Trip report feb 2012!


Dec 27, 2011
Trip report

Me (31) hubby (34 until we got to the Motuers show, then 4!) eldest DD (11) DS (7) youngest DD (5)

12th Feb, could barely sleep, due to a combination of excitement and coughing from the chest infection I have! Think I managed about 3 hours before I gave up and prepared for the trip!
When our rubbish sat nav finally found the APH car park, it was all systems go. Great service from them by the way! We got dropped off at the airport, checked in and made our way to the departure gate.
Priority boarding meant there wasn’t much sitting around! We were met and taken on board using an aisle chair whilst our sons wheelchair was taken to the luggage compartment.
Uneventful flight, which was good as it was my youngest daughters first one!
Once we’d arrived at CDG airport, a nice member of staff walked us to the exit with our bags, and ensured we were met by our taxi from Inter Service Prestige. These guys were AMAZING. Very friendly driver, lovely comfortable car, plenty of room for all our bags and our sons wheelchair. Kids were given a choice of dvd to watch (Yogi Bear! Although everyone but me and my son fell asleep!) and we made our way to Disneyland.
I was amazed when we reached Sequoia Lodge, it was gorgeous! Checked in with no trouble and given tickets to the park, our room wasn’t ready so we left our luggage and went to explore the parks.
Once inside we went to City Hall for our disabled access pass which was given with no problems upon showing my sons blue badge.
We walked up Main Street waiting for my youngest DD’s reaction when seeing the castle – it took a while for her to notice it!! As soon as she did her excitement kicked in!
We almost missed the parade…….I noticed people standing around but simply said ‘I can’t believe people are going to stand in this cold for over an hour…….’ Then realised I hadn’t put my watch forward, doh!! We did really well to find a free spot at the front with only ten minutes to go!
We ate dinner at the Marionette restaurant. Cheap and cheerful, and it wasn’t Mcdonalds lol (we’d been there for lunch!) The roast chicken was nice!
The park was open till 9 but we left about 7 as we were all shattered.
Our rooms were AMAZING! I didn’t realise we had two rooms as the travel agent had simply booked adapted accommodation for us. The kids room had bunk beds which were immediately requisitioned by my daughters who have a thing for them. My son had a divan bed, which we pushed against the wall on one side to lessen the chance of him falling out (he did that first night but that’s an occupational hazard with him!). Full wet room with a stool in the shower and plenty of room to manoeuvre his wheelchair.
Mine and hubbys bedroom had 2 double beds, and an adjustable bathseat in our bathroom. That came in use, as since we’ve had adaptations to our home, our son has only used showers rather than a bath. Whilst we were there I set the chair up and ran him a big bubble bath, which he loved splashing in!
On our second day we overslept and were late for breakfast due to me setting the alarm wrong grr! There wasn’t a problem, although it meant we missed EMH. By the time we got there the queues for the baggage search were awful! Luckily they moved quite quickly.
We saw lots of characters – I hadn’t realised that the disabled access pass we had actually gave us priority access to them as well. CM’s were constantly dragging characters over to us! They were all utterly wonderful with the kids, and my son got so much attention he didn’t know where to look! Half the time I could barely take a photo as I was blubbing at his face so much lol.
We saw the parade again, this time at one of the wheelchair spaces which meant we were free from pushing – the day before a woman next to me insisted on having her child on her shoulders which was fine, except said child kept kicking me in the head!
We headed back to the hotel in the evening, stopping at mcdonalds for dinner, then hubby took our daughters swimming whilst I gave our son his bath (he doesn’t do swimming, for some reason it sets his epilepsy off?)
The next morning there was no EMH so we had a lay in and a late breakfast. When we went down there were very long queues but a hotel staff member took us to the front, again, I didn’t realise we were entitled to this VIP service, I was starting to feel like a celebrity! Although very guilty as some people weren’t very happy about it :sad2: .
We spent the day in the studios today. My youngest saw Minnie Mouse (her ultimate, and the one I told her she would see when I booked the trip!) so lots of excitement there. Also saw Buzz, which made our trip – he is my sons favourite character and probably the reason I decided to book the trip when I did. He was SO excited to see him! Naughty Buzz stole my youngest daughters hat and demanded a kiss for its return, which she did as I think she’s got a bit of a crush! :laughing:
We mainly saw shows today. We were waiting for a CM to escort us through into the car show, hubby being in a world of his own and didn’t notice the sign declaring ‘stunt show’ until my eldest daughter mentioned it (I’d kept this bit secret from him!) he was like a little kid when the show started! :rotfl: My son squealed v loudly when Lightening Mcqueen came out too!
Also saw ‘Animagique’, WOW is all I can say! Then ‘cinemagique’ straight after……hubby didn’t click on that the show had started and got quite disgruntled whilst I sat and laughed at him! Again, much VIP treatment, with great seats in both shows!
Lots of characters were out and about before the start of the parade. We saw Ariel, who my son had a nice long flirt with! She promised to give both my daughters a special wave in the parade which she did!
We also saw Woody and Jessie, which made my two youngest VERY happy! And Mary Poppins and Bert which made me very happy :rotfl:!
We went shopping on the way out of the park that evening, as the kids had saved up some money of their own. We came back with a baby Simba, bambi, and a talking woody :woohoo:
More swimming for the girls, whilst I packed the suitcases, boo hiss!
On our last morning, we managed an early breakfast in time for EMH! Went straight to the Peter Pan Flight ride, as this one my son couldn’t do which meant we had to join the queue. It wasn’t actually open when we got there (despite being mentioned on the programme) but as quite a queue was forming, they opened it, and we got to the gate. 2 cars went in – and it broke down! We were all given fastpass type tickets, but I felt so sorry for those that had to climb off via the ladder we saw them take in! We came back about an hour later and it was working again, was as good as I remembered and the girls loved it!
Then queued up for Dumbo, as this was one my youngest daughter wanted to do but it had been closed the rest of the time we were there. Bit of a long wait but worth it for her face!
Then a few hours of last rides and meeting more characters – Jafar was a bit scary as he threw a temper tantrum and stormed off, with the CM with him running after him. I thought it was part of an act but hubby told me she looked genuinely worried and kept apologising to parents. He eventually came back and made a beeline for my son for photos and autographs (I kept out of his way! Was scared lol)
All too soon it was time to head back to the hotel to collect our bags and meet the taxi to return to the airport. Again, full marks for inter service prestige, perfect timing, friendliness and helpfulness!
We were quite early so had a bit of a wait, but it was quiet, and the kids were quite happy playing. We received a personal call to board (more celebrity treatment!) but then had to wait due to a ‘technical issue on the engine that they wanted to check’… all means, make all the checks you need, please! (nervous flyer, me?!)
Soooo……..its all over…….but I am definitely saving to go again in a few years!

