To Infinity and Beyond - Becoming a Better DopeyBadger (Comments Welcome)

How do you and Steph like the fix, overall? Are you planning on doing doubles for week three? I’ve only been doing Pilates and yoga on off days but I’m afraid to start a full 21 day plan this close to marathon as I always manage to strain a hip flexor or tweak my back (which I suppose I could do running too)!

Not planning on doubling up since we're moving to 80 day after next week. The 60 min strength + 60 min bikeing on T, W, and R is going to be pushing my time availability (2.5 hours on Sat and Sun is no big deal). So I'm not seeking out starting out a week early with 60 min strength.

Steph said that some portions are easier and others harder. I'm interested to see. In the moment some of the moves are challenging, but I rarely have soreness even a few hours postworkout. But having it occur right before or after the bikeing has increased the difficulty.

You are so close to the marathon I wouldn't add in something new. Possible gains are there, but so is the risk for working underudleized muscles this close to race day. It's definitely a "good argument on both sides" situation.
Sweet Spot Base - Mid Volume Phase 1 - Week 3

12/10/18 - M - OFF
12/11/18 - T - 21 df + Tunnabora (60 min; 64 TSS)
12/12/18 - W - Carter (45 min; 34 TSS) + 21df
12/13/18 - R - 21 df extreme + Monitor+1 (60 min; 71 TSS)
12/14/18 - F - OFF
12/15/18 - Sa - 21 df extreme + McAdie (90 min; 111 TSS)
12/16/18 - Su - Antelope (90 min; 96 TSS)

Total Training Time - 7:53 hours
Total Biking TSS - 378 TSS

Not a ton of time for an update, but here's what I learned.

-Doubling up on socks for cycling has allowed me to "fill out" the top of the shoes better. I've increased my cadence because I've had less wasted movement inside the shoe.
-21 day fix is done! We actually tried two days of 21 day fix extreme at the tail end to see if there was a difference. Yes, yes there is a difference. Extreme is harder. A more challenging workout. We were able to complete 17 total workouts in 25 days.
-Now comes 80 day obsession starting on Tuesday. We've decided to split the biking and strength workouts so that I'm not doing 2 hours every weeknight. So Monday will be our off day (mostly because Steph works late). Tues/Wed/Thurs will be 80 day obsession at 4:30am (60 min) and then biking in the evening (60 min). Friday will be 80 day at night (60 min) and no biking. Sat/Sun will be 80 day (60 min) and biking (90-120 min). The three early mornings will be rough, but this allows Steph to come home from work and be with G right away. And it allows me some time with G in the evening as well since I won't be doing 120 min every weekday.
Sweet Spot Base - Mid Volume Phase 1 - Week 4 + 80 Day Obsession Week 1

12/17/18 - M - OFF
12/18/18 - T - 80DO-D1-Total Body Core + Carson (60 min; 65 TSS)
12/19/18 - W - 80DO-D2-Booty + Pettit-1 (60 min; 27 TSS)
12/20/18 - R - 80DO-D3-Cardio Core + Antelope-4 (75 min; 80 TSS)
12/21/18 - F - 80DO-D4-AAA
12/22/18 - Sa - Palisade (90 min; 113 TSS) + 80DO-D5-Legs
12/23/18 - Su - Eclipse (90 min; 105 TSS) + 80DO-D6-Cardio Flow

Total Biking Time - 6:15 hours
Total Biking TSS - 390 TSS

Total 80DO Time - 4:39 hours
Total 80DO TSS - 94 TSS

Total Training Time - 10:54 hours
Total TSS - 484 TSS

Better late than never I guess. As with most others, it's been a busy last few days.

