Tracey's wedding weight loss attempt (comments welcome & needed!!)

That is awful! I agree with Amy, do you have a friend with a big, scary dog you could borrow for a couple nights? Poor DD, can you keep a baseball bat (ok, probably not that common in the UK) or something else by the door so she would feel more secure? :hug: I hope this situation clears up soon for you. :wizard:
OMG, how scary about the prowlers and the shed. Hopefully they'll be afraid to come back because they'll figure you're prepared for them now. And it's even worse when your sinuses are bugging you...everything is harder to deal with when you feel miserable.
Hi Tracey,

Hope things settled down and that you are having a nice weekend. Too bad your Wish sisters are all so far away, we could come over, lay in wait and all go out and beat the crap out of that guy!
Thanks ladies :grouphug:
no action since i last visited so hoping the scum has got the message!!
cold just about gone - can garuantee it'll be back in 4-6 weeks !!

had wi with nurse - the 2lb gain is still there :mad: but at least no more!!
she made me an appointment to see dr about the recurring throat/chest issue, but thinking of cancelling as what can he do if its gone :confused3

cant remember food since wednesday but pretty good except for dome dip on Thursday that someone bought to work with birthday nibles - me + feeling ill + dip = not a good day!!!

walked to work & back Thursday
no exercise - friday

saturday -
B/fast - cereal 250 cals
lunch - 5 crispbreads, lf yogurt - 350 cals
dinner - pizza, home made fries, waffle with blueberry syrup -
1000 cals :scared1:

still did better on cals though!!! - total - 1600 cals
exercise - 850 cals at gym

sunday -
b/fast - cereal - 250 cals
lunch - mc donalds mc chicken sandwich (was in a rush!!) - 300 cals
dinner - chk, veg, noodles in plum sauce, treacle tart & lf custard - 800 cals

total - 1400 cals
exercise - bike ride
I'm glad to hear that whoever was trying to break into your shed has not made a return trip. Hopefully, they got the message and will stay away!

Great job on your workouts!:thumbsup2

I hope you have a great week ahead!:hug:
I'm glad things have calmed down with the shed pest. I hope he stays gone for good! :wizard:

Yum, yum, yum, I love treacle tarts!!!! So jealous....
Glad to hear all has been quiet around the shed. Hopefully the prowler is gone for good now.
Tracey, glad your prowler hasn't been back. That must be a relief!

I had some dip issues awhile back and thought of you! I love me some dip too.

Your two pound gain will be gone soon. Just keep focused on what you need to do and it will happen!:)
Glad the prowler seems to be gone. Hopefully things are going ok with you! Don't worry about the gain. You've been doing so well your body probably needs to regroup & it will be gone quickly.
so sorry ladies - no excuse just busy, busy ,busy!!
DMIL ended up being rushed into hospital monday night, but well on the mend now!
exercise still good, food okay! i've signed up for two 5k charity runs :scared1:, one 21st march the other june 6th, so just wanting the weather to warm up so i can get out training!

WI - lost the 2 lb gain, then it came back, then went! have a wi with nurse on monday so will see what that shows!

having my eyes tested on monday too - i know i need glasses, have just kept putting it off - dont want to admit i'm getting old! :lmao:

BIG news - ADR's booked :) will list them later :)
school has broken up for a week so i will hopefully have more time to catch up!
Wow, you are looking so fit and trim! :cheer2: Great job signing up for those races, I know you'll do great. :goodvibes

I hope DMIL is better now. :wizard:
that pic is a year old!!

been for a quick jog outdoors today, i have 4 weeks before the first run! also went for a walk with DH :)

bought some shorts for hols - size 12 uk (US size 8) :cool1:

DD has a boy downstairs!!! - he walked 5 miles to bring her a rose for valentines day :love: how sweet, he loves her but DD just wants to be friends!!!

off to make sweet potato wedges for dinner with LF lasagne :)
Aww, how sweet that DD has an admirer already! I'm sure you are already bracing yourself for when she wants to be more than friends! :eek:

Congrats on the shorts! :cool1: You are really getting into great shape. :thumbsup2

I love sweet potatoes, I might have to make some tonight! :goodvibes
sweet potatos dont make very attractive wedges!! they were very soggy looking - but tasted ok!!!

DD's best friend told me that the boy is going to ask DD to go out with him tomorrow!!! - hes really nice & wants to be a doctor - so i'm ok with it ;)

wanted to go for another run this morning - got all the gear on & its raining :(
so decided against it - dont want to end up ill!! have spinning tonight so thats good!

today is WI with nurse & eyes tested!!
You look great, Tracey! :goodvibes Congrats on signing up for the 2 charity races!!!:cheer2:

How is your DMIL? I hope she is feeling better now.

I hope weigh-in goes well and that the eye doctor appointment goes well too. :goodvibes

Have a great Monday!:hug:
How did WI go?? And did DD accept the date from the wanna-be Dr??


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