TR: Planning A Birthday Trip to WDW in 16 DAYS!!~THE END!!!! pg 10 6/29/10

Lurker coming out.. Hehe, I have followed you from when your were doing the CP and the other TR's. I have applied to the CP and have my phone interview Monday! Any tips???

Glad to hear you had a great trip!

Did you get a Disney Dooney?

Nope! The only purse I would spend that much $$ on is a coach or vera bradley and I have both haha :rotfl:

Hope you had a great Bday!!!

Cant wait to see what you bought popcorn::

Thanks!!!! You'll have to wait till the weekend!!!

happy birthday! Glad to hear you're having a great time!! Can't wait to see what your birthday present is!!!!!!


Love your PTR, can't wait for the real thing!! I hope you had a fantastic trip!! :goodvibes

Thanks!! I signed on to your Pre-TR!!
Can't wait to hear all about it :goodvibes

Thanks! Stay tuned!

Lurker coming out.. Hehe, I have followed you from when your were doing the CP and the other TR's. I have applied to the CP and have my phone interview Monday! Any tips???

Glad to hear you had a great trip!

Thanks for reading :welcome:

Good luck on the interview!! Mine was pretty easy. Just be yourself and don't worry about pausing to answer a question. I can't remember off hand all of my questions but she asked what experience I had for my top 3 choices..BBB, Character Attd, and Attractions. Out of the list, I only picked 5, those plus hospitality and vacation planner. I of course ended up with my first choice BBB but she did ask some pretty strict BBB cosmetology questions. Good luck! What are your top 3 jobs??? Oh be sure and know your fav character in advance and why cuz on my PI interview they asked and I just said tinkerbell and was like crap she's a "witch" but just said how she's a typical girl and kinda fudged my way through it haha.
Thanks! Stay tuned!

Thanks for reading :welcome:

Good luck on the interview!! Mine was pretty easy. Just be yourself and don't worry about pausing to answer a question. I can't remember off hand all of my questions but she asked what experience I had for my top 3 choices..BBB, Character Attd, and Attractions. Out of the list, I only picked 5, those plus hospitality and vacation planner. I of course ended up with my first choice BBB but she did ask some pretty strict BBB cosmetology questions. Good luck! What are your top 3 jobs??? Oh be sure and know your fav character in advance and why cuz on my PI interview they asked and I just said tinkerbell and was like crap she's a "witch" but just said how she's a typical girl and kinda fudged my way through it haha.

Thanks for the well wishes. My top choices are Attractions, Character Attendant, Merch, and QSFB. Basically I would just be happy with the opportunity. I decided Monday to just apply as backup (long story) But the short story is I basically have to take a semester off of school due to poor planning on my part, so why not try out for the college program. Hehehe. I have been stalking the college board to get tips for the interview. I will probably go over all the answers this weekend, just to be prepared. I need to teach myself how to talk slower. :rotfl:


I just wanted to touch base and say that I'll be starting the TR tomorrow and finishing up my Dec one as well. I hope you are all still on board and are ready for the busiest 4 days of WDW with 16 days of planning!!!

I have uploaded my pics from Day One already so I'll be starting tomorrow. The fact that I got back late Sunday night, had to teach all this week, and have the "WDW" weather sickness blues..IE a cold from the AC back to heat shock, I have been super busy but stay tuned and look forward to this weekend!!!!


Hi Dis!!!!

Sorry for the delay. I had grand plans on starting the TR on Friday or Sat and then God had other plans for me...

I guess I'll give a brief fyi if you have not read my Dec TR or if I was not clear enough on this TR. I'm from Pittsburgh originally. While I was living in FL doing my CP and PI, my Dd left his job and took a job in Cincinnati with a company he was with for many years from when he graduated college until I was about 13. When my time in FL was up, I looked for various jobs in either PA or OH and got my teaching job in OH. To this day, Dd and I share an apt in OH and Dm and Dbro are in our house in PA until it sells.

I got home from work at 7pm on Thursday. Dd was at a hockey game with Dbro in Columbus until 11:30ish and he went to bed at midnight. At 2 am our carbon monoxide alarm went off. We had an alarm in our PA house that went off a few years ago and it ended up being a faulty alarm so Dd was skeptical again even though this was a plug-in and not battery. He unplugged it and replugged it in and we went back to bed. 5 mins later it went off again and we replugged it in in another outlet and 2 mins later it went off again so we called 911 and got changed and went outside.

The firetruck arrived 5 mins later and the chief and fighter went up with my dad with a reader. As soon as they walked into the apt it went off like crazy so they got out and went to get oxygen on. They went up again and came back with high levels found. Normal levels are 0-10 and ours were 50 in the living room/kitchen (where dad sleeps) and 90 in my bedroom so they called for an EMT to evaluate us.