Definitely the VIP treatment more than anything else, it made our holiday! I still feel guilty at how we got to go first at everything, but it did mean it was a proper holiday for our son, and not just dragging him round stuff us / his sisters want to do I guess. Not just in the Disneyland parks, but also the hotel and airport staff. It took all the worry and stress out of travelling with a wheelchair that I was expecting!

Meeting Buzz Lightyear! Actually all the characters who couldn’t do enough for him, Pinocchio even stole the wheelchair to take him over to Geppetto for more photos!
His face was amazing when he recognised them all!

‘It’s a small world’ having a wheelchair adapted boat. Was great not having to take him out of his chair for everything, as its quite difficult to do!

The shows! I loved ‘cinemagique’ but they were all good, ‘animagique’ was breathtaking and I loved the ‘following the leader’ one. The stunt show was hubbys favourite obviously!

The weather!! I was expecting to be absolutely freezing, and weather apps forecast snow, rain etc. We got a bit of rain but never needed to bother with the raincoats I took. And we were never that cold! We were wrapped up fairly warmly (kids had ski trousers, gloves, hats etc) but we never had to leave / go indoors for being too cold, even after standing and waiting for the parades.

The hotel – absolutely stunning. Couldn’t say anything negative about it at all, and other than the closeness of the Disneyland hotel, I don’t think I feel the need to say anywhere else!

Being in the right place at the right time – we just struck extremely lucky most of the time! As with the parade on the first day, and also randomly wandering around when there was a sudden influx of characters!

son not being able to go on the Peter Pan ride. The reasons were fair enough though. We took him on it as a baby last time we went and he loved it, so I was gutted he had to miss out this time.