Tuesday - And so it begins. Steph (restarted) and I started 80 Day Obsession. On Tues/Wed/Thurs we are to wake up at 4:30am to do the workout. So the alarm went off and down we went to the pain cave. The first workout was 60 min. I can't say I remember anything specific about any of the workouts at this point in time (guess that's what happens at 4:30am....). My HR provides a TSS (total stress score) that I get for running (HR) and biking (power) workouts. But I'm not sure the TSS is completely reflective of the "workout" in this case because you certainly can work muscle groups in strength exercises without raising HR (thus not reflected in a HR based TSS). Regardless, Day 1 of 80DO is down. The bike workout was 6 intervals around 88-94% FTP or varying lengths 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, and 7 min.

Wednesday - Day 2 of 80DO focused on the booty. Resistance bands were introduced in this workout. Working the rear end, quads, and hamstrings mostly. The afternoon bike ride was really really easy at only a TSS of 27. Much more like joy riding.

Thursday - Day 3 of 80DO focused on a mix of cardio and core work. A shorter workout at only 40 min, but the HR was up there more often. HR occasionally climbed into the marathon HR zone (low 150s) and end of 5k zone (high 160s). The evening workout was a true challenge. Similar to Tuesday (88-94% FTP) but much longer intervals (10 min each). Didn't need to take a break though and completed it as written.

I had gone nearly a week with the ankle feeling good again (from Saturday through Wednesday), but Thursday felt like another setback. I had gone back to a brand new pair of Kinvara 8s that had never been worn running. I figured if they can't be running shoes (because they may have been causing the issue), then at least I could get my money's worth out of them as daily shoes. And from Saturday through Thursday that had been mostly without issue. But during the day on Thursday at work, I made a quick "cut" in a different direction and felt the inner side of the ankle twinge. Hadn't felt a pain on the side since September. So it was a little frustrating. The Zealots seem to bother the outer side and the Kinvara the inner side. I was hopeful that maybe just switching the daily shoes out completely from either style may point me back in the right direction.

Friday - Steph worked late, so we decided to get the 80DO done at 4:30am instead to ensure we could get it in. This was the AAA workout (Abs, Arms, and A**). After work I picked up a new daily pair of shoes (Saucony Jazz). Tried to avoid another pair of Saucony, but at the end of the day it's the only pair of shoes at DSW that felt right. Hoping that the stylistic change to something that is meant as a daily pair and has little cushioning and a more rigid heel cup will help.

Saturday - Told Steph that I really would prefer to do biking first and then 80DO when they're both to occur in the morning. During the week, it's fine if 80DO occurs first because I've got the whole day to recover prior to the bike. But on the weekend, if we're aiming to do both in the morning, then biking needs to go first. The bike trainer (Kickr Core) forces me to maintain the workout. But if I'm a little tired on 80DO I can just drop the weight or number of reps or something. Not as easy to do on the trainer (nor something I want to do since the bike is still my primary exercise). So bike first. And it was another doozy. I'm coming to appreciate my purchase of the Kickr Core everyday. Because honestly, I'm pretty sure I'd bail mid-intervals way more often (either just barely dropping the power or cutting at interval just a little short). But the trainer pretty much prevents me from doing that. And so even though mentally I feel like toast, I've been able to keep going. So it's just evidence in the mental bank that these workout are achievable regardless of how incredibly tough they feel in the moment. Over/Unders are probably the workout I struggle with the most at this point. Going just below FTP (95%) and then above (105%) and then back down to 95% over and over seems to really challenge me. On this particular workout, the "Over" was extended. But I believe this was the first over/under I have gotten through without taking any mini-break after an interval was over. So a mighty success and more proof that I'm improving.

Of course, doing arguably the hardest workout of the week and then following that up with 80DO Leg day (45 min) just sounds like a "great idea". Yea, it wasn't. But I did get through it. But the legs were already feeling it. Same late stage racing fatigue working the muscles I guess.

We hosted our first Christmas party on Saturday night.

