True or False-Round 8

I do, but I can't my DVR's are with out internet right now. Waiting for repair guy on sunday....UGH

tnp will have a big breakfast tomorrow
True, but this most recent season has been pretty bad, I haven't finished it and wouldn't really miss it if I don't.

TNP has fun plans for Labor Day.
just the usual Monday here today. We had the family over for grilling and pool time

tnp has dough proofing
We traveled to Oregon once, the low part , but did not really go sight seeing here in Ca on our way up or back.

tnp is decorating for fall.
not until Oct. and then it is for Halloween......fall is more in November for us

tnp owns several magic bands
Not at the moment. But I do have an audiobook I am "reading" at night.

TNP likes pumpkin flavored drinks, or shakes. pumpkin in baked things, not much else

tnp bakes lots of cookies for the holiday season
False. If I bake it, I eat it! So, I don't bake much to avoid the eating part.

TNP makes homemade pasta.
false....don't eat pasta. If the kids want it, they get packaged

tnp's internet was out a lot today


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