Twenty one bears help their mama lose weight thread (Come in and say hi!)


<font color=FF99FF>Mama Bear<br>Always willing to
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Jul 20, 2000
After constantly putting off everything, I've decided to go ahead and take the plunge. I am at an all time high of 225 lb. My endocrinologist has already explained to me the importance of getting my weight down as soon as possible. I would love to weigh around 150 lb. That is my target weight according to my doctor. I know I can do this. I have a loving husband and three loving stuffed bears. It will be hard, though, because I am insulin resistant.

I will post each of my successes and my battles.
I am going to focus on exercise mostly, rather than go on Atkins or such diet. I'll eat the basic healthy foods that my doctor went over with me but exercise is the one thing that will truly make a difference.

I can't wait! We are going to WDW the week after Thanksgiving.
It will be great to not have to carry around those extra pounds!

Bring it on! ::yes::
Welcome to the WISH boards!!:Pinkbounc You will find a lot of information and support here!

I am struggling with the diet thing myself. I have been good about exercising, but I can't seem to get the diet thing right yet. Right now, I am exercising with the Firm workout videos and they are great! In just 6 weeks, I have built up muscle that I haven't had for a long time. The workouts are tough, but I love the muscles that I am re-developing.

It's great that you have a loving and supportive family! Having that kind of support can make all the difference in the world!

Keep up the great attitude and again, welcome to the WISH boards!!:wave2:
Welcome to the WISH Journal board! I hope you can find what works for you! I'm focused on food at the moment but really need to work in that exercise. I can't wait for warmer weather so I can walk outside!!

Do you have any idea what kind of exercise you'd be interested in?

Best of luck for whatever you try!! :sunny:
Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! :wave2: We are glad to have you here. Let us know if you have any specific questions or concerns. Good luck on your venture--I know you can do it! :sunny:
welcome to journaling! it can be a really wonderful experience, i hope that it is for you :). good luck on your journey, can't wait to see your progress :bounce:
Welcome to WISH journalling. You will find some fabulous people on this board to support you. I have PCOS, so I toohave some insulin resistance. It can be hard. If you are just starting out on exercise, I recommend the Walk away the Pounds tapes. Little $ investment, they use no space, and are easy. Oh, and you get a good workout.

Good Luck and keep us posted.
Another welcome to the wonderful world of journalling! It really is great the people on WISH are supportive and encouraging. I know you will do well and reach your goal before your Disney trip.
Thank you all for the wonderful welcomes and the great tips. Walking has always been my exercise of choice next to swimming and tennis. My husband is really into weight lifting so together we get a great mixture of exercise! :p

Today has been hard. I had to wake up super early to go out of town for a hearing that ended up being rescheduled to the afternoon. I had lunch with my husband. Lunch was at a greek restaurant but I kept my portions very small. It was a treat to have lunch with my husband. I just have to make sure I get my exercise.

The beginning is always so hard because the days seem to take forever. It always seems like food time around my office. And now there are king cakes everywhere! I've been good today, though. I've done absolutely no snacking!

My happy face for the day is :sunny:
because the weather is beautiful and I'm still confident!
Way to stay positive. And, hey, look at it this way, if you stay away from the king cakes, you can't get the little baby and never have to buy! :) Keep it up and be happy! :sunny:
Welcome to WISH and journaling! I had to look at your location cause I didn't get the king cake reference.

I have a soft spot for that part of Louisiana, cause my DD was likely conceived in Lafayette LA on a trip to/from Houston.

Good luck with your plan! Lisa
Just remember that you are doing this for yourself. You got this way one bite at a time and you will lose it one bite at a time. Think life style change and not diet. I am no good at diets. I am pretty good at living my life though. You can do this. Just ask all the losers around here.::yes::
Way to resist those king cakes. It can be really hard to resist all those temptations. Do you take allowed snacks with you to work? It can be a life saver. Good luck today.
Hope all is well and you haven't forgotten your journal. :D

If you're having a tough time, it's OK to come back here - we've all been there and done that! :rolleyes: We'll be happy to help you get back in the groove.
Hey I see your from BR too! Welcome to the Wish Boards! It seems you have a great attitude. I'm also watching what I'm eating and exercising as my diet plan.

Looking forward to seeing you around!!


Y'all have been way too kind! ;)
Okay, I've been slacking and I think I gained five pounds.

But it is time to truly get serious. I just wish I wasn't so tired when I get home from work :o

But I am committed to helping myself and being the best wife and mama bear I can be. (Especially since I now have thirteen little bears to care for--in case you are wondering--my DH and I are have a life goal of taking in all stray Cinders the Beanie Buddy stuffed toys--we have thirteen and yes they all have names and personalities! ) :p [and yes they'll come to WDW with us!]

This is Day ONE. And the struggle begins.
My smiley for the day is :Pinkbounc because I need to start exercising!

I weigh 230 lbs and need to get down to 150 lbs or I'll never get off my medication or be healthy enough to have a child. That's a long and winding road ahead of me and here goes the first step!

Take care, everyone!
BPR- Don't worry- we have all had false starts- just commit to a plan and do your best to stick with it. I have the same line of thinking as you- I can't do Atkins or South Beach... I just know I wouldn't be successful. So I am walking on the treadmill and I have been using the weight watchers plan as a guideline for how much I should be eating. It is great and they even have a little room built in for cheating. (That is a must for me.) I have lost about 13 pounds in 6 weeks.
Good luck-
Oh- if you want I can email you some ww info.
If interested PM me and I will send it off.
I didn't work a full day today. I had to go to the ENT for an allergy shot. I've been quite sluggish today. The smiley for today is thus an appropriate :o

But I hope to feel much better tomorrow. I WILL SUCCEED AT BEING A BIG LOSER!!! :cool:

Besides, It is very difficult to face 26 little bear eyes and one pair of DH eyes when I come home and decide to slack off :crazy:

Hopefully my ears won't hurt so bad tomorrow. I think I'll go for a long walk with DH and discuss plans for our Thanksgiving WDW trip.

Take care eveyone and have a wonderful night!
Welcome back!:wave:
This weight loss journey that we are all on can be a challenge at times. What helps me get through is the amazing support that you will find here on the WISH boards. Just take it step by step and day by day and you will succeed!

Have a great day!

Today is a better least I feel healthier.

It is a VERY busy work day, though. I'll be running around all afternoon too I suppose. At least it's exercise :)

But today's smiley has to be :faint: because I'm going to be so busy today.

But there is more good news: Today our backyard should be sodded with new grass! That will allow me to exercise in the backyard without getting all dusty or muddy. Gardening is one my favorite forms of exercise.

Take care everyone and have a great afternoon! :wave2:
I'm going to try and go for a nice long walk with DH when I get home from work for today's exercise.


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