY contagious. Some will definitely be exposed in theme parks.

You'll need to make decisions based on your personal risk tolerance level, and there is some risk no matter what you choose. Take into account that neither WDW nor Universal require vaccination for guests. WDW requires all guests age 2 and older to wear masks indoors, in queues and on attractions. There are certain types of masks and face coverings that aren't acceptable at WDW, so make sure you have the right kind for everyone. A relative was at Universal this month and in most of their on-attraction photos, there isn't anyone wearing masks, so it appears Uni does not require masks indoors or on attractions, although they might recommend them. You can always wear your mask, but it seems there are no guarantees others will be wearing them. In both parks it will be noted that there is far less emphasis than earlier in the year on physical distancing between parties, so if you wish to maintain distance you may need to do it yourself.
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