TR - WDW, Disney Fantasy and more

I have just added another must do city when I next visit the US. Atlanta! I am also a Coke tragic. I even collect coke cans from anywhere in the world I can. I got an aluminium 'bottle' in Vegas. I was very excited!

As a coke tragic you definitely have to go! I had so much fun there. Ooh I've not heard or seen the aluminum 'bottle' how special! We collect the coke glasses from McDonald's and us those for our drinking glasses...
Nice updates. I would love to hit Nashville and Memphis one of these trips; but DH is so anti country music that I would need to drug him and club him over the head in order to get him there.

No one stays in Memphis by choice? Look forward to seeing it through your blog.
As always I am really enjoying your TR:) I am always amazed at the huge groups you travel with, the kids must love it but organising everyone must be hard work!
Enjoying reading along. Sounds like a nice rest day that first one in Memphis. Also interested in what you thought of the town when sightseeing. Love the Coca Cola factory! Thanks for the heads up on seasickness info too!
Nice updates. I would love to hit Nashville and Memphis one of these trips; but DH is so anti country music that I would need to drug him and club him over the head in order to get him there.

No one stays in Memphis by choice? Look forward to seeing it through your blog.

He only has to survive Nashville...Does he like Elvis? Memphis has a completely different music scene :)

As always I am really enjoying your TR:) I am always amazed at the huge groups you travel with, the kids must love it but organising everyone must be hard work!

Its not that bad actually. The rules are laid down at the very beginning! Everyone is aware of our plans. If they want in, they let me know. If not, not a problem, they organise their own thing. Everyone's happy!

In some ways, it is easier. We can take turns looking after the children. The children also enjoy travelling with others their age.

Enjoying reading along. Sounds like a nice rest day that first one in Memphis. Also interested in what you thought of the town when sightseeing. Love the Coca Cola factory! Thanks for the heads up on seasickness info too!

Thoughts on Memphis coming up!
Loving your updates. Civil War country is on my bucket list. I just don't know when. Like Nashville and Memphis, it's not on DH's list. :guilty:

I'll just have to live vicariously through your TR.

Shopping? :hyper:
I'm still reading along and enjoying your updates.

It sounds like your experience of Memphis was similar to mine. I liked and disliked the city in equal measures. The BBQ joints, the live music spilling out onto the streets, and Graceland were all things I loved. The run down nature of the city and the bitter cold - not so much.

We weren't sure what to make of the Peabody Ducks - they were a bit surreal.
Loving your updates. Civil War country is on my bucket list. I just don't know when. Like Nashville and Memphis, it's not on DH's list. :guilty:

I'll just have to live vicariously through your TR.

Shopping? :hyper:

It is sad that we're so shopping crazy. Even though we've already hit the outets at Orlando, we bought more stuff...

And yes bucket lists are hard. With so many places to visit, mine has to match with DH's as well. Sigh, that's why its just as well that so many people here on this forum make so many interesting trips!

I'm still reading along and enjoying your updates.

It sounds like your experience of Memphis was similar to mine. I liked and disliked the city in equal measures. The BBQ joints, the live music spilling out onto the streets, and Graceland were all things I loved. The run down nature of the city and the bitter cold - not so much.

We weren't sure what to make of the Peabody Ducks - they were a bit surreal.

Thanks for continuing to follow along! Yeah the Peabody ducks...They were very cute but the march all happened so quickly and then it was over. Surreal is a good word for it!
Amazing architecture and buildings. Would have been spectacular to see.

I particularly loved Longwood. The design was truly stunning. I want one of my own! It would cost something like 8 to 9 million to build one in today's currency. Chump change...

I need a shopping trip. Just me. No one else. Sadly, it's not on the cards right now. :(

Why? I'm guessing you mean outlet shopping?
I'm glad to see you had such a good time in TN. Nashville is one of my favorite cities. I used to live there and have been trying to get back for the last couple years.

