Trip report Aulani April 11-18 2016!

More from our North Shore Day.

L & T looking forward to the best Shave Ice.


My wife, V, and the Pickled Mango friends.


L watching the turtle at turtle beach.


L & T at the coffee grove.


T fell asleep at the table back in our villa after playing at Aunty's.

Day Three, Wed April 13. Beach & Pool day

After spending much of the day in the car the day before, my girls were so ready for a swimming day. I was too! Miracles happened and both girls slept until 6am, which is their normal wake time at home. I was sound asleep when I heard a little voice next to my head saying "Mama? My tummy hurts." Thankfully she was just very hungry!
A hearty breakfast of oatmeal, fruit and lots of coffee for me, solved the hungry tummy issues. It was still a bit before the pools opened, so we decided to take the tour of the spa. This was great, but I really recommend not bringing a 3yr old on a spa tour. I got so stressed out by repeatedly having to remind both kids to not touch things & keep their voices down.

The spa is amazingly lovely & peaceful and I'm glad we did the tour, which as very informative. My wife and I both decided that we needed to treat ourselves to a spa day. So, we booked massages and my wife added a detox bath, for the next day.
We also booked the Flower Girl experience for both our girls that evening.

My wife went to the DVC community hall for a Hawaii Craft and much to my relief & my kids, we were off to the pools & beach! We started at the new family pool with the infinity edge, which my kids called Ariel's pool due to the cave. I was so cold in the water. This has been a theme all week. The last time we were here in April it was so hot, but this year there has been a constant wind that keeps everything cool. Nice if you aren't wet, but the pool water is cold.
Regardless, the kids loved the pool and the view from the pool is breath taking.

So, I was one of those "awful" parents who drag their kids onto an experience that they don't want to go on, because they will love it afterwards. Yup, I took my 3yr old on the slide down to the lazy river. My 6yr old went happily in her own tube and T and I had a double. I told her repeatedly that we would just do it once and if she didn't like it, we'd never do it again. Well, as soon as the tube started down, she laughed & laughed & laughed all the way down. When we landed in the river, she immediately asked to do it again!

Mom is right again.

We swam the lazy river a couple times, searching for Medihunie. Then it was beach time. The girls quickly made friends and enjoyed playing in the sand and water. I had brought a bunch of snacks with me, meat sticks, pretzels, individual hummus, frozen yogurt tubes and fruit gummies. The kids ate everything. Around noon, even with snacks, the cranky was starting, so we packed things up ( with much "I'm not tired & I don't want to gooooo" ) and went back to the villa for lunch and nap. The girls ate a bucket of spaghetti and I made tuna salad with spinach, avocado & pickled mango. So yummy.

T fell asleep on the chair in the living room, but after an hour, L was bouncing off the walls. So, my wife stayed with T, so L & I could go back to the pool. It's rare that I get to have time just with my older daughter, so this was a treat for both of us. We mostly stayed in the main pool & lazy river, just having fun together.

The girls had their hair appointments at 4&4:30, so I brought L upstairs to shower and snack (again). T woke up during this and I snacked and bathed her, while V took L to the spa. Then I got T to the spa. Phew!

The flower girl experience is fantastic. They braided my girl's hair & added flowers, pixie dust and sparlkly butterfly clips. So beautiful and two days later, it still looks great!

We made pizza in the room for dinner and then the girls & I did the menihuni trail until it was time for bed.

Coming up:Spa Day!
WOW-some amazing pics there! I think the one of your your daughter and the turtle on the beach almost looks like a childrens book cover, especially as she has the little turtle on the back of her dress. The girls hair is sooo lovely, it makes me wish my dd was small again, just so she could get it done too. Have you seen pickled mango anywhere else? I am thinking I might not be able to find these folks up in the North Shore and you have me wanting to get some in the summer...and the plates at Monkeypod, ohhh man that all looks sooo yummy, the presentation is gorgeous. I have been tentatively making a restaurant schedule and I am thinking I might slate Monkey pod in twice, we can always cancel if we dont want to go back. Your pics confirmed that for me, thanks!
Love, love, love the pictures!!!

The view from your room looks perfect. We're going to be in that tower in just 3 weeks! Our view will be directly out over the ocean from the end-cap of that wing of the resort. Can't wait!!!
Love your report! We are going the third week in May. We will also have a 2 BR, and I'm so stressed about the ocean view... We rented points (our DVC contract was too small), so I will just cry if the view is not great. Do you mind saying what two numbers your room ends in (not the floor for safety purposes, and waiting until you check out!)? I want to make a request with member services to increase our chances of a good view.
Can't wait to hear about the rest of the trip!
Love your report! We are going the third week in May. We will also have a 2 BR, and I'm so stressed about the ocean view... We rented points (our DVC contract was too small), so I will just cry if the view is not great. Do you mind saying what two numbers your room ends in (not the floor for safety purposes, and waiting until you check out!)? I want to make a request with member services to increase our chances of a good view.
Can't wait to hear about the rest of the trip!

