Ukstitch's (somewhat) live trip report


<font color=deeppink>I'm not sure I'm quite your a
May 5, 2008
As I've grown pretty poor at writing my trip reports when I get home, I thought I'd try something a little different by writing my TR as I go this time. I'll probably just update this top post for now - at least for today. With any luck, there may also be some pictures to post as well :)

day 0 - London stop over

I have picked up the first train on my way to London. I've got a change to make shortly, after which it's just over an hour to Waterloo before heading for my hotel for the night. Everything seems to be ok so far, although I did miss our intended train, hence the need for a change of trains along the way.

I've made it to the hotel now which is ok considering it's only 45 for the night and it was only booked 2 days ago. It's also very close to at pancras which is an added bonus. Right - off to central London for some shopping now to see how much money I can spend before even reaching dlp ;)

I made it back from the shops at about 9ish after a brief visit to build a bear and gap (among others) as well as a pre dlp visit to the rainforest cafe for dinner as were on halfboard so won't be eating there. Off to bed now as I've got to be up early and I'm tired already...

day 1 - off to Disney

I've made it across the road to at pancras with ease and am now twiddling my thumbs in departures. Checkin was nice and quick apart from a change if seat because my ticket wouldn't scan for some reason. We've also got a 3 piece band in mickey waistcoats, ties and straw hats playing just by the platform entrance :)

We arrived on time - the train was just as easy and comfortable as I remember it being from the last time I took it. check in at the DLH was fairly quick and our room seems huge :) The leisure select is also a huge improvement over it's predecessor (castle class)

The crowds have been fairly managable today, especially considering it's a weekend so it bodes well for the rest of the week. We managed a reasonable number of rides (pirates twice, small world, buzz, big thunder) in our afternoon, as well as taking time to enjoy both parades and candleabration. Our disabled pass continues to help an awful lot with the queues, though the worst we saw was about 45 minutes for BTM.

We enjoyed our lunch in the steakhouse, though we did end up having arguments with the staff about the use of half board premium vouchers - they wouldn't accept them at the brunch "because of the alcohol that is included free of charge". We tried speaking to several members of staff, but had nothing of it. The character interaction was also a little on the poor side - we saw Mickey, Pluto, Goofy and Robin Hood but were only actually visited by the latter two of these - Pluto came very close to us but turned away without visiting.

We had dinner in Annettes which was also quite enjoyable, though the service was very slow for some reason - slower than normal.

One final thing - I got a little lost inside the main park and ended up inside the annual passport office - no idea how that happened. What's stranger is that when I emerged, I found my wallet a little heavier as it had a new shiny Dream pass inside it ;)

Right - that's it for now. The weather over here is quite cold, but not as cold as it has been in previous years. Hopefully I'll be online again tomorrow night to update again :)

Day 2 - Snow :goodvibes

We've had some lovely weather today - it's snowed practically all day long and has settled over the entire resort. In fact, we've had so much snow that it's caused them problems with a few things, though they haven't ruined the day.

Several rides have been closed due to the weather, including Dumbo, Orbitron and Autopia. They've also had problems running the parades and shows - the Character Express and Fantillusions were both cancelled outright, while the OUAD parade was cut back to just the floats - no people walking at all. Candleabration was also cut back to just the lighting of the castle.

We started off the day in the studios (we did attempt EMH but failed to get up, which is fairly normal for us. Breakfast at the DLH was very nice though and food was all nice and fresh, even though we didn't get down until about 9am.

The studios were fairly empty - the queue times were varied ranging from 5 minutes for RNR right up to 80 for Crush (hopefully this will go down once the christmas season ends and the school children go home).

We headed over the the main park at about mid day, hoping to catch the Character Express, but it was cancelled due to the snow.

After that attempt, we made a quick trip to BTM, followed by lunch at Casey's. After lunch we headed back to the hotel for a swim. The pool in the DLH is quite small, but it's a lot warmer than I've ever found the DCR pool to be.

