Tracey's wedding weight loss attempt (comments welcome & needed!!)

breakfast - earl grey
lunch - left over low carb pasta with tuna & mayo
dinner - pork chops topped with cheese & bacon & mushrooms

Had fish & chips (fries!!) last night, feeling guilty!
Today (sunday)
breakfast - atkins bar, eral grey
lunch - quorn sausage, bacon, scrambled egg, tomatos & mushroom & glass of water, low carb muffin
dinner - not had yet!

Have been looking into the phase 2 carb blocker tablets, not sure if they will work well for me but i think i will give them a go, could be handy next time i'm tempted by fish & chips!!!
Trying to keep busy & not think about flying right now!!
DD friend is sleeping over tonight...they are terrible when they get together, so no sleep for me tonight then!!
Just getting over period from hell...again, i have kept a list of all the horrible symptoms i get so i can tell doc when i go back in a few weeks!
Hope everyone is safe & well :)
Cheese & Onion sandwiches - yep, my DFil did have a lot of british blood!! What about Peanut Butter & Onion??

Period from hell...boy can I relate....try 16 days of the constant drip. UGH!!!!

Hopefully things will quiet down before your flight and you'll be able to at least bring on board something to do for all that time.

Have a great week!
I agree with goldcupmom. By the time of your trip, hopefully things will have calmed down a bit. It's early, but wishing you a safe and happy flight. I heard on the news that flying right now is the safest its ever been with all the great security.

Good job on the eating. I know what you mean about diet cola. I allow myself diet dr. pepper on the weekends. I used to have more than one everyday!!

Hope you get some sleep tonight! Have a great week!
Thanks guys
The terror threat level has been reduced...slightly its gone down from
'youre gonna die' to 'you might die'!!!
They have reduced the size of hand baggage allowed so i dont know where that leaves me regarding taking my wedding dress on as hand luggage, not looking good, i hate the thought of putting it in a case & just hoping it will arrive safely!!! No point contacting them yet i will wait to nearer the time! Still better to be safe :)
Been to gym today, not been since last monday so i spent 2 hours there! - 1 hr on treadmill, 30 mins on cross trainer & 30 mins on weights, i will suffer tomorrow!!!

breakfast - usual!!
lunch- omlette with cheese, tomato, mushroom & pepperoni, diet lemonade with suger free dilute peach & aprcot
dinner - gonna have low carb fatijas with cajun chk.

DD & friend were not too noisy last night :)
I'm getting grumpy in my old age, i should chill more instead of getting on at them for having fun!
What a yummy food day! I have a hankering for cajun chicken now.

I wonder if airlines on our side of the pond will have lowered the hand bag size allowance too? Hopefully you'll be able to work something out with your wedding dress. I bet if you contact the airline closer to your wedding, they'd have some suggestions to you.

Sounds like your week's off to a great start!
Hi Tracey~

Wow! Things have been a bit scary in the UK the past week. I'm glad to hear that they lowered the terror threat level. We have been keeping you and your family in our thoughts and prayers. :grouphug:

I think calling the airline is a great idea! They should be able to suggest what to do with your wedding dress. I hope that things have calmed down with the airline industry by the time of your trip. :goodvibes

You are doing great with your exercise and food! Keep up the good work! :cheer2:

Have a great day! :sunny:
We had some people that left for the UK (for business) on Sat and what a pain! But it is all for the safety of everyone, so I guess the good people get to suffer for the few bad apples out there. I bet everything will be fine with your flight and dress transportation. Maybe you could send it via FedEx or something before you leave?

Have you thought of some other, healthier snacks you could be eating in the evenings?
breakfast - low carb muffin, earl grey
lunch - low carb pepperoni pizza
dinner - mexican chk salad, strawberries & cream (allowed on low carb :))

breakfast - atkins bar, earl grey
lunch - gonna have an omlette with cheese & salami
dinner - having low carb spaghetti bolo

I bought the phase 2 tablets to try, i am going for an italian meal on saturday night so will take one before that :)
They are made from natural ingredients from the white kidney bean & are supposed to stop you absorbing all the carbs from foods like pasta, potatoes, bread & rice. Hope they make a difference as they cost enough!!!
Tomorrow is weigh in & off for my first fitting for my wedding dress...wish me luck!
How exciting that you are going for your dress fitting! I remember those days... Your trip is right around the corner and you are going to look fantastic for your big day! :thumbsup2
Hi Tracey!

