Trimming a tomato plant?


I wine a makes me feel better
Jan 20, 2003
So my MIL planted a tomato plant for us. So far, it has grown wildly out of control and is now bigger than me - taller and wider. It's tied to three different stakes. And it has produced all of 3 tomatoes, all of which are tiny and green still. (three weeks later) Mom said I need to trim the plant. So, how? Which branches do you decide to get rid of? How much?
I had the same problem with my grape tomato plant!

I trimmed several branches - here's how I did it (whether this is the proper way to go is beyond me LOL!)

I would follow each branch from tip downward until I hit tomoatoes or flowers. Then I would snip ABOVE that - to keep the fruit/flowers, but get rid of excess green. You may also want to trim branches around the base of the plant that have no fruit/flowers so the energy goes to where it is needed rather than making more green. I have about 7 or 8 stakes around mine, one for each branch.

Your plant sounds HUGE! Good luck!:D


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