Trouble with explaining my sadness.

I was going to start a very similar thread. I have thought about Bob from the time I read the news until the time I woke up today and no one understands my deep sadness. I'm glad I'm not the only one.
I tried to express my very thoughts about this on the thread about his passing, but I just couldnt get across what i was trying to say, so i erased it. I listened to the podcasts so regularly I felt like I knew the podcast crew in a way.
Im glad he was able to enjoy Disney so much and it sounds like he lived a happy life-hopefully family and friends will hold onto those memories.
I am so glad someone else posted this. I am having the same feelings. When I first saw it last night, my heart dropped and I began trembling. Then I began to cry and cry and cry. I cried all night and have swollen eyes today. I tried to explain it to my DH when he came home and saw me so upset. His initial reaction was "You are this upset over someone you never met?" He finally "got it" a little, but still thought it odd I was so upset. I think the fact that I lost my beloved mother to a terminal illness in December and only by listening to the Podcast Team (going back and forth from her home helping to care for her) was I able to maintain a "normal" balance to my life making me feel "closer" to the Podcast Team.

I have never reacted this way to anyone's death I didn't know personally. Bob seemed like such a lovely man . . .

I'm booked for the Podcast Cruise and don't even want to go anymore. I can only imagine how sad the Team must be right now. It will not and cannot be the same without him. I truly can see them disbanding the Podcast.

I have been listening to old podcasts (for the 2nd time) and don't even want to do that anymore. :sad1:

I feel the exact same way. I was listening to older shows and catching up since January and I remembered that I am never on the podcast part of the dis boards. I came over here for the first time and was confused. I wanted to join the bawb fan club and all i found was people saying Ill miss you bob, etc. Then I found Petes post and immeadiatly began crying. I couldnt work on homework, I couldnt continue listening to the podcast...I had to leave the room and do something. I cried myself to sleep last night.

My fiance isnt a disney fan or a fan of the dis, but knows I love it. He still didnt understand why I was so upset. Listening the the podcast just feels like you there with them and everyone is one great family. I can not imagine the podcast continuing. And even though I know that Bob would want it to continue, I cant imagine how the roundtable team would feel sitting around the table without bob. especially with his bumper stickers hangin around
Thanks everyone for your replies. It really makes me feel better to know that I am not alone.
When you stop and consider it, it isn't so strange to feel sorrow and shed tears for someone you didn't know personally.

For many people, John F. Kennedy's death was scary and sad in a very personal way. Remember the way the whole world felt when Pope John Paul II died. Did you cry when 3000 people were killed on September 11?

All of those examples were of people who were known through the media, or highly regarded for other reasons. But Bob - we KNEW Bob. We heard his voice every week. We laughed over his videos, hoping that he wouldn't actually run that poor kid over in the Magic Kingdom. Maybe you were like me, and you went to WDW and while enjoying the rides and attractions, you kept an eye out for Kaht Kam. We knew what food Bob used to like at O'Hana, or which snack he would choose. We knew his family and some of his friends, learned about his traditions, his likes and dislikes, his love of Disney, and just as he opened his heart to us, we opened our hearts to him.

It's true that the internet is opening up a new kind of community in the world. Sometimes that is scary and not a good thing. But with the DIS community it's almost always a very positive thing.

We can all know that even if our families and friends don't have a complete understanding of our sorrow at this time, our DIS friends (who aren't imaginary) know our emotions exactly.

It really did help me to listen to some older podcasts. I remembered that Bob might not be here with us, but we can always think of and love him.
I am sitting here crying right now...I'm not talking a little sniffle: this is full-blown, snot-dropping sobbing! I don't really understand it, all I know is that I just feel like I'm at a loss. I guess things just build up in our daily lives and every now and then the dam breaks. I've never even met Bob in person (and I was so looking forward to searching for Kaht Kam during my next visit to WDW!), but I just feel so bad for his family and friends. My dog is looking at me like I'm crazy, and to top things just started raining like mad. Is it too much to ask for a little sunshine today? It's my mom's birthday today so I have to try and pull myself together to call her. :sad2:
I am sitting here crying right now...I'm not talking a little sniffle: this is full-blown, snot-dropping sobbing! I don't really understand it, all I know is that I just feel like I'm at a loss.

I did that all last night and have swollen eyes today. My DH and DS thought I was nuts. I didn't and still don't understand how I can be so "distraught" over someone I never met. Bob was such a lovely person and it really showed through on the Podcast. I'm still heartsick today.
Me too.

I've been away from the boards for a couple of weeks as I was on back-to-back holidays. Our place is strewn with all sorts of stuff for me to sort and put away. I thought I'd just drop in to check the podcast cruise thread.

I didn't understand why someone (ursula?) had Bob's pic with "miss you" type saying. I thought it was an inside joke from the podcasts/boards from while I was away.

When I read Pete's thread, I couldn't fathom it being Bawb. I had to read 5 pages of condolences before I could believe it. By then I was outright bawling - the garbage can by my desk is half-filled with Kleenexs from my honking, and now my head hurts.

I never met the man, but he was my favorite and I am so sad for his family.

