Today is My Big Day!


Earning My Ears
Mar 13, 2000
Hi all! I am so excited that I can barely stand it!!!
Today I graduate from a 4 yr college!

For those of you that don't know me -- I am in my 30's - so it took a lot for me to go back to college. I graduated from a community college and decided to continue on -- Finally I am graduating from Ithaca College!

My only regret is that my mom is not here to enjoy this moment with me. I miss her so.

Well all -- I gotta run.... or I'll miss the ceremony!!

Thanks for reading and sharing in my excitement!

PS.... If anyone has an extra GradNite 2001 that they would be willing to sell me or trade me -- I'd appreciate it! (This pin actually means something to me!)

Hope you have a fantastic day - you've earned it!!!!!!!
Congrats on getting the degree.....I know you have worked long and hard to finish....and congrats should also go to Jack for supporting you and encouraging you to finish....JOB well done to both of you.!!!!!! as for your comment...."My only regret is that my mom is not here to enjoy this moment with me. I miss her so. " I know you miss her alot , but believe me when I say she is beaming from above....and may not be with you in physical form but certainly is with you in spirit , and in your heart.... She would be very proud of you I am sure Jack, your dad , other family and friends are.... So ...........Now that you have graduated......what are you going to do ?????
Sounds like a trip to Disneyworld time to me.......haha ( but then again , anytime sounds like a good time to go to Disneyworld) Congrats again.......and good luck in your next venture.....

PS>>>> If I come across a grad 2001 pin its yours....


Unfortunately, I don't have the Grad pin but if I did, it would've been yours for a job well done!
Big Congratulations Deb!!!! That is a wonderful accomplishment. Thanks for sharing your excitement with all of us and.........We have a Grad Night pin that we would be more than happy to send you!!!!

Vince and Suzi
That is quite an achievement. It is not as easy for those who didn't go directly into college. And for anyone it is still a great accomplishment.

Now onto graduate school!!

I didn't finish either, and now I know I don't have the self-discipline to finish. Very happy for you. I know how exhilerated you MUST feel.
In case youve forgotten me(i dont post much) im your old pin swap buddy. I have a grad night pin for you but it looks like the parkhoppers beat me to it. Have a great day and ENJOY!!!
Congratulations Deb! What a great accomplishment. I hoep you have a wonderful graduation ceremony and enjoy the time with your family!

Congratulations just doesn't seem to be enough for all you went through to get where you are today. I wish I could have been there to see you walk, you deserve every good thing that comes your way.
Now on to bigger and better things, a great job with enough time off to get to WDw when you want.
And as for your MOM, I know whe is watching you right now and she is very proud of you. And she is making sure you have a nice sunny day to celebrate.
I will talk to you soon, have a great day and enjoy your achievement.

Peggie :earsboy: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :pinkbounc :pinkbounc :pinkbounc :earsgirl:
I went to night school for my graduate degree, so I know how hard it can be when you don't roll right out of high school into college, but have more 'real world' concerns going on.

Congratualtions on a terrific accomplishment.

Now you'll probably do what I did right after I finished my master's, and scream: "I'm going to Disney World!"

:bounce: :wave: :crazy: :bounce: :wave: :crazy:
:tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:


What an accomplishment! It's very hard to go back to school when you're older.

You should be very proud of yourself.

Thank you for sharing your happy news with your "DIS" family!:bounce: :bounce:
What a wonderful accomplishment!!! I am proud that you made the decision to go back and complete your college education - shows real courage and determination on your part.:bounce: :bounce:
Deb, congratulations!!! What a great accomplishment!!! We are all so proud of you!!!



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