As far as Memphis goes, I'd have to agree with the no one lives in Memphis by choice thing. Although, Ive never heard anyone actually say those words out loud. My dad works in Memphis, but lives an hour away and drives in everyday. This is pretty common. Memphis has a lot of problems left over from desegregation, bad schools, corruption, poverty, limited public services, etc. If you really look around the city, not just the tourist areas, you will notice a lot of unofficial segregation going on and tension between the races. You have to be really careful where you go in the city. It actually makes me nervous to think of you guys going to the mall in Memphis. There is only one Memphis mall I feel safe visiting, and as it is on the East side of town, I doubt it was the one you went to. I've never felt especially safe in Memphis, and most of the city does seem dirty and run down to me. Memphis also has one of the highest crime rates in the US. I will go around the city alone, but only because I have years of learning my way around, and where not to go. It's not a horrible city, but I wouldn't live there, and I'm extra careful about where I go when I am there.

Now as to the ducks, aren't they just so cute? Did you make it up to the roof to see their pent house? That is always part of the fun for me.

Also, for anyone visiting Memphis in the future, if you take the bridge down by Mud Island across to the residential part of the island, there are some parks and boat docks. You can actually walk down to the waters edge and put your feet in. Then you can say you've actually been in the Mississippi, not just seen it. We let the kids do this one trip, and they got a big thrill out it. We had a picnic there afterwards and watched the barges float by.

I'm glad you enjoyed Corkey's, probably more people who live in Memphis have eaten there than at Rendezvous which is more a tourist or business lunch place. Corkey's is a pretty well known chain and not confined to Memphis, but in other southern areas as well. It's the McDonalds of BBQ for this area. I've never been particularly fond of it, but I know a lot of people who love it. I'm just too much of a Texas brisket girl to give in to the whole pig with slaw on top they try to pass off as BBQ around here.

I'm excited to here about your upcoming trip to New Orleans as I lived there a few years ago before I moved to Nashville, and thought it was a lot of fun.
I'm glad to see you had such a good time in TN. Nashville is one of my favorite cities. I used to live there and have been trying to get back for the last couple years.

As far as Memphis goes, I'd have to agree with the no one lives in Memphis by choice thing. Although, Ive never heard anyone actually say those words out loud. My dad works in Memphis, but lives an hour away and drives in everyday. This is pretty common. Memphis has a lot of problems left over from desegregation, bad schools, corruption, poverty, limited public services, etc. If you really look around the city, not just the tourist areas, you will notice a lot of unofficial segregation going on and tension between the races. You have to be really careful where you go in the city. It actually makes me nervous to think of you guys going to the mall in Memphis. There is only one Memphis mall I feel safe visiting, and as it is on the East side of town, I doubt it was the one you went to. I've never felt especially safe in Memphis, and most of the city does seem dirty and run down to me. Memphis also has one of the highest crime rates in the US. I will go around the city alone, but only because I have years of learning my way around, and where not to go. It's not a horrible city, but I wouldn't live there, and I'm extra careful about where I go when I am there.

Now as to the ducks, aren't they just so cute? Did you make it up to the roof to see their pent house? That is always part of the fun for me.

Also, for anyone visiting Memphis in the future, if you take the bridge down by Mud Island across to the residential part of the island, there are some parks and boat docks. You can actually walk down to the waters edge and put your feet in. Then you can say you've actually been in the Mississippi, not just seen it. We let the kids do this one trip, and they got a big thrill out it. We had a picnic there afterwards and watched the barges float by.

I'm glad you enjoyed Corkey's, probably more people who live in Memphis have eaten there than at Rendezvous which is more a tourist or business lunch place. Corkey's is a pretty well known chain and not confined to Memphis, but in other southern areas as well. It's the McDonalds of BBQ for this area. I've never been particularly fond of it, but I know a lot of people who love it. I'm just too much of a Texas brisket girl to give in to the whole pig with slaw on top they try to pass off as BBQ around here.

I'm excited to here about your upcoming trip to New Orleans as I lived there a few years ago before I moved to Nashville, and thought it was a lot of fun.

Hi :wave2: Thanks for reading along and for your detailed comments! I read your thoughts on Memphis with great interest. As we were driving around, ti was hard to tell whether or not we were biased because of what the locals had told us or whether it was truly run down. I'm glad I didn't know about the "unsafe" malls before we went! Although we were only there for a short time and we stayed pretty much mostly within Best Buys and Target. I know I know...don't laugh. Being New Years day, it was pretty much deserted.

DH is happy to hear about Corky's. I think he will be looking hard for others now :D


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