Universal Studios Chat 6


<font color=green>Manager of the DISBoard Ghostbus
May 18, 2003
Hey! Now another USC has disappeared...after going a whole 21 pages strong!!! But, it's that time again...time for another open discussion about anything and everything...Universal realted or not. Feel free to join in!

Anyway, have any of you parents here on the DISboards started Christmas shopping? Do any of you know what you want? My mom is begging me to create a Christmas Wishlist and I have only 3 or 4 things!! I just can not think of anything I want! I go on Amazon and scroll through the lists of electronics, books, CDs, computer games, etc....but NOTHING!! What on earth do I want for Christmas?!?! LOL...do you want to help me figure that out??? ;)

Less than 3 weeks before I turn 16!!! :bounce: Of course I've caught myself already thinking I'm 16...:rolleyes: I have to ask for something for that too...but again...what? Of course I don't care if I don't get anything for my birthday especially...since I'll be spending my time at Universal/IOA!!

Oh yeah! My mom and I were thinking about going to Universal on Christmas Day...or else Christmas Eve. My dad HATES this idea. We have our family traditions where we go to evening mass on Christmas Eve, go out for dinner, do a few traditions at home, wake up when it's still dark out and open presents...and go back to sleep!! :p Eh...we'll see.

We need to bump up the "Drool Over Ghostbusters" thread...plus we need people posting in it more ;) :p

I have to take the PSATs tomorrow. Yuck!! I took it two years ago and it's required for sophomores. At least it gets me out of Biology...

And what's up with everyone else?? :)
Hi Clare.......I'm snowed under with work at the moment - really should be getting in to bed....it's the time of year for reports - on all the children - collating all their work, observations, achievements etc ready for parent's evening in a few week's time. All the children have targets set for them depending on their ability - which I decide for the one's I work with at the beginning of term - even at such a young age you would be surprised all the planning involved!!

So I have been lurking here and there for just a few mins most nights and a bit during the day. Lots of threads I would have liked to have posted on just seem to disappear next time I look! I'm glad you had such a good weekend. Can't believe Barry actually did the infestation.....what a brave man!! I'll buy him a pint when I see him.

Not long before your birthday now.....I always ask for clothes vouchers for my fave stores when I can't decide......why don't you treat yourself to some silky lingerie - really sexy feminine stuff.....it cost's a bit (as we know already to get a few matching sets!!;) ) Do you like swimming? Have you ever swam with the Dolphins over at the discovery cove....that would be a nice treat.

Hope to be on for longer to chat more......have a nice day tomorrow and hope it goes well.......Selina x
hmmm...clothing and gift certificates...not a bad idea...:)

Anyway, I can imagine things are getting busy at work. Never realized how involved everything was for such young kids though!! :eek:

Glad to see you do still post at all...I look forward to reading what you have to say, when you have time to say it!! :)
I asked for a snowblower for Christmas. How about a snowblower?
LOL Jodie...the problem with a snowblower is...I live in SOUTH FLORIDA!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
lol yeah...I don't think my parents would find it worth spending the money on...especially since, as of right now, the farthest north I plan on moving to is Orlando! :p And that'll be in 2 years at the earliest.....
I know, silly. You might want to start a college book fund. (Always practical). When I went to college, way back in the fall of 1990, books were > $500 a semester. Even if you need supplies for film school-- it all adds up very quickly. I don't know what kind of deal you had with your folks, but mine paid my tuition, room, and board, but books were all my responsibility. All my summer job $ went to books. I know it's not any fun now, but if you really don't know what you want, you might think it's a good idea later. Just an idea.

If you don't want to be practical, ask for a date with a Ghostbuster.
Originally posted by AlexandNessa
I don't know what kind of deal you had with your folks, but mine paid my tuition, room, and board, but books were all my responsibility.
If you don't want to be practical, ask for a date with a Ghostbuster.

I have to rely on a scholarship...my dad is one that says "I didn't get it when I was your age...I had to find my own way to pay for college...blah blah blah." My mom is now mad at him for it. :p

Anyway...NOT practical?! NOT PRACTICAL?! Awww don't burst my bubble Jodie ;) ;) ;) I was going to ask one of them during my birthday trip!! Ha!!! :rotfl: J/K
See, all the more reason to set up a college fund!

Does FL have one of the same deals as GA, where you get an awesome scholarship to a state school if you have at least a B average or something like that (not sure of the details)?

I had a few thousand $ in student loans too. My brother and I both insisted on private schools, and we were in college at the same time for years, ouch! My poor father. Then he a year off before my little sister went. One reason I'm not having kids!

Yeah, Florida has what is called the "Bright Futures Scholarship" but there are many requirements for it...it can pay up to the full tuition of any Florida college (I think...). My grades haven't exactly been the best though (been doing worse since I hit high school...ughhhh). Nothing lower than a C, but still....the "C"s are in Honors courses though, so it's not as bad...but still...
Good luck with that! The other deal I had with my parents was if I went to a state school, they'd have bought me my first car. What about going that route? You're getting ready to for driver's license -- do you have a car yet?
My parents don't want to buy me a car either...but my dad finally decided he'll pass me down his Toyota Corolla...eventually. :rolleyes: Probably have to wait until he gets a new car before that happens...which would probably be a loooong time down the road. He's not worried about me having a car before after I start college saying I don't need a car when I'm a freshman in college because it's not like they can park at the dorms.

Still!! Nice to be able to have a car in case I need to go somewhere...quickly (aside from relying on public transportation)
Don't worry about that -- it's true. A lot of colleges don't allow freshmen parking.

So, I guess that leads us back to a date with a Ghostbuster. Where should you go on your date. After all, you can't take him to the Ghostbusters Show.
Did you scope it out to make sure he doesn't have a GF first?
No...:p I don't even know how much older he is than I :eek: :laughing:But anyway, I don't even know what my sources would be...aside from the other guys...but that would be soooo obvious.... :blush: :p
You're right. Do you know where he hangs out after work? Might be easier to talk to him there. Do you know his real name, or do you just call him, "Hey, Orange Suit Guy?" ;)
lol...I know his real name...but that's because a Universal employee (works for Twister) told me. :p Doubt it would be a good idea to use it since he didn't tell me, himself. But he knows my name...;) lol
I got it -- the perfect birthday present! Ask for a PI to find out his vitals -- relationship status, age, address, blood pressure, if he owes $ on taxes, etc. Should give you a head start!


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