Trip Report - 3rd - 6th October 2010


<font color=royalblue>Clochette? CLOCHETTE!!!!!<br
Jul 27, 2007
Sorry this has taken a while, but here goes. I have written the first two days of my trip, the final two still to come....

Day 1 – Sunday 3rd October 2010

Bright and early we had to wake up, not that I slept too well the night before (was a little excited). Our chauffeur arrived at 7am to take us to St. Pancras. The drive was a lot quicker than anticipated and before we knew it we were having a coffee and a bap at Costa before checking in. Check-in took exactly 15minutes, we were both pleasantly surprised at how easy it was! 9:53 soon rolled along and we were departing London and on our magical journey through to Marne-La-Vallée!

The Eurostar journey flew-by and it was now 13:31 and we were skipping off the train and singing along to ‘Tous en train’ which was being piped through the station, much to my delight!

We were staying at Sequoia Lodge, so we decided to run our cases to the hotel and leave them with the Luggage people as we couldn’t officially check-in till 3pm. First thing was first, we both had to change from wearing our leather jackets to digging something a lot thinner out of the cases as it was far too warm! We were dressed more for cold weather (as it turned out, we never needed anything much more than a t-shirt and a small jacket for the duration of our trip).

Both of us changed and our luggage being held at the hotel, we were ready to hit the park! We decided that today we would concentrate on the main Disneyland Park, and tomorrow morning we would start with Disney Studios.

At the gate of the Disneyland Park I could hear ‘Tous En Train’ again, but to my excitement this time I could see the train going past whilst Minnie (dressed as a witch) was waving at us. This was our opportunity to head for some rides...and a time-honoured tradition of ours is to always start with Pirates of the Caribbean, so that’s where we headed! En route to POTC both me, and my friend, had costumed Pumpkin People jump out at us to scare us (my friend was literally scarred for life by this haha). The queue for POTC was around 15minutes. After this we bee-lined for Space Mountain Mission 2 where we queued for no more than 8 minutes!

Not quite sure how lucky we were going to be for the rest of the trip we decided that today would be the best day (if the queues were going to be this short) to tackle as many rides in the park as we possibly could. Next stop, Indiana Jones – no queue. Phantom Manor – no queue. Big Thunder Mountain – 15minutes. Happy that we had been on the ‘bigger’ rides of the park we needed a pit-stop for some food. Opposite Orbitron we found a Hot Dog Vendor and quite happily sat with a Giant Hot Dog and a Coke and took the opportunity to have a rest and take in the fact we were back in Disney!!

Once Hot Dog’d up it was 18:20pm, we went for a walk around the park as my friend wanted to see all of the Halloween decorations. We got as far as the entrance to Discoveryland (approx 30metres from where we were eating) and we noticed there was a show on in front of the castle (L’incroyable Rendez-vous Disney – Disney Showtime Spectacular). We were a little mesmerised by the music, the costumes and the fantastic dancing. With jaws wide open, we stood for the entire duration and enjoyed every second of it. My friend then asked if we could see it again (a couple of times) in the duration of our stay...of course I was more than happy to oblige with this request!

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After the show we took a stroll to the castle and walked around to see the dragon in the caves, then we walked through into the castle and I took my friend around the upstairs of the inside of the castle (she had never seen it before! Blasphemy to my ears)! We had a walk through Fantasyland and took in the ambiance (I love Fantasyland for its theme) and then without a word spoken we had literally beelined back to POTC where there was no queue at all.

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Needing a last ride before we headed back to the hotel to officially check-in and collect our key we decided we had to re-ride Space Mountain Mission 2 – again, there wasn’t a moments wait in the queue so we quite literally walked straight onto this! We then reached the bandstand by the entrance of the park and turned around the most breathtaking views. We took a load of photos here and then headed to Sequoia Lodge feeling completely satisfied with our afternoon in the park.

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Walking through Disney Village we noticed there was a “British Festival” and live bands were playing whilst there were stools with different foods and drinks. We both bought a pork roll and stood and watched the musicians for an hour or so. Finally we decided we needed to get to the hotel...

