To the CM's on the board: what is the one "tip" you can give us?

I was at WDW last January and while in the bathroom I missed the trash can throwing away a paper towel. I picked it up and threw it away. I looked up and a janitorial cast member was standing by me. She thanked me and gave me a look that made me want to cry. Hard to describe but it was a honest look of desperation and sincere thanks and I think she wanted to cry. I was doing it because it was the right thing but as I left it dawned on me how many people take advantage of the janitorial staff and treat them as servants. So to all the Janitorial staff "THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO.":hug:

And to Mousekeeping staff as well.

And to Mousekeeping staff as well.

I was at WDW last January and while in the bathroom I missed the trash can throwing away a paper towel. I picked it up and threw it away. I looked up and a janitorial cast member was standing by me. She thanked me and gave me a look that made me want to cry. Hard to describe but it was a honest look of desperation and sincere thanks and I think she wanted to cry. I was doing it because it was the right thing but as I left it dawned on me how many people take advantage of the janitorial staff and treat them as servants. So to all the Janitorial staff "THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO.":hug:

:thumbsup2:thumbsup2absolutely love it, i work at a hotel and know how guests treat housekeeping and i don't know why people can't be more respectful to all.
To all those people who buy from the popcorn wagons, and well, any wagon in the parks. It is a huge help if you A) know what you want to order before you get in line, and to have your money out and ready, and B) we are also human. We make mistakes. I can't tell you how's my times I have messed up, and have gotten an ear full from either a mother or a father about what I did. Patience is always the best, and with that, may also come with a little pixie dust!
I'm not gonna lie, I haven't read all 70+ pages, just a few here and there so this might have been said before...

As a former merchandising CP (hopefully returning for fall 2013) there was something I constantly was hearing. "I saw you had a certain toy/shirt/pin in Magic Kingdom yesterday, and now I can't find it today." If you see something that you like but you're not sure about BUY IT. By buying it when you see it, that allows you time to consider whether it was a wise purchase or if you really could live without it. It can be returned to ANY merchandise location in Walt Disney World.

Another tip, talk to the CMs. CMs are a wealth of information. We learn lots of cool little tricks, pieces of info, and have unique stories from where we come from. You'd be surprised what you can learn from a CM.

Another one some guests don't know about, if you have an annual pass you get 10% off your merchandise purchase. You, most of the time, do not get a discount on food or drinks. So, instead of buying a bottle of coke or cookie from that outdoor vendor, find a merchandise shop that sells coke or snacks, like Sweet Spells on Sunset Blvd, and buy it there so you get your 10% off because you're buying it from a merchandise location. Many people didn't know you could do that.

This isn't so much a tip as a fun fact for art lovers; If you come across one of the stores that sells Thomas Kinkade paintings take a very, very, very close look at it. Hidden in his Disney paintings are characters from various movies. For example there is a painting of a scene from The Little Mermaid and hidden in the picture is The Beast, Snow White, Tink, and Nemo. Also, if you look at where he signed his name there is a small number in red. That number corresponds to the number of hidden mickeys in the painting. This applies to all of his Disney themed works.

Again sorry if these have been said before but I'm just trying to be helpful :)
I'm not gonna lie, I haven't read all 70+ pages, just a few here and there so this might have been said before...

As a former merchandising CP (hopefully returning for fall 2013) there was something I constantly was hearing. "I saw you had a certain toy/shirt/pin in Magic Kingdom yesterday, and now I can't find it today." If you see something that you like but you're not sure about BUY IT. By buying it when you see it, that allows you time to consider whether it was a wise purchase or if you really could live without it. It can be returned to ANY merchandise location in Walt Disney World.

Another tip, talk to the CMs. CMs are a wealth of information. We learn lots of cool little tricks, pieces of info, and have unique stories from where we come from. You'd be surprised what you can learn from a CM.

Another one some guests don't know about, if you have an annual pass you get 10% off your merchandise purchase. You, most of the time, do not get a discount on food or drinks. So, instead of buying a bottle of coke or cookie from that outdoor vendor, find a merchandise shop that sells coke or snacks, like Sweet Spells on Sunset Blvd, and buy it there so you get your 10% off because you're buying it from a merchandise location. Many people didn't know you could do that.

This isn't so much a tip as a fun fact for art lovers; If you come across one of the stores that sells Thomas Kinkade paintings take a very, very, very close look at it. Hidden in his Disney paintings are characters from various movies. For example there is a painting of a scene from The Little Mermaid and hidden in the picture is The Beast, Snow White, Tink, and Nemo. Also, if you look at where he signed his name there is a small number in red. That number corresponds to the number of hidden mickeys in the painting. This applies to all of his Disney themed works.