I know how the PP feels about not even going on the podcast cruise anymore. I feel the same way. I was so excited when DH said he was fine if I wanted to change our 3-day cruise booking to the podcast cruise. I was looking fwd to meeting Bob.

Hopefully Bob knows how much he was loved on Dis and how much helpful info he shared.

It's comforting to know there are so many of us in the same boat. My husband and friends 'get' that I'm sad but I don't think they quite get why I'm as sad as I am. What a wonderful person Bawb was, that he touched so many hearts so deeply. :grouphug:

My thoughts too...:grouphug:
I just found out about Bawbs sudden passing this morning as I was getting ready for work. As I got in my car I realized I still had about 20 minutes left of last weeks E-mail show to listen to and st that point I realized that this would be the last time I would hear Bawbs voice on a new podcasts:-(

It was so hard to listen to but everyone was so happy and content st that point it kinda made me smile.

Via iPhone sitting at my desk still in absolute shock!
I found out last night when I was at work. I work as a police dispatcher so I have to be stoic all the time. When I came home at 2:30a.m. I just cried and cried. I'm shocked by this. It was so sudden. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who felt this way.:grouphug:
I called my mom yesterday once I saw Pete's post. I've forced her to listen to a few episodes, either because it had info she wanted or (more likely) they were hilarious and were something that everyone should here. I could tell when I was talking to her that she was sad, but just didn't get it.

It's just like the Team has said about people, if they don't have the Disney gene, they will just never understand our love for the parks. We all have the DIS Unplugged gene. And we've all lost a dear friend.
I am sooooo glad this post was started! My Dh is away at the moment and I haven't got anyone else that would vaguely understand why I am so upset. I wish I could stop crying but at the same time cant stay away from the boards.

My heart is breaking for Pete and the gang and how it will never be the same again :guilty:
I'm so glad to have someplace to come and express my grief. No one really understands why i'm so upset about a man I never even met. DH is comforting, but he doesn't have that "DIS Unplugged Gene". He's listened a few times to the podcast, but he's more interested in the political and technology based podcasts.

I've been listening to the podcast since the beginning. I'll be the first to admit that some of Bawb's segments were painful to get through, but that's only cuz he and I are cut from the same cloth. It takes me an eternity to tell a story sometimes! Now I understand how others feel when i'm telling a story! :rotfl: But what I wouldn't give to hear another one of Bawb's segments or Rapid Fire. :guilty:

I don't venture much outside of this forum anymore. This little corner of the DIS has become a family. I'm so glad that we have each other to carry us through this difficult time.

Bawb...this one's for you my friend!
I know exactly how you all feel. After I heard the news this morning I went into my DH's office (in our home) and just burst into tears. He thought my grandmother had passed. I kept saying "I don't know why I feel this way. I never met the man, but I feel like I've lost a really good friend." He summed it up better than anyone could: "You listen to the podcast twice a week. You've brought all of them into our home/car each and every week for the past year and a half. Of course they feel like friends. They've helped us to create some magical memories at Disney. They've made us laugh, cry and angry. Without a doubt I know exactly how you feel. You don't have to meet a group of people to know they are your friends!"
I can relate to all. I mourn alone as I'm the only one who listens each week. I don't dwell on it but I admit I have shed a few tears....privately. The podcast definitely won't be the same but it WILL continue. It'll be hard for the crew (and listeners) at first but it'll become easier for all over time. I, for one, will miss hearing Bawb's name at the beginning of each podcast. It would be nice if Pete could dedicate each show in memory of Bawb Varley. Pete, I hope you read this post.
I can relate to all. I mourn alone as I'm the only one who listens each week. I don't dwell on it but I admit I have shed a few tears....privately. The podcast definitely won't be the same but it WILL continue. It'll be hard for the crew (and listeners) at first but it'll become easier for all over time. I, for one, will miss hearing Bawb's name at the beginning of each podcast. It would be nice if Pete could dedicate each show in memory of Bawb Varley. Pete, I hope you read this post.

That's what brings me to tears each time I think about it - future shows and the introductions. I imagine Pete saying Bob's name out of habit, or his voice cracking when he says "with us here in spirit is Bob," etc. It pains me to know that these guys have lost a very good friend.
That's what brings me to tears each time I think about it - future shows and the introductions. I imagine Pete saying Bob's name out of habit, or his voice cracking when he says "with us here in spirit is Bob," etc. It pains me to know that these guys have lost a very good friend.
Dang I go again...:sad1:
I know how you feel...I, too, have wondered why I am so sad over someone I never met. But, as everyone has said, we DID meet Bawb! He was a part of my life every week. I couldn't wait to hear his voice and his fun interpretations of everything. We were listening to the email show this morning while I took my kids to school. My daughter, Ansley, had her voicemail played about trying to buy Bob's Will Robinson pin. Then, I got home and pulled up the boards and saw the post about Bob's death. My daughter will be devastated when she gets home...she was so excited that the podcast crew spoke to her. We listen to the DisUnplugged as a family...except when I need to sensor some things--ha! We will all miss Bawb!


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