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Finding the reception at Sequoia Lodge was a little daunting at first, we couldn’t get to grips that it was actually on the 1st floor and not the ground floor. During our search for this we found the Redwood Bar where we decided to stop for a cocktail before collecting our things. I had the signature drink, ‘Redwood’, and it was delicious!

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Keys in hand, luggage collected, we found the elevators and up we went to our room along the Missouri River Suites and could not believe how big and beautiful the room was. Two Queen Sized beds, 8 windows all overlooking Lake Disney with perfect views of Tower of Terror, Earful Tower, Disney Hotel, Big Thunder Mountain and Space Mountain! On the dining table in our room was our welcome letter from the manager, 8 chocolate coins and a bottle of water. My friend had spotted the Espresso Machine whilst I was busy running around the room sporting the Robe I had just found in the bathroom. With our excitement over and tiredness settling in we unpacked, sat and watched the TV for a while and then headed to bed to dream of the days ahead!

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Day 2 – Monday 4th October 2010

Waking up and remembering where I was I had a massive grin on my face. I looked straight ahead of me, from my bed, and I could see the Tower of Terror. This was all the motivation I needed to be up, washed, dressed and ready before any time passed at all!

Skipping breakfast (my friend and I can’t really eat when we first get up) we headed straight to Disney Studios. We were in the park by 9:30am and unsure as to how popular the ride was going to become throughout the day we decided to queue for Tower of Terror to be the first riders of the day! Sure enough 10am rolled along and we were ushered into the ToT.

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I LOVED the décor inside the ride. There was so much to look at and we were both in awe. Our ride operator, Cédric, was fantastic! He spoke in English and really played up to his role, telling everybody they need to be silent as the Tower Hotel doesn’t like noise. Then when strapped up inside our elevator which he assured us was taking us to our rooms...if we get there. As the elevator doors were closing Cédric stepped in and said “If anybody needs anything or if there’s anything we can do to make your stay at the Tower Hotel more pleasant, then not call me!” The doors then closed and up we went!

The ride was amazing. That was the only way we could all describe our love for being dropped 13 stories, twice! As we left the ToT we noticed there was no queuing time for this so pushing our luck – we rode it again!

Next on the agenda for Disney Studios was Crush’s Coaster. This was the longest queue in the total duration of our stay, we queued for approx 30minutes, but it was definitely worth it! Crush’s Coaster is one of our favourite rides!

After Crush, we ran to Rock and Rollercoaster – only a 5minute queue. Completely rushed-up with roller coasters and thrill rides, we realised it was fast approaching midday and we hadn’t eaten a thing since the pork roll at 8:30 the previous evening! We decided to stop and eat in the fast-food restaurant just inside the Studios entrance. En route here we noticed Stitch was out for meet and greets and I couldn’t resist a quick hug from Stitch!

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For lunch we snacked on a Burger, Fries, Magnum and a drink. We enjoyed every morsel of it too!

Food in our stomachs, the next stop was Toy Story Playland to ride the RC. We got as far as the Partners Statue when we caught a glimpse of Daisy Duck and Goofy coming out for Meet and Greets. Music began playing and Daisy was dancing on the spot – however nobody else was around and so the two stood there with nobody to have a photo taken with them. I couldn’t let the moment pass so I approached (the knight in shining armour that I am) and before I knew it Daisy had pulled me onto the stage area and was spinning me around the music. A few spinning minutes later, whilst Goofy lay on the floor watching us in amusement, I decided Daisy should learn ballet and so I began teaching her pirouettes much to her amusement – and also for the now-gathered crowd of spectators! Goofy felt left-out at this point and ran at us both gesturing for us to dance the “ring-around-the-roses” which was hilarious – until my vision of the world became a little blurry at the constant spinning and just before I could beg the pair of characters to release me, Goofy had hit the deck and Daisy followed-suite! I helped Daisy up and we then had a photo together, which made Goofy jealous and he ran over to get in on the next photo. Goofy then gave me the biggest hug ever and Daisy kissed me, several times, before I was released back to my friend who couldn’t stop laughing followed by her first words “Trust you!”.

