Today is 6months

My father passed away on November 4th, 2006. The worst day of my life.

I am the youngest of 9. I am the baby. I was his baby. My world revolved around him and it still does. I can relate to the poster who said she was jealous of her siblings because they were older and they had more memories (weddings etc) with their father. I too felt that way for awhile. But my mother told me that because I was his baby, I had so many more special moments alone with him, and we were like glue. I was 36 when he passed and my children were 13 and 9, old enough to truly love their grandpa and always remember him. I make sure of that, my house is a shrine to him and I have a photo of him in my vehicle as well.

It doesn't get easier, and I agree, "normal" changes. Life changes. I will always feel the pain of his absence. I know he is with me, but I will always ache for his hugs, or to hear him tell me how much he loves his baby. It doesn't get easier, some how you just find a way to go on.

Hugs to all of you. Keep the memories fresh in your mind, talk about them often and they will always be with you. :angel: :grouphug: :angel:
My mom and I were best friends. I miss her so, so much.

It's only in recent weeks of the one-year anniversary of her passing that I feel "better." YOU are not alone, my friend. I wish you strength. Please know that there are those of us out there thinking of you! :grouphug:
I am so sorry for your loss. I also lost my dad at a young age. This week made 18 years, but it still seems like yesterday. He was killed in an accident and was only 45 years old. I was so sad to not have him at my wedding that I wouldn't let anyone else give me away. I walked down the aisle alone. Several years later when my little sister got married I took a picture of my dad to her photographer. He combined it with one of her in her wedding dress. It looked like he was sitting with her. She cried for days after I gave it to her, but she treasures it.

As others have said, the feeling of loss never goes away. BUT, it does get much easier with time. I still find myself slipping down that dark road of sadness when I dwell on things he missed - meeting my husband, his grandkids... So, I struggle not to go there. If I just stick to remembering the good times it is much easier.

Just hang in there. It will get better. :hug:


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