We finished our swim at about 3:30 and headed back to the park again in time to catch the OUAD parade. This wasn't quite the same as nobody was allowed to walk or dance along between the floats, plus there was no pinnochio float and also only half a princess float. Still - at least they managed to run it which was a bonus.

We then made a slow attempt at working round the remainder of the park, so we made a reasonable assault on most rides in fantasyland, before heading round towards discoveryland for another ride on buzz.

We did notice today that the disabled access scheme has changed a little since our last visit, with more rides now requiring you to reserve a time at the ride entrance, before you are allowed to head to the exit to board the ride with no queue as before.

Our final attempted ride of the day was space mountain, but unfortunately that broke down before we had a chance to ride it.

We headed off to the village for a while - the others walking around the lake while I chose to have a look around the shops instead, trying to choose which pins to buy before going home. We were all back in the room by about 8:30, so we sat and relaxed for an hour before heading for dinner at the California Grill.

We had another lovely meal here, which worked out fairly cheap due to the half board premium vouchers and my new found friend the Dream AP. We had two tinkerbell menus and also one a la carte (main and dessert only). After adding a drink on top of this, the balance to pay came to 30 euros, which with the AP discount (applied before taking the vouchers off) was reduced to 15 euros.

Overall, we've had a lovely day today. There has been a few weather related hiccups, though these can't be helped. If the rest of the holiday goes like today, then we'll be pleased, especially with the snow which has made it seem all the more magical.

Day 3 - Freezing!

The weather has been pretty much as the title says really - extremely cold (far colder than any day so far) and is therefore tonight's update is sponsored by orange wifi and the Fantasia bar in the DLH :) It's been dry and sunny though - no snow today.

We've had another good day - the OUAD parade was back to normal with dancers etc and the character express also ran (though it didn't stop). Fantillusions was still cancelled though which was a shame, but not the end of the world. The rides which were down yesterday were still down today as far as we could see (orbitron, dumbo, autopia), plus there were a few break downs at other times, including Crush and possibly also BTM briefly. This seems to have been a problem throughout the holiday so far (possibly due to the cold weather), though nothing has every stayed down for too long.

The queues today have been much more managable, with space mountain being around 5 minutes (I'm glad to have finally ridden that as it's quite special to me). The park has also been fairly empty in general and will hopefully empty some more tomorrow now the Christmas season is finished.

We made another attempt at getting in for EMH but ended up being later getting up than we were yesterday. We paid for this at breakfast as well, with there being a queue to get in (though nothing too bad).

We started off in the studios for a short while, walking round the park and riding both cars and carpets agai. After that, we headed over to the main park for the remainder of the day.

Our route around the park has been much the same as previous days - we started off at phantom manor, then worked our way slowly around the lands using the access pass where needed. I had a couple of goes round Space Mountain while the other 3 took a lap around the park on the train (I decided it was too cold for sitting on the train).

After we met back up again, we headed down to the end of main street to our usual parade spot (just outside the camera shop) for a light lunch, then watched the OUAD parade. We then decided to head back to our room for a while as we were all starting to feel the affects of the cold by this point.

After some light relaxing, we headed back for candleabration. We had a fantastic view of this from the disabled area as it was quite empty, which meant that we could stand right at the railing to see the characters dance, then move a little for an amazing view of the castle being lit in it's christmas lighting for the last time as well.

Our final rides for the day was another go on Buzz - that's starting to annoy me now as I keep getting around 260,000 or so, meaning that I'm only about 3 hits on certain targets (there's 4 that I know of) away from getting the 300,001 needed for level 5. We then went on Space Mountain, before heading back to main street for fantillusions. Unfortunately, this was announced to have been cancelled, so we went back to the room again for an hour or so instead, before visiting cafe mickey for dinner.

we had excellent character interaction at cafe mickey tonight - miles better than at the steakhouse. We were visited by loads of different characters: tigger, mr smee, mickey, tigger, goofy, pluto, as well as having seen eeyore, captain hook and prince john. We got to see the characters perform a rather lively fame fance, as well has quite a large number of birthdays, which means I suspect they'll all sleep well tonight ;) The food was very good, though we did have another minor problem with the half board. The problem this time was that they would not let me claim my free kir for my Dream AP - they claimed we could either use half board or I could have my kir and get 10% off the bill (we weren't allowed both apparently).