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With memories that will last me a lifetime, we continued to Toy Story Playland and both thoroughly enjoyed RC – it helped that there wasn’t a queue for it... On our way out of the studios we couldn’t resist another ride of Tower of Terror (there wasn’t a queue and we really didn’t want to pass up the opportunity)!

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With a couple of hours of park-time left we had a stroll to the Disneyland Park and our first stop was It’s a Small World. We both love the ride, but always fear we’re going to come out brainwashed with the catchy-tune!

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Sanity in check, we then continued onto Adventureland for another ride of POTC before leaving for Disney Village to eat at Annette’s Diner.

The food was fantastic and I loved that we were served by men on rollerskates! Fed and watered we went for an evening walk around the hotels. We noticed that there was an ice-rink in front of hotel New York and so, after our evening stroll, we ventured back here at 21:10pm for an evening of ice skating! Magical!

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Next stop, bed!
Enjoyed your trip report! I've never been to DL Paris; thinking about going when touring Europe. You're fantastic trip has convinced me it's worth a visit.
Great trip report, love the photo looking down Main St with the castle in view, superb.
Day 3 – Tuesday 5th October 2010

Today we had all good intentions of being awake and downstairs for breakfast at 7:30am (as per our reservations). In reality, we were awake at 7:15am and ready by 8:10am instead. Last night before bed we discussed seeing Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show with Mickey and Friends so this morning, the first port-of-call for us was to our hotel concierge.

The concierge was really helpful and we decided to upgrade and book seats in the 1st Section (which worked out 12 euros more). We were able to use my Shareholders Card which gave us a combined total of 20 Euros off for the pair of us (10 each) which made handing over the money that little bit easier...

My friend was craving a Starbucks so we stopped off there on our way through Disney Village and then continued onto the parks. We wanted to use ‘Saloon Mickey’ this morning, but that doesn’t open until 9am and we still had a 20minute wait, so instead we decided to have a little peruse at the shop inside the Disneyland Hotel. Whilst passing through we bumped into Chip and Dale and couldn’t resist a photo-op!

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9am soon ticked along and I found myself knocking on the large door to Saloon Mickey with great anticipation. To my surprise a man answered the door, took our park tickets and shareholder card and walked us into the Saloon. Inside it was beautiful, it reminded me a little of the old western times, but stunningly decorated. We each took a croissant, a cookie (declined the fruit salad) and then I had a hot chocolate whilst my friend made herself at home with the coffees!

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We sat in Saloon Mickey for about 30minutes and really did enjoy the tranquillity of it all. (It’s rare to sit and find a moment of solitude in Disneyland Paris, so we made the most of it.) Then, once we were ready, the gentleman showed us into the park through a set of magnificent doors. I was back into child-mode as I saw Donald Duck dressed up as a Devil for Halloween and found myself skipping towards him for photos! A Pumpkin Lady then came at me and it only seemed fair to snap a quick photo with her too!

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It was now 9:45am and we flashed our hotel passes at the entrance to Discoveryland and walked straight onto Space Mountain Mission 2 without any waiting at all... In fact, we came off the ride afterwards and walked back onto it again (hardcore thrill-seekers in the morning haha)!

In need for a restful ride we walked to Adventureland and went for a cosy boat trip on Pirates of the Caribbean (again, no queues whatsoever) followed by a walk through Aladdin’s Passage!