I wouldn't stress at all. All of the ocean views are beautiful. Our room ends in 02 and we couldn't be happier. :)
I wouldn't stress at all. All of the ocean views are beautiful. Our room ends in 02 and we couldn't be happier. :)

I've seen several that had fairly obstructed views... We have a 2 BR and two studios, so altogether it was a lot extra for that view... I want to make sure it was worth it! Thanks for the room number!
image.jpeg Been too busy having fun to update and sadly, we leave this paradise tomorrow morning. It's been bliss, aside from the usual "Too much family" crankiness, but that was usually solved by feeding someone or an adult beverage. :)

One last Hawaii sunset before our travels home. We'll be back, that's for certain.
Thursday April 14,2016 Spa Day!

My wife & I work opposit schedules with me working days & her getting the 3-11 shift, so it's rare that we get time together. This was one of our priorities this trip.
We talked to the Lead at Aunty's Wed night & told her that we had a spa day planned & were concerned about Aunty's reaching capacity. They took our kids names down and guaranteed them a spot for the day as long as we brought them in by 9:20am. Perfect!

I had pre registered the kids for various activities at Aunty's to avoid standing in line at 6:30am. Well, with the addition of our deciding to spend a day in the spa, I ended up being one of those parents standing in line. I got in line around 6:45 with my coffee mug in hand and was 10th in line. Not bad at all. By 7:30, the line was all the way down to the gass grills! It was actually kinda fun, chatting with the other parents. woo! Adult Conversation!

I registered my girls for Kiki Hula, and Stich's Space Goo as well as lunch for $9 each. Lunch served family style & includes mini hamburgers, grilled cheese, pasta salad, corn on the cob and fruit kabobs for dessert. White milk, chocolate milk or water to drink. They were going to be there from 9:20 until 4:30pm. I was feeling a bit guilty about leaving them there for so long but the mom behind me was planning on having her kids there 9:30am-9pm!

My wife booked a Detox Bath at 9:00, so she left for the spa at 8:15. I wrangled the kids to Aunty's, promising pool time later in the day. T was a bit grumpy about going to Aunty's and all the way there said she didn't want to go. Cue the mom guilt. However, once we walked in the door & she checked in, she ran away happily with a quick "Bye Mommy" over her shoulder. Ok then.

Off to the spa for me. Yeah!

At the spa, they do a little ceremony about picking a stone with a word on it in English and Hawaiian, which is your focus for your "journey". You toss your stone into a little pool, which is the Peeko or Belly button of the resort.

They provide you with a locker, shoes & plenty of towels. They recommend taking off your watch & leaving your phone in your locker as you won't need to know what time it is & that way you can completely disconnect from all stressors.

To use the outdoor baths & showers, you need a bathing suit as they are coed. Our spa attendant allowed me to join my wife in her detox bath without charging us for a couples bath. So nice! She brought us cold scented towels, ice water and fresh fruit. We relaxed and quietly chatted while we soaked. Quite delightful.

She notified us about 10 minutes before our scheduled massage time so we could shower and change into our robes. We had each booked separate 80 minute LomiLomi massages with a free DVC upgrade to the Signiture massage, that includes hot stones and a roller stick.

My massage therapist was very nice and sweet, however, we had a language barrier since I don't speak Japanese. We managed though. There are several scents of massage oils to choose from & I choose LemonGrass.
The massage table is heated and adjustable in multiple different ways, so I was super comfortable.

More in next post.
My therapist left the room & I slipped under the sheet, face down looking into a beautiful bowl of fresh flowers. When she returned, she asked what kind of pressure I like, and I said firm. Well. Either she didn't understand me, or we have very different ideas of firm pressure. I'm a petite person, so perhaps she didn't want to press too hard, I'm not sure. I did ask a few times for more firm pressure, but nothing changed. I eventually just relaxed into a nice soothing, gentle massage and was just happy with that. It really was relaxing and I nearly fell asleep a few times.

After the massage, she gave me some waster and a tasty sugared ginger jelly cube. I changed back into my swimsuit and took my book and towel drifted out to the soaking pool and lounge areas. My wife joined me in a few minutes.

My wife used to be a massage therapist, so is very picky about her massages. She reported having a wonderful massage with a very responsive therapist. She was totally blissed out.

We alternated, reading, dipping in the pools and various showers and relaxing on the cushy loungers. We had brought salads for lunch as once you leave the spa area, you can't come back to the spa gardens. We stayed until about 2:00 and then left to go to the Adult Pool and get drinks!

The new Adult Pool is a very nice addition to the resort. It's larger than I had expected with fun waterfalls to sit under. We got our drinks, Coconut Mojito for me, Lychee Fizz for my wife. We chatted with the people around us, swam and just enjoyed our time together.