Scary Jafar! Still not entirely sure if the tantrum was real or fake but some of the littler kids there got quite upset. It seemed to stem from a parent being unable to work a camera?

Dumbo only being open that last day! Although in hindsight probably a good thing as we only had to ride it once!

Missing Captain EO, we didn’t have time sadly

Missing Buzz’ laser quest, they were being a bit funny with disability entrance, there were quite a few people waiting with the access cards and they weren’t letting anyone on. We were told it would be at least half an hour wait which usually would have been ok, but we didn’t have time as we had to get back for the taxi.

The shuttle buses not being consistently accessible – we caught it once and the driver lowered it, but when we came to get off that didn’t happen and we had an awkward moment of struggle. We didn’t bother again, I know we could request other transport but it was such a short walk it didn’t seem worth it.

Actually just thought of something slightly negative about the hotel, we weren’t told about the lift going down to the restaurants lol. The first morning going for breakfast took a while! One of the members of staff didn’t know about it either! Once we’d found it it was fine though.

The studio tour being closed, sob! This was one of my favourite rides, was so disappointed. Still, at least everything the kids wanted to go on was ok.

Missing Captain Jack Sparrow!! Another thing I wanted to do! Again, we were always at the other end of the park at his times though. Darn it!

The Pinocchio ride - it's awful! Really fast and jerky, you miss a lot of it as you don't have time to look! :confused:

I can't figure out how to get photos on here, I'll add a link which hopefully will work but if anyone has an idiot proof guide, please let me know! :confused3


Thanks for reading!
well you do have plenty reasons to come back :goodvibes
Oh, and we were the lucky ones to sit in Peter Pan's flying ship when it broke down on our last trip. No fun at all - we lost an hour of our last day (we only had 4 hours before departure), magic disappeared when the lights went on...
What a fab trip report - and so what if people got knarked at you getting special access, you deserve having things made easier when on holiday, as if life isn't hard enough with a disabled youngster. Some people are just sods tbh!

And I am gutted reading your report - as it never even occurred to us to go to the Stars and Cars parade! It looked fab! And you met Ariel - my favourite!!!! :sad2:
What a fab trip report - and so what if people got knarked at you getting special access, you deserve having things made easier when on holiday, as if life isn't hard enough with a disabled youngster. Some people are just sods tbh!

And I am gutted reading your report - as it never even occurred to us to go to the Stars and Cars parade! It looked fab! And you met Ariel - my favourite!!!! :sad2:

Awww :sad2: Ariel was lovely! I think she was American, which is probably why Matthew (my son) responded to her better, I don't think he understood when the others spoke with a French accent. Belle is my favourite princess, we managed to see her in the Pavillion, youngest DD would have rather seen Tiana who was in at the same time but never mind!
Awww :sad2: Ariel was lovely! I think she was American, which is probably why Matthew (my son) responded to her better, I don't think he understood when the others spoke with a French accent. Belle is my favourite princess, we managed to see her in the Pavillion, youngest DD would have rather seen Tiana who was in at the same time but never mind!

We'll just have to go back! LOL!

We didn't queue to meet anyone because we had paid for the 2 character meals, DD is just too young to understand queueing I think, the Princess Pavillion was an hour - she would have loved to meet Belle/Tiana/Ariel but saw them in the parade!
Wow what a fab TR - you saw sooo many characters! I am so glad the trip was made extra special for your DS :goodvibes. And so it should be, don't feel guilty at all about getting special treatment, I am sure most people wouldn't think twice about it. I for one wouldn't complain about you getting into breakfast first etc :confused:.

Your photos are lovely - your children are gorgeous and I loved the photo of your DS in the bath - bless him, he looks sooo happy :cloud9:.

So pleased it went well for you :hug: (and you didn't lose any meds in the hand luggage ;))
A lovely report. All your kids looked really happy and the rooms at Sequoia looked lovely too.

I agree: ignore people you are annoyed that you got to the front before them. I have a friend with a disabled son and am in absolute awe of how she copes day to day - it's your holiday too and I'm sure you deserve some VIP treatment :goodvibes

So, have you got the next one booked yet :lmao:
I wish we could! Just not sure when we could afford it, maybe in a couple of years :wizard: we'll definitely go back at some point though!
Lovely TR every one should experience a little VIP treatment in their life! X


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