This morning we had planned to re-visit Disney Studios to catch Moteur Action Show (we never did get around to seeing this, however we’d both seen it before so wasn’t too disappointed), so as we left Adventureland we noticed that a Paddy Wagon was stopping near us. Sitting on the Paddy Wagon (which the driver told us this was the one from Lady and the Tramp) was the most fun adventure along Main Street USA we had ever had! Our driver was telling us all about the street and which characters were appearing where and giving us showtimes etc... Then she was honking the horn at everybody and swerving along the street shouting “be good or I’ll arrest you!” The funniest part was when a lady stepped in front of us to take a photo of the wagon and our driver headed towards her honking the horn and shouted “A PHOTO FOR YOUR LIFE!!!” So so sooo funny!!! After our ride, and now at the entrance to the park, we took a couple of photos in the Wagon and one of me arresting our driver! Next stop, Disney Studios...

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As per our new-found routine, first stop was Tower of Terror (10minute queue) which we are now in love with! Such a fun and exciting ride! After this it was beginning to drizzle a bit so we decided headed to Armageddon as we hadn’t done that one yet. The special effects on Armageddon are fantastic and it is well worth a visit! Don’t make the mistake of thinking you’re going on a ride, which a lot of people seem to do and therefore judge it as they would a ride, but it is themed so that you are the “extras” in a part of the filming for Armageddon and an asteroid is heading straight towards you! I won’t give too much away for those who haven’t been on this before, but it is a definite must-do in my eyes!

Still a bit drizzly we decided to visit Studio Tram Tour which is another overlooked favourite of ours. The highlight is most definitely Catastrophe Canyon! The only let-down (which didn’t really make much of a difference anyway) was that the TV screens on our tram weren’t working, so we had audio but no visual. However, we were so busy looking around at the props and sets that we hardly noticed.

The raining had stopped by the time we finished the Studio Tram Tour and we spotted that Mickey was out for a meet and greet so it only seemed right that me and my friend got a group photo of us and Mickey Mouse!

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Next, we re-rode Rock and Roller Coaster which had a 5 minute queue, before venturing back to the Disneyland Park where we went to watch the Halloween Show in front of the castle. The Halloween Show was such a fun show with catchy music and fabulous actors/dancers. If anybody is around during the Halloween period, make sure you catch-it as it was well worth seeing! We sat at Casey’s and ate a Géant Cheese Hot Dog with fries and a coke on the outside tables which gave us a perfect view of the stage.

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After the show we went for a walk through Alice’s Curious Labyrinth which is really fun and worth a walk around if you have some time free. After the Labyrinth we re-rode Big Thunder Mountain as the queue was minimal (at 10 minutes) and then we spotted Jack Skeleton. Jack was such a fun character to meet and he is able to speak to you too which was hilarious. He and I had a bit of banter and he made me make a “scary face” or he wouldn’t take a photo, haha, after we posed for a few photos he made the castmember with him give me some sweeties! I felt like a 5 year old but it was so much fun!

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Sweets in hand we decided to go on one more ride for the day, Phantom Manor, and then head back to our hotel to get ready for Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show which we had booked for 8:30PM but needed to get there an hour earlier. Back at our hotel we enjoyed a couple of cocktails in the Redwood Bar (I had a Redwood and then a Glowtini). We then ran up to our room, got changed and had a quick coffee before it was time to make our way to Disney Village for our evening show.

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Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show with Mickey and Friends was so much fun! I was a little apprehensive about it as I’ve seen the original show and I loved it, but thought the prospect of introducing the characters to it could ruin it all. Quite the contrary, it was light-hearted and fun but still had the original elements (Annie Oakley doing her shooting, lasso-ropes, actual buffalos in the arena, Chief Sitting Bull out to attack). We began with a pre-show by Goofy and a band, had our photo taken with Cowboy Mickey and then taken to our seats. The food was delicious and plentiful! From the moment we sat down our glasses were filled with beer and a glass of orange juice. There were baskets of bread and nacho chips and our bowls were immediately filled with Chilli Con Carne. Once this was eaten our plates were loaded with BBQ Chicken leg, BBQ pork spare rib, sausage, BBQ pork chop, potatoes and corn on the cob. Following this was the scrummiest warm apple crumble with ice cream, then to finish was a mug of coffee with a mini muffin and mini caramel shortcake. A four-course meal with excellent entertainment (and we were on the winning team, the blue team) was fantastic value for money! One of the highlights of the evening was mid-show when a horse went running through the arena and Goofy, Chip and Dale followed suit – Buffalo Bill shouts “Goofy, what is it?!” and Goofy just responds “It’s a horse, it’s a HORSE!!!!!” and chases it off-stage. So random and so so so funny!

