TTC thread take 2

Hey everyone! Just wanted to check in - no news here. I took my last clomid last night so now I have to wait.

Esbrick - Good luck with the wicked witch!

I have fallen behind on the thread already and it is only on page 3! So I will say good luck to the newcomers and baby dust to everyone else! :wizard:
Morning Ladies-

Last night I went to pick up my clomid and when my pharmacist saw what it was he said "Oh, the miracle drug!" He proceeded to tell me that was how he and his wife got their twins when she was 34 and they had been trying for 7 years and had been told that they would never have a child. They did 9 rounds of clomid, and this was 29 years ago.

He also told me that at age 39 his wife had a "surprise!" (Yes, my pharmacist is a big talker, haha.)

But it's nice to hear a happy ending story. When I went to pay I could tell he checked my age (because even though I am 29, I look about 22), he then said "You are only 29! I think you might be in for more than you've bargained for!"

I have to admit I left feeling more hopeful- so this really can happen ladies! I hope it happens for all of us soon :goodvibes

Good luck this round MommaSnowWhite!
Morning Ladies-

Last night I went to pick up my clomid and when my pharmacist saw what it was he said "Oh, the miracle drug!" He proceeded to tell me that was how he and his wife got their twins when she was 34 and they had been trying for 7 years and had been told that they would never have a child. They did 9 rounds of clomid, and this was 29 years ago.

He also told me that at age 39 his wife had a "surprise!" (Yes, my pharmacist is a big talker, haha.)

But it's nice to hear a happy ending story. When I went to pay I could tell he checked my age (because even though I am 29, I look about 22), he then said "You are only 29! I think you might be in for more than you've bargained for!"

I have to admit I left feeling a more hopeful- so this really can happen ladies! I hope it happens for all of us soon :goodvibes

Good luck this round MommaSnowWhite!

AWESOME! I had the same thing happen when I was sitting at the pool speaking to a woman with twins. She shared her story with me and it was great to hear and see her success! Gave me so much hope too. When I told her what my dr. had suggested for us she told me she was going to suggest that I ask the dr to do what he suggested! I felt really good about that!

Pixie Dust Ladies!
I called RN Tiffiney at 2PM and told her that AF was late but I had a good feeling she was still coming. She said she would consult Dr. K and did. Dr. K told her he didn't think my lining was as thick as what they thought and that I can start the GonalF tomorrow. . .

Here i go ladies! Wish me luck! I apologize in advance for any nuttyness!:crazy2:
DONE! Easy peezy! Well considering the Diabetes practice for the last 22+ years give me an advantage with the injection part. I did make Mike cringe though which was kinda fun cause I made a big dramatic swoop of the arm and made him drum roll! :lmao: He wasn't ready for it (watching) but I was!:thumbsup2 Needle slightly longer but not scarey! :goodvibes Bring on the growth spurt!
Happy Monday everyone!

I just wanted to check in on everyone - wondering how everyone is doing.

Any news out there?

I am waiting for ovulation - should be soon. Of course my DH is going out of town today. He is going to be gone overnight and back late on Tuesday - I told him that he may need to be ready when he gets home on Tuesday. I think my exact words were something like "just remember you are going to need to perform - so don't come home too tired" :lmao: I thought I was funny!

Have a great week everyone! And :wizard::wizard: lots of babydust!
Happy Monday everyone!

He is going to be gone overnight and back late on Tuesday - I told him that he may need to be ready when he gets home on Tuesday. I think my exact words were something like "just remember you are going to need to perform - so don't come home too tired" :lmao: I thought I was funny!

:laughing: I've used that line a few times myself. Did he laugh?
Good luck to you this month!!

My sister is going to have her baby this week and I feel like I am bracing for a storm - sorta like battening down the hatches of my heart.:guilty: Ugh!! On a good note, some friends of mine just recieved their adoption referral for a baby daughter from China. :yay: They've been waiting for 4 years now so I am so excited for them. She's an adorable 1.5 year old.