Again sorry if these have been said before but I'm just trying to be helpful :)

Great tips! :)
PLEASE if you want / need to take a taxi either go to taxi stands at resorts, parks, DTD or call a legitimate company for your needs These drivers are licensed professionals through state of FL and City of Orlando cars vans clearly marked with company name car number etc and have dispatchers

This is safe

so called independent taxis are most times someone using their own car not licensed not insured not answering to anyone & anything could happen to you

Happy Vacationing and Be Safe
Another one some guests don't know about, if you have an annual pass you get 10% off your merchandise purchase. You, most of the time, do not get a discount on food or drinks. So, instead of buying a bottle of coke or cookie from that outdoor vendor, find a merchandise shop that sells coke or snacks, like Sweet Spells on Sunset Blvd, and buy it there so you get your 10% off because you're buying it from a merchandise location. Many people didn't know you could do that.

Even though I'm an AP holder, I didn't know this! Thanks! :thumbsup2
PLEASE if you want / need to take a taxi either go to taxi stands at resorts, parks, DTD or call a legitimate company for your needs These drivers are licensed professionals through state of FL and City of Orlando cars vans clearly marked with company name car number etc and have dispatchers

This is safe

so called independent taxis are most times someone using their own car not licensed not insured not answering to anyone & anything could happen to you

Happy Vacationing and Be Safe

A VERY good tip. My niece and I got quite a scare back in 1995 when we made this mistake. Thankfully, we were absolutely safe, but it could have not turned out that way.

We went for a day from POR to Sea World, and took a normal cab to Sea World. During that day, it poured buckets and they finally closed all the exhibits because the rain wasn't letting up. We called the same cab company to come get us and then waited at the taxi stand. A guy came asking if we wanted a cab, and I told him we'd called one. He invited us to his cab and, being tired and thoroughly soaked, we got into his cab. As he drove out of the parking lot, I noticed there was no meter in his cab, and then it struck me that there were no markings on the side of the car to indicate any cab company. I asked where his meter was, and he said he would charge me what the other cab charged to bring us there.

This was during a brief time period when the news was filled with news of vacationers in Florida being murdered. I didn't know if we should jump out of the cab, ask him to stop (alerting him to our fear), or what, so I stayed quiet. My niece's eyes were huge with fear, and I prayed very hard for our safety. Thankfully, I knew the area enough to see that he was driving directly back to POR. When we got to the parking lot, I said he could leave us there. I paid him, tipped him, and we got out of the cab, ran to our room, and broke down in tears from the anxiety.

When I calmed down, I realized we'd been very blessed to be safe, and figured that since he took us directly to our destination, he was probably just trying to make some money. In the end, he was honest in taking us directly to our destination, which is why I tipped him as I normally would any cab driver. But I also learned how easy it is for an intelligent person to make a STUPID mistake just because I was tired and wet from the storms.
I just finished reading this whole thread, what a wealth of information!

First a tip: FroggToggs Chilly Pads!!! You can get them at walmart. Yes, they are $13 but you can cut them in three strips and they are the perfect size for drapping around your neck/tying around a child's head. Our son has problems with the heat and these literally saved the trip for us! You dip them in water, wring them out and they keep you cool for 2 hours at a time in 90degree heat! Get a glass of water, dunk them in and start over after that!

Next a CM memory.(sorry long!) Our first trip was a wish trip so of course based on other's stories we expected there to be a LITTLE extra treatment of our SON. We really had no idea! The moment we walked in MK a CM saw the button and immediately walked right up to us, welcomed us and ask us to follow her for our free stroller for the girls. wow. Then she said she'd radio for someone to help us find City Hall for the wheelchair tag for our son's chair. The CM that came up was named Barbara and I'll never forget her. She acted like our family was royalty and whisked us away. Was saw we were heading toward City Hall but then we went past it, around and she opened a door and there was Rapunzel! :eek: (She had heard our girls asking us when we'd get to see her) I was so shocked I didn't even have their books ready or anything. But no fear Rapunzel walked over to us took all the time she wanted talking to the kids, asking them questions, answering theirs. Then she took them to the arbor for pictures and kept changing poses. I was crying for the joy on the kids faces. I turned around and that line must have been a mile long! *insert guilty feeling* It was me who finally pulled the kids away after what must have been 15minutes of interaction, the CM's literally acted like my kids were all there were. Then Barbara walked us over to get the wheelchair tag, their first visit buttons and again asked us to follow her, right over to have a private meet & greet with Mickey & Minnie! Again, no rush, all the time you need. She still wasn't finished though. Before she sent us on our own we saw Snow White, Cinderella, Belle & Aurora all in the span of an hour! She told us to always let the CM know we were a wish family before getting in ANY line so they could help us have a magical day. Her assistance showed us just how magical our day was going to be and we made sure to take a picture with her! (Wish I could figure out how to post!)Without her showing us the magic we would not have had such an amazing day. She cast the spell for our whole time at the parks. :wizard: ALL the CM's we saw showered us in pixie dust and I was wet eyed all day (I am NOT an emotional person by nature but this did it!) I SOOO wish I had thought/knew about the comment cards.