5 mins later, the EMTs arrived and they took vital signs and then firefighters came back again and said the levels were pretty high and that I should go to the ER to be checked so I got my first ambulance ride and Dd drove his car.

After screaming and crying over having 5 tubes of blood taken (my first time ever), they did find the CO in me and kept me for another 3 hours. The firemen were able to air out the apt to a level 8 and advised to keep the windows open until it can be fixed. by 5:30, I was discharged and we went to the apt, packed a bag and headed to the local Marriott.

When all is said and done, they discovered it was our furnace that was the issue and cleaned it but ended up just replacing the whole thing. We did get a good night's sleep on Friday at the Marriott without worry and it was a nice little break and I took full advantage of the pool/hot tub!

We ended up buying a digital CO alarm for in the living area and put the old one in my bedroom.

If you don't have a CO alarm, BUY ONE! It ultimately saved our lives so that I'm still around to write my TR!!!


Hi Dis!!!!


If you missed any updates, you can go back to the first page and all of the updates are at the bottom, although there are not many!!!

Lets get going!!!


The day started with a 5:30am alarm. I typically work 9-6 and my co-teacher works 7-3. That day I switched times with her so 5:30am I was up and getting ready for work at 7!

I had plans to go to work, change at work, and leave for the airport from work. After getting to work and starting my day, it turns our that they had extra teachers that day so I was asked if I wanted to leave at 12:30 instead of 3:cool1: Of course I said yes :thumbsup2

The day went pretty well!! Since my birthday was on the 19th while I was away, we had a party that day so it made the time fly! We watched Princess and the Frog, wore green, and had green cookies! We also had Spanish class that day but the kids could have cared less :r

After lunch at 12:30, I got all my goodies and headed out of work! I decided to stop and grab lunch at McDs but not thinking that all my stuff was in the trunk for the trip, I got into the drive-thru and realized my wallet was in my trunk :rotfl::eek: So in the middle of McDs drive-thru, I got out and got my wallet haha!

After a car wash as well, I headed home to relax before leaving for the airport at 2:15. In the end, I decided to bring my laptop. I figured I would have time to use it at the airport and read on Airtran that they had free Wi-Fi and I would try it out!

At 2:15, I headed for the airport for my 6:05pm flight out of Dayton. I got to the parking area in an hour!



I had read online that this was a great place to park. There was no chance of me ever losing my car! lol. After parking and handing over my car keys, I stood outside in the warm 60 degrees and waited for the bus that arrived 15 mins later!! :thumbsup2

When I arrived at the airport, I was shocked to see how small it was. My Dm and Dd warned me how small it was but geez, on one level, the only level was check-in, security, and baggage claim..ya SMALL!! I walked to Airtran check-in and was the only one there. I didn't even use the computer bc the Airtran employee did it all for me. He was soooo cute, until he got out the measuring tape to check my bag ***...It's a bag I bought off of so I'd hope it was to size..

He said the bag was a few inches short and I was lucky. He was not so cute anymore!

After getting checked in and making it through security without an issue, I was then on a mission to find dinner. I knew I better eat because with a quick layover in Baltimore, I did not know if I would have time. I ended up at the one of like 4 places to eat in the whole airport..Max and Ermas.
I sat there for a good hour sipping my Peach Tea and eating my Chicken Salad and watching planes come and go...


After awhile, I grabbed a bottle of water and headed to my gate and waited to board.


Finally at 5:35, we began to board!!!

I was in row 16, seat D (an aisle). I got on the plane to discover to rather large men sitting in the row beside me, ugh! That is my worst fear that for an hour and 1/2 I will not be able to move! As it ended up, there was a free seat next to me, so the man beside me moved to that seat and we got to spread out :thumbsup2

The flight was great and quick! I used the free Wi-Fi and was loving life!

Baltimore, HERE WE COME!!!!

-Will I make it to my next flight?!

-How long will DME take?!


Thank God you had those detectors.:thumbsup2

That is funny about the drive thru :rotfl2:

yay! Glad you were able to get off of work early! That's hilarious about the drive thru :rotfl:!! Can't wait to hear more!!

Oh tell me about it! I pulled up to the window and apologized and said I had to get my wallet out of the trunk! I did say I was heading to the airport and forgot it was in there hehe!

Thank God you had those detectors.:thumbsup2

That is funny about the drive thru :rotfl2:


:) My next update will be Thurs or Fri I think!!

HI DIS!!!!

Sorry for the took over again!!


Now for an update!!

MARCH 17 2010...cont.