Sunday - Got up and did the bike workout first again. It was 3 x 20 min at 88-92% FTP. So unlike the prior day, it was slightly less FTP but the duration at 20 min was quite the monster of maintained power. The first interval was done at normal cadence (about 90). The second interval was suppose to be a hill climb simulator (about 75). The third interval was suppose to be whichever interval felt harder. I found the 75 cadence to be easier (muscular endurance). So I went with the higher/normal cadence. It was absolutely a challenge. I'm glad the last interval was 20 min and not 20:10 because I'm not sure I would have made it. Even the post workout instructions called it a truly challenging workout, one in which you should feel like you have nothing left.

Perfect! Nothing left! Let's do 80DO-D6 Cardio Flow not too long after feeling like I've got nothing left. Note to self, I do have something left. I managed the workout. It was an interesting progressional ladder of exercises. So you do two moves four times each, then you do moves 1+2 and then a third, then you do moves 1+2+3 and then a fourth. By the end, you're doing 10 total moves with 4 reps of each. You do that final 10 moves three times total at the end of the workout. I did survive!

Afterwards, we prepped for our second Christmas party being hosted by us. So no sitting around post-workout on Saturday or Sunday because it was necessary to get things done for the parties.

So that marks the most exercise I've ever done in a single week measured by duration (10:54 hours). The previous high was 10:08 back in 9/5-9/11 of 2016 when I did 71.1 miles of running. That was prior to HR data so I can't say for sure if that week accounts for a higher TSS though. I would estimate based on the workouts in that week that the running TSS was 617 compared to the 484 TSS I just did (knowing full well the 80DO TSS may or may not be capturing the full workout picture). So close to the highest training load I've ever done in a week, but not the most.

I've also been attempting to sketch out a rough plan between now and Disney 2020. I'm hoping that Disney 2020 will serve as my next marathon. The plan will be to continue biking 5 days per week through the end of the Sweet Spot Base. Then moving into a 4 bike + 3 running with Short Power Build Mid Level (but dropping the Wednesday workout and replacing with a run instead). Building the running from 30 min per day to 40 to 50 and to 60 but all easy running throughout. I initially chose the Short Power Build, because my Spring goal is to introduce 5k/10k training. So I felt this TrainerRoad training plan best fit that model from a bike standpoint with the hope that'll translate over when 5k/10k run training begins.

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Last week was a TSS daily average of 71. Based on the method as to which TSS is calculated, it would appear that you want the daily average of TSS to increase by about 3 per week (21 total TSS). Doing this keeps the pacing of Fitness and Fatigue (in the training load calculation) in the "optimal zone". Occasionally, the training load will drop to have rest weeks. But the training picks back up again in a manner in which you'll catch back up into the "optimal" training load zone again. I have First Call HM marked if @jennamfeo is still looking for a 2 hour pacer. Additionally, Gigi has mentioned on several occasions that she wants to run a race together so we're aiming for the Kid's run at Parkinson's which is just down the street. The one place that may get too aggressive is 3/25-4/1 so we shall see what happens there (as the TSS daily average would get over 100 relatively quickly).

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Next, I'd plan to move into the Century Specialty phase. I dropped down to low and three days per week on the bike so that the running can take primary focus. Still looking at probably 3 days bike and 3 days run. But we'll see once the time comes. I just entered a few previous runs to get a general idea where the Run TSS would be on the 5k/10k training. The training load mostly stabilizes during this period of time, but since the focus of training is switching from bike to run, I felt like that would help ease the transition by having a flatter load. Brat fest 5k and Hot2Trot HM are the primary race goals in this block. I may or may not run these for time based on how training has progressed.

Then comes a decision of following a Half Tri plan or a Full Tri plan leading into the Disney 2020 marathon. I'd probably only do the bike portion of the plan through TrainerRoad and do the run portion based on my own philosophy. The Half Tri plan maxes out at a 120 min bike ride. The Full Tri maxes out at 300 min and seems way more than I need to be doing. So we'll see I guess when that time comes around.