Doing anything with our son's equipment in tow is always a hassle which is why we'd stopped trying to take any vacation aside from family visits. DS always had to sit out, be left out. The CM's at Disney showed us it was possible to include him in everything, didn't stare, didn't roll their eyes at his needs and did everything possible to insure he was having a good time.(They even let us ride TSM 3 times in a row!) Our daughters were treated like real Princesses. It's because of the CM's that we are going back and will keep going back for as long as our son's health holds out. I had never seen him so happy and carefree.

We know the next trip will not be at the same level of "spoiled rotten" and we've been reminding the kids that we will be waiting in line like everyone else but reading this thread reminded me that it will still be magical, because the CM's will still be smiling and talking to us and will still not stare or make DS's needs feel like a burden. Love the CM's!:love:
I just finished reading this whole thread, what a wealth of information!

First a tip: FroggToggs Chilly Pads!!! You can get them at walmart. Yes, they are $13 but you can cut them in three strips and they are the perfect size for drapping around your neck/tying around a child's head. Our son has problems with the heat and these literally saved the trip for us! You dip them in water, wring them out and they keep you cool for 2 hours at a time in 90degree heat! Get a glass of water, dunk them in and start over after that!

Next a CM memory.(sorry long!) Our first trip was a wish trip so of course based on other's stories we expected there to be a LITTLE extra treatment of our SON. We really had no idea! The moment we walked in MK a CM saw the button and immediately walked right up to us, welcomed us and ask us to follow her for our free stroller for the girls. wow. Then she said she'd radio for someone to help us find City Hall for the wheelchair tag for our son's chair. The CM that came up was named Barbara and I'll never forget her. She acted like our family was royalty and whisked us away. Was saw we were heading toward City Hall but then we went past it, around and she opened a door and there was Rapunzel! :eek: (She had heard our girls asking us when we'd get to see her) I was so shocked I didn't even have their books ready or anything. But no fear Rapunzel walked over to us took all the time she wanted talking to the kids, asking them questions, answering theirs. Then she took them to the arbor for pictures and kept changing poses. I was crying for the joy on the kids faces. I turned around and that line must have been a mile long! *insert guilty feeling* It was me who finally pulled the kids away after what must have been 15minutes of interaction, the CM's literally acted like my kids were all there were. Then Barbara walked us over to get the wheelchair tag, their first visit buttons and again asked us to follow her, right over to have a private meet & greet with Mickey & Minnie! Again, no rush, all the time you need. She still wasn't finished though. Before she sent us on our own we saw Snow White, Cinderella, Belle & Aurora all in the span of an hour! She told us to always let the CM know we were a wish family before getting in ANY line so they could help us have a magical day. Her assistance showed us just how magical our day was going to be and we made sure to take a picture with her! (Wish I could figure out how to post!)Without her showing us the magic we would not have had such an amazing day. She cast the spell for our whole time at the parks. :wizard: ALL the CM's we saw showered us in pixie dust and I was wet eyed all day (I am NOT an emotional person by nature but this did it!) I SOOO wish I had thought/knew about the comment cards.

Doing anything with our son's equipment in tow is always a hassle which is why we'd stopped trying to take any vacation aside from family visits. DS always had to sit out, be left out. The CM's at Disney showed us it was possible to include him in everything, didn't stare, didn't roll their eyes at his needs and did everything possible to insure he was having a good time.(They even let us ride TSM 3 times in a row!) Our daughters were treated like real Princesses. It's because of the CM's that we are going back and will keep going back for as long as our son's health holds out. I had never seen him so happy and carefree.

