To Infinity and Beyond - Becoming a Better DopeyBadger (Comments Welcome)

Can totally relate to maybe going a bit faster than intended when I have a neighborhood "audience"! Have to have a mental conversation with myself that I need to be going slow (or whatever) but sometimes it's hard to not be like "look what I can do."

Bummer about your hip...I'll think happy thoughts for you.

Hoping for 12/12 to bring good news so that I (and a bunch more of us) can help mentally push you forward at least for the first 2:59 minutes of the race!
Looks like a really solid week to me!!


And your hotel choice looks pretty perfect!!

We're excited about it!

What a week! Sorry to hear about your hip, but it sounds like whatever was flared up is calming down.

Thanks! It happens, but I'm confident it's a minor bump in the road.

Also, congrats on getting accepted to Chicago (not that it was a surprise, but still awesome!)!!!

Thanks! I'm really excited about it!

I've got a time in mind for Chicago. Still according to my master plan. It may seem outlandish, but it's where I thought I'd be in Fall 2018 when I mapped it out in Fall 2015. Time will tell whether it comes to fruition.

Can totally relate to maybe going a bit faster than intended when I have a neighborhood "audience"! Have to have a mental conversation with myself that I need to be going slow (or whatever) but sometimes it's hard to not be like "look what I can do."

Especially when they're all yelling things at you! "Why are you wearing shorts in 30 degrees?" "You make the rest of us men look inadequate!" "Holy *Bleep*, you're running fast!"

Bummer about your hip...I'll think happy thoughts for you.

It's about 99% right now, so definitely getting close to normal.

Hoping for 12/12 to bring good news so that I (and a bunch more of us) can help mentally push you forward at least for the first 2:59 minutes of the race!

Me too! I'll run like you're all chasing me!
With fritters? :scratchin:thumbsup2

I think the fritters need to be at the finish line so that it propels forward momentum. Otherwise he may start running backwards through the crowd to get to us and that's not the most ideal race strategy.

Speaking of...there's a fancy donut shop if you turn left on roosevelt off michigan and run downhill....but you are going to want to employ all your will power and turn right on roosevelt instead and run uphill because that leads you to the finish chute. I know that goes against human nature.
Billy there really is no need to join me in the sore hip party :-). Mine is continuing to get better. Though PT says thursday’s 6 miles at tempo might be aggressive so I suggested half mile increments of tempo EB so that it’s 3 miles of tempo. Will see what she says.
59 Days to Go (Chicago...)

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Date - Day - Scheduled Workout (Intervals within desired pace)

10/30/17 - M - MBW
11/1/17 - T - 2 mi @ WU + 4 x 1 @ T w/ 1 min rest + 5 x 200 @ R w/ 200 RI @ WU + 2 mi @ CD (8/9)
11/2/17 - W - 7 miles @ 7:54-8:28 min/mile
11/3/17 - R - 3 mile WU + 6 miles @ M Tempo + 3 mile CD (X/X)
11/4/17 - F - 7 miles @ 7:54-8:28 min/mile
11/5/17 - Sat - 9 miles @ 7:54-8:28 min/mile + MBW
11/6/17 - Sun - 15 miles @ 7:35 min/mile (13/14)
11/7/17 - M - MBW

Total (training) mileage = 58.7 miles
Number of SOS intervals within pace = 21/23 (91%)


Standard medicine ball workout, but still with the 4 pound ball. Not ready to step up to the 6 pound ball yet.


2 mile WU + 4x1 mile @ T w/ 1 min RI + 5x200m @ R w/ 200m RI + 2 mile CD

Happy Halloween! Time for a Treat!

Daniels T Pace = 6:33 min/mile
Daniels T Window = +/-5 seconds (6:28-6:38)
Daniels R Pace = 5:28 min/mile (41 sec)
Daniels R Window = +/- 1 sec (40-42 sec) *Although I didn't follow the window today (effort based)

WC of 31, little wind, night

I was excited to try out the Daniels T pace again. Back in Spring 2017 my T pace was a 6:38 min/mile. So I was interested to see whether I was or was not capable of hitting that pace. Color me surprised.

T pace = 6:30, 6:24, 6:28, 6:32

Ummm.... yea..... so.... That 6:24 might be my 3rd best mile ever. Here's the thing though. I felt good. I was locked in. I wasn't running at 3rd best mile ever effort. It certainly felt sustainable. Always harder to keep track of the paces at night (especially Halloween night where I've got to pay attention). HR wise says the same story - 151, 154, 156, 155. NICE! The cold is very very helpful.

Now about those R paces.... Yea.... ummm.... so... about that....

