

Crazy for DISNEY
Jan 5, 2003
Okay guys maybe you guys can help me. I lost my job back in Oct and still am unable to find a job. I want to know if there is anyone else that is collecting that can answer my question. I hear so may different things that you can collect for a year then you just get the one extention and thats it. At first I heard you only get 6 months but then I got 13 more weeks. But now I'm scared because I ve been looking for something this long and nothing and what if I dont find anything when my 13 weeks end. I leave in NJ so if anyone can post there experience with Unemployment please do. I am new to all this I have never been unemployed. I really didnt know if I could post this but you guys are so helpful.

Thank you so much
Juliette, unfortunately there are alot of people in your shoes in NJ.

We live in NJ and DH used to work in NY. He collected from NY for 6 months. And then after several months of no money, he was sent a notice saying he had an extension of another 3 months. I would say 6 months is the minimum here in NJ.

The down side (for me) is that while 9 months of unemployment money was good, DH has been out of work for 2 years (which leaves us with 15 months of no income from him). So we are struggling, but surviving.

I do know that you can get a part time job and collect partial unemployment benefits here in NJ.

I've said it before, if I can be of any support, feel free to PM me. Seems like I've been living the ups and downs for too long and I'd be glad to share experiences with others.
I am in the same boat that you are. My extended benefits ran out at the end of February. Here in the State of Florida you can work part-time and collect part of your benefits. If memory serves me correctly, the first 49.00 that you made wasn't deducted from your unemployment benefits. Anything over that amount was deducted. Also, if you find a temporary job before your benefits end, you can start collecting benefits after the job ends. If you need to talk, feel free to PM me. I am still trying to find employment.
For some of us who have always worked, it is frustrating that they have such a limit on how long we can be on unemployment.

I know they want us to search/look. But, if nothing can be found that either 1) we are qualified for or 2) that will pay the bills.........what are we suppose to do?

I am in Texas and just started on this unemployment road.
that in most states you can initally receive un-employment compensation for 26 weeks. After that you can receive and additional 13 weeks but I believe you need to apply for that extension. Maximum of 39 weeks in total.
As others have mentioned, you get an initial 26 weeks after which you can apply for a 13-week extension. This is true in most, if not all states. I believe that there is an exception for workers in particular industries that were affected by NAFTA. As I understand it, unemployed steelworkers can get benefits longer than most folks. There are a few other industries this applies to, but mostly in the "blue collar" sectors. I'm not sure of the details, but I have heard this from people I consider trustworthy.

I became unemployed two years ago this month and exhausted my 39 weeks long ago. It's tough, but DW and I have made lifestyle adjustments and we manage just fine. In fact we're going to WDW in two days! I'm going to graduate school to improve my education. Hopefully by the time I'm done with school the economy will be better and I'll be one step ahead of the pack.
Just hopped on the unemployment train myself - the benefits are paltry but it's better than nothing in my case since I have nobody else to depend on for income. I hate to see that the job market is so horrible across the board - I know it's really tough here in Houston. So, I feel for everyone in the same boat... we've just gotta hang in there. (sure, easier said than done;) )
DH & I were both laid off from the same company in June '01. We got the standard 26 weeks from the state. Then in March '02 there was a federally sponsored extension for 13 weeks with a 2nd set of 13 weeks if the unemployment in the state stayed below a certain point.

In PA at least, you couldn't apply for the extension. The state office decided if you were eligible or not & simply started sending payments again.

If you are able to find a low paying job before your UC has been exhausted, you can collect a partial benefit - but only if you haven't exhausted your fund.

DH just started a job this week in our field (IT) this week. It's been a tough haul - thank God for our 401(k) funds!, though they're now extinct. :( I'm still looking & having a hard time. IT is still bad around here & every time I apply for an admin/clerical job I get "you'll leave when the industry picks up." I can't seem to get around it.

Good luck with your search,

Thank you guys so much for your words. I knew that work was bad but never tought so many people on the broads were affected. I'm so glad that I have the boards to vent. I will keep on searching maybe we all will be LUCKY
There is a 26 week max if you collect full unemployment. It's mainly based on dollars, not weeks. Your unemployment check should tell you how much money you have left. That's what you need to look at, not necessarily weeks.

I'm working part-time temporarily which will extend my benefits. I'm using as little frommy UC account as possible. I'm hoping to strech it out until I find the right job.
I also have a question regarding unemployment benefits....if your previous job pays you a severence in one lump sum...I think you can collect unemployment right away. However, if they pay you a severence in weeks.....can you collect a full 6 months of unemployment AFTER your severence runs out??
Disnee Dad Says...............................In California, if you are paid severence over several weeks, your time doesn't start till the payments stop.
It seems working a little extends your benefits everywhere. In Cal, they base your benifit on 26 weeks, but will pay out for up to a year, if you work enough to strech it out.
DW was laid off 12/31/02. Did a couple jobs here and there, and landed a job on her first interview at the end of February. For a management recruiter firm. They normally bring you back two or three times, but kept her for five hours! They did the second and third round the same day, and gave her a job offer a few days later. Because tinky mom is awesome!!!
I could be next, company is in chapter 11. They are cutting 20% of the company, but we escaped this round of cuts.

The job market just seems different than ever before. Before, if construction was down they took the hit. If retail was bad, they took the hit. Today it seems everyone is being hit, even people in good jobs in good areas.

Take teachers. There is a massive shortfall of teachers in California. And yet they are being laid off! This I do not understand. We don't have enough, but we will let many go.


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