We know the next trip will not be at the same level of "spoiled rotten" and we've been reminding the kids that we will be waiting in line like everyone else but reading this thread reminded me that it will still be magical, because the CM's will still be smiling and talking to us and will still not stare or make DS's needs feel like a burden. Love the CM's!:love:

That brought tears to my eyes. All that you talked about is one of the many reasons why I love Disney.
I love how they do the make a wish kids. We were in line for mike and sulley when a child came up. I got upset listening to others gripe about why that child could skip the line. It brought tears to my eyes to see that little boy and I didn't even know him! Whats 5 minutes? Those parents are cherishing every second they still have with that child, so suck it up buttercup!
:thumbsup2:thumbsup2absolutely love it, i work at a hotel and know how guests treat housekeeping and i don't know why people can't be more respectful to all.

I was a housekeeper in a hospital for almost 3 years and believe me I know how it feels. There were days people made me feel like the lowest of the low. I make it a point no matter where I go to always be mindful and clean up after myself. I know its their job ( it was mine too ) but that doesn't give me the right to be an all out slob just because someone else has to clean up after me. I always make it a point to greet the janitorial staff when I see them and tip the mousekeepers when they tidy up my room. Disney would be an awfully, messy place without them!:flower3:
I love how they do the make a wish kids. We were in line for mike and sulley when a child came up. I got upset listening to others gripe about why that child could skip the line. It brought tears to my eyes to see that little boy and I didn't even know him! Whats 5 minutes? Those parents are cherishing every second they still have with that child, so suck it up buttercup!

This was the ONE thing that bothered me on our trip. While nearly everyone gave us a smile there were several people throughout the day that grumbled/ gave us a mean look. I was really starting to feel guilty about it when my husband reminded me that if they really knew the situation they wouldn't trade with us for the world. At the time, we really didn't know if we'd get another year with our child, we were emblazing every smile and laugh in our memories, we relaxed for the first time in 4 years. Praise God, after trying some new things his disease has stabilized and we've been able to slow down the progession for awhile.:banana: Our friends who did the same trip the year before us, were not so blessed. It truly was their one and only family trip. This years trip is a celebration of continued life and boy are we going to celebrate!:cool1:

So one more tip: PLEASE smile at the wish families when they pass you in line. Most are not used to being given preferred service, we're used to sitting in the back, being left out and putting other's first every time. Smiling will really put them at ease.
I finally made it to the end of this thread, awesome tips and stories.

My CM story happened many years ago, DS was 10, DD was 8. I am a Navy brat and was born in Morocco, so eating dinner there was my must do. As we finished dinner, DD and I went to the restroom while DH and DS paid the bill and then went to the restroom. As DD and I waited outside for the guys, Aladdin came by and talked to us for a few minutes. He left before the guys joined us. A few minutes later, Aladdin passed by and waved and said Hi Anne to DD, the guys were speechless. DD(now 19) still remembers that. DD and DS and I are returning to Epcot this summer for part of their college graduation trip (DH is now an ex, the D can stand for so many things, lol) and they are looking forward to drinking/eating around the world.
A couple of years ago, my youngest son and I were outside the China pavillion in Epcot, and he really needed to go to the bathroom. I asked the first employee I could find where the nearest bathrooms were. I could tell that she was an employee because she was dressed up. Anyhow, she accompanied my son and I all the way to the bathrooms, chatting with him the whole way.

When we got out, my son recognized her at the front of a looooog line. Mulan had been the one to bring us to the bathroom :)

OK, sorry, but I only have boys. Princessy stuff still leaves me a little bewildered :)
Ok, so you all keep saying go to the left if there is more than one line. Is there a list somewhere of attractions with more than one line? Are they next to each other? Or on the other side of the building? Thanks.
lyra2007 said:
Ok, so you all keep saying go to the left if there is more than one line. Is there a list somewhere of attractions with more than one line? Are they next to each other? Or on the other side of the building? Thanks.

Yes I goofed at speedway and went right added more time as they let on fast passers.
Ah! Was it Pecos ? The eatery by the bridge at the bend in the Splash Mountain. Pretty darn sure it was. As you walk in the front doors you see the CMs at registers and they take two lines and order right, then left. To YOUR RIGHT of THEM is an island of four you do it quick order machines. Slide your ATM/Credit/Room Chrage Card/ or Meal Plan card, select the meals you want and hit Order. You take your receipt and walk up the the counter and pick up your food. Simple and FAST !

When you walk up to the counter to pick up your order does it appear (to others in line) that you are cutting the line? Is there a separate counter for those using the do it yourself machines?
I would love to use the do it yourself ordering machine but would feel uncomfortable if others thought I was cutting the line.


Karen :)


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