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I've also got 80DO penciled in for one week breaks after the conclusion of the plan. We'll see how well I tolerate 4:30am wake-up calls and the extra training load before I commit to following through with that as well. As I said, this is all written in pencil at the moment. Time will tell when running resumes and how much training is truly necessary to reach my goals without blowing myself up.
I’m exhausted just from reading your recap.

I hope you and the family are enjoying the first holidays in the new house.
how fun to host Christmas in your new house! Holy cow on some of those double workout days!!! I’ve never done 80DO, but I’ve heard some of those workouts are tough.
It's still on my calendar for next year, just gotta work out the logistics. As long as you are okay pacing me for that sub 2 hour...

If I'm healthy, then I'll be ready to pace you. It's just a matter of whether I can run. But the beauty of that race is it is an out and back. So I can always pace the first and last quarter if something goes terribly wrong.

I’m exhausted just from reading your recap.

I hope you and the family are enjoying the first holidays in the new house.

Thanks man! It was exhausting to do. Always pros and cons to hosting Christmas. We've got 5 total parties this year because everyone wants to see the house. So we're feeling the brunt of the hosting duties this year. But we're surviving for sure.

how fun to host Christmas in your new house! Holy cow on some of those double workout days!!! I’ve never done 80DO, but I’ve heard some of those workouts are tough.

I'd categorize 80DO thus far (knowing full well I'm only on Week 1.5 or 13) that it's something that is hard and sore inducing in the moment, but within 60 min of the workout finishing I barely even realize I did it. It's not until I start biking hours later that I can kind of tell I did a workout earlier in the day. But the impact thus far has been minimal from a soreness standpoint (unless of course the workouts are consecutive, then all bets are off - see example of Xmas Day... which comes in next week's recap). I think it's easier so far because Steph has done it. So she kind of knows what's going to happen in the remaining workout. So less thinking and more doing for me. I'm additionally thankful she's done it already because I was using the "Heavy" resistance band and didn't find it that challenging on some of the moves. But Steph told me in later weeks most of the "participants" start double banding (using multiple resistance bands), so I just went ahead and started doing that now since I seem to tolerate it fine on some of the moves. I'll be interested to see the results at the end. I do think I can tell my legs are getting stronger. But any visual changes are being masked by cookies right now. First Christmas in five years where I'm not focused on Dopey prep means it is time to make up for lost dessert eating from previous years. I probably went a bit overboard the last few days...
Sweet Spot Base - Mid Volume Phase 1 - Week 5 (Peak Week) + 80 Day Obsession Week 2

12/17/18 - M - OFF
12/18/18 - T - 80DO-D8-Total Body Core + Carillion (47/60 min; 52 TSS)
12/19/18 - W - 80DO-D9-Booty + Carter (45 min; 34 TSS)
12/20/18 - R - 80DO-D10-Cardio Core + Geiger+1 (75 min; 84 TSS)
12/21/18 - F - 80DO-D11-AAA
12/22/18 - Sa - McAdie+1 (90 min; 118 TSS) + 80DO-D12-Legs
12/23/18 - Su - Galena (90 min; 107 TSS) + 80DO-D13-Cardio Flow

Total Biking Time - 5:47 hours
Total Biking TSS - 395 TSS

Total 80DO Time - 4:56 hours
Total 80DO TSS - 67 TSS

Total Training Time - 10:43 hours
Total TSS - 462 TSS

Monday - An earned off day!

Tuesday - Christmas Day! The goal was to finish all the workouts before Gigi woke up. So Steph and I woke up at 4:30am and down to the Pain Cave we went. It was Week 2 of 80 Day Obsession. Because Steph needed to get upstairs quickly to prepare for Christmas party #3, then we did 80DO first. Not a great choice. The workout itself wasn't that bad. Week 2 of 80DO focuses on heavier weights while reducing the intervals from 2 x 15 reps to 3 x 10 reps. Completed the 80DO and then moved into the bike workout. As I had predicted, trying to accomplish the bike workout coming off the 80DO was rough. It was 2 sets of 2 x 10 min intervals with RI of 1 min and 5 min between sets. When I was just about to start the 4th 10 min interval, Gigi came down and told me Santa had come. So I bailed on the workout so that we could start the festivities before party #3. Got through party #3 and #4 on Christmas.