That is exciting that you are going to your dress fitting! I hope that it goes well for you. :goodvibes

Have a great weekend! :sunny: Thank you for your encouragement and support! :hug:
First time i have gained since i started, it would have to be the day of my fitting too.
Not a small gain either.... about 5lb!!!!!!
I cant understand it!
I am sorry to hear you had a gain. Could it be from TOM? Have you eaten more sodium the past week? Sometimes there is no explanation, you just have to pick yourself back up and do your best. It will come off soon, especially if it is water weight. Hang in there! :grouphug:
Doesnt seem to be any reason for the gain!
After i posted i tried on a pair of trousers that 3 weeks ago didint fit...& they fit!!!
So am putting it down to overdoing it at the gym & it being muscle weighing more than fat!!
Had a bad back last couple of days.. put that down to gym aswell, it seems to be when i do the weights for upper body.
breakfast - usual
lunch - low carb muffin
dinner 2 x phase 2 tablets followed by a VERY small baked potato with chk & bacon in mayo, low carb chocolate bar

breakfast - usual
lunch - 3 x bran crisp bread (0 carbs) with cheese
dinner - snacked on low carb muffin & going out for an Italian meal tonight, so will take 2 x phase 2 tablets before :)

Went for my wedding gown fitting :) Got to have a few alterations made,
paid off the balance owing on it & paid off the balance for WDW so i am now
absolutely skint!!!
2 months to go yipeee :)
Hi Tracey,

I have just been getting caught up on your journal. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding and trip to WDW! You must be getting very excited. I stayed at ASMO two years ago the same time you are going and it was wonderful. Don't worry about the pool thing, some sections of the resort you are about as close to ASMU's pool and I happen to like that one better anyway! Don't worry about the gain, I think it probably is muscle which does weigh more than fat. If your pants are fitting now that is the true sign of weight loss! Hope you are having a nice weekend and thank you for your nice posts on my journal. I am excited to have an overseas friend here on the WISH!

Your clothes say it all - you are losing inches! That is great news! :banana: :banana: Don't worry too much about what the scale says, keep doing what you are doing since you are seeing results.
Hi Tracey~

That's great that your trousers fit! That shows that you are losing inches! :Pinkbounc

Your dress is paid off and your WDW vacation is paid off.... :cloud9: Only two more months now! :Pinkbounc

Hope you have a great Sunday! :sunny:
Thanks everyone :)
Well i went for the Italian meal last night & forgot to take the phase 2 tablets!!! Had 2 bottles of wine & a glass of cider too :blush:
Although i did lots of silly dancing afterwards made a fool of myself dancing to Bon Jovi, but that hopefully burnt a few calories off!!! :rolleyes:
Detoxing today:
breakfast- usual
lunch - tuna steak with salad & glass of water
dinner - not sure yet!!!
Thanks everyone for your kind posts, it really helps to keep me on track, you are all very much appreciated :)
Amy - i love having lots of overseas friends too :)

I have just started a blog & i am in the process of putting pics on of my 40th & hen night, if anyone wants to check it out its on:
Sounds like you had fun last night, thats worth a lot and after all what weekends are for! I enjoyed seeing your blog, now I can put a face with your name, loved the gypsy get up! Hope your detox day went well, thats what good about what we all do here on the WISH, we may go off, but we post our dirty deeds and get right back on track! :wave:
Hmmm Amy you are making me feel guilty now!!!
My detox day started well, but by the evening the headache/hangover had got worse for dinner i had 3 carb free crispbreads & a low carb muffin, BUT then i had a wholetub of cheese & chive dip with half a tub of pringles (chips)!!!!
The dip isnt too bad on low carb but the pringles were a big no, no,
I had actually bought some carrot sticks to have with the dip but i felt so lousy my body needed comfort food!! :)
Oh well on to another day,
I am taking my grandad out for lunch today for his birthday, 84 years old :)
Lets just hope i can be sensible with my choices!!!
At least the headache has gone now :)


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