I guess I should start off with Dbro. Dbro was able to fly out on an 11am flight from Pittsburgh to MCO. When he got to MCO he took DME to Sports and checked-in. The room was ready so he dropped off his bags and ended up going to DTD, and meeting up with my Droomie and her fiance at their villa at SSR. The went mini golf at Fantasia Gardens and went to ESPN Club for dinner. After that Dbro rode back to SSR with them and back to DTD and caught a bus to Sports to meet me...

When we left off, I was in the Dayton Airport waiting for my 6:05pm flight to Baltimore and then Baltimore to Orlando :cool1:

We started to board the plane right on time :thumbsup2

I got on the plane, seat 17C-aisle, and was sitting on the end with 2 rather large guys sitting in the middle and window. Already I was like ugh well it's only for an hour and 1/2 I'll deal with it. For some reason, I guess I didn't notice that when I was picking seats that across from us were A and B, two seats and maybe that would have been more comfty.

Well, the plane was about to close up to take off and I noticed the seat behind me- 18C was not taken so I asked the guy beside me if he wanted to switch to behind us and his wife was actually in the middle seat. Well the man beside me moved back and things were peachy and ready to close up and wouldn't you know it but a guy runs on the plane and he is in 18C, figures :sad2:
...but...17 A was also open beside me so the rather late man took that seat and things were peachy again :thumbsup2

Sorry no pics..I was too busy for the flight enjoying my pretzels, drink, and FREE WI-FI!!!!! It was amazing!!! I was able to update FB, Disboards, etc.! It's pretty much a tie between the free Wi-Fi and the TVs we got on Delta back in December!!!

We landed in Baltimore 10 mins early :thumbsup2:cool1: and I figured I had a good 1/2 hr to kill before plane #2 was ready to board so I went potty and got a pretzel at Auntie Anns and walked to my gate to find they were already calling Zone 2 :scared1::eek:
So in a rush, I quickly ate my snack..well most of it and drank my lemonade, called mom, texted Dad and Dbro and got back on the plane.

As it turns out the wife of the guy sitting beside me in Plane 1 was now in the middle seat and the guy on the window in Plane 1 was also on the window in Plane was funny :thumbsup2 No offense to bigger built people (I'm one of them!) but I was happy the tiny tiny wife was in the middle this time :thumbsup2:thumbsup2

Once again, I enjoyed my free drink, pretzels, and Wi Fi!!!

Finally around 10:15pm, we landed in Orlando!!! :cool1::thumbsup2

It was a tad depressing walking into MCO by myself with no family and friends but when I lived there it was the same situation so whatever, I was in MCO!!

My bag came out one of the first 10 or so and I made my way to DME!!
The line at DME was..there was no line :thumbsup2 I got checked in and pointed to my line and waited!



I made friends with the family in front of me, they had 3 small kids, all under the age of 5 and they were tired!! After 30 mins or so, the bus finally came and thankfully a team of baseball players was going to All Stars as well and it filled up the bus and we left pretty quickly!



After a quick 20 min trip or so we were there!!


I was thrilled to watch the video! I had only taken DME once before in 2007 (college graduation trip) and it was the worst experience EVER. Our DME driver got lost and drove past WL 4x trying to do the MK resort loop and drop ppl off and never showed the video, anyways this was more magical and we got to watch the video!

By that point it was nearing 11:45pm and I still needed to stop at the check-in counter and show them my ID. Dbro met me in the lobby with my refillable mug (red) which he said was a nightmare to get. He wanted to buy mugs that were different colors but with the invasion of sports teams and not helpful CMs he ended up with 2 red mugs. So we stood there in the Online Check-in line and I drank my Coke Zero and we waited and waited and after a 1/2 hour (12:15am now), I finally walk over and...

The male CM yells at me to get in the regular line and the Online line is closed..there was no sign, no blockage, no nothing! :headache: I explained I was a CM and he suddenly got nice with me, figures, and just wanted to show my ID he said come back in the AM if I don't want to wait, figures.

So we begin the walk to our room. I can't even tell you the room number or building or even floor but we were in the basketball part. On the way to the room, I noticed my suitcase was kinda heavy but just figured I was tired so Dbro wheeled it for me...(remember that later on!!!!)

We got to the room...






The room was nice. Very clean. I made sure Dbro inspected it before he got things unpacked for the night. I stayed at Movies before and it looked like the room had not been touch by more than 15 mins by a Mousekeeper. I've always had good luck at Sports and we were not disappointed!!
After writing down all my purchases of the day in my Disney Binder and got a quick shower, we were in bed by 2am'ish with a 7am alarm so we could head to POP!!!!!!!!!!!



glad you got the seats all worked out on plane

Glad u made your 2nd plane

What a rude CM he was yelling at you until he knew you were also a CM

Glad u got a nice room at Sport

Hope all goes well next day at Pop :goodvibes


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