Wednesday - Back at it again! An 80DO focused on the Booty! Then after work it was 45 min of relatively easy riding.

Thursday - Another early 4:30am morning for 80DO focused on the core. Then that evening was a tough 75 min bike workout. A total of 4 x 12 min intervals at 88-93% FTP with 3 min RI. Seems to have been completed without issue.

Friday - No bike workout and no Steph working late meant we could sleep in until 5:30am! We did the 80DO workout in the evening instead. It was AAA (arms, abs, and a**). I can definitely tell I'm getting stronger as I've been moving all the weights up from 8 to 10 to 12 pounds. Time to order some 15 and 20 pound weights for some of these moves.

Saturday - Our 5th and final Christmas party was in the evening. So we made sure to do the bike and 80DO in the morning. Except bike first! I was absolutely exhausted from this workout. I sweat absolute literal buckets of sweat underneath the bike trainer. So much so that it was quite slippery for the 80DO workout following. It was a 4 x 12 min over/under workout at 95-105% FTP with 6 min RI between. The under was 1 min and the over was 2 min with 4 cycles per interval. I had to take a short 10 second break after the 3rd interval on set number 2 and 4. Just so exhausted. But worth it. Then almost immediately went right into the 80DO leg day workout with Steph. Like really. Legs with weights right after the legs were completely shot from over/unders. LOL! But I did it. And successfully so. Another time where I was wishing I had heavier weights to up the challenge. But I made it through. Success! Finally wrapped up Saturday night with our last Christmas party.

Sunday - Steph had to be to work in the morning. So we made sure to start the workouts so we could wrap up in time for her to head to work. The end of peak week for the bike workouts was Galena a 3 x 20 min interval workout at 90, 94, and 92% FTP with 5 min RI between them. Another sweat bucket challenge. Finished it though and did so feeling strong. Not nearly as exhausted as Saturday or as last week's Sunday's 3 x 20 min at variable intermittent pacing within each interval between 88-94% FTP. Then afterwards Steph and I did the Cardio Flow 80DO workout. It's the progressional one that adds a new workout in succession until you go through all 10 exercises multiple times. I was doing quite well with this one and flying through the workout. I felt strong and contemplated upping the difficulty by increasing the rep count or set count but I saved it for another round. Steph even thought I looked incredibly strong for the workout given the bike routine prior and given that I seemed to be tolerating it better than she was. A successful end to the day, week, month, and year.

I ended up with my second highest training duration week ever (only behind last week) at 10:43 hours. It also means that I surpassed my highest training duration for a month ever! I did 41:58 hours or 2518 min of exercise in December. This barely surpassed July 2017 when I did 2503 minutes of running (289 miles). The training impact of those 289 running miles was very likely higher than the 2518 min of exercise in this month, but regardless I'm moving in the right direction and still tolerating the training load well.
2018 Year End Training Summary
Total Miles Ran: 1,248 miles
Total Time Spent Running: 170:11:32 hours
Total Elevation Gained: 44,252 feet

Total Miles Biked: 1,660 miles (although can't be completely confident in this number)
Total Time Spent Biking: 115:19:15 hours

Total Time Spent Strength Training: 18:48:58 hours + some time here and there that I didn't record on my watch in Spring.

Total Training Duration: 304:19:45 hours

5k PR: 19:36 officially and 19:27 unofficially
10k PR: 39:54 officially
HM PR: 1:30:35 officially
M PR: none
Dopey PR: 5:46:34 unofficially with 20th place finish

The goal in 2018 was simple: Run a sub-3 hour marathon on October 7th at the Chicago Marathon and thus qualify for the Boston Marathon.