Our final act for the day was to retire to the Fantasia bar for a drink each. I opted for a glowtini which seems to attract the attention of any small children walking through the bar area due to the flashing blue "ice cube" they float inside the drink. This was really nice and was quite an experience, though the price of the cocktails means it's not something we could do every day - my glowtini was 14 euros and the other alcoholic cocktails were not much cheaper.

We're still threatening to get up tomorrow and we've actually enlisted goofy's help this time, so he should be calling us at about 7:30 tomorrow morning. The weather will continue to be a problem I think - we were told by a CM today that the temperature was about -6, but he told us tomorrow it will be pushing -11.

All being well, I will be updating again tomorrow. Now I have DLH wifi, I might pop in with a small update during the day depending on what we're up to, though I can't make any promises. I should be making the last update live from DLP at about this time tomorrow, then the very final update should be made once we get home, assuming we are not hit by our usual transport curse (I'd like to ask those of you who read my pre-trip report from my summer trip to wish the four of us luck in getting home correctly for the first time ever ;)).

Anyway - ttfn :)

Day 4 - too much food ;)

Goofy actually got us up and out of bed in time, meaning that we made it to the parks for about 8:30 or so. Unfortunately, EMH proved to be a bit of a waste of time this morning due to the fact that there were next to no rides open. The only rides which were open were pinnochio, the carousel and peter pan. Star tours opened about 9:30 or so as a token replacement for the 3 discoveryland rides which didn't open until later in the morning (they seemed to be struggling to clear a safe path to the entrances).

The parks were in a bit of an odd state today - some of the christmas decorations had been taken down (including the tree and the decorations at the entrance to the park) while others remained throughout the park, creating a kind of hybrid feeling to the park. The stage was also boarded up as they began preparations to rebuild it for the new season starting in March.

After a few more rides in the main park, we headed over to the studios and started thinking about lunch. We decided to try rendez-vous des stars, which ended up being quite a pleasant surprise. For less than €20 each (after annual pass discount) this was a really nice meal and seemed excellent value. There was plenty to choose from for all the courses and the puddings were very nice. the little Remy living animatronic is very cute as well and very cleverly presented.

After lunch, we went on the carpets and cars, before heading back across to the main park yet again. We took in a couple more rides here, before taking up our usual spot for the parade. Once the parade was finished, we headed back out of the park again to go ice skating. None of us are particularly good at this but it wasn't too bad and we survived the ordeal.

We had a quick nose around the hotel new york, then the others headed back to the hotel. I decided that I would go and try my chances in the queue for crush (hoping it might be shorter as the studios were due to close). The sign said it was about 45 minutes, but it ended up being closer to 30 minutes in reality. This seemed a little quicker than I remember it from previous rides which was nice, though because it was getting dark outside it meant that my eyes were adjusted somewhat to the darkness and I was therefore able to see a lot of the track which made the ride seem a little less disorientating which is one if the things I quite enjoy about a ride on crush's (I practically know the RnR and Space Mountain tracks off by heart now, where as the spinning of crush means that no matter how many times I ride it, I have no idea which way I'm going to turn next).

After my ride on Crush, I headed back across to the main park for one final time and met the others at the top of main street near the castle. We sat and watched candleabration for what should be the final time (I'm not expecting to return before the beginning of March, even with the AP). There was a nice bonus here as they hadn't taken the Christmas lights down from the castle yet, so they lit the castle as they had been doing during the Christmas season.

