Two questions for cancer patients


DIS Veteran
Apr 1, 2000
My father has early stage lung cancer, contained in one lobe with no spread to any other areas of his body. He is 77 years old.

He has done chemotherapy with up and down success, and now has just finished radiation, with the hopes of just shrinking the tumor. I just saw him over the holidays, and he has aged 20 years in the last 4 months since radiation.

Right now he has two major problems: a burnt esophagus which makes eating almost impossible and a severe, never-ending itch to his skin (all over his body). He has unable to get any relief from either of these conditions. He's also the type of person (he and my mother) who don't want to bother the doctors, so he's not telling them how he really feels.

Anyone have any suggestions/tips, experiences with either of these conditions? How long will it be before he recovers from the radiation treatments?
I can't help with the answers but hope someone will be along that can help you deal with this.
I can answer this.. the effects of radiation.. the feeling of a burned esophagus should, I say should.. lessen as the time from radiation gets further away.. The trouble with radiation is that it is cumulative, in other words, once he has stopped treatment it continues to work for a while and then finally stops and then he will start to mend. I had radiation on my neck for what I have been battling and I had horrible esophagitis... I had what they call the magic mouthwash which is lidocaine, and some antacids, but truly it does not work, even swallowing the stuff does not stop this side effect of radiation... time is what does, but I would let my radiologist know what is going on there as well.

The itching.. not sure what he had for chemo, but there are some side effects to each and every chemo. The itching is not good and must be driving him crazy.. he needs to call his doctor and get something to stop that... maybe an antibiotic salve....and maybe take some benadryl to help, but first he needs to call his oncologist.. truly.

The aging, I watched my husband who battled Pancreatic age in front of me, chemo is like being in a full time battle everyday and it is wearing on the patient.. I am now speaking firsthand as I am having chemo myself for what I have.. it is not fun, it can be debilitating and his age does not make it easier..

Hugs to you all...
My dad is a lung and brain cancer patient and he's gone through not only radiation on one lung, a lobectomy on the other, but whole brain radiation (and tumor resection) as well--I'm so sorry that you have a family member suffering with this dreaded disease. I know my dad had to use a very gentle soap--it might have been "Pears" translucent soap. He also was prescribed some super duper creams to rub on dry skin--and I mean multiple times per day. He had some special mouthwash to use for burning in his mouth and throat--I'm sorry I don't know the names, but there are products to at least help alleviate some of the symptoms--but as the other poster noted, time is what really heals the problems best. Best of luck to you and your family. BTW my dad is 4 years out (almost) from his original prognosis of 6 months - miracles do happen!
He had some special mouthwash to use for burning in his mouth and throat--I'm sorry I don't know the names

There is a mouthwash the doctors can give that has lidocane in it. They sometimes refer to it as "magic mouthwash". It has other ingredients as well that help but the lidocane will numb the sore spots and the other ingredients will help heal the sores.
He's also the type of person (he and my mother) who don't want to bother the doctors, so he's not telling them how he really feels.
My mom is the same way. She took whatever time they gave her for treatments without ever asking for a time that would work better for her. She didn't want to bother them since they were helping her so much.

Right now she has terrible radiation burns on the front and back of her body. She hasn't had a treatment since before Christmas and they are slowly healing.

My sister and I started taking turns going with her to the doctor so we could ask the questions that she wouldn't. Is there any way you could go with him or call his doctor's office and let an advice nurse know about his side effects?

I'm so sorry he's having to go thru this. :hug:
My father has early stage lung cancer, contained in one lobe with no spread to any other areas of his body. He is 77 years old.

He has done chemotherapy with up and down success, and now has just finished radiation, with the hopes of just shrinking the tumor. I just saw him over the holidays, and he has aged 20 years in the last 4 months since radiation.

Right now he has two major problems: a burnt esophagus which makes eating almost impossible and a severe, never-ending itch to his skin (all over his body). He has unable to get any relief from either of these conditions. He's also the type of person (he and my mother) who don't want to bother the doctors, so he's not telling them how he really feels.

Anyone have any suggestions/tips, experiences with either of these conditions? How long will it be before he recovers from the radiation treatments?

Sending good wishes your way.....My DH has MS. He has the itching really bad. They gave him an eppileptic medicine (SP) that does not work well on seizures...stopped the itching. Not sure if this is an option cause of the 2 different diagnosises however wanted to put it out there.


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