I failed to meet that goal. 2018 is easy to encapsulate in a few words. It was the highest of highs and the lowest of lows.

High Points:
-Achieved 5/6 PRs during the 2018 Dopey Challenge in January. I nailed a 5k, 10k, HM, Goofy, and Dopey Challenge PRs on consecutive days. I barely missed the marathon PR by less than 2 min and arguably could have had it had I realized the official mile split clocks were off. After Dopey 2018, I felt on top of the world and was ready for the next challenge.
-I captured my first 1st place AG finish at the Hot2Trot HM in June.
-I captured my first Bronze medal finish (3rd overall) at the Hot2Trot HM in June.
-I wrote and coached 144 training plans in 2018. In 2015, 2016, and 2017 combined I had 141 training plans written. That's all plans and doesn't include re-writes/adjustments of which there were 194 in 2018.
-Completed the Chicago Marathon with DIS friends.
-Found indoor biking to be a suitable replacement low-impact aerobic workout.
-Started doing a more structured and rigorous strength routine.

Low Points:
-Suffered my first major injury with a diagnosed stress fracture in January no long after returning to running post-Dopey.
-Spent much of the spring recovering from the stress fracture.
-Spent much of the Fall/Winter healing from an ankle injury.
-Failed to meet my goal of a sub-3 marathon in Chicago because of all of my injury issues.

2018 represented a significant drop in running mileage. In 2016 and 2017, I ran 2582 and 2500 miles respectively. Those are running training loads I may never see again in my life given how my body has tolerated running recently. I look forward to 2019 where I plan to blaze a new trail for myself through a combination of biking, running, and strength to hopefully still achieve my own personal lofty goals. I'm unlikely to run a marathon in 2019 which would be the first time since 2013 without a marathon. Goodbye 2018 and I look forward to what 2019 has in store for me.
2018 Year End Training Summary
Total Miles Ran: 1,248 miles
Total Time Spent Running: 170:11:32 hours
Total Elevation Gained: 44,252 feet

Total Miles Biked: 1,660 miles (although can't be completely confident in this number)
Total Time Spent Biking: 115:19:15 hours

Total Time Spent Strength Training: 18:48:58 hours + some time here and there that I didn't record on my watch in Spring.

Total Training Duration: 304:19:45 hours

5k PR: 19:36 officially and 19:27 unofficially
10k PR: 39:54 officially
HM PR: 1:30:35 officially
M PR: none
Dopey PR: 5:46:34 unofficially with 20th place finish

The goal in 2018 was simple: Run a sub-3 hour marathon on October 7th at the Chicago Marathon and thus qualify for the Boston Marathon.

I failed to meet that goal. 2018 is easy to encapsulate in a few words. It was the highest of highs and the lowest of lows.

High Points:
-Achieved 5/6 PRs during the 2018 Dopey Challenge in January. I nailed a 5k, 10k, HM, Goofy, and Dopey Challenge PRs on consecutive days. I barely missed the marathon PR by less than 2 min and arguably could have had it had I realized the official mile split clocks were off. After Dopey 2018, I felt on top of the world and was ready for the next challenge.
-I captured my first 1st place AG finish at the Hot2Trot HM in June.
-I captured my first Bronze medal finish (3rd overall) at the Hot2Trot HM in June.
-I wrote and coached 144 training plans in 2018. In 2015, 2016, and 2017 combined I had 141 training plans written. That's all plans and doesn't include re-writes/adjustments of which there were 194 in 2018.
-Completed the Chicago Marathon with DIS friends.
-Found indoor biking to be a suitable replacement low-impact aerobic workout.
-Started doing a more structured and rigorous strength routine.

Low Points:
-Suffered my first major injury with a diagnosed stress fracture in January no long after returning to running post-Dopey.
-Spent much of the spring recovering from the stress fracture.
-Spent much of the Fall/Winter healing from an ankle injury.
-Failed to meet my goal of a sub-3 marathon in Chicago because of all of my injury issues.

