Ugh! I don't know what to do!-Update Pg 2

PugDog: I would love to get into Pug rescue here where I live. I have fallen in love with the breed....Have 2 and want more already...LOL
Originally posted by Dax
PugDog: I would love to get into Pug rescue here where I live. I have fallen in love with the breed....Have 2 and want more already...LOL

They're addictive, aren't they? We can find you more, no problem. :p

It's sad... and unbelievable to hear why some of these sweet imps are surrendered :( Owner's moving, getting married, having a baby, puppy chews, too old, too many medical problems, can't breed anymore... I could go on and on. We just lost one today, breeder surrender the black pup had severe deformaties... could not walk and blind in one eye. He died right after surgery to untwist his little legs so that he could walk. Heartwrenching on some days like today and yet so rewarding on others.

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An update-

I stopped by the shelter this afternoon, and let them know that if nobody adopts Clair in time, I'll take her home with me. So, there's now a note on her card not to euthanize, and they'll call me if I need to go get her. I'm still hoping that someone will adopt her!

I'm not planning on quitting my voulenteer work there- I take pictures of the cats for, and upload their pics and info-- the dogs had been the only ones on the site for years because they couldn't find anyone to do the cats, so its nice to feel that what I'm doing is important! Plus, the reward of seeing cats I adore find homes is so incredible. Its one of those things where the good certainly outweighs the bad :)
Kissimmee-too late. I already have seven. A little special needs kitty on petfinder changed that. ;)


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