Ultimate Disney Proposal! **VIDEO LINK ADDED!!!!!!!!**


It's OK. I'm obsessed too.
Feb 28, 2007
I just thought I'd share this story and I invite others to share their Disney proposal stories!!!

Last September I was visting WDW with my parents. We went to the Fantasmic show and started talking about how many people the theater could hold. I decided to ask a CM, who told me he "couldn't tell me" and didn't give me a reason why. Confused, I related this to my parents, and someone sitting behind us interrupted and said, "Excuse me, I work for Disney, and I can tell you this theater holds such-and-such amount of people." From then on we started talking to this gentleman and he told us some fantastic "Disney Magic" stories, one of which was about him being personally involved in granting a terminally ill child's wish of seeing Cinderella...not only that but watching Wishes with Cinderella! He brought us all to tears, he was just a fantastic guy...what all Disney CMs should aspire to be.

Well, unbenkownst to me, my mom slipped him a note during Fantasmic, telling him that my boyfriend was flying down to Disney that weekend to surprise me and propose, and asked if he could help. In the dark, they were passing notes and exchanging phone numbers, TOTALLY BEHIND MY BACK!!! I did not even know this was going on until they told me later.

The next day, my mom said she "ran into" this guy at the Magic Kingdom (where he was working that day) and that he had something for us, and that he would "come and find us later" while we were waiting for the SpectroMagic parade. He found us, and asked ME if I wanted to be The Grand Marshal in the Dreams Come True Parade that Saturday. I nearly died of disbelief. After SpectroMagic and Wishes, he came and found us again and bought us ice cream!

Saturday rolled around and I could barely contain my excitement (I've been going to Disney since I was 5 years old and this is the sort of thing you DREAM about, but never think it could actually happen!). My parents and I were the Grand Marshals along with a couple on their honeymoon. After they paraded us around the Magic Kingdom before the actual parade began, the cars of course dropped us off next to the barbershop, and there was the Barbershop Quartet waiting. They said they had a "special song to sing for me" since I was a true "Disney Princess"!!!!!!!

Again, more disbelief...I couldn't believe this was happening...not only that, but in front of hundreds of people who were lined up for the parade. They sang "A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes" and brought me to tears. Then the Quartet said, talking amongst themselves but loud enough so everyone could hear, "She's a wonderful Disney Princess...but all she needs now is a prince! Is there a prince around here?"

I heard a familiar voice shout, "She HAS a prince!" The quartet shouted, "Where?!" And I turned around to see my boyfriend, wearing the Mickey Ears black groom hat, who said: "He's RIGHT HERE!" Then he said to me, "I heard Disney was making you your perfect day, and I was hoping you'd make mine." He got down on one knee and produced the ring from his pocket and asked me to marry him!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I barely choked out "YES" and the Barbershop Quartet sang "Bella Notte" as we danced there on Main Street, in front of all those people who clapped and cheered!

But it wasn't over just yet. The parade began, so they led us to the special VIP viewing area right beside the barbershop. To my disbelief and amazement, on top of a parade float, Mickey himself pointed at us, then his RING FINGER, and blew us a kiss!! Many more similar things happened with other Disney parade characters!! Jafar even pointed at us and, in true Disney villian fashion, shook his head and buried it in his hands!

Afterward, a bunch of Disney CMs came up to us and congratulated us. They even gave me white bridal Minnie Ears and as it turned out, a bunch of Disney CMs were involved in pulling this off. But it all started with the Disney CM at Fantasmic, who called me minutes later and admitted he was behind the whole thing!! Sadly, he couldn't see the fruits of his labor, because he had to leave that Saturday, but arranged everything from the ground up!! He and another CM even got my boyfriend in FOR FREE to the Magic Kingdom and took him out to lunch, saying it was "on Mickey"!!!!!!!!

We wound up getting our picture and story in the Disney newsletter for the CMs a couple months later, and they mailed copies to us, of course.

Needless to say, we are returning there for our honeymoon in September, when this special Disney CM will also be there, so he can meet my fiance. We are good friends now and keep in touch quite regularly. Just goes to show you that ANYTHING is possible at Disney, and those CMs really do make dreams come true.

Anyone else have a Disney proposal they want to share??????????
Oh my goodness! What a wonderful story - thanks so much for sharing it. You are one lucky lady... :goodvibes
That is such an amazing story :goodvibes. It's wonderful to hear how Disney goes out of their way to make special moments even that much more meaningful. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!
I loved your story!!!!
It truely was like a fairy take

Makes me want to pick up everything & move to FL & become a CM so I could do some MAGIC...how fun would that be...to be paid to make people extremely happy!!!!:thumbsup2
Your story gave me chills! That's the best engagement story I have ever heard :love: What Disney magic :wizard: Now you must be having a Disney wedding right?
Your story gave me chills! That's the best engagement story I have ever heard :love: What Disney magic :wizard: Now you must be having a Disney wedding right?

Thanks to all for your kind words!!!

Since we simply cannot afford to have a wedding at WDW, we're bringing WDW to our wedding, so to speak. It will definitely have some Disney-esque theme to it. I even made my own invitations with a Cinderella castle background with a vellum overlay...very pretty! And of course, the Mickey and Minnie cake topper and Disney love songs, etc. My dress is even sort of a "tribute" to Belle's. I'm so excited, it really is a dream come true!
Okay, I'm over 40, coming up on 25 years married.....I cried.

How beautiful. Congratulations.
its 1:30 in the morning here in NY and Im sobbing here........lovely story..I hope your whole life is as happy!!;) :love: :grouphug: princess:
That is such a wonderful story, I was also almost in tears.

My fiance also proposed to me at disney but nothing quite so grand. It was our 7th anniversary in November and he did it that day. We were getting ready to go for dinner at Victoria and Alberts but decided to go watch the MK fireworks on the pier by narcossees (we were staying at the Grand Floridian). I had a feeling it may happen that night and could see my fiance getting more and more nervous and there were a lot of people out watching the fireworks but he got down on one knee just as it finished and brought out my ring (which he then dropped so we both had to get down on our knees to catch it before it rolled off the dock hee hee) we then had a lovely dinner at Victoria and Alberts and when we returned to our room there was a bottle of champagne, a red rose and a white chocolate mickey surrounded by strawberries dressed in chocolate tuxedos awaiting us from the CM's at the Grand Floridian. We felt so special. Before we got engaged I had wanted a Disney wedding but my fiance was not so keen but since this visit he has been more excited than me and we are now planning our disney wedding.
Before we got engaged I had wanted a Disney wedding but my fiance was not so keen but since this visit he has been more excited than me and we are now planning our disney wedding.

Yeah!!! My fiance was the SAME way. He didn't even want to go to Disney on our honeymoon. I would beg and plead but he said no, no, no - he thought Disney was a kid's place (he had never been there before, obviously). And then when he went down there and experienced the graciousness of the CMs and learned a bunch of facts and figures about the MK when they took him out to lunch, he COMPLETELY changed his mind. I was so thrilled LOL.

I love the Grand Floridian. How awesome to have been proposed there!!! It is like my home away from home. So are you getting married there at Disney?


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