After candlabration, we headed back to our room for another rest, before heading for our second buffet of the day (this time at inventions). As before, we had a lovely meal here and were also lucky enough to be given a round of kirs for the entire table. We had some good character interaction here, with the character interacting with all of us (I got a big cuddle from Tigger after he stepped on my foot :)). We also saw Mickey, Chip, Dale, Launchpad and goofy.

We headed back to the room to do a small amount of packing, before heading to bed, ready for our final day in the park.

Day 5 - last day

We woke up a little later than planned today, so did some packing and then tried to head down to breakfast for about 10ish. Unfortunately, the queues were huge so we decided to return to the room and finish our packing, before checking out and heading back down for breakfast at almost 11. The queues were better this time, though the food was of course looking a little thinner than usual (though there was still plenty of it).

We then spent some time working round our favourite rides. We didn't get to ride Big thunder because it wasn't running yet. We did, however, take the train from Frontierland to Fantasyland, then noticed the Dumbo was finally open so we took a flight on our favourite elephant's back, before carrying on with the other Fantasyland rides, then took in some more of our favourite rides else where including a last trip on Space Mountain.

At about 3ish, we headed to our parade spot for the final time. I decided to leave the other three there so I could head back to the studios quickly for a quick ride on RnR for the final time as it had a 5 minute queue for most of the holiday. On the way back I noticed that ToT also had a 5 minute queue, so decided to take a ride on that as well.

I made it back just in time for the parade which was great.

After the parade, I bought a few bits and pieces (pins and a small snow globe) and then we headed for our final meal at the Silver Spur. The food was nice and it was quite filling which is what we needed for a meal before taking the Eurostar home, but the service was a little slow and the tables felt a little crowded.

After our meal, the other three headed back to the hotel while I went through what seems to have now become a tradition since I first did it in Disneyland California. So, I walked round the entire park visiting each land in turn as a way of saying good bye to everything before walking right down the centre of main street, round he right hand side of the roundabout (where the fire station and Walt's apartment is in DL which is why it started as being this way) and then out through central arch, turning briefly one last time to gaze straight down main street and to wish good bye to the park.

The Eurostar journey home went fairly smoothly, with only a brief delay near the tunnel. We finally got home at about 12:30, very tired, but already planning our next trip in May.

Enjoy shoping in London! Wish I'd known you'd be in London today, we were in Covent Gargen, I could have come your way to say hello :)

Look forward to your trippie - have fun in DLRP and enjoy DLH!
woooooooo hoooooooooooooo
am enjoying this - almost like having a holiday too!!

thanks :goodvibes and enjoy!!:thumbsup2
You'll be on the train now! Have fun!!!!!

Loving the live TR!
Have a great time!! Am loving this 'live report' business ;) :thumbsup2
The park will be cloed now!! So we might be in for another update soon!

The park will be cloed now!! So we might be in for another update soon!


Can I at least have some time to eat dinner please ;)

I've updated with a summary of our afternoon - I'll hopefully pop in again this time tomorrow to update with our activities for the day :thumbsup2
Can I at least have some time to eat dinner please ;)

I've updated with a summary of our afternoon - I'll hopefully pop in again this time tomorrow to update with our activities for the day :thumbsup2
Hahaha - are you on holiday or something??

We're all waiting here for updates and you want to eat?? The cheek! :rotfl:

Glad you have a great first day (shame about meals) hopefully the rest of the week will be nice and quiet for you!!!
For those of you waiting for the next installment, I've added it in the usual manner to the end of the first post.

Hopefully I might be able to update a little earlier tomorrow as we've a reservation at Cafe Mickey for 8:15, though we may end up making a trip to the DLH bar which would delay things - If that does happen then I need to be there to provide the AP for the 10% discount - you most certainly won't catch me with a cocktail with 10% off its price :rolleyes1
Missed this yesterday, it's really exciting talking to someone live at the park. :)
Glad you're having an enjoyable time so far. :thumbsup2


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