I picked up the kids at 4:30 and took them swimming. They were very happy and had a great time at Aunty's. Space Goo was a huge hit.

Dinner was teriyaki glazed chicken I grilled on the gas grills, broccoli wrapped in foil and grilled/steamed with lemon and rice from the rice maker.

Thursday night was the Starlight show on the Aulani lawn. The kids & I were pretty tired, but really wanted to see the show. My wife doesn't do well with crowds, so she skipped it.

We got in line around 6:45 and picked up our mats for the lawn by 7:00. I brought large beach towels to sit on & mark our spot. I also brought glow sticks for the girls and a bright pink glow cube to wave in the air so they could find where I was sitting.

L, who is 6, immediately ran off to do all of the various crafts. T, ran off to join the hula lesson. I sat happily on my mat, drinking my vodka & pog in my Aulani mug and nibbling on hummus and pretzels. L checked in often to drop off crafts & then ran off to make another one. I could see T dancing from where I was sitting and also watched the parade of families entering the lawn.

The family in front of me had two young boys who were very upset about the lack of snacks their parents had for them. I offered my pretzels, but the parents declined, much to the kids dismay. I found my kids are A Lot this trip. Much More so than at home due to daily swimming and lots of walking.

My girls returned to me just before show time and ate Greek yogurt while watching the show. At every opportunity to go up and dance, L ran to the front. We waved our glow sticks afterwards to find each other.

The performance was amazing, especially the Hawaiian dancers. I wasn't too into the ukulele part, but that's just personal preference. The actual show is 30 minutes, followed by 30 minutes of dancing with Disney Characters. My girls were so tired by 8:30, that we left. They were asleep by 8:45 and I fell asleep in T's bed while getting her down.

Relaxing all day is tiring. :)

Next up: Friday: Fish are Friends!
Spa Pictures

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  • Cool pool & hot pool

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  • Entering into the garden

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  • Wishing pool

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Sounds amazing!! Great idea for the glow sticks. I have a ton stocked up for DL trips, making a note to include some for Aulani!
Friday April 15, 2016

We had pre registered the girls for Fish Are Friends that was from 11-2 at Aunty's. The girls were up by 6, so after breakfast of fried eggs over rice and fresh papaya (nom), I took them down to the beach and pool.

I brought a bag of dry clothes & snacks with me and after much sand & swim fun, dried them off, got them changed & fed them. They did not want to leave the pool, but after being reminded of the upcoming fish adventure, they were ok.

I got them to Aunty's a bit after 10:00 and headed to the beach for some solo mom time. Yeay! It's so delightful to just sit in a beach chair and watch the waves. Ironically, I sat next to a woman from my home town! Small world etc.

I walked the lagoon and found some pretty rocks/shells on the far side. Nice & peaceful and empty over there by the grass.

At 11:00, the beach side quick serve opened, which seemed like the perfect time for a cold beer & a Mickey Pretzel. They also sell Pineapple soft serve there now!

I headed to the adult pool around noon and my wife met me there. The pool area was nearly empty & we had no trouble getting two chairs together. We split a Kaluah Pork flat bread (tasty, but needed some spice) and I had a very strong Blue Hawaiian. The bar by the adult pool makes the best drinks.

My wife coaches rugby, so she was deep in conversation with a volleyball coach when I decided to head over to Rainbow Reef to watch the girls feed the fish. They make the fish food at Aunty's and then are brought to RR around 1:00 to feed them. Super cute. They were both happy to see me and tell me how much fun they had.
They were the first group to feed the fish and then they went to the viewing area to watch the second group.

They spent a very long time in the viewing area and the kids got very bored & restless. I really think that this is the only downside of the program. They were then walked back to Aunty's for a snack of fish crackers and given a DVD of The Ocean and a backpack. I had snuck away during the fish viewing time for one more dip in the adult pool before I picked them up around 2:15.

The kids were pretty tired after swimming & Aunty's, so we headed back to the room for "Quiet time" which would include quiet play, reading & hopefully a nap.

Well, 45 minutes later, they were bouncing off the walls. I had rented a wagon through Paradise Baby and decided that maybe a wagon ride would be fun. Besides, I had to walk off all the drinks & food I had been enjoying!

L, my oldest, lasted in the wagon about 50' once we reached the walking path that goes around the 4 Lagoons, then she had to run into the ocean. She's such a water kid. My youngest, was happy to play in the sand. Of course, I hadn't brought swimsuits, but cotton sun dresses dry quickly.

We walked all the way down to Lagoon #1, playing and swimming at each beach. I also had to sample offerings from the pool bars, so I drank the calories I burned off.
We also watched a wedding at one of the beach side chapels & the bride requested a picture with her & my kids! So, somewhere in Japan is a wedding album with my kids in it!

Pausing to take care of kids. More of Friday, plus pictures coming up.
I LOVE the idea of lagoon hopping, we are for sure going to do that! Thank your girls for being brilliant for me, will ya?


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