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The show ended at around 11pm and by this time we were both exhausted! We had a walk to the Disney Gallery and bought our photo with Cowboy Mickey as it was adorable, and then sulked our way back to Sequoia Lodge devastated that we were heading back home tomorrow. Once back in our room we packed everything and sat at our dining table teary-eyed! Why does it have to end?!

Day 4 – Wednesday 6th October 2010

Today was our last day. Devastated we woke up, gathered our belongings and headed down to reception to check-out before we could think too much about the whole thing. We then left our Luggage at the luggage desk and made our way to Saloon Mickey.

Once again, we were at Saloon Mickey before it was open (9am) so we ventured back into the Disneyland Hotel to have a browse in the shop, but got distracted by Goofy instead so stopped for a photo-op before heading down to Saloon Mickey at its opening time.

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Another fabulous visit to Saloon Mickey, and well-nourished with pastries and caffeine we left there and went over to Disney Studios for our last ride of Tower of Terror (you must think we’re obsessed with this ride... we ARE! Haha) Once satisfied that we had been on ToT for our final time we realised we hadn’t seen Stitch Live yet! Quelle dommage! Luckily enough the English version was about to start in 3 minutes time which was perfect! Stitch Live was so clever! We loved it! I know it’s made for children, but it had plenty of adult entertainment included and kept the whole audience laughing throughout. After the show, as we left, we got to meet the main man (or Alien) himself! Characters do seem to have an obsession with my gelled-hair and that was his first priority (to attack my hair)!

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After this we noticed Goofy was walking by and my friend is now in love with Goofy and so we stopped for a final goodbye hug...

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Our final ride in the Disney Studios was Crush’s Coaster. You cannot leave without riding that more than once, it would be rude! The queue wasn’t too bad, 15 minutes we waited. It is worth the wait! One of the best rides in the park in our eyes!

With sad puppy-dog eyes we reluctantly waved goodbye to Disney Studios and headed towards the gates of the park, where we stopped to give Minnie Mouse a kiss goodbye...

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It was now 1pm and we caught the end of the Halloween Show in front of the castle back in the Disneyland Park and afterwards we were feeling rather peckish. We decided to try Toad Hall where we had the double fish and chips. This was surprisingly tasty and we loved that it was served in a Disney newspaper! So cute!

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Next stop was a final ride of our favourite, Pirates of the Caribbean before wandering through to Frontierland (Halloweenland for this month) as my friend wanted her photo taken with Jack and Sally together... luckily for us, they were there waiting for us! Hurrah!

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Afterwards, in front of Phantom Manor, we were confronted by a herd of villains – so stopped for a photo before our final ride of Phantom Manor.

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We wanted to catch the parade before we left to go home so had time for one more ride of the day, and holiday, which had to be none other than Space Mountain (which luckily had no queue, once again). After the final ride of the holiday, we stopped along Main Street USA and watched the parade in awe.

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Once the parade finished, we said our goodbyes to Disney and hit a few shops down Main Street USA for souvenirs... then a few more along Disney Village (we needed a Disney-fix and shopping helped us with this) and then ran to Sequoia Lodge to collect our luggage... and visit the hotel shop (oops).
Luggage and exactly 7 shopping bags in my hand (my friend only had 4 bags of shopping...tut tut) we sulked our way to Marne La Vallée station where we embarked on our long, tiresome and devastating trip home to London... Oh well, next trip is in March!
Excellent trip report. Sounds like you had a blast.

Thanks! It was so much fun! I seem to degress younger and younger when I arrive at Disney! haha! I see you're back there for Christmas! SO jealous! I have to wait till next March now - sad times...
you had a great time and did loads,but i cant see the photos either:confused3


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