Twice As Nice & Double the Fun: an offsite October PTR where “2” is the magic number

Glad you made it home safely. Sounds like quite a trip. Was Air Force One in Orlando?
Condolences on Steve's grandfather
I am binge reading all your trip reports and love them! Lots of info for my trip 11/30-12/6/16, which will be our first time at MVMCP, Discovery Cove, Busch Gardens Tampa, and possibly Ice. We had ruled Ice out due to timing and extra expense, but after seeing it in your 2012 report, I want to add it back in. The current Living Social brings the price down a little. We are also going to SeaWorld and have Santa's Fireside feast booked (first Christmas visit) and hopefully Aquatica
So very sorry to hear of Steve's grandfather. While I know that you and Steve are feeling sad try to remember what a blessing it was for grandpa(and all who knew and loved him) to have had the privilege of living a long life. That's a privilege that not everyone gets. Think of all the things he has seen, places he has been, changes he has been through, people he has known. Such wonderful things!
I am so very sorry to hear about Steve's grandfather. Lots of prayers for Steve, for you, for Jake, and for Steve's family. :grouphug:
I'm glad you made it safely home, but I'm really sorry about his grandfather :(
We received word while in the air that Grandpa passed peacefully in the early evening while surrounded by all 7 of his children. I think Steve was glad for the darkness and solitude of the plane to be alone with his thoughts for an hour or so. Thank you so much for your kind words and posts above.....I know Steve's heart is hurting today. This was the last living grandparent either of us still had.

So sorry to hear about Steve's grandfather. Sending hugs your way . . . . . :hug:
So Sorry to hear about Steve's Grandfather. Praying for Steve and your family.
Sorry for your family's loss. You are all in my prayers.
I fell very behind on your PTR while I was on vacation and just read about 20 pages. Whew, that was a lot of stuff going on. Hopefully things start to settle down soon for you.
Leave for the airport in about an hour, better dry my hair :) Excited for my trip. I'll post a post wine & dine half picture Sunday with my medal.
I am really happy that you two had a time to reconnect during a fantastic, sunny and warm adventure. I am sorry for Steve's loss though. It seems to continue to be a challenging time!

I am sure your furry kiddos were glad to have you back! :cat::cat:
Hi all,

So sorry I have been MIA all week. It's been a challenging one, for sure: Grandpa's visitation and funeral were Monday and Tuesday, and to add insult to injury, I came down with a horrible case of croup: definitely NOT what I needed when trying to process the backlog of work waiting for me at the office after our vacation. No one ever said life was supposed to be easy, right?

Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for all the condolences and kind words you posted to us over the past week. You all made our hearts smile just when we needed it.

For those that have asked about a trip report, I will be kicking one off as soon as I can get going with it. I'm working through sorting all the photos we took (probably in the neighbourhood of 2000) and trying to get them uploaded to Facebook before I refocus on the Dis. I also have our Memory Maker pictures to edit, now that the last participant in our share is home (welcome back, @pigletto !) ... AND...... I start training my replacement at the office on Monday. So, all I can say right now is a huge thank you for your patience. I'm definitely not setting any records for efficiency lately, but I'll try to remedy that sooner rather than later.

I am not sure who is happier: the kittens (to be home) or me (to have the kittens home). I can't believe how much I missed those two, and judging by the love and snuggles they've indulged me in this week, I think the feeling is mutual. Violet is currently cuddled up on my lap as we speak, purring away as she enjoys a Sunday afternoon snooze. Both of them grew noticeably over the course of our two week separation. Their next appointment with the vet is Tuesday next week, so I can't wait to hear what they weigh now.



More soon, if all goes well!
Sounds like you had a very challenging week :(. Glad your kitties have been able to lift your spirits. Sometimes pets can have such healing powers for our hearts. Although I no longer have any pets I remember dog cuddles getting me through some hard times more than once.

2000 can't wait, but of course take your time. :)
Glad the kitty's are happy to have you home and you are on the mend. It sucks to get sick after vacation but then to have the rest is a real bummer.

Hope things start going better. I can't get the photo on my phone small enough to upload so tomorrow when I get on my laptop I'll post my race photo. Finished in 3:08. It was fun and I can see the appeal but 13.1 miles it too far to run ever again. We enjoyed much deserved pedicures this afternoon :)
Aww, so glad you made it home and enjoying those kittens! They are so cute.

Take your time, there's so much on your table right now. And wow, 2,000 pictures. I enjoy seeing them though.

Nice update.

Carry on......
I'm so sorry to hear about your family's loss. You certainly have so much going on right now. It sounds like your kittens are a true blessing in such a challenging time. Hugs to you!
Here's the picture! We went to the post race party at Epcot last night and I got to meet Snow White and Dopey, it was awesome and the pictures look good. We're enjoying photopass this trip because you also get all your race photos with it. We're touring some resorts this afternoon before doing the Christmas party. It seems like we've been here almost a week with everything we've done when we only got here Friday and still have most of our trip to go.


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Well I have been MIA most of your PTR but school called, almost done this semester. As I was reading updates, I just knew somehow you would end up with Steve taking the job, sounds like it is a very good move for him and you overall. I know it will be hard on your mom and Jake but at least they have each other. I have been seeing pics on facebook but have not had time to go thru them all yet but will soon. My sincerest sympathies on the passing of Steve's grandfather. I too only have 1 living grandparent left and she is 90 and is in decent condition considering and still drives! I dread the day she leaves our family but I try to treasure every moment I can. I look forward to your real TR when you get that time, but we will all be here waiting! <3


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