TTC thread take 2

I'm so sorry for this outcome, but it sounds like everyone is working hard to make sure you get the best round you can! I hope they are able to work everything out, from the donor to the insurance! And I hope it goes as smoothly as it sounds like it should based on the guarantee you were given.

Also, I don't think it's weird at all to talk to them! :)
Happy New Year everyone!

This is my first time posting here.

DH and I have been talking about having another child for years. We have a 9 year old DD. We have been trying on and off for about 2 years but until the last few months it was 100%. The last few years were more of a it happens when it happens, were as for the last few months we have been 100% committed to making it happen. At my last annual ob/gyn check up a few months ago the dr said it should be no problem to get pregnant and if I wasn't pregnant by this month to give him a call and go in for a consult.

Well, I got that lovely reminder this morning that I am once again not pregnant. I'm bummed. Not a great way to start the year. I am going to call my dr tomorrow and schedule a consult. I am just wondering what is the next step when you have been trying naturally and it is not happening? Testing? Hormones?

DH is 32 and I am 31 and we are both pretty healthy other than 15-20lbs I could stand to lose. my BFN today. But there's an issue - and it's not with DH or me. The doctor called personally and spent 20 minutes on the phone with both of us. It seems that the batch of eggs we got was not good at all - the best embryo we got had only 5 cells, and the egg bank "guarantees" that you'll get at least one with 6 cells. Out of the 6 eggs, one was "dark," one had a very hard shell, 3 had very soft shells ("not ideal," she said), and the last one, while it fertilized, was...I forgot the word, but it had too much genetic information (multinucleic?), which was not an issue with the sperm since we had ICSI done. So she and all the other doctors - and the embryologists - feel that it was completely an egg issue and even the day of the transfer, they were in touch with the egg bank. The guarantee with the bank is that if you don't get one embryo with at least 6 cells, you get to choose another donor at no charge. She feels that our case won't even get to the medical board at the egg bank, that they should approve it immediately. And apparently they are already fighting our insurance co. to approve another round, as it had nothing to do with either DH or me. She even said, and I quote, "This should have worked." She and the other doctors have already pledged to boycott this egg bank if they don't make good on it as well, she said.

I feel bad for the donor. Because of this, she'll be dropped as a donor and blocked from being chosen by current recipients. And she's only 24 years old; if her eggs are bad now, she may end up in our shoes someday.

But there's still hope...I still feel like I lost 3 babies, though. I was trying so hard to feed them right, not jostle or squish them, and DH and I were both massaging them and talking to them already :rolleyes: (I know, weird). And I can't help but think, SEVEN WEEKS. It took SEVEN weeks and nothing came from it. I did it once...I can do it again.

I am so sorry but very encouraged for you that you have this great support team at your dr's office. Going to bat for you and not turning back is fantastic. I will definitely keep you in my hopes and prayers and sending tons of stickey/pixie dust your waypixiedust:pixiedust:pixiedust:
So yesterday I had my second appointment with my RE to go over all my lab results. Holy mackerel my Cortisol levels were low, I have a blood clotting issue, and have very low growth hormone. So now I have to go to a specialist to see of I have a growth hormone deficiency but I can't get in until march. Then when we find out the results my RE says we'll make a plan based on the results.
I had my HSG today and wow! That was not pleasant! I went home and curled up with a heating pad and my dog. Anybody else have one of those? I'm interested in how long the cramping/other side effects will last.
I had my HSG today and wow! That was not pleasant! I went home and curled up with a heating pad and my dog. Anybody else have one of those? I'm interested in how long the cramping/other side effects will last.

Yes, and it was horrible. When I had my first meeting with the RE I told him I would not be having another one. I remember being fine by the next day. Motrin is your friend :).
I had my HSG today and wow! That was not pleasant! I went home and curled up with a heating pad and my dog. Anybody else have one of those? I'm interested in how long the cramping/other side effects will last.

I hope it at least proves valuable in your quest to find some answers. I had one many many years ago and still remember how awful it was. It told us exactly what we needed to know though and sent us in the right direction for help. I was in my mid-20's at the time and none of the doctors wanted to even test my tubes. I'm so glad one finally did.

Treat yourself when you are feeling better and keep moving forward. And good luck. pixiedust:
So yesterday I had my second appointment with my RE to go over all my lab results. Holy mackerel my Cortisol levels were low, I have a blood clotting issue, and have very low growth hormone. So now I have to go to a specialist to see of I have a growth hormone deficiency but I can't get in until march. Then when we find out the results my RE says we'll make a plan based on the results.

I have a blood clotting thing too. Lupus Anticoagulant. What is your's?
So last week I had my growth hormone simulation test done. Well turns out that I am pretty much not making any.... My RE says growth hormones affect egg production, so this makes so much sense... Now I have to wait for approval of an MRI and the medication.


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