Top Secret Pixie Dust! A Surprise 13th Birthday PTR! NEW! TRIP REPORT LINK PAGE 220!

Yes, we'll be at DHS at opening for the TSM stampede. Tink and her family will be eating at H&V before park opening so we're meeting up with them when they're finished with their food. We'll pick something that works for all of us when we're there :) I'm so excited to get to meet you and your family :thumbsup2


How lucky you are, Jackie, to have a teenager now...:sad2: :rotfl:

You leave tomorrow :banana: :yay: :woohoo:

Thanks, Kristen! I have your number programmed into my phone! :thumbsup2

I love the difference between 11 and 12. She goes from sweet innocent to pre-teen! :laughing:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHELSEA!!!! I hope you have a wonderful day!!

And happy Disney eve to the whole family! :goodvibes

Thanks, Brook! Yes, she changed almost overnight it seems!

I love those birthday pictures! Thanks for sharing!



I bet you won't sleep much tonight! Where's the benadryl??

Have a great day celebrating!

Thanks, Sheree! Chelsea has had her benedryl! She was complaining of coughing -- I am assuming it's allergies. ;)

Happy Birthday Chelsea!:goodvibes

It is amazing to see her transformation over the years....and how even at a very young age you can see pretty dramatic resemblance to how she looks now!

Thanks! It was fun to pick out the pictures!

Awww, I love the collection of Chelsea's birthday photos! And happy 13th birthday to her! I hope she has a great day today, and a wonderful week at Disney! :goodvibes

what great pictures!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope you have a magical day, and week!

Happy 13th Birthday Chelsea!! :yay::cheer2:
And Happy Birthday to Disneyland!! What a cool birthday to share!!

It's hard to believe she's 13 already! Love how the pictures have progressed to what a hip teenage she is now ;)

Happy Birthday Chelsea!!!!party::bday::cake:

Thank you so much, everyone!!!

Awwww, just loved the Birthday trip down memory lane!
Can't wait for today's festivities photos!:goodvibes

I will be posting in just a couple of minutes. :goodvibes

:bday: Happy Birthday Chelsea. Love all the birthday pics through the years.

All your plans look great & cannot wait to hear all about it. I hope you have a wonderful week :)

Thank you so much!!!
I was wondering if you were going to have a special beverage in your car for the morning trip, too!!! Oh I am so excited for you all!!! :goodvibes

I have to friend you on FB! I want to see updates, too :)

Happy 13th Birthday Chelsea!!!!!!!


Woohooo!!! 1 more day til Disney!!!!!

I told my brother we may be meeting this family this week and he said "Yay, another DIS meet :thumbsup2 :lmao: I think he's excited as I am. I hope everything works out. :goodvibes

Thank you so much! I put your number in my cell today!!! :goodvibes


I tried remembering back to when I turned 13 and I believe we installed indoor plumbing on that very day!

Seriously, I found this out there in cyberworld and how I wished I could have attended this concert!

That would have been a really cool concert!!!

Happy Birthday Chelsea!!!!

Happy Birthday Chelsea! May this be the best year yet... with a great first week as a teenager ahead!

Happy Birthday, Chelsea! And Happy 1 day everyone! I love the pics through the years. I think it was Age 8 that she just started looking like the Chelsea she looks like now! FWIW, I think a 13-year-old daughter is MUCH easier to deal with than a 12-year-old daughter. Welcome to the teen years!

Happy Birthday Chelsea! Going back to catch up!

What cute pictures! She has grown into a beautiful young lady! I hope she has a great day and a wonderful trip! :thumbsup2

Happy Birthday, Chelsea! Hope you have a wonderful day!
Adorable pictures of Chelsea in the past. She is a beautiful girl, Jackie!
Have a magical trip!

First off, Happy Birthday Chelsea!!

Secondly, you're going to Disney tomorrow!!!! So excited, have a wonderful time and can't wait to read all about it when you guys get back!:cool1:

Happy Birthday to Chelsea!! How Cool to be a teenager!!:cool1:

Thank you so much, everyone!!!
Just got back in time to give a big old WOOHOOO!!:thumbsup2 I can't believe that it is only one more day.

Went through Atlanta yesterday at about 1:00pm, & have to say the traffic was light for Atlanta. A big thank you for the HOV lane. We sailed right on through in that.

Hopefully I won't have to drive back to Florida soon, two straight through trips in less than a week have killed any desire to take a long auto trip anytime soon. Not even to Disney :scared1:

I don't blame you! That drive through Georgia is rather boring!!!

Happy Birthday Chelsea!!!!

I love all the birthday pictures. She looked so cute and then at 12...BAM...there's the pre-teen!

Happy Birthday Chelsea!

Have a great trip (all of you!) I can't wait to read about it when you return.

Happy Birthday Chelsea!!!!

Love the pictures of birthdays past! How cute!!
Have a most wonderful trip Jackie!! :hug:


:dance3::cool1::banana::cool1: First of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHELSEA!! I hope she has a great day!!!!! :dance3::yay::woohoo::banana:

Love the trip down birthday memory lane!! She was such a cutie as a baby and has become a beautiful young lady~~


:flower3: HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHELSEA :flower3:

Hope you have a wonderful day!

Very cute pics of the birthdays! Very cool idea! :thumbsup2

Loved all the "this time next week" posts.


