Ugh! I don't know what to do!-Update Pg 2

WDW Poly Princess

Needs a Disney Fix
Jul 17, 2000
I knew this day would come, and now I'm stuck on deciding!

I started voulentering at our local animal shelter a month ago, and now a cat that's been there for a long time's time is running out. I've gotten pretty attached to her over the past month- she's a WONDERFUL kitty. The problem is, I already have one very spoiled cat, and I'm worried about making her jealous if I bring a new one home. Plus, I can't rescue every cat that comes through, so if I give in this time, it will be harder to say no next time!

In the meantime, I've been having all of my friends ask all of their friends, hoping to find a home for her. I just don't know what I'll do if I have to decide!


If anyone knows anyone in Missouri or Arkansas who wants a cat, here is her info!

What would you do in my situation? Any suggestions?
WDW Poly Princess, I guess that is one of the down falls of working in the shelter. You do want to take your work home with you! I think it might be difficult in the beginning bringing two cats together but give it a few weeks and they would be the best of friends! I guess I'm saying I would take the other one in!:)
Good luck with your decision. (This all comes from you having a good heart!:D )

Hey is this what I have to look forward too?;) 12yo dd may volunteer this summer (with me) over the summer...
We are allergic so this is one way for my dds to get their pet fix in. Also dd wants to be a vet and thought this might give her a bit of an eye opener.
She sure is cute!!! I don't blame ya' for being attached. I hope you are successful.
What about pet fairs like at Petsmart or foster homes?
Good Luck
Have you seen the commercial of the girl that works at the Pet Shelter or Pet Store or something like that? She sees a doggie that needs a home so she takes pics of it and emails it to everyone she knows. You could try that with the kitty.

LOL, Jason. I'm not a cat person myself. If it was a puppy and I was in WDW Poly Princess' shoes, then I'd probably want to take it home.;)
If it were me I think I would have to take the kitty home. ANd like you I would want to save the next one too, and the next, and the next........Maybe you could find a no kill shelter and soem of the animals running out of time could go there or one of those animal sanctuaries shown on tv (they dont look like shelter they look like kitties and puppies have moved to a Dude ranch).

Good luck with your decision and all the others one you will have to make.
Take the kitty home. SLowly introduce the two kitties and over time, I bet they learn to get along.
And this scenario is EXACTLY why my dh will never, ever allow me to volunteer at an animal shelter. :o :rolleyes:

Take the poor kitty home. :teeth:
Of course you have to take her home. Is there really any doubt?

But then you should probably look for another job.
Good thing I don't work at an animal shelter because I would end up with thousands of cats!!!!:jester: :bounce:

Take the pretty kitty home......your other cat will adjust. Ours did when we brought one home from the shelter.:D
I'm interested in getting another cat, it's a shame I'm not in your area.

If it were me, I'd take the cat home if you really like it. All of my cats have been happier with buddies to keep them company. They go through a period of hissing and fuss but they have all adjusted. The important thing is to give your original pet a lot of attention and everything should work out.

Good luck with your decision.
Take the poor sweetie home. Your cat will be fine in a few days. I have brought many new cats into the home with very spoiled cats and they have all done really well. Some get along great and others just end up ignoring each other.
Originally posted by sixcats
I would take the cat home.

But then you'd have to change your nic to sevencats. :teeth:

I agree with all who say take it home then quit volunteering there. It's a tough thing to see all those animals on a daily basis and then watch them get euthanized when they're not adopted. My guess is that it'll happen more often than not.

You can't save the entire pet population of Missouri.
I would take the cat home. I have a real soft spot here....that's why I have 3 cats!!!:rolleyes:
On introducing the new cat....been there done that. When I brought #3 (Max) home my only female (Sassy) did not accept him too well. She would hiss & growl at him and even attack if I let her. I was crushed and was considering giving Max to my Mom. I called my Vet for some advice and she said they have good results w/ giving the original cat Valium for a few days. The theory is that the cat is put in a drug induced "happy place" for a few days and during that time does not care about the new cat being around. By the time I weaned Sassy off of the Valium (about 5 days) she had accepted Max. Instead of hissing at him she was laying naxt to him and grooming him!!! I took a picture of that. I couldn't believe the change in her attitude. Talk to your Vet.
I agree w/ previous posters that cats are happy to have feline family members. My 3 have their own little sub-culture within our family. The theory that cats w/ cat companions are less affectionate to humans could not be more false in our case. They are sooooo affectionate to humans.
I would not work at a shelter bc. I would end up rescuing every animal who's time was coming. I can't even go to LOOK at the one's who are up for adoption at our local PetSmart.
Follow your heart this time since you're already in love, but leave the shelter work for animal lovers w/ a thicker skin.
I am going to agree with most here....Take it. Not many people want to adopt "senior" cats. Let her live out her life in happiness.

I also could not do the shelter bit for the same reason. I would be bringing them all home with me. Of course DH probably wouldnt mind either. He has a soft spot for cats. He wants to buy enough land to have a large "barn" and house animals who arent wanted. Someday we hope too...when we can afford it of course.
Uh... this is how I ended up with 4 pug dogs, all "special needs."


Take him home :)


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