2018 represented a significant drop in running mileage. In 2016 and 2017, I ran 2582 and 2500 miles respectively. Those are running training loads I may never see again in my life given how my body has tolerated running recently. I look forward to 2019 where I plan to blaze a new trail for myself through a combination of biking, running, and strength to hopefully still achieve my own personal lofty goals. I'm unlikely to run a marathon in 2019 which would be the first time since 2013 without a marathon. Goodbye 2018 and I look forward to what 2019 has in store for me.

Helluva year, Billy. Congrats on all of those high points. There will be more in 2019, I'm sure.

2018 Year End Training Summary
Total Miles Ran: 1,248 miles
Total Time Spent Running: 170:11:32 hours
Total Elevation Gained: 44,252 feet

Total Miles Biked: 1,660 miles (although can't be completely confident in this number)
Total Time Spent Biking: 115:19:15 hours

Total Time Spent Strength Training: 18:48:58 hours + some time here and there that I didn't record on my watch in Spring.

Total Training Duration: 304:19:45 hours

5k PR: 19:36 officially and 19:27 unofficially
10k PR: 39:54 officially
HM PR: 1:30:35 officially
M PR: none
Dopey PR: 5:46:34 unofficially with 20th place finish

The goal in 2018 was simple: Run a sub-3 hour marathon on October 7th at the Chicago Marathon and thus qualify for the Boston Marathon.

I failed to meet that goal. 2018 is easy to encapsulate in a few words. It was the highest of highs and the lowest of lows.

High Points:
-Achieved 5/6 PRs during the 2018 Dopey Challenge in January. I nailed a 5k, 10k, HM, Goofy, and Dopey Challenge PRs on consecutive days. I barely missed the marathon PR by less than 2 min and arguably could have had it had I realized the official mile split clocks were off. After Dopey 2018, I felt on top of the world and was ready for the next challenge.
-I captured my first 1st place AG finish at the Hot2Trot HM in June.
-I captured my first Bronze medal finish (3rd overall) at the Hot2Trot HM in June.
-I wrote and coached 144 training plans in 2018. In 2015, 2016, and 2017 combined I had 141 training plans written. That's all plans and doesn't include re-writes/adjustments of which there were 194 in 2018.
-Completed the Chicago Marathon with DIS friends.
-Found indoor biking to be a suitable replacement low-impact aerobic workout.
-Started doing a more structured and rigorous strength routine.

Low Points:
-Suffered my first major injury with a diagnosed stress fracture in January no long after returning to running post-Dopey.
-Spent much of the spring recovering from the stress fracture.
-Spent much of the Fall/Winter healing from an ankle injury.
-Failed to meet my goal of a sub-3 marathon in Chicago because of all of my injury issues.

2018 represented a significant drop in running mileage. In 2016 and 2017, I ran 2582 and 2500 miles respectively. Those are running training loads I may never see again in my life given how my body has tolerated running recently. I look forward to 2019 where I plan to blaze a new trail for myself through a combination of biking, running, and strength to hopefully still achieve my own personal lofty goals. I'm unlikely to run a marathon in 2019 which would be the first time since 2013 without a marathon. Goodbye 2018 and I look forward to what 2019 has in store for me.
Congrats on another killer year!! You may not have hit your primary goal, but I’d say the journey is going to make you a stronger runner in the long run. Keep your head up, sub 3 is right around the corner!

Thanks again for all you do for us following you!! Can’t wait to see what 2019 has in store for team Dopey Badger and his merry followers!
Awesome year despite some setbacks! You’ve kept up such a great attitude and adapted so well. Can’t wait to see what 2019 has in store for you!
Congrats on another killer year!! You may not have hit your primary goal, but I’d say the journey is going to make you a stronger runner in the long run. Keep your head up, sub 3 is right around the corner!

