Ulyimate Hopper Pass


Oct 4, 2001
Could anyone tell me if you can get an Ultimate Hopper Pass for 1 day less than you are staying at your resort? We are staying 6 days 5 nites at Movies, but we only need a 5 day pass because we are leaving early on our last day. A 5 day park hopper isn't good for us because we plan on being at Pleasure Island every nite of our stay. Thanks in advance for any help you can give.:pinkbounc
I have read on www.mousesavers.com that if you tell them your story at check in about not being there the last day they will bump that day off. It says only purchase them at check in because over the phone they can only sell you the length of your stay. It also says that if you arrive late the first day they will take that off . So it is possible that you can get the first and last day taken off. Im just going by what I have read, I havent never done this but have read posts on here where people have and also what I read on mousesavers.
Hi Trackerbee!

I too have read a number of posts here that if you tell the CM at Check-in that you are leaving early your last day and will not be able to make it too the parks, that they will allow you to purchase an UMP for a day less than your stay.
If you are only purchasing the UMP for use at the parks and PI, then you may want to check and see if this special is still going on. When we were there in May, there was a special that if you paid a FEW extra dollars on your first visit (I cannot recall how much, but it really was only a few dollars more) that you would get admission to PI for 5 consecutive days.
You might ask on the Trip Planning Board if this is still occurring...
Hope that this helps! :)
And again...Welcome!!! :)


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