Traceys Atkins attempt!

I have got to do something, just sitting around the house thinking. so i might as well be here.

Was good at the wedding reception didnt have anything i shouldnt, went to a barbeque Sunday & didnt have any thing i shouldnt & resisted the choc gateau & strawberry cheesecake which is a first for me.
Monday - good
Tuesday - hardly ate, too upset
Wednesday - ate a bit today but still feeling down.
Oh Tracey,:hug:

I am so sorry to hear about your grandmother.:hug: I pray that God bless you and your family and give you strength at this difficult time.

Please remember Tracey that you are free to share your feelings and emotions with us. We are here to listen and to support you.:grouphug:

Take extra special care of you today.:hug:

:hug: :hug: :hug: Tracey,

I am so sorry about the loss of your grandmother. Just know that we are here for you. This is a place where it is safe to be vulnerable. You will find great support here. If there is anything you need please, don't hesitate to ask. Try to eat something, even if it isn't OP. Stress can use up a tone of energy, so you need to nourish your body.

Thank you so much for posting to my journal, despite the stress you are under. You are a great friend, and I appreciate your support.
Thank you again.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: I hope that everything is o.k. and that you stay encouraged. There are so many here that will listen and give you the kind of support that you need.
Thankyou all so much for your kind thoughts, it really helped me get through a difficult few weeks, and i know my grandma would have loved the fact that so many people who she had never met were praying for her and her family. She lived a full and happy life and i'm grateful for that, we have to be strong for grandad now, they had just celebrated their 60th wedding aniversary, i can only imagine how he feels, although we are a large family and we are all there for him.

So now i will try to get back to normality!
I thought i would have lost loads of weight with the stress and upset but i havent, although i havent gained either, so thats ok.
Have been quite good through it all and have only ate a couple of things i shouldnt have.
We went out for tea last week & everyone had a dessert except for me - hows that for dedication, i was very proud of myself. Also went to another wedding reception on Saturday & resisted the desserts there too!!
Today (Monday) no breakfast
Lunch - tomatoe, mushroom, cheesr & bacon omlette
Dinner - having minted lamb kebabs, with roasted red pepper stuffed with tomatoe, cheese and quorn mince.
It's so good to see you Tracey. :hug:

I'm glad that you were able to maintain, now you can move forward and I'm sure you will see a loss soon! ::yes::
Hi Tracy,

I am really proud of the way you've handled yourself this last week. You have done a great job. Just a FYI, stress hormones wreak havoc on weight loss. That is why you didn't lose, but you will now that things are quietening down. Your family remains in my prayers.
Take care of yourself,
Hi all, i have been really good this week & have not eaten anything i shouldnt have, although i am reallly really craving comfort food at the moment, i think its due to the change in the weather, its really starting to turn to Autumn,
I said if i was good all week i would treat myself to a curry Friday night! Should i give in to temptation???? Do i deserve a treat? Will i hate myself afterwards???

Weigh day tomorrrow, keeping my fingers crossed.:wave:
Hi Tracey,

Only you can decide if that curry is worth it, now chocolate is always worth it. I'm sending pixie dust for weigh in tomorrow.
Have a good one,
Hi all & thanks,
Strings that pixie dust must have worked i've lost 3 lb when i weighed myself, was begining to think my scales were stuck or something, i even made my DD get on them the other day to see if they worked - they did.

That was the good part of my day, the sad part was seeing my grandmothers picture in the local paper, reporting about the funeral, it made it hit home again & i got really upset, just when i think i'm getting back to normal i take a step back again!!!
The other thing is my grandmas watch, she gave it to me about 20 years ago but it never worked, when i got it out the time it had stopped on was the time she died, I took it to my local jeweler to see if it could be fixed, he said the bearings had gone & it wouldnt work & if it did would not keep good time, this upset me & i said a silent prayer after my visit to the jewelers asking grandma to make the watch work as a sign that she was ok. Then the day i went to see her at the chapel of rest it started working & has kept perfect time for the last 2 weeks - this made me so happy i knew it was grandma, & the feeling it gave me was amazing. Got up today & the watch has stopped working, i take this as a sign that she has been there for us & has now knows were ok & has moved on, but i feel i've lost that amazing feeling now. Sorry to go on but it does help.
Hi all, woke up this morning & the watch was working again!!!
Feel better today, i was on a real downer yesterday, despite the weight loss!
I resisited the curry last night & had a chicken salad instead, i think losing the 3lb boosted my confidence & will power.

We're going out tonight to see a Brian Adams tribute band, just hoping i dont drink too much as that seems to be the thing that hinders my weight loss.
Going to go & have a go at making the cheese bread recipe now.
Weighed myself on Friday and lost another 2lbs i cant believe it!
I am starting to notice in my clothes now, when i went to the Brian Adams tribute band i managed to wear a pair of jeans i've not worn for a year, this is keeping me motivated!
I've lost 19lb since i started on these journals one more lb to go & i will get myself a new clippie.
Had a go at making the cheese bread and it turned out good - bearing in mind i'm not a very good cook, will use more and stronger cheese next time though.
5 weeks & 5 days to our dream 3 week holiday doing 1 week Int Drive, 1 week Disney All stars and 7 night Disney eastern cruise + 1 night at Port Orleans, i'm so excited will have to start packing soon:teeth:
Gonna go & watch the Simpsons with my DD & Dh now bless her my DD's hamster died today so she needs some cheering up.
Congrats on your weight loss. I'm sorry about your grandmother.

Your trip sounds wonderful.:D
Hi Tracey,

I totally believe the watch story. I have a few stroies of my own too. I am sorry that DD's hamster died. She must be devastated. I hope everything went today.


Congratulations on your weight loss!:jumping1: That is wonderful for you!!! :Pinkbounc

Wow! You'll be in WDW for 3 weeks????:earseek: That sounds like a great vacation!!! ::MickeyMo ::MinnieMo We'll be there from December 4-16 and I can't wait!!!!:Pinkbounc I hope you have a safe and wonderful vacation.::yes::

Have a great week!

Hi all, sorry i've not been keeping up with your journels regulary, things just seem to be so hectic, planning the holiday, packing, college work, normal work, house work... you get my drift!
Will try to get on at least once a week.
Weighed in today, not lost any thing this week, i was quite dissapointed as i've been really good & not ate anything i shouldnt have. I am wondering if i'm not eating enough, as i have had a few days where i've skipped lunch, cos things have been so hectic & then only had a salad for tea.
I read somewhere that your body goes into starvarion mode if you dont eat enough & it stores fat, but i'm just not hungry much since i started this low carb plan, i have had a small baked potatoe for dinner with chicken, to see if that helps!!
Will try to eat a bit more low carb than i have been & not skip meals. Take care everyone XX
Maybe you are losing more inches now so that the scale isn't moving. That is what happens with the lc way of eating. When the scale moves usually the inches do not and vice versa. Good luck.:D
Just read over your journal Tracey and wanted to say hello! By the way, I live in Mansfield, Massachusetts!
Sounds like you are doing a good job on your weight loss journey; almost 20 lbs. gone already, congratulations!!
Don't worry if your scale seems stuck, if your clothes fit better, then your body composition is changing; more muscle, less fat! The pounds will come off quickly initially; then slow down, so don't get too hung up on a number on the scale; just try to keep up with your healthy lifestyle choices...that's the key!
I also wanted to give you a cyberhug over the loss of your grandma....I'm sure she's happy and at peace watching over your family and your grandpa...
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


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