Thanks man!

Thanks again for all you do for us following you!! Can’t wait to see what 2019 has in store for team Dopey Badger and his merry followers!

It's been my pleasure! You all make me very proud and make what I do easy.

Awesome year despite some setbacks! You’ve kept up such a great attitude and adapted so well. Can’t wait to see what 2019 has in store for you!

Thanks! I'm truly excited to see what 2019 holds for you. Big things on the horizon!
Congratulations on a great year of fitness! Kudos to you for finding ways to get your workouts in, even when plagued with injuries! :)
Congratulations on a great year of fitness! Kudos to you for finding ways to get your workouts in, even when plagued with injuries! :)

Thanks! Always trying to find my path that leads me to my goals.

Fantastic year and a real example of adapting to difficult situations and finding a way to overcome them!

Thanks! Wish 2018 represented something else, but at the end of the day sometimes the journey is just as fulfilling as the end result.
Winter/Spring 2019 Training Schedule

Was able to take some time to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and write out the remainder of the Winter/Spring 2019 training schedule.

12/31-1/6 is a recovery week for Cycling.
1/7-1/13 starts Phase 2 of the Base cycle for Cycling. Work my way into new higher training duration loads up toward 11.5 hr per week.
1/14-1/20 starts Phase 2 of the 80DO workouts.

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Weeks of 1/28 and 2/4 represent some high level TSS cycling.
2/11 is another cycling recovery week and Phase 3 of 80DO. Comes at a good time since we'll be at Disney for a few days to celebrate G's 5th birthday. She's got all sorts of ideas on what she wants to accomplish there.

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Starting the week of 2/18 I hope (all fingers crossed) to return to running. Seems like a good time to do so off a cycling recovery week and when the cycling load is still low. Haven't settled on days per week for each. Mainly the question is whether I should do my 3rd run of the week on Sat or Sun. Sat means double days, but Sunday means a lot of training in total. As time passes the training duration gets up into 13 hours per week. I'm not quite sure that'll happen though. That seems quite aggressive. Although I've been at 10.5-11 hours the last two weeks and I haven't found it to be terribly difficult from a "can I survive the day" situation. Work my way up from 30 min of running to 40 min and so forth.

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Cycling recovery week during 3/11.

80DO ends 3/18 and based on the calendar through Disney 2020, it shows we should take a week off after the end of each program. So the training load will drop and I'll get to sleep in. I've also got the First Call HM pacing for @jennamfeo pegged in on 3/31/19. I won't have run over 6 miles prior to that, so we'll see what shape I'm in. But at the same time, the hope is that this strength+biking routine will give me some semblance of running capabilities. They usually do Kid's races at the Silver Circle events, so G will probably want to do the Kid's race. She has been really itching to do a race together. She wants to do several this coming year in the hopes to building to some possible runDisney races later on. We'll see I guess.

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Then peak week for cycling 4/1. Another possible Kid's race with G as Parkinson's (weekend of 4/6-4/7) has one nearby. Then the hope is to return to run training starting 4/15 giving me 5 weeks before the Brat Fest 5k and 9 weeks before the Hot2Trot HM.

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That's the plan at the moment. It seems like a lot of training. Not sure if this whole 4:30am wake-up call can last. But then again, once I'm doing the workout, I'm fine. And going to bed at 8:30pm isn't really all that different from normal. So cut a little from wake-up and a little from bedtime and everything is working out thus far.
Yay for a new plan! I hope you can get back to running as planned. It took about 6 weeks for me to fully adjust to waking up at 4:30am to run and now I seem to wake up naturally at that time, which is so annoying on the days when I don't need to get up that early.
Sorry now I feel silly asking you about running when you've been posting your killer bike workouts! I haven't been getting on DisBoards at all and it looks like I've been missing some interesting events. Like your new house! It looks so nice and your basement space is to amazing! I'm jealous!
So happy for you and your family!


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