We need some more good news ladies!! :thumbsup2
Happy Monday everyone!

I just wanted to check in on everyone - wondering how everyone is doing.

Any news out there?

I am waiting for ovulation - should be soon. Of course my DH is going out of town today. He is going to be gone overnight and back late on Tuesday - I told him that he may need to be ready when he gets home on Tuesday. I think my exact words were something like "just remember you are going to need to perform - so don't come home too tired" :lmao: I thought I was funny!

Have a great week everyone! And :wizard::wizard: lots of babydust!

Ha! That's flippen great! :laughing: I've definately been there done that!

:laughing: I've used that line a few times myself. Did he laugh?
Good luck to you this month!!

My sister is going to have her baby this week and I feel like I am bracing for a storm - sorta like battening down the hatches of my heart.:guilty: Ugh!! On a good note, some friends of mine just recieved their adoption referral for a baby daughter from China. :yay: They've been waiting for 4 years now so I am so excited for them. She's an adorable 1.5 year old.

We need some more good news ladies!! :thumbsup2

D ~ First off :hug: Good luck to your sister for a safe delivery. Of course we're there for you. :grouphug: Yah on the baby from China! :cool1: That's a great thing! They must be so excited to see their baby!:yay:

Well, I had a little melt down on Saturday but to be honest I'm not sure it was drug related could have been more just life and times. I did feel like a brat at one point and stamping my foot but I sat on the couch and had a beer instead. :laughing: I have 4 more shots left and I go for a U/S & blood work on Wednesday. I'm tired. . . I want a nap. . . I want AF to leave already. . . OK whine done. . . It's a beautiful day and the Hawks are still primed to win on Wednesday!:thumbsup2

Take care!
Wow Esbrick, I am glad you were able to do the shots and stuff so easily! Even if you did have a little meltdown it sounds like you are doing good- hey this stuff is stressful- you are allowed multiple meltdowns :goodvibes

D&D- good luck with the arrival of the new niece/nephew, hopefully it will be a very happy event :hug:

I can't wait for someone to get good news on here!!! I really feel like it's coming.

So far the clomid has been super easy for me. Absolutely no side effects (knock on wood) after 3 days, two more to go.

Good luck everyone!
Wow Esbrick, I am glad you were able to do the shots and stuff so easily! Even if you did have a little meltdown it sounds like you are doing good- hey this stuff is stressful- you are allowed multiple meltdowns :goodvibes

D&D- good luck with the arrival of the new niece/nephew, hopefully it will be a very happy event :hug:

I can't wait for someone to get good news on here!!! I really feel like it's coming.

So far the clomid has been super easy for me. Absolutely no side effects (knock on wood) after 3 days, two more to go.

Good luck everyone!

That's great about the clomid!:thumbsup2 Have you been taking it before bed? That's what I did and the side effects were limited and close to none. I will say I thought I had been getting hot flashes on Friday and Sunday. I know you only get those with Lupron but I swear I had them. Nothing crazy but I'm normally freezing at work so for me to take my sweater off even my boss noticed!:laughing:

I want to go home, watch tv, and put away laundry! I swear! I'm a little nervous because I'm not sure when I am going to have to take a day. I know that I will definately need to take a day off on July 2nd cause I'm going to NY on the 1st. I also I know I need to take a day off for extraction and one for insiminitation. I can only cross my fingers that one of those days is on a weekend! At least I know that I can work from home if I need to. I'm trying to do as much administrative as I can so noting is left til the last minute. I'm just hoping that he doesn't give me a hard time about taking 3 days off especially since i just got back from vacation.:upsidedow I guess I will have a better idea on timing after Wednesday.

I'm thinkin happy thoughts and going to my happy place!

I'm back everybody!!!!! So glad! It was a fun trip, but hot, hot, hot!!!! And everything went wrong the last two days. :sad2:



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