Have a great trip. I am going to send you a friend request on FB so I can follow along.

Hope you are having a fantabulous birthday and are super excited because you.......LEAVE TOMORROW!!!! Yes, this time tomorrow, you will be posing with Bo, having a dole whip, and riding EVERYTHING IN SIGHT!!!!!!!

Hey Jackie! I can't remember what time you're leaving in the morning, so I'm jumping on here in case I don't get back before bedtime. I hope you have a safe drive and a fantastic trip!!!

Hey, Howdy, Hey!


Thank you so much everyone!!!
Gonna say goodbye now...

Have a fantastic trip Jackie!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday Chelsea!! AND HAVE A FANTASTIC TRIP!!!!!

Traveling Mercies tomorrow. Have a great time in Disney filled with pixiedust:.

Thank you all so much!!!

happy birthday to my *almost* birthday twin (um.....yeah, minus about 21 years :laughing:)!!!! hope it was a great day. have fun celebrating in disney are one lucky girl! :goodvibes

:laughing: Have a wonderful birthday tomorrow, Dawn!!!

In case I don't make it back - HAVE A WONDERFUL TRIP!!!

I hope Bo is back for Chelsea.
I hope the King of Teppan Edo loves his onion volcano.
I hope Connor can complete his KP missions and save the entire WS!
I hope you survive the KP missions ;) AND soak in as much of AK as you need to tide you over until your next trip!!

Much pixie dust! :wizard:

Thank you, Brook!!! Can't wait for tomorrow morning!

Have a great time!! Cannot wait to hear all about it! :)

Oh I do hope you have a fabulous time CP and family!!!

I am sure it will be a memorable vacation for all of you!!!! :goodvibes

Enjoy our Magical Place :)

Hope you have a wonderful, magical trip! :) I'll be watching for some FB updates!

Happy birthday, Chelsea!

Jackie, I am so excited that you guys are leaving in the morning :goodvibes Safe travels :hug: and have an AWESOME time! You so deserve this trip and to see your beloved MSEP!

Safe travels tomorrow!!!

Thank you so much everyone!!!

Are you planning a Cream Soda for the morning?
I'll be watching FB for updates! If you can get some early morning pictures of a sleeping Charles I'd appreciate it!
Have fun, fun, fun!


I almost bought a cream soda for the morning but opted for a Strawberry Dasani instead. Chelsea got a camera for her birthday so if I don't snag a picture, she will, I am sure. LOL!

I was wondering if you were going to have a special beverage in your car for the morning trip, too!!! Oh I am so excited for you all!!! :goodvibes

I have to friend you on FB! I want to see updates, too :)

Oh, you know we had to all get drinks for the drive. :laughing:

Yes, friend me tonight! Not sure how many updates I will manage, but I am going to try!
EVER the gracious one, she is busy sending off "replies" and "thank yous" and we ALL know she needs to be in bed... With Dreams of Disney, Dancing in her Head.

Look, I left you with a rhyme....:hug:

HAVE FUN!!! :upsidedow Eat and Drink one of everything for me, too! :laughing:
Oh, you know we had to all get drinks for the drive. :laughing:

Yes, friend me tonight! Not sure how many updates I will manage, but I am going to try!

Okay, I will! I didn't post on FB on my trip, just too "new" for me! I barely got photos taken...:laughing: I promise I wont finish my TR before you get back!! ;)
Well, my big plans to do one more update about Chelsea's birthday aren't quite materializing, so I plan on starting the TR with more details. In the meantime, here are a couple of pictures from the day!


The Look!



Chelsea has a new camera!

Thank you everyone for sharing our excitement!!! Can't wait to share all of our stories with you!!! :goodvibes
Maybe now she will write a teen trip report! Wouldn't that be fun! Put that camera to some good use Chelsea!:thumbsup2
Looks like a great day! I'm sure Chelsea will enjoy taking pictures in Disney tomorrow with her new camera!
Have a wonderful trip!:goodvibes
EVER the gracious one, she is busy sending off "replies" and "thank yous" and we ALL know she needs to be in bed... With Dreams of Disney, Dancing in her Head.

Look, I left you with a rhyme....:hug:

HAVE FUN!!! :upsidedow Eat and Drink one of everything for me, too! :laughing:

:lmao: Thanks for my rhyme!

Don't worry I will drink enough for the both of us! LOL!

Okay, I will! I didn't post on FB on my trip, just too "new" for me! I barely got photos taken...:laughing: I promise I wont finish my TR before you get back!! ;)

Okay, thanks! :laughing:

Yes, Miss Manners. Time for bed!:laughing:

Heading there now! :thumbsup2





How about them apples??!! :yay::yay:

WHAT a cutie cutie she is! I am sure it was a fun day, with much more fun to come!!!

Thank you! We had a lot of fun!

Maybe now she will write a teen trip report! Wouldn't that be fun! Put that camera to some good use Chelsea!:thumbsup2

She took some video tonight! It was cracking us up!

I plan on borrowing some of her photos for sure!

Looks like a great day! I'm sure Chelsea will enjoy taking pictures in Disney tomorrow with her new camera!
Have a wonderful trip!:goodvibes

Thank you!

Anita, I think it is so funny that it is just the two of us here sending Jackie off!! :laughing:

You two are cracking me up!


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