R = 37.9 (?), 37.9, 39.0, 38.7, 40.3

Let's just say I enjoyed having a Halloween audience. Very Very difficult to keep tabs on this pace at night. But I felt like it was appropriate. I felt like I could have run a mile at this pace if I had to. It was suppose to be 6x200 but I guess I got quick with button pushing? The first interval is within that first lap, so I'm guessing based on peak pace it was around 37.9.

This was a VERY strong run and I'm very happy with it. Excited to see what is in store with the upcoming training cycle!

Here's the negative though... I did something to my hip. After the 200s were done, I stopped by a neighbor's Halloween fire pit and we talked about running and kids. After a few minutes (?) I wished them well and got started back up for my cool-down. But as soon as I started I could tell my hip was very sore. A similar feeling to when I mis-stepped a year or so ago and my hip flexed outwards. I wrapped up the run and then bit my tongue with hope things would be momentary.


The hip soreness was evident throughout the day. But if it's the same as the last time, it took just a few days to clear up and feel normal again. It felt like 70% on this run with the issues being the very start and the hills (mostly downhill). Avg pace 8:49 min/mile with HR of 132. T+D of ? (weather underground is down), pretty sure it was raining for this run.

The big news on Wednesday was that my time qualifier application was accepted for the 2018 Chicago Marathon!


3 mile WU + 6 miles @ M Tempo + 3 mile CD

T+D of 86, cloudy, night, no wind

After Tuesday's run it was apparent that my right hip was sore. I wasn't quite sure what caused it exactly, but it's something I've had happen before. Best guess is the uneven running surface during the R pace work. In the past it's usually been when my foot falls kinda sideways underneath me and my hip pops outwards. Thankfully, if I'm right and it's the same issue as in year's past, then it it should only take a few days to clear up. The main issue it causes is I can't maintain pace down hills. Otherwise, it's just a matter of time before things are normal again. So I took the first 3 miles cautiously and the second 3 miles at pace other than hills. Happy with how it felt all considered.


No rain, but windy. Average pace of 8:33 with HR of 130.


Another run in the rain and relatively higher wind (15-20mph?)! T+D of ?. Average pace of 8:02 with HR of 141.


60 days to go!

T+D of 87, no wind, cloudy

Long Run Pace = 7:35 min/mile
Long Run Window = +/- 10 sec (7:25-7:45)

Today was the Madison Marathon. I walked out the door and was super envious of those running today in near perfect conditions. I thought to myself, maybe I should have been out there too. But it became apparent after a few miles that it was for the best I wasn't racing a marathon today.

Long Run = 7:24, 7:32, 7:25, 7:39, 7:31, 7:34, 7:34, 7:36, 7:32, 7:31, 7:28, 7:37, 7:36, 7:27

Everything was good through 9 miles, but then the difficultly of the run increased. I kept putting in a good LR effort. I had my E-Gel at mile 7. A few of the miles between 10-15 were nearly out of range but I gave a good effort to keep them within window. Average HR of 142-144 which is a tad high for LR.

One reason this 15 miler may have seemed tougher than prior is I somehow increased my hill work. Past 15 mile runs were around 500 feet gained, but this one was just over 700 feet.

Predicted TRIMP = 212
Actual TRIMP = 219

Predicted TRIMP Weekly Load = 840 (120 avg for 7 days)
Actual TRIMP Weekly Load = 862 (123.1 avg for 7 days)

At this point, I'm feeling rather confident I can predict the TRIMP of a workout with reliable consistency. If the numbers bear this out, then I should be in better shape come January then I was in October. We shall see! This week (862) was harder than all but one week during Daniels Training and would have been the 4th highest during Lakefront.

Weight on Sunday morning was 164. So no change from last week from one Sunday to the next. Although, my weight went up during the week and came back down. Since the goal was to lose 1 pound per week, this 164 is right on target.

Still not back into form at this point, but I'm making progress!

Hip pain sucks, I feel like an semi-expert on it lol... Anyways, I agree with the foot not coming through the gate properly. Do you have a short leg? With all the sports you played it is a possibility! I think bringing back the medicine ball will help in long run, just don’t forget about the Glutes(both max and medius)!
With fritters? :scratchin:thumbsup2

Hmmm..... or more like MMMmmmmm.....

I think the fritters need to be at the finish line so that it propels forward momentum. Otherwise he may start running backwards through the crowd to get to us and that's not the most ideal race strategy.

Good thinking!

Speaking of...there's a fancy donut shop if you turn left on roosevelt off michigan and run downhill....but you are going to want to employ all your will power and turn right on roosevelt instead and run uphill because that leads you to the finish chute. I know that goes against human nature.

This is like my "Disney Character Stop"! Willingness to go off course for something exciting to me. A Doughnut!!!

Congrats on Chicago!


Billy there really is no need to join me in the sore hip party :-).



Except we should avoid the leg movements they're doing, I think...

Mine is continuing to get better.


Though PT says thursday’s 6 miles at tempo might be aggressive so I suggested half mile increments of tempo EB so that it’s 3 miles of tempo. Will see what she says.

It's probably a smart move.

Hip pain sucks,


Do you have a short leg?

It's possible. No idea really. If I did, my guess would be the right one (current and most frequent offender for hip pain).

I think bringing back the medicine ball will help in long run, just don’t forget about the Glutes(both max and medius)!


You just about gave me a heart attack! That race is this coming weekend, I just double checked. I thought I had missed it!

You gave me a heart attack when you said your race was this coming weekend on your journal. I quickly checked just like you. It was the other HM in the area this past weekend. So are you conveniently coming for the Iowa vs UW game on Saturday and then racing on Sunday?
All this talk about fritters reminds of the statement from legendary athlete Homer Simpson: "Donuts. Is there anything they can't do?"
You gave me a heart attack when you said your race was this coming weekend on your journal. I quickly checked just like you. It was the other HM in the area this past weekend. So are you conveniently coming for the Iowa vs UW game on Saturday and then racing on Sunday?
Let's agree to stop giving each other heart attacks unless induced by eating too much fried dough, deal?

The game was the deciding factor in which HM I would run gearing up for WDW. TBH, I'm more nervous about the game now than my race. Hopefully Iowa got all of that scoring out of their system.
Also, good job running and things! Ha, but seriously way to pick up the strength training again. Something I should probably do again myself.
Let's agree to stop giving each other heart attacks unless induced by eating too much fried dough, deal?


Since you're in Madison, you could stop by Greenbush Bakery and get one!!!!8m2!3d43.0674367!4d-89.4076996

Screen Shot 2017-11-07 at 7.59.04 AM.png

Not to far from the Stadium or the race course. Just saying!

The game was the deciding factor in which HM I would run gearing up for WDW. TBH, I'm more nervous about the game now than my race. Hopefully Iowa got all of that scoring out of their system.

So cheering for the Badgers then? Sounds good, then you're welcome in Madison. LOL!

Also, good job running and things! Ha, but seriously way to pick up the strength training again. Something I should probably do again myself.

Thanks! Let's not kid ourselves though. It's about the bare minimal amount of strength training to still be called strength training given it's only a 4 pound medicine ball. Just working my way up. Although admittedly sometimes that 4 pound ball turns into a 30 pound kid, with the same motions. Then the difficultly significantly increases with a wiggly kid.
Thanks! Let's not kid ourselves though. It's about the bare minimal amount of strength training to still be called strength training given it's only a 4 pound medicine ball. Just working my way up. Although admittedly sometimes that 4 pound ball turns into a 30 pound kid, with the same motions. Then the difficultly significantly increases with a wiggly kid.

Word of caution...if you keep feeding your 30 lbs wiggly kid, they turn into 48 lbs wiggly kids. Oooph!

Since you're in Madison, you could stop by Greenbush Bakery and get one!!!!8m2!3d43.0674367!4d-89.4076996

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Not to far from the Stadium or the race course. Just saying!

So cheering for the Badgers then? Sounds good, then you're welcome in Madison. LOL!

Thanks! Let's not kid ourselves though. It's about the bare minimal amount of strength training to still be called strength training given it's only a 4 pound medicine ball. Just working my way up. Although admittedly sometimes that 4 pound ball turns into a 30 pound kid, with the same motions. Then the difficultly significantly increases with a wiggly kid.
Even though I'm technically a Hawkeye by degree (shhhhh), I only stepped foot on campus twice for my schooling and once was graduation so I don't have strong ties there. I lived in Middleton for a year post undergrad and with no Big Ten ties at the time, quickly adopted the Badgers. I actually considered UW for my MBA but evening classes in town turned out to be waaaaaay more convenient than a 5 hour commute on the weekends.

Don't sell yourself short! Just as 1 mile is better than 0 miles, something is better than nothing in the strength training dept.

I'm going to pretend I didn't immediately tell my husband where my post race breakfast was taking place...
It's been a whirlwind last 12 hours, but Gigi is going to audition for a national ad today. Wish her luck!


Wishing her the best of luck (and to mom and dad too!)

@GollyGadget Everyone deserves a post-race fritter in their life :)


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