Tokyo Disney on 2 Weeks’ Notice: Hightower Halloween Costume!

I am loving your trip report!

The Kawaii stuff is super cute!
Until I saw the pic, I had totally forgotten about the yummy "donuts" with the sweet red bean paste in the middle! I hope y'all tried one.
I've been reading your trip report over the last couple of days and I'm now up to date. It's great! I love how much detail you include. My brother lives over there but I'm yet to visit- I will do soon enough, I'm sure.

By the way, I'm from the UK and we also refer to 'Calico Critters' as Sylvanian Families. Also, the hotel key card/light activation thing is also in European hotels. :thumbsup2

Oh my gosh - you HAVE to go visit your brother. You'll save hundreds, if not thousands, of pounds on hotel rooms! :thumbsup2

It turns out that the Sylvanian Families were called Calico Critters in the US because the original manufacturer lost the rights to the name in North America. But originally they were called Sylvanian Families here too! I must not remember any of this b/c I was too busy playing with Barbies.... :rotfl:

I just love all of the pictures that you took! You can be the next Roots! If I remember correctly, I think I had some Calico Critters as a kid. I don't think we were huge fans, but my sister and I had a couple of them. I thought they were retired!

They were retired! I guess the original company stopped making them and it wasn't until the '90s that somebody else resuscitated the brand. Now if only they'd reintroduce Jem dolls... :cutie:

More cuteness -- I love it! You weren't kidding about the real Mitsukoshi being nothing like the one in Epcot. The pictures kind of reminded me of Harrod's.

Yes! I had so many Harrod's flashbacks in the Japanese department stores, I think mostly because of the food halls, which we don't really have in our department stores. That said, there's *nothing* quite like Harrod's. :cloud9:

Your posts just make me jealous! haha I wanna go so badly! I do think its funny that you guys grew up calling them Calico Critters because I grew up in NY and they were called them Sylvanian Families. My DF loves them as well (he grew up in the UK where the original TINY store is) so your DH isn't alone. Its too hard not to love them. I really want the set he bought tho...its so cute.

Oh good - another fella who likes Sylvanian Families of Calico-Colored Critters! :lmao: I'll tell Patrick...

Wow everything is so inticate & opulent. That is some department store! :scared1: I loved the toy store pics---they do have an overload of cuteness over there don't they?

Seriously. The whole country oughtta come with a warning label!

I gotta go back soon!!

That's how I feel too! :teeth:

Well, I'm not sure how it took me so long to find this, but I'm glad I asked you about it!
Amazing report so far! Such detail and great information! And of course, the awesome pics!

We encountered the same room key with light switch power on our trip to Ireland back in Nov! Eoghan's parent's made reservations in a place in Galway that had them.

Can't wait to see and hear more!!! Excellent job so far! :thumbsup2

Lori :)

Hiya! :wave2: Glad you found the trippie! Now that I know how many other places have these light switches, I'm wondering when the US is gonna catch up - talk about a simple but effective energy saver...

Cool, I've not seen them in the UK!

We had one in our hotel in Marrakech and thought it was pretty cool. It's a great idea.

Eee - great update Carrie! I can't wait until you get to TDR! We're thinking of going in March 2012, so I'm eager to hear about the crowds.

Thanks! I hope it helps. The next day after this one was my first day at TDR, so it's coming up soon!

I'm loving your report; making me want to visit Japan now!

Mission accomplished! :lmao:

I am loving your trip report!

The Kawaii stuff is super cute!

Totally. I wonder if — like the Eskimos and their numerous words for snow — the Japanese have a ton of words for cute!

Until I saw the pic, I had totally forgotten about the yummy "donuts" with the sweet red bean paste in the middle! I hope y'all tried one.

Oh yes, and they're quite a surprise when you're expecting chocolate. :rotfl: Patrick jokes that Japanese food always looks the opposite of how it's going to taste (sweet vs. savoury).
And here's our toy store loot (yes, those ARE light saber chopsticks!)…


LOVE the lightsaber chopsticks! Who knew they even existed??

Looks like you had an amazing time, it's great gettign to live vicariously through your trip reports!
Whoa, I totally had the Calico Critters, but apparently never knew what they were called. I completely forgot those existed, takes me back, takes me back :lmao:

Also, I love that you guys got some Canadian cookies at the Japanese 7-11!
Now that I've had more time to look at the that really does look like your cat!!

I always wonder how they decide which parts of advertising signs to put in english and to put in just always seems so random, lol

Love the slot car racing park...I'd spend a long time there!

I visited Toyota MegaWeb on Odaiba Island, it was very cool, and they had a car museum (full of many manufaturers cars, not just Toyotas) and thousands of toy cars for sale.
I am sooooo enjoying this report! Most likely, I will never be able to visit Japan, and this is so incredible and detailed! Thank you!!!
Also, as an aside - we call them 'Sylvanian Families' in the UK. I would have totally bought the cake shop!
All caught up! What a fascinating read...I will likely never get there, but thoroughly enjoying your TR!:)
Great commercial, your hubby is so talented :thumbsup2. I enjoyed the extra scenes he really brought life to his puppet, thanks for sharing.

I love all the pictures, everything is so detailed and beautiful. I liked learning all this stuff about Japan. The statue of Magokoro, is magnificent.

I am outraged :mad: that Mickey and Minnie don't admit they are married and who is the chick with Stitch :confused3?? The cuteness in that toy store amazes me!!

My Bill was entralled with the light saber chopsticks, he oohh'd and ahhh'd over them.

This report is fantastic!!

And here's our toy store loot (yes, those ARE light saber chopsticks!)…


I'm going to break Day 3 into two parts because we're only at about 2pm and the installment is already this huge! Back with the rest in a few days….

Love the plush from "My Friend Totoro"!! How cute are they? Those light saber chopsticks are awesome, I would've gone broke buying those up!

So enjoying your trip report, I have a 10 year old who wants to be Japanese when he grows up!! That is his dream trip because he wants to make his pilgrimage to the land that created Pokemon. :goodvibes Can't wait to see what happens next!
This is absolutely amazing. I just love Japan and I hope I can go there someday. Thank you for sharing this wonderful trip with us and your pictures are awesome. I can't wait to hear more about it.
This is my favorite line of your TR so far:
"It also used to be a beautiful red lacquered structure but, like so many of the historic structures in Tokyo, has long-since been destroyed by one of the Great Trifecta of Japanese Calamities: fire, earthquake, or Godzilla."

My brother spent some time in Japan for work and he went to the Toy Park to buy gifts for his nieces and nephew. He brought back a bag with a huge assortment of wrapped parcels and the paper was all covered with the rocking horse. The gift wrapping was very intricate and had lots of angles-
they were able to wrap any odd shaped toy!

I was about to order those light saber chopsticks for my hubby! I spotted them on a Japanese cell phone charm site and was just debating which color to purchase.

It sounds like you've had an incredible time so far and you're not even done with day 3!!! Can't wait for more!
Wow! These pictures are just captivating. I can't believe how much there is to see there, and how confident you feel going to see it! :worship: I would probably still be in the "scared crapless" stage. Not that I think that Tokyo is crime-ridden or anything; I just get nervous at the thought of being in a non-English speaking foreign country. Makes me feel a little helpless. Your TR is helping me overcome that fear, though!

I decided to write down my questions as I read through the installment because I knew I would get lost amongst the IMG codes if I multi-quoted it. So here's my barrage of questions! :lmao:

What is that criss-crossy looking building in the picture you took of the view in the morning? Now THAT is a testament to the Japanese "style!" It's cool that they really seem to take care to make their structures aesthetically pleasing as well as functional.

Here's my American-tourist-goober question: How did you know to go to the Mitsukoshi department store for breakfast? Did the guide books suggest it? Since I'm obviously not well traveled, it wouldn't occur to me to go to a dept store for a meal. It sounds like it's more common in Europe, though.

Why were the workers planting the flowers so covered up? It look almost like they're handling hazardous materials!

That statue in the Mitsukoshi store is NUTS! I am in awe of people whose minds allow them to look at a huge piece of wood and decide they can make it look like something like that. It just astounds me.

I wonder why the Swarovski store wouldn't allow pictures. Do they have some top secret government plans to build swanky crystal weapons?

I <3 the Mouse wedding print! Gorgeous! I have no idea what the dollar/yen exchange rate is, but I would seriously have to consider buying that!

Ok. That's all for now. I'll bombard you again after your next installment. Bring a helmet. pirate:

Oh, one more thing:

Now if only they'd reintroduce Jem dolls... :cutie:

You're a girl after my own heart. :cutie:
WOW!! My own husband went to Japan 3 times last year and I learned light years more from you about the country than from him! Thank you!!
I love those light saber chopsticks - I almost bought them from the Star Wars website for Easter baskets.
Lurkyloo, Your TR is amazing. I have been dreaming about going to Tokyo Disney for about 3 years now and have recently started saving, now you have me even more convinced that I have to make it over there. I also went and read your other TR because your writing is so entertaining and your photos are great!
Just thought it was wierd to continue to lurk, so I thought I'd say hi!
I have too much to comment I will try to sum it up:
1. LOVE Patrick's puppets..they are amazing.
2. awesome awesome details in this report!
3. We called them Sylvanian families back in the day out here ( Massachusetts)..i just saw some the other night at our Toys R US, and they are Calico here now..I love the one you "let" Patrick buy, I am a sucker for all things little cute and detailed ! ( and cats )
4. what are those food with faces items...erasers??? If they are, then you two are officially my souvenier buying twins...I LOVE cute/different erasers, and any food with a!!
GREAT job!
I am such a sorry person. You go to Japan, you make a lovely trip report that is both funny and educational, you take fabulous pictures and explain things to us wacky Americans...

and all the while I about died when I saw the lightsabre chopsticks.

I need to get some.
Also, I love that you guys got some Canadian cookies at the Japanese 7-11!

I know, right? I'm a sucker for maple *anything*!

I always wonder how they decide which parts of advertising signs to put in english and to put in just always seems so random, lol

That is so funny - I never thought about that before. How DO they decide? Also, we stepped inside that Toyota place on Odaiba for about 3 minutes to escape the cold, but then went on to the ultra-tacky Venus Fort. Sounds like we shoulda stayed at Toyota!

I am sooooo enjoying this report! Most likely, I will never be able to visit Japan, and this is so incredible and detailed! Thank you!!!

I'm so glad to hear you like the report! And I will keep my fingers crossed that someday you do get to visit Japan—ya never know! ;)

Also, as an aside - we call them 'Sylvanian Families' in the UK. I would have totally bought the cake shop!

It was definitely THE most kawaii playset they had, although the garden with all the tiny veggies was a close second.

All caught up! What a fascinating read...I will likely never get there, but thoroughly enjoying your TR!:)

Glad you're enjoying it! Hope you're also enjoying your trip to WDW right now, ya lucky little bozo!

I am outraged :mad: that Mickey and Minnie don't admit they are married and who is the chick with Stitch :confused3??

That is "Angel," Stitch's girlfriend. I can accept Mickey and Minnie being married, but Stitch just seems like too much of a free spirit to be tied down... :rotfl:

So enjoying your trip report, I have a 10 year old who wants to be Japanese when he grows up!! That is his dream trip because he wants to make his pilgrimage to the land that created Pokemon.

That is adorable! I hope he gets to go. Heck, maybe when he's in college he could study abroad there. :thumbsup2

This is absolutely amazing. I just love Japan and I hope I can go there someday. Thank you for sharing this wonderful trip with us and your pictures are awesome. I can't wait to hear more about it.

I'm happy to hear you're enjoying the report! More is on the way....

This is my favorite line of your TR so far:
"It also used to be a beautiful red lacquered structure but, like so many of the historic structures in Tokyo, has long-since been destroyed by one of the Great Trifecta of Japanese Calamities: fire, earthquake, or Godzilla."

:cutie: We were really struck by how often we go to see some historic site and it would be a replica. Tokyo's history is so filled with disaster—the number of fires alone boggles the mind. But the people were so resilient, they just kept rebuilding.

Wow! These pictures are just captivating. I can't believe how much there is to see there, and how confident you feel going to see it! :worship: I would probably still be in the "scared crapless" stage. Not that I think that Tokyo is crime-ridden or anything; I just get nervous at the thought of being in a non-English speaking foreign country. Makes me feel a little helpless. Your TR is helping me overcome that fear, though!

Oh good - that's what I'm aiming to do. I have to say, I felt exactly as you do before we got there, so I was pleasantly surprised to discover it wasn't really an issue.

What is that criss-crossy looking building in the picture you took of the view in the morning? Now THAT is a testament to the Japanese "style!" It's cool that they really seem to take care to make their structures aesthetically pleasing as well as functional.

That is the Mode Gakuen Cocoon Tower, which houses a fashion vocational school, a special technology and design college, and a medical college. (According to Wiki.) When we go back, I want to spend more time visiting and photographing amazing buildings like that one - I kinda came up short on shots of those.

Here's my American-tourist-goober question: How did you know to go to the Mitsukoshi department store for breakfast? Did the guide books suggest it? Since I'm obviously not well traveled, it wouldn't occur to me to go to a dept store for a meal. It sounds like it's more common in Europe, though.

Yes, my Rough Guide to Tokyo mentioned that the big department stores usually have food halls — not selling breakfast, per se, but we were willing to eat anything at any hour of the day!

Why were the workers planting the flowers so covered up? It look almost like they're handling hazardous materials!

Good question! Maybe it was sun protection?

Do they have some top secret government plans to build swanky crystal weapons?

Maybe they've seen "Diamonds Are Forever" a few too many times! :lmao:

WOW!! My own husband went to Japan 3 times last year and I learned light years more from you about the country than from him! Thank you!!

:rotfl: Glad I could help!

Lurkyloo, Your TR is amazing. I have been dreaming about going to Tokyo Disney for about 3 years now and have recently started saving, now you have me even more convinced that I have to make it over there. I also went and read your other TR because your writing is so entertaining and your photos are great!
Just thought it was wierd to continue to lurk, so I thought I'd say hi!

Thanks for coming out of lurkdom! :wave2: Good for you for starting to save – that's when it all starts to feel possible!

4. what are those food with faces items...erasers??? If they are, then you two are officially my souvenier buying twins...I LOVE cute/different erasers, and any food with a!!
GREAT job!

If they're not erasers can we still be souvenir buying twins? :teeth: They are cute little decorations that you put in children's lunches. I have a pal who makes these adorable bento boxes for her kids and I thought she'd like them!

I am such a sorry person. You go to Japan, you make a lovely trip report that is both funny and educational, you take fabulous pictures and explain things to us wacky Americans...

and all the while I about died when I saw the lightsabre chopsticks.

I need to get some.

Hee hee hee! That's OK! And now